fs and ftg working. bent forward not working

Fork of dataComm by Bradley Perry



File content as of revision 0:f0dc2775ec68:

#include "mbed.h"
//#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "dataComm.h"
#include "initExoVars.h"
#include "gaitGenerator.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
//Variable indices for set_values: set_values should take an array of length NUMVARS + NUMREADONLYPARAMS = 34. 
//Map of variables to array indices is as follows:
//0 = Torso Angle, 1 = Left Knee Angle, 2 = Right Knee Angle, 3 = Left Hip angle, 4 = Right Hip angle, 5 = Left Hip Torque, 6 = Right Hip Torque
//8 = Exo State/Left Knee State/Right Knee State 9 = Torso Ref. Angle, 10 = Left Hip Ref. Angle, 11 = Right Hip Ref. Angle
//12 = KP Stance, 13 = KP Swing, 14 = KP Standing, 15 = KP Sitting, 16 = KP Standing up, 17 = KP Sitting down
//18 = KD Stance, 19 = KD Swing, 20 = KD Standing, 21 = KD Sitting, 22 = KD Standing up, 23 = KD sitting down
//24 = Standing angle, 25 = Sitting angle, 26 = Bent Forward Angle, 27 = Forward Angle, 28 = Rear Angle, 29 = IMU Angle
//30 = Knee Full Retract, 31 = Knee Full Extend, 32 = Lock Time, 33 = Rate
dataComm::dataComm():  _len(0), _counter(0), _inMsg(false), _numVars(27), _numReadOnlyParams(12), _escapesNeeded(8)
    /* Make sure baud rate is correct--rn42 cannot be read if code and MBED have different baud rates! */
    //pc.printf("Started BTComm init \r\n");
    int temp1[] = {0,1,2,3,4,8,9,10, -1};
    for (int i = 0; i < _escapesNeeded+1; i++) {
        _escapeNeeded[i] = temp1[i];
    std::string temp2[] = {"KPStance", "KPSwing", "KPStanding", "KPSitting", "KPStandUp", "KPSitdown", "KDStance", "KDSwing",
        "KDStanding", "KDSitting", "KDStandUp", "KDSitDown", "StandingAngle", "SittingAngle", "BentForwardAngle", "ForwardAngle", "RearAngle",
        "IMUAngle", "KneeFullRetract", "KneeFullExtend", "LockTime", "Rate", "StandupAsst", "StandupTime", "SitdownAsst", "SitdownTime", "WalkAngle", 
        "TorsoAng", "LKneeAng", "RKneeAng", "LHipAng", "RHipAng", "LHipTorque", "RHipTorque", "ExoAndKneeStates", "TorsoRefAngle", "LHipRefAngle",
        "RHipRefAngle", "Charge"};
    //Populate the map of indices to param names
    for (int j = 0; j < (_numVars + _numReadOnlyParams); j += 1) {
        _indexMap[j] = temp2[j];
    for (int j = 0; j < _numVars; j += 1) {
        _paramMap[_indexMap[j]] = generic_get(_indexMap[j]);
  //  pc.printf("Initialized PARAM \r\n");
    int temp4[] = {0x01fe, 0x02ac, 0x02ff, 0x0180, 0x0012, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x00bf, 0x023f, 0x0123, 0x03a2, 0x10};
    //readData.write(_numReadOnlyParams, temp4);
    for (int k = 0; k < _numReadOnlyParams; k += 1) {
        _paramMap[_indexMap[_numVars + k]] = temp4[k];
    //pc.printf("Test: %x\r\n", _paramMap["TorsoAng"]);



short dataComm::generic_get(std::string var)
   // switch (var) {
         if (var.compare("SittingAngle") == 0){
             return (short)sittingAngle;
         }else if(var.compare( "BentForwardAngle")==0){
             return (short)bentAngle;
        /* } else if (var.compare("StandupAsst")==0){
             return (short)fsm.get_standup_asst();
         } else if (var.compare("SitdownAsst")==0) {
             return (short)fsm.get_sitdown_asst();
         } else if (var.compare("SitdownTime")==0){
             return (short)tSittingDown;
         } else if (var.compare( "StandingAngle")==0){
             return (short)stand_adjust;
          } else if (var.compare("WalkAngle")==0){
             return (short)fsm.get_backbias();*/
      //   default:
             return 0;

void dataComm::generic_set(std::string var, short newval)
        mbedLED3 = 1;
        if (var.compare( "SittingAngle")==0){
     //       sittingAngle = (float)newval;
        } else if (var.compare( "BentForwardAngle")==0){
            motorLED = 1;
            //bentAngle = (float)newval;
        } else if (var.compare("StandupAsst")==0) {
       //     fsm.set_standup_asst((float)newval);
        } else if (var.compare("SitdownAsst")==0) {
       //     fsm.set_sitdown_asst((float)newval);
        } else if (var.compare("SitdownTime")==0) {
         //   tSittingDown = (float)newval;
        } else if (var.compare("StandingAngle")==0) {
         //   stand_adjust = float(newval);
         } else if (var.compare("WalkAngle")==0) {
         //   fsm.set_backbias((float)newval);
* Calculates parity--0 if c even, 1 if odd
* @param c    The short that we want to calculate parity of
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015
bool dataComm::parity(short c)
    bool p = false;
    while (c != 0) {
        p = !p;
        c = (short) (c & (c-1));
    return p;

