fs and ftg working. bent forward not working

Fork of dataComm by Bradley Perry

Thu Jun 25 22:56:36 2015 +0000
added offset reading from text file;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 1 #include "mbed.h"
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 2
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 3 #include "dataComm.h"
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 4 #include "initExoVars.h"
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 5 #include "gaitGenerator.h"
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 6 #include <string>
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 7 #include <map>
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 8
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 9 //Much code is shared with BluetoothComm class, on the control bed
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 10 dataComm::dataComm(): _len(0), _counter(0), _inMsg(false), _numVars(34), _numReadOnlyParams(12), _escapesNeeded(8)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 11 {
mzling 5:c95a0006ba68 12 mbedLED1 = 1;
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 13 int temp1[] = {0,1,2,3,4,8,9,10,-1};
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 14
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 15 for (int i = 0; i < _escapesNeeded+1; i++) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 16 _escapeNeeded[i] = temp1[i];
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 17 }
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 18
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 19
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 20 std::string temp2[] = {"KPStance", "KPSwing", "KPStanding", "KPSitting", "KPStandUp", "KPSitdown", "KDStance", "KDSwing",
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 21 "KDStanding", "KDSitting", "KDStandUp", "KDSitDown", "StandingAngle", "SittingAngle", "BentForwardAngle", "ForwardAngle", "RearAngle",
mzling 3:2091104c9b61 22 "IMUAngle", "KneeFullRetract", "KneeFullExtend", "LockTime", "Rate", "StandupAsst", "StandupTime", "SitdownAsst", "SitdownTime", "WalkAngle",
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 23 "StepLength", "StepTime", "HipFlex", "PhaseShift", "MaxAmplitude", "StanceStart", "StanceEnd",
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 24 "TorsoAng", "LKneeAng", "RKneeAng", "LHipAng", "RHipAng", "LHipTorque", "RHipTorque", "ExoAndKneeStates", "TorsoRefAngle", "LHipRefAngle",
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 25 "RHipRefAngle", "Charge"};
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 26 //Populate the map of indices to param names
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 27 for (int j = 0; j < (_numVars + _numReadOnlyParams); j += 1) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 28 _indexMap[j] = temp2[j];
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 29 }
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 30
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 31 for (int j = 0; j < _numVars; j += 1) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 32 _paramMap[_indexMap[j]] = generic_get(_indexMap[j]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 33 }
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 34
mzling 5:c95a0006ba68 35 // pc.printf("Initialized PARAM \r\n");
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 36 int temp4[] = {0x01fe, 0x02ac, 0x02ff, 0x0180, 0x0012, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x00bf, 0x023f, 0x0123, 0x03a2, 0x10};
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 37
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 38 for (int k = 0; k < _numReadOnlyParams; k += 1) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 39 _paramMap[_indexMap[_numVars + k]] = temp4[k];
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 40 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 41 //pc.printf("Test: %x\r\n", _paramMap["TorsoAng"]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 42
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 43 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 44
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 45 /**
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 46 * Returns the stored value of the specified variable
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 47 * @param var The variable to be gotten (as a string).
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 48 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 49 * @date 3/31/2015
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 50 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 51 short dataComm::generic_get(std::string var)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 52 {
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 53 //Translate the raw value of the parameter to a short between 0-100
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 54 if (var.compare("SittingAngle") == 0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 55 return (short)((sittingAngle-MIN_SIT)/(MAX_SIT-MIN_SIT)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 56 } else if(var.compare( "BentForwardAngle")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 57 return (short)((bentAngle-MIN_BENT)/(MAX_BENT-MIN_BENT)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 58 } else if (var.compare("StandupAsst")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 59 return (short)((fsm.get_standup_asst()-MIN_SUASST)/(MAX_SUASST-MIN_SUASST)*100);
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 60 } else if (var.compare("SitdownAsst")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 61 return (short)((fsm.get_sitdown_asst()-MIN_SDASST)/(MAX_SDASST-MIN_SDASST)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 62 } else if (var.compare("SitdownTime")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 63 return (short)((tSittingDown-MIN_SDTIME)/(MAX_SDTIME-MIN_SDTIME)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 64 } else if (var.compare( "StandingAngle")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 65 return (short)((stand_adjust-MIN_STAND)/(MAX_STAND-MIN_STAND)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 66 } else if (var.compare("WalkAngle")==0) {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 67 return (short)((fsm.get_backbias()-MIN_WALK)/(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK)*100);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 68 } else if (var.compare("StepTime")==0) {
perr1940 7:26d706d285c1 69 return (short) ((mm_gait_params.time_steps-MIN_STEPTIME)/(MAX_STEPTIME-MIN_STEPTIME)*100);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 70 } else if (var.compare("PhaseShift") == 0) {
perr1940 7:26d706d285c1 71 return (short) ((mm_gait_params.peak_time-MIN_PHASESHIFT)/(MAX_PHASESHIFT-MIN_PHASESHIFT)*100);
perr1940 10:d245feb52be2 72 } else if (var.compare("StanceStart") == 0) {
perr1940 11:2ed4415a2bef 73 return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_start-MIN_WALK)/(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK)*100);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 74 } else if (var.compare("StepLength") == 0) {
perr1940 11:2ed4415a2bef 75 return (short) ((mm_gait_params.stance_end-MIN_STEPLEN)/(MAX_STEPLEN-MIN_STEPLEN)*100);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 76 } else if (var.compare("HipFlex") == 0) {
perr1940 7:26d706d285c1 77 return (short) ((mm_gait_params.max_angle-MIN_HIPFLEX)/(MAX_HIPFLEX-MIN_HIPFLEX)*100);
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 78 }
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 79 return 0;
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 80
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 81 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 82
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 83 /**
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 84 * Sets a new value for the given variable
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 85 * @param var The variable to be set, as a string
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 86 * @param newval New value for the variable
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 87 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 88 * @date 3/31/2015
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 89 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 90 void dataComm::generic_set(std::string var, short newval)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 91 {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 92 mbedLED3 = 1;
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 93 //newval is a short from 0-100, and needs to be converted to a raw value.
