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Radio Notification Event Handler

Radio Notification Event Handler

Module for propagating Radio Notification events to the application. More...


typedef void(* ble_radio_notification_evt_handler_t )(bool radio_active)
 Application radio notification event handler type.


uint32_t ble_radio_notification_init (nrf_app_irq_priority_t irq_priority, nrf_radio_notification_distance_t distance, ble_radio_notification_evt_handler_t evt_handler)
 Function for initializing the Radio Notification module.

Detailed Description

Module for propagating Radio Notification events to the application.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ble_radio_notification_evt_handler_t)(bool radio_active)

Application radio notification event handler type.

Definition at line 28 of file ble_radio_notification.h.

Function Documentation

uint32_t ble_radio_notification_init ( nrf_app_irq_priority_t  irq_priority,
nrf_radio_notification_distance_t  distance,
ble_radio_notification_evt_handler_t  evt_handler 

Function for initializing the Radio Notification module.

[in]irq_priorityInterrupt priority for the Radio Notification interrupt handler.
[in]distanceThe time from an Active event until the radio is activated.
[in]evt_handlerHandler to be executed when a radio notification event has been received.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization, otherwise an error code.