prova invio BLE

Dependents:   BLE_HeartRate_IDB04A1

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

Thu Nov 26 14:51:22 2015 +0000
Synchronized with git rev f8ab6daf
Author: Rohit Grover
Merge pull request #119 from LiyouZhou/guard_dfu_files

Guard nordic specific implementation with #ifdef TARGET_NRF51822

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 3 *
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 7 *
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 8 *
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 9 *
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 14 * limitations under the License.
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 15 */
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 16
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 17 #ifndef __BLE_BATTERY_SERVICE_H__
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 18 #define __BLE_BATTERY_SERVICE_H__
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 19
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 20 #include "ble/BLE.h"
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 21
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 22 /**
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 23 * @class BatteryService
rgrover1 990:53ac0ac3aa39 24 * @brief BLE Battery Service. This service displays the battery level from 0% to 100%, represented as an 8bit number.
rgrover1 990:53ac0ac3aa39 25 * Service:
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 26 * Battery Level Char:
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 27 */
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 28 class BatteryService {
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 29 public:
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 30 /**
rgrover1 937:4932e700daf2 31 * @param[ref] _ble
rgrover1 937:4932e700daf2 32 * BLE object for the underlying controller.
rgrover1 937:4932e700daf2 33 * @param[in] level
rgrover1 937:4932e700daf2 34 * 8bit batterly level. Usually used to represent percentage of batterly charge remaining.
rgrover1 937:4932e700daf2 35 */
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 36 BatteryService(BLE &_ble, uint8_t level = 100) :
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 37 ble(_ble),
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 38 batteryLevel(level),
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 39 batteryLevelCharacteristic(GattCharacteristic::UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_CHAR, &batteryLevel, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY) {
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 40
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 41 GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&batteryLevelCharacteristic};
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 42 GattService batteryService(GattService::UUID_BATTERY_SERVICE, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 43
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 44 ble.addService(batteryService);
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 45 }
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 46
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 47 /**
rgrover1 990:53ac0ac3aa39 48 * @brief Update the battery level with a new value. [Valid values lie between 0 and 100];
rgrover1 990:53ac0ac3aa39 49 * anything outside this range will be ignored.
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 50 *
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 51 * @param newLevel
rgrover1 990:53ac0ac3aa39 52 * Update to battery level.
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 53 */
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 54 void updateBatteryLevel(uint8_t newLevel) {
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 55 batteryLevel = newLevel;
rgrover1 728:997ba5e7b3b6 56 ble.gattServer().write(batteryLevelCharacteristic.getValueHandle(), &batteryLevel, 1);
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 57 }
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 58
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 59 protected:
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 60 BLE &ble;
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 61
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 62 uint8_t batteryLevel;
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 63 ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<uint8_t> batteryLevelCharacteristic;
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 64 };
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 65
rgrover1 712:b04b5db36865 66 #endif /* #ifndef __BLE_BATTERY_SERVICE_H__*/