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ble_hids_hid_information_t Struct Reference

ble_hids_hid_information_t Struct Reference
[Human Interface Device Service]

HID Information characteristic value. More...

#include <ble_hids.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t bcd_hid
 16-bit unsigned integer representing version number of base USB HID Specification implemented by HID Device
uint8_t b_country_code
 Identifies which country the hardware is localized for.
uint8_t flags
 See http://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.hid_information.xml.
ble_srv_security_mode_t security_mode
 Security mode for the HID Information characteristic.

Detailed Description

HID Information characteristic value.

Definition at line 114 of file ble_hids.h.

Field Documentation

uint8_t b_country_code

Identifies which country the hardware is localized for.

Most hardware is not localized and thus this value would be zero (0).

Definition at line 117 of file ble_hids.h.

uint16_t bcd_hid

16-bit unsigned integer representing version number of base USB HID Specification implemented by HID Device

Definition at line 116 of file ble_hids.h.

Security mode for the HID Information characteristic.

Definition at line 119 of file ble_hids.h.