* Calculates checksum of char array, sum of all chars in array
* @param b    The char array to be summed up
* @param len    Length of the array b
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015
char* dataComm::get_checksum(char* b, int len)
    char* checksum = (char*)malloc(3*sizeof(char));
    short sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        sum += ((short) b[i] & 0xff);
    checksum[1] = (char) ((sum >> 8) & 0xff);
    checksum[2] = (char) (sum & 0xff);
    char check = (char) (sum & 0xff);
    //Sets escape character if the checksum contains START or END
    if (check == START || check == END) {
        checksum[0] = 1;
        checksum[2] = (char) (checksum[2] & 0x1);
    } else {
        checksum[0] = 0;
    return checksum;

* Sends error message.
* @param errCode    character representation of the failure-causing error
* @author Michael Ling
* @data 2/4/2015

void dataComm::send_error(char errCode)

* Sends the specified char array through the _rn42 Bluetooth connection.
* @param cmd   The char array to be sent
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::send(char *cmd)
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
* Sets the parameter map, based on the input map NEWVALUES
* @param newValues    A map of strings to shorts to be copied to _paramMap
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015
void dataComm::set_values(std::map<string, short> newValues)

    for (std::map<string, short>::iterator it = newValues.begin(); it != newValues.end(); ++it) {
        _paramMap[it->first] = it->second;

* Sends the paramList with START/END, parity bits, and a checksum
* @param paramList    List of parameters to be sent over Bluetooth, represented as a char array
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::send_values(char* paramList)
    char msg[2*_numVars+6];
    int len=2;
    //printf("Sending values \r\n");
    msg[0] = START;
    msg[1] = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < _numVars; i++) {
        if (i == 21) {
            //printf("On final loop \r\n");
        if (paramList[i] != 0xff) {
            short s = (short)((i << 8) | paramList[i]);
            //printf("In send_values, calculating parity of %x\r\n", s);
            if (parity(s)) {
                //printf("%x requires TRUE parity bit\r\n", s);
                msg[len] = (char)(i | 0x40);
                len += 1;
            } else {
                //printf("%x requires FALSE parity bit\r\n", s);
                msg[len] = (char)i;
                len += 1;
            msg[len] = paramList[i];
            len += 1;
    msg[len] = END;
    len += 1;
    char* checksum = get_checksum(msg, len);
    msg[len] = checksum[0];
    msg[len+1] = checksum[1];
    msg[len+2] = checksum[2];
    len += 3;
    for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
        //printf("Sending char %x \r\n", msg[j]);
    memcpy(_lastCmd, msg, 50);
    return ;
* Sends readOnly Parameters, with START/END and checksum
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::send_read_only_values()
    //printf("SENDING RO VALUES!\r\n");
    int msgLen = 2*_numReadOnlyParams+_escapesNeeded+7;
 //   printf("msglen is %d\r\n", msgLen);
    char message[msgLen];
   // printf("message of len 39 created\r\n");
    message[0] = START;
    //printf("%x\r\n", message[0]);
    message[1] = 0;
    //printf("%x\r\n", message[1]);
    message[2] = READONLY_IND;
    //printf("3 bytes of message set\r\n");
    int msgInd = 3;
    int escapes = 0;
    //printf("%d readonly parameters", _numReadOnlyParams);
    for (int i = 0; i < _numReadOnlyParams; i++) {
        if (i == _escapeNeeded[escapes]) {
            pc.printf("Escape char. needed at index %d \r\n", i);
            //char conflict = (char)(_readOnlyParams[i] & 0xff);
            char conflict = (char)(_paramMap[_indexMap[i+_numVars]] & 0xff);
            //printf("%x possibly has a conflict in %x \r\n", _readOnlyParams[i], conflict);
            escapes += 1;
            //message[msgInd+1] = (char) (_readOnlyParams[i] >> 8);
            message[msgInd+1] = (char) (_paramMap[_indexMap[i+_numVars]] >> 8);
            printf("Set msgInd+1 to %x \r\n", message[msgInd+1]);
            if (conflict == (char) 0xfe) {
                message[msgInd] = 1;
                message[msgInd+2] = 0xfc;
            } else if (conflict == (char) 0xff) {
                message[msgInd] = 1;
                message[msgInd+2] = 0xfd;
            } else {
                message[msgInd] = 0;
                message[msgInd+2] = conflict;
            msgInd += 3;
        } else {
      //      message[msgInd] = (char) (_readOnlyParams[i] >> 8);
        //    message[msgInd+1] = (char) (_readOnlyParams[i] & 0xff);
            message[msgInd] = (char) (_paramMap[_indexMap[i+_numVars]] >> 8);
            message[msgInd+1] = (char) (_paramMap[_indexMap[i+_numVars]] & 0xff);
            msgInd += 2;
    message[msgLen-4] = END;
    char* checksum = get_checksum(message, msgLen-3);
    message[msgLen-3] = checksum[0];
    message[msgLen-2] = checksum[1];
    message[msgLen-1] = checksum[2];
    //printf("Sending the following readONly values: \r\n");
    for (int j=0; j < msgLen; j++) {
        pc.printf("%x \r\n", message[j]);
    memcpy(_lastCmd, message, 50);
    //printf("Finished sending readOnly values \r\n");



