prova invio BLE

Dependents:   BLE_HeartRate_IDB04A1

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

Fri Jun 19 15:52:02 2015 +0100
Synchronized with git rev 2acb939c
Author: Rohit Grover
add a gattc pointer to DiscoveredCharacteristic.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 3 *
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 7 *
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 8 *
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 9 *
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 14 * limitations under the License.
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 15 */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 16
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 17 #ifndef __DISCOVERED_CHARACTERISTIC_H__
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 18 #define __DISCOVERED_CHARACTERISTIC_H__
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 19
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 20 #include "UUID.h"
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 21 #include "GattAttribute.h"
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 22 #include "GattClient.h"
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 23
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 24 /**
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 25 * Structure for holding information about the service and the characteristics
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 26 * found during the discovery process.
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 27 */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 28 class DiscoveredCharacteristic {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 29 public:
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 30 struct Properties_t {
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 31 uint8_t _broadcast :1; /**< Broadcasting of the value permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 32 uint8_t _read :1; /**< Reading the value permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 33 uint8_t _writeWoResp :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Command permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 34 uint8_t _write :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Request permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 35 uint8_t _notify :1; /**< Notications of the value permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 36 uint8_t _indicate :1; /**< Indications of the value permitted. */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 37 uint8_t _authSignedWrite :1; /**< Writing the value with Signed Write Command permitted. */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 38
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 39 public:
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 40 bool broadcast(void) const {return _broadcast; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 41 bool read(void) const {return _read; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 42 bool writeWoResp(void) const {return _writeWoResp; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 43 bool write(void) const {return _write; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 44 bool notify(void) const {return _notify; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 45 bool indicate(void) const {return _indicate; }
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 46 bool authSignedWrite(void) const {return _authSignedWrite;}
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 47
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 48 private:
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 49 operator uint8_t() const; /* disallow implicit conversion into an integer */
rgrover1 485:313482e1b568 50 operator unsigned() const; /* disallow implicit conversion into an integer */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 51 };
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 52
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 53 struct ReadResponse_t {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 54 GattAttribute::Handle_t handle; /**< Attribute Handle. */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 55 uint16_t offset; /**< Offset of the attribute data. */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 56 uint16_t len; /**< Attribute data length. */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 57 const uint8_t *data; /**< Attribute data, variable length. */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 58 };
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 59 typedef void (*ReadCallback_t)(const ReadResponse_t *params);
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 60
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 61 /**
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 62 * Initiate (or continue) a read for the value attribute, optionally at a
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 63 * given offset. If the Characteristic or Descriptor to be read is longer
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 64 * than ATT_MTU - 1, this function must be called multiple times with
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 65 * appropriate offset to read the complete value.
rgrover1 473:d10415d0a07d 66 *
rgrover1 473:d10415d0a07d 67 * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if a read has been initiated, else
rgrover1 473:d10415d0a07d 68 * BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
rgrover1 486:bcb77e15d152 69 * BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure already in progress, or
rgrover1 486:bcb77e15d152 70 * BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
rgrover1 471:ed48300978d9 71 */
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 72 ble_error_t read(uint16_t offset = 0) const {
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 73 printf("DiscoveredCharacteristic::read\r\n");
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 74 if (! {
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 75 return BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED;
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 76 }
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 77
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 78 return gattc->read(connHandle, valueHandle, offset);
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 79 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 80
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 81 /**
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 82 * Perform a write without response procedure.
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 83 *
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 84 * @param length
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 85 * The amount of data being written.
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 86 * @param value
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 87 * The bytes being written.
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 88 *
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 89 * @note It is important to note that a write without response will
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 90 * <b>consume an application buffer</b>, and will therefore
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 91 * generate a onDataSent() callback when the packet has been
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 92 * transmitted. The application should ensure that the buffer is
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 93 * valid until the callback.
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 94 *
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 95 * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Successfully started the Write procedure, else
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 96 * BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 97 * BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure already in progress, or
rgrover1 486:bcb77e15d152 98 * BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM if there are no available buffers left to process the request, or
rgrover1 486:bcb77e15d152 99 * BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 100 */
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 101 ble_error_t writeWoResponse(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *value) const {
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 102 if (!props.writeWoResp()) {
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 103 return BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED;
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 104 }
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 105
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 106 return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 107 // return (ble.getGattClient())->write(BLE_GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD, connHandle, length, value);
rgrover1 488:bdba688a550f 108 }
rgrover1 481:7ab4b9ef92cc 109
rgrover1 492:7e0bd56f4957 110 static void setupOnDataRead(ReadCallback_t callback) {
rgrover1 492:7e0bd56f4957 111 onDataReadCallback = callback;
rgrover1 492:7e0bd56f4957 112 }
rgrover1 492:7e0bd56f4957 113
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 114 void setupLongUUID(UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t longUUID) {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 115 uuid.setupLong(longUUID);
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 116 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 117
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 118 public:
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 119 UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t getShortUUID(void) const {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 120 return uuid.getShortUUID();
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 121 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 122
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 123 const Properties_t& getProperties(void) const {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 124 return props;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 125 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 126
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 127 const GattAttribute::Handle_t& getDeclHandle(void) const {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 128 return declHandle;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 129 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 130 const GattAttribute::Handle_t& getValueHandle(void) const {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 131 return valueHandle;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 132 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 133
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 134 public:
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 135 DiscoveredCharacteristic() : gattc(NULL),
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 136 uuid(UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(0)),
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 137 props(),
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 138 declHandle(GattAttribute::INVALID_HANDLE),
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 139 valueHandle(GattAttribute::INVALID_HANDLE) {
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 140 /* empty */
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 141 }
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 142
rgrover1 475:eb7fbcfb0e85 143 protected:
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 144 GattClient *gattc;
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 145
rgrover1 493:23cc7ad1b99b 146 protected:
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 147 UUID uuid;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 148 Properties_t props;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 149 GattAttribute::Handle_t declHandle;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 150 GattAttribute::Handle_t valueHandle;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 151
rgrover1 475:eb7fbcfb0e85 152 Gap::Handle_t connHandle;
rgrover1 475:eb7fbcfb0e85 153
rgrover1 475:eb7fbcfb0e85 154 public:
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 155 static ReadCallback_t onDataReadCallback;
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 156 };
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 157
rgrover1 470:150c2363f776 158 #endif /*__DISCOVERED_CHARACTERISTIC_H__*/