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 94 //We do this by making a 100-point scale between MIN and MAX param values
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 95 if (var.compare( "SittingAngle")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 96 sittingAngle = MIN_SIT + (float)newval/100*(MAX_SIT-MIN_SIT);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 97 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((sittingAngle-70)/40*100));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 98 } else if (var.compare( "BentForwardAngle")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 99 bentAngle = MIN_BENT+(float)newval/100*(MAX_BENT-MIN_BENT);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 100 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((bentAngle-90)/50*100));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 101 } else if (var.compare("StandupAsst")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 102 fsm.set_standup_asst(MIN_SUASST+(float)newval/100*(MAX_SUASST-MIN_SUASST));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 103 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_standup_asst());
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 104 } else if (var.compare("SitdownAsst")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 105 fsm.set_sitdown_asst(MIN_SDASST+(float)newval/100*(MAX_SDASST-MIN_SDASST));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 106 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_sitdown_asst());
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 107 } else if (var.compare("SitdownTime")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 108 tSittingDown = MIN_SDTIME + (float)newval/100*(MAX_SDTIME-MIN_SDTIME);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 109 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)tSittingDown);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 110 } else if (var.compare("StandingAngle")==0) {
perr1940 7:26d706d285c1 111 //pc.printf("LED\r\n");
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 112 motorLED = 1;
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 113 stand_adjust = MIN_STAND + float(newval)/100*(MAX_STAND-MIN_STAND);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 114 encoder_L.init(zero_ang_L+stand_adjust);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 115 encoder_R.init(zero_ang_R+stand_adjust);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 116 //pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)((stand_adjust+15)/30*100));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 117 } else if (var.compare("WalkAngle")==0) {
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 118 fsm.set_backbias(MIN_WALK+(float)newval/100*(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK));
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 119 // pc.printf("%d\r\n", (short)fsm.get_backbias());
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 120 } else if (var.compare("StepTime")==0) {
perr1940 9:7486fb079085 121 mm_gait_params.time_steps = MIN_STEPTIME+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STEPTIME-MIN_STEPTIME);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 122 } else if (var.compare("PhaseShift") == 0) {
perr1940 9:7486fb079085 123 mm_gait_params.peak_time = MIN_PHASESHIFT+(float)newval/100*(MAX_PHASESHIFT-MIN_PHASESHIFT);
perr1940 10:d245feb52be2 124 } else if (var.compare("StanceStart") == 0) {
perr1940 11:2ed4415a2bef 125 mm_gait_params.stance_start = MIN_WALK+(float)newval/100*(MAX_WALK-MIN_WALK);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 126 } else if (var.compare("StepLength") == 0) {
perr1940 11:2ed4415a2bef 127 mm_gait_params.stance_end = MIN_STEPLEN+(float)newval/100*(MAX_STEPLEN-MIN_STEPLEN);
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 128 } else if (var.compare("HipFlex") == 0) {
perr1940 9:7486fb079085 129 mm_gait_params.max_angle = MIN_HIPFLEX+(float)newval/100*(MAX_HIPFLEX-MIN_HIPFLEX);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 130 }
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 131 //MORE else blocks for gait params
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 132
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 133 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 134 /**
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 135 * Calculates parity--0 if c even, 1 if odd
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 136 * @param c The short that we want to calculate parity of
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 137 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 138 * @date 2/4/2015
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 139 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 140 bool dataComm::parity(short c)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 141 {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 142 bool p = false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 143 while (c != 0) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 144 p = !p;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 145 c = (short) (c & (c-1));
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 146 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 147 return p;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 148 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 149
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 150 /**
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 151 * Calculates checksum of char array, sum of all chars in array
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 152 * @param b The char array to be summed up
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 153 * @param len Length of the array b
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 154 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 155 * @date 2/4/2015
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 156 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 157 char* dataComm::get_checksum(char* b, int len)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 158 {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 159 char* checksum = (char*)malloc(3*sizeof(char));
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 160 short sum = 0;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 161 for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 162 sum += ((short) b[i] & 0xff);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 163 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 164 checksum[1] = (char) ((sum >> 8) & 0xff);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 165 checksum[2] = (char) (sum & 0xff);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 166 char check = (char) (sum & 0xff);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 167 //Sets escape character if the checksum contains START or END
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 168 if (check == START || check == END) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 169 checksum[0] = 1;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 170 checksum[2] = (char) (checksum[2] & 0x1);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 171 } else {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 172 checksum[0] = 0;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 173 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 174 return checksum;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 175 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 176
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 177
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 178
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 179 /**
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 180 * Checks the message with length len. Checks for START and END in correct spots, parity, all data and variable byte in proper range, and correct checksum
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 181 * @param message The received message to check
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 182 * @param len Length of the message
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 183 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 184 * @date 2/4/2015
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 185 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 186 bool dataComm::msg_check(char* message, int len)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 187 {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 188 //Checks the message starts with 0xff
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 189 if (message[0] != START) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 190 //printf("Improper START or END \r\n");
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 191
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 192 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 193 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 194 //printf("got a start\r\n");