char* dataComm::convert_to_char_array(short int* message, int len) {
    char *retval = new char[len*2];
    for (int i = 2; i < len; i+=2) {
        short int val = message[i];
        retval[(i-1)*2] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
        retval[(i-1)*2+1] = val & 0xff;
    return retval;

* Checks the message with length len. Checks for START and END in correct spots, parity, all data and variable byte in proper range, and correct checksum
* @param message    The received message to check
* @param len    Length of the message
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015
bool dataComm::msg_check(char* message, int len)
    if (message[0] != START) {
        //printf("Improper START or END \r\n");
        return false;
    //printf("got a start\r\n");
    while (message[len-4] != END && len >= 6) {
        len -= 1;
    if (message[len-4] != END) {
        return false;
    bool write = message[2] & 0x80;
    for (int i=2; i < len-5; i+=2) {
        if (i == 2 && message[i] == READONLY_IND) {
        if (i == (len-5) && message[i] == READONLY_IND) {
        if (((message[i] & 0x80) !=0) && !write) {
            //printf("Does not match READ format \r\n");
          //  send_error((char)(((message[i] & 0x3f) << 3) | RW_ERR));
            return false;
        if (((message[i] & 0x80) != 0x80) && write) {
            //printf("char %x Does not match WRITE format \r\n", message[i]);
            //send_error((char)(((message[i] & 0x3f) << 3) | RW_ERR));
            return false;
        short s;
        if (write) {
            s = (short) ((message[i] << 8) | message[i+1]);
        } else {
            s = (short) (message[i] << 8);
        bool parity1 = (s & 0x4000) != 0;

        if (parity1 != parity(s & 0x4000)) {
            //printf("Parity error in VAR char \r\n");
            //send_error((char) (((message[i] & 0xbf) << 3) | PARITY_ERR));
            return false;

        char c = message[i] & 0x3f;
        char c2 = message[i+1];
        if ((int) c < 0 || (int) c > _numVars) {
            //printf("VAR char out of range \r\n");
            //send_error((char) (((message[i] & 0xbf) << 3) | VAR_ERR));
            return false;
        if ((int) c2 < 0 || (int) c2 > 100) {
            //printf("DATA char out of range");
            //send_error((char) (((message[i] & 0xbf) << 3) | DATA_ERR));
            return false;
    char* checksum = get_checksum(message, len-3);
    if (checksum[0] != message[len-3]) {
        //printf("checksum error in char 0, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[0], message[len-3]);
     //   send_error(CHECKSUM_ERR);
        return false;
    if (checksum[1] != message[len-2]) {
        //printf("Checksum error in char 1, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[1], message[len-2]);
    //    send_error(CHECKSUM_ERR);
        return false;
    if (checksum[2] != message[len-1]) {
        //printf("Checksum error in char 2, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[2], message[len-1]);
      //  send_error(CHECKSUM_ERR);
        return false;

    return true;

* Checks a received readOnly message
* @param message    The readonly message received
* @param len    Length of the message
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::process_read_only(char* message, int len)
    //printf("Message is a ReadOnly \r\n");
    if (!msg_check(message, len)) {
        pc.printf("msg_check failed on readonly! \r\n");
    _failures = 0;

    //pc.printf("Sending readOnly values \r\n");

