Software can read HMC5883L
Fork of BLE_API by
- Committer:
- vcoubard
- Date:
- 2016-04-06
- Revision:
- 1160:c6c088802d38
- Parent:
- 1156:e1ea38b576c6
- Child:
- 1179:4ab722f8dca0
File content as of revision 1160:c6c088802d38:
/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __GAP_H__ #define __GAP_H__ #include "ble/BLEProtocol.h" #include "GapAdvertisingData.h" #include "GapAdvertisingParams.h" #include "GapScanningParams.h" #include "GapEvents.h" #include "CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext.h" #include "FunctionPointerWithContext.h" #include "deprecate.h" /* Forward declarations for classes that will only be used for pointers or references in the following. */ class GapAdvertisingParams; class GapScanningParams; class GapAdvertisingData; class Gap { /* * DEPRECATION ALERT: all of the APIs in this `public` block are deprecated. * They have been relocated to the class BLEProtocol. */ public: /** * Address-type for BLEProtocol addresses. * * @deprecated Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead. */ typedef BLEProtocol::AddressType_t AddressType_t; /** * Address-type for BLEProtocol addresses. * * @deprecated Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead. */ typedef BLEProtocol::AddressType_t addr_type_t; /** * Address-type for BLEProtocol addresses. * * @deprecated Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead. The following * constants have been left in their deprecated state to * transparenly support existing applications which may have * used Gap::ADDR_TYPE_*. */ enum DeprecatedAddressType_t { ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC = BLEProtocol::AddressType::PUBLIC, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC = BLEProtocol::AddressType::RANDOM_STATIC, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_RESOLVABLE = BLEProtocol::AddressType::RANDOM_PRIVATE_RESOLVABLE, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_NON_RESOLVABLE = BLEProtocol::AddressType::RANDOM_PRIVATE_NON_RESOLVABLE }; /** * Length (in octets) of the BLE MAC address. */ static const unsigned ADDR_LEN = BLEProtocol::ADDR_LEN; /** * 48-bit address, LSB format. * * @deprecated Use BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t instead. */ typedef BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t Address_t; /** * 48-bit address, LSB format. * * @deprecated Use BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t instead. */ typedef BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address_t; public: /** * Enumeration for timeout sources. */ enum TimeoutSource_t { TIMEOUT_SRC_ADVERTISING = 0x00, /**< Advertising timeout. */ TIMEOUT_SRC_SECURITY_REQUEST = 0x01, /**< Security request timeout. */ TIMEOUT_SRC_SCAN = 0x02, /**< Scanning timeout. */ TIMEOUT_SRC_CONN = 0x03, /**< Connection timeout. */ }; /** * Enumeration for disconnection reasons. The values for these reasons are * derived from Nordic's implementation, but the reasons are meant to be * independent of the transport. If you are returned a reason that is not * covered by this enumeration, please refer to the underlying * transport library. */ enum DisconnectionReason_t { CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 0x08, REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x13, REMOTE_DEV_TERMINATION_DUE_TO_LOW_RESOURCES = 0x14, /**< Remote device terminated connection due to low resources.*/ REMOTE_DEV_TERMINATION_DUE_TO_POWER_OFF = 0x15, /**< Remote device terminated connection due to power off. */ LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x16, CONN_INTERVAL_UNACCEPTABLE = 0x3B, }; /** * Enumeration for whitelist advertising policy filter modes. The possible * filter modes were obtained from the Bluetooth Core Specification * 4.2 (Vol. 6), Part B, Section 4.3.2. * * @experimental */ enum AdvertisingPolicyMode_t { ADV_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST = 0, ADV_POLICY_FILTER_SCAN_REQS = 1, ADV_POLICY_FILTER_CONN_REQS = 2, ADV_POLICY_FILTER_ALL_REQS = 3, }; /** * Enumeration for whitelist scanning policy filter modes. The possible * filter modes were obtained from the Bluetooth Core Specification * 4.2 (Vol. 6), Part B, Section 4.3.3. * * @experimental */ enum ScanningPolicyMode_t { SCAN_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST = 0, SCAN_POLICY_FILTER_ALL_ADV = 1, }; /** * Enumeration for the whitelist initiator policy fiter modes. The possible * filter modes were obtained from the Bluetooth Core Specification * 4.2 (vol. 6), Part B, Section 4.4.4. * * @experimental */ enum InitiatorPolicyMode_t { INIT_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST = 0, INIT_POLICY_FILTER_ALL_ADV = 1, }; /** * Representation of a Bluetooth Low Enery Whitelist containing addresses. * * @experimental */ struct