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Glucose Database Service

Glucose Database Service

Glucose Service module. More...


uint32_t ble_gls_db_init (void)
 Function for initializing the glucose record database.
uint16_t ble_gls_db_num_records_get (void)
 Function for getting the number of records in the database.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_get (uint8_t record_num, ble_gls_rec_t *p_rec)
 Function for getting a record from the database.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_add (ble_gls_rec_t *p_rec)
 Function for adding a record at the end of the database.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_delete (uint8_t record_num)
 Function for deleting a database entry.

Detailed Description

Glucose Service module.

This module implements at database of stored glucose measurement values.

Attention! To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA Bluetooth profile qualification listings, These APIs must not be modified. However, the corresponding functions' implementations can be modified.

Function Documentation

uint32_t ble_gls_db_init ( void   )

Function for initializing the glucose record database.

This call initializes the database holding glucose records.

NRF_SUCCESS on success.
uint16_t ble_gls_db_num_records_get ( void   )

Function for getting the number of records in the database.

This call returns the number of records in the database.

Number of records in the database.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_add ( ble_gls_rec_t p_rec )

Function for adding a record at the end of the database.

This call adds a record as the last record in the database.

[in]p_recPointer to record to add to database.
NRF_SUCCESS on success.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_delete ( uint8_t  record_num )

Function for deleting a database entry.

This call deletes an record from the database.

[in]record_numIndex of record to delete.
NRF_SUCCESS on success.
uint32_t ble_gls_db_record_get ( uint8_t  record_num,
ble_gls_rec_t p_rec 

Function for getting a record from the database.

This call returns a specified record from the database.

[in]record_numIndex of the record to retrieve.
[out]p_recPointer to record structure where retrieved record is copied to.
NRF_SUCCESS on success.