* Checks received READ message, and places requested data into an array
* @param message    The received READ request as a char array
* @param len    Length of the READ message
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::process_read(char* message, int len)
    //If the received message is an error message, resend the last command
    if (message[2] == END) {
        _failures += 1;
        //printf("_failures: %d\r\n", _failures);
        if (_failures < 5) {
        } else {
            _failures = 0;
    if (!msg_check(message, len)) {
        //printf("msg_check failed on read! \r\n");
    _failures = 0;
    //printf("Message is a read \r\n");
    char paramList[_numVars];
    memset(paramList, 0xff, _numVars);

    for (int i=2; i < len-5; i++) {
        char msg = message[i] & 0xbf;
        if ((msg & 0x80) != 0) {
       // printf("Got a non-read char %x...exiting \r\n", msg);

        int index = msg & 0xff;
        //printf("Value at index %d requested \r\n", index);
        paramList[index] = _paramMap[_indexMap[index]];

    if (message[len-5] == READONLY_IND) {
        pc.printf("Need to send RO vals\r\n");
    printf("About to send PARAMLIST\r\n");
* Checks received WRITE message and writes to paramMap/SDCard
* @param message    The received WRITE message
* @param len    Length of the WRITE message
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015
void dataComm::process_write(short int* msg, int len)
//void dataComm::process_write(char *msg, int len)
  if (msg[0] == 0) {
   char *message = (char*) msg;
   for (int i = 0; i < len*2; i += 2) {
       message[i] = msg[i/2] & 0xff;
       message[i+1] = (msg[i/2] >> 8) & 0xff;
   for (int i = 0; i < len*2; i+=1) {
        //if (message[i] != 0) {
        pc.printf("%x, ",message[i]);

  char *message = convert_to_char_array(msg, len);
 if (message[0] == 0xff) {

    char message[len/2];
    for (int i = 4; i < len; i += 4) {
        message[(i-4)/2] = msg[i];
        message[(i-4)/2+1] = msg[i+1];
    for (int j=0;j<len;j+=1){
        //if (message[j] != 0) {
        printf("%d: %x\r\n", j, message[j]);
    mbedLED1 = 1;
    if (message[2] == END) {
        _failures += 1;
        if (_failures < 5) {
        } else {
            _failures = 0;


    if (!msg_check(message, len*2)) {
        //printf("msg_check failed on write! \r\n");

  //  pc.printf("MSG check passed!\r\n");
    mbedLED2 = 1;
    //PASS msg. to ControlBed
    //char paramList[_numVars];
    //memset(paramList, 0xff, _numVars);
    //printf("Message is a write \r\n");
    for (int i=2; i < len*2-5; i+=2) {
        //printf("Loop %d\r\n", i);
        if (message[i] == END) {
        char msgc = message[i] & 0xbf;
        if ((msgc & 0x80) != 0x80) {
        int index = msgc & 0x7f;
        _paramMap[_indexMap[index]] = message[i+1];
       // paramList[index] = message[i+1];
        generic_set(_indexMap[index], message[i+1]);
        //printf("Wrote %x to index %d of localValues \r\n", localValues[index], index);

  //  send_values(paramList);
 // pc.printf("Exited\r\n");


* Checks if received message is a read, write or readonly
* @param message    The received message
* @param len    Length of the message
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::process (char* message, int len)
    char c = message[2];
    for (int i =0; i < len; i++) {
        //printf("Message character: %x \r\n", message[i]);
    if (c == READONLY_IND) {
        process_read_only(message, len);
    if ((c & 0x80) == 0) {
        //printf("Is a read\r\n");
        process_read(message, len);
    } else {
        process_write(message, len);
//Warning: do not put print statements in the function attachment(); it will interfere with receiving messages
* Scans for data received through Bluetooth, and passes it on if it detects a message-like chunk. Should be run via an interuupt.
* @author Michael Ling
* @date 2/4/2015

void dataComm::attachment()
    boardLed1 = !boardLed1;
   // pc.printf("Entered attachment\r\n");
    if (_rn42.readable()) {

        //    if (_data != NULL) {
        char b = _data & 0xff;
        //printf("Got char: %x \r\n", b);
        if (b != NULL or _inMsg) {
            //       printf("Got char non null: %x \r\n", b);
        //This marks the START of a message
        if (_inMsg == false and b == START) {
        //    printf("Msg START received \r\n");
            _inMsg = true;
            _counter = 3;
            _curMsg[_len] = b;
            _len += 1;
        } else if (_inMsg == true and b == START) {
            //     printf("Second start received, terminating\r\n");
            _inMsg = false;
            _counter = 0;
            memset(_curMsg, 0, 50);
            process(_msg, _len);
            _len = 0;
        } else if (_inMsg || _counter > 0 ) {
            //   printf("_inMsg or _counter > 0 \r\n");
            _curMsg[_len] = b;
            _len += 1;
            if (!_inMsg) {
                _counter -= 1;
            //Marks end of message, and starts processing
            if (_counter <= 0) {
                //         printf("End of message \r\n");
                memset(_msg, 0, 50);
                memcpy(_msg, _curMsg, 50);
                memset(_curMsg, 0, 50);
                process(_msg, _len);
                _len = 0;
        if (b == END) {
            _inMsg = false;

            // _rn42.putc(msg);