Whitelist_t { BLEProtocol::Address_t *addresses; /**< List of BLE addresses in the whitelist. */ uint8_t size; /**< Total number of BLE addresses in this whitelist */ uint8_t capacity; /**< Maximum number of BLE addresses that can be added to this whitelist. */ }; /** * Describes the current state of the device (more than one bit can be set). */ struct GapState_t { unsigned advertising : 1; /**< Peripheral is currently advertising. */ unsigned connected : 1; /**< Peripheral is connected to a central. */ }; /** * Type for connection handle. */ typedef uint16_t Handle_t; /** * Structure containing GAP connection parameters. When in peripheral role * the connection parameters are suggestions. The choice of the connection * parameters is eventually up to the central. */ typedef struct { uint16_t minConnectionInterval; /**< Minimum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t maxConnectionInterval; /**< Maximum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t slaveLatency; /**< Slave Latency in number of connection events, see BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t connectionSupervisionTimeout; /**< Connection Supervision Timeout in 10 ms units, see BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ } ConnectionParams_t; /** * Enumeration for the possible GAP roles of a BLE device. */ enum Role_t { PERIPHERAL = 0x1, /**< Peripheral Role. */ CENTRAL = 0x2, /**< Central Role. */ }; /** * Structure containing data and metadata of a scanned advertising packet. */ struct AdvertisementCallbackParams_t { BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr; /**< The peer's BLE address. */ int8_t rssi; /**< The advertisement packet RSSI value. */ bool isScanResponse; /**< Whether this packet is the response to a scan request. */ GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t type; /**< The type of advertisement. */ uint8_t advertisingDataLen; /**< Length of the advertisement data. */ const uint8_t *advertisingData; /**< Pointer to the advertisement packet's data. */ }; /** * Type for the handlers of advertisement callback events. Refer to * Gap::startScan(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<const AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *> AdvertisementReportCallback_t; /** * Encapsulates the parameters of a connection. This information is passed * to the registered handler of connection events. Refer to Gap::onConnection(). */ struct ConnectionCallbackParams_t { Handle_t handle; /**< The ID for this connection */ Role_t role; /**< This device's role in the connection */ BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType; /**< The peer's BLE address type */ BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr; /**< The peer's BLE address */ BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrType; /**< This device's BLE address type */ BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t ownAddr; /**< This devices's BLE address */ const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams; /**< The currently configured connection parameters */ /** * Constructor for ConnectionCallbackParams_t. * * @param[in] handleIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::handle * @param[in] roleIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::role * @param[in] peerAddrTypeIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::peerAddrType * @param[in] peerAddrIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::peerAddr * @param[in] ownAddrTypeIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::ownAddrType * @param[in] ownAddrIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::ownAddr * @param[in] connectionParamsIn * Value for ConnectionCallbackParams_t::connectionParams */ ConnectionCallbackParams_t(Handle_t handleIn, Role_t roleIn, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrTypeIn, const uint8_t *peerAddrIn, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrTypeIn, const uint8_t *ownAddrIn, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParamsIn) : handle(handleIn), role(roleIn), peerAddrType(peerAddrTypeIn), peerAddr(), ownAddrType(ownAddrTypeIn), ownAddr(), connectionParams(connectionParamsIn) { memcpy(peerAddr, peerAddrIn, ADDR_LEN); memcpy(ownAddr, ownAddrIn, ADDR_LEN); } }; /** * Structure that encapsulates information about a disconnection event. * Refer to Gap::onDisconnection(). */ struct DisconnectionCallbackParams_t { Handle_t handle; /**< The ID of the connection that caused the disconnection event */ DisconnectionReason_t reason; /**< The reason of the disconnection event */ /** * Constructor for DisconnectionCallbackParams_t. * * @param[in] handleIn * Value for DisconnectionCallbackParams_t::handle. * @param[in] reasonIn * Value for DisconnectionCallbackParams_t::reason. */ DisconnectionCallbackParams_t(Handle_t handleIn, DisconnectionReason_t reasonIn) : handle(handleIn), reason(reasonIn) {} }; static const uint16_t UNIT_1_25_MS = 1250; /**< Number of microseconds in 1.25 milliseconds. */ /** * Helper function to convert from units of milliseconds to GAP duration * units. * * @param[in] durationInMillis * The duration in milliseconds. * * @return The duration in GAP duration units. */ static uint16_t MSEC_TO_GAP_DURATION_UNITS(uint32_t durationInMillis) { return (durationInMillis * 1000) / UNIT_1_25_MS; } /** * Type for the registered callbacks added to the timeout event callchain. * Refer to Gap::onTimeout(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<TimeoutSource_t> TimeoutEventCallback_t; /** * Type for the timeout event callchain. Refer to Gap::onTimeout(). */ typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext<TimeoutSource_t> TimeoutEventCallbackChain_t; /** * Type for the registered callbacks added to the connection event * callchain. Refer to Gap::onConnection(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<const ConnectionCallbackParams_t *> ConnectionEventCallback_t; /** * Type for the connection event callchain. Refer to Gap::onConnection(). */ typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext<const ConnectionCallbackParams_t *> ConnectionEventCallbackChain_t; /** * Type for the registered callbacks added to the disconnection event * callchain. Refer to Gap::onDisconnetion(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<const DisconnectionCallbackParams_t*> DisconnectionEventCallback_t; /** * Type for the disconnection event callchain. Refer to Gap::onDisconnection(). */ typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext<const DisconnectionCallbackParams_t*> DisconnectionEventCallbackChain_t; /** * Type for the handlers of radio notification callback events. Refer to * Gap::onRadioNotification(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<bool> RadioNotificationEventCallback_t; /** * Type for the handlers of shutdown callback events. Refer to * Gap::onShutdown(). */ typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<const Gap *> GapShutdownCallback_t; /** * Type for the shutdown event callchain. Refer to Gap::onShutdown(). */ typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext<const Gap *> GapShutdownCallbackChain_t; /* * The following functions are meant to be overridden in the platform-specific sub-class. */ public: /** * Set the BTLE MAC address and type. Please note that the address format is * least significant byte first (LSB). Please refer to BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t. * * @param[in] type * The type of the BLE address to set. * @param[in] address * The BLE address to set. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on success. */ virtual ble_error_t setAddress(BLEProtocol::AddressType_t type, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)type; (void)address; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Fetch the BTLE MAC address and type. * * @param[out] typeP * The current BLE address type. * @param[out] address * The current BLE address. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on success. */ virtual ble_error_t getAddress(BLEProtocol::AddressType_t *typeP, BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)typeP; (void)address; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the minimum advertising interval in milliseconds for connectable * undirected and connectable directed event types supported by the * underlying BLE stack. * * @return Minimum Advertising interval in milliseconds for connectable * undirected and connectable directed event types. */ virtual uint16_t getMinAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return 0; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the minimum advertising interval in milliseconds for scannable * undirected and non-connectable undirected even types supported by the * underlying BLE stack. * * @return Minimum Advertising interval in milliseconds for scannable * undirected and non-connectable undirected event types. */ virtual uint16_t getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return 0; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the maximum advertising interval in milliseconds for all event types * supported by the underlying BLE stack. * * @return Maximum Advertising interval in milliseconds. */ virtual uint16_t getMaxAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return 0xFFFF; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Stop advertising. The current advertising parameters remain in effect. * * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE if successfully stopped advertising procedure. */ virtual ble_error_t stopAdvertising