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 195 //Unlike on databed, the message is not guaranteed to be exactly LEN long, hence we're allowed to backtrack looking for END
mzling 6:502959ea39e4 196 //Otherwise, the msg_check procedure is the same
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 197 while (message[len-4] != END && len >= 6) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 198 len -= 1;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 199 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 200 if (message[len-4] != END) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 201 //send_error(END_ERR);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 202 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 203 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 204 bool write = message[2] & 0x80;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 205 for (int i=2; i < len-5; i+=2) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 206 if (i == 2 && message[i] == READONLY_IND) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 207 break;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 208 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 209 if (i == (len-5) && message[i] == READONLY_IND) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 210 break;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 211 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 212 if (((message[i] & 0x80) !=0) && !write) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 213 //printf("Does not match READ format \r\n");
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 214 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 215 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 216 if (((message[i] & 0x80) != 0x80) && write) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 217 //printf("char %x Does not match WRITE format \r\n", message[i]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 218 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 219 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 220 short s;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 221 if (write) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 222 s = (short) ((message[i] << 8) | message[i+1]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 223 } else {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 224 s = (short) (message[i] << 8);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 225 }
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 226 //Checks the parity bit of the var/data pair.
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 227 bool parity1 = (s & 0x4000) != 0;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 228
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 229 if (parity1 != parity(s & 0x4000)) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 230 //printf("Parity error in VAR char \r\n");
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 231 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 232 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 233
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 234 char c = message[i] & 0x3f;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 235 char c2 = message[i+1];
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 236 //Makes sure the var is a valid one
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 237 if ((int) c < 0 || (int) c > _numVars) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 238 //printf("VAR char out of range \r\n");
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 239 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 240 }
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 241 //Makes sure the new value is in the range 0-100
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 242 if ((int) c2 < 0 || (int) c2 > 100) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 243 //printf("DATA char out of range");
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 244 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 245 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 246 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 247 char* checksum = get_checksum(message, len-3);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 248 if (checksum[0] != message[len-3]) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 249 //printf("checksum error in char 0, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[0], message[len-3]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 250 free(checksum);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 251 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 252 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 253 if (checksum[1] != message[len-2]) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 254 //printf("Checksum error in char 1, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[1], message[len-2]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 255 free(checksum);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 256 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 257 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 258 if (checksum[2] != message[len-1]) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 259 //printf("Checksum error in char 2, expected %x but got %x \r\n", checksum[2], message[len-1]);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 260 free(checksum);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 261 return false;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 262 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 263 free(checksum);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 264
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 265 return true;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 266 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 267
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 268
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 269
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 270 /**
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 271 * Checks received WRITE message and writes to paramMap/SDCard
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 272 * @param message The received WRITE message
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 273 * @param len Length of the WRITE message
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 274 * @author Michael Ling
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 275 * @date 2/4/2015
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 276 */
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 277 void dataComm::process_write(short int* msg, int len)
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 278 {
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 279
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 280 if (msg[0] == 0) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 281 return;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 282 }
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 283 //dataIn is formatted so that a direct cast to char* will reproduce the original message from the phone.
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 284 char *message = (char*) msg;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 285
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 286
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 287 if (!msg_check(message, len*2)) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 288 return;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 289 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 290 mbedLED2 = 1;
mzling 2:53547eb587fb 291 //If the msgCheck passes, we change the local paramMap and set variables to their new values
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 292 for (int i=2; i < len*2-5; i+=2) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 293 //printf("Loop %d\r\n", i);
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 294 if (message[i] == END) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 295 return;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 296 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 297 char msgc = message[i] & 0xbf;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 298 if ((msgc & 0x80) != 0x80) {
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 299 return;
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 300 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 301 int index = msgc & 0x7f;
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 302
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 303 _paramMap[_indexMap[index]] = message[i+1];
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 304 generic_set(_indexMap[index], message[i+1]);
mzling 4:86d9e33652b6 305
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 306 }
mzling 0:f0dc2775ec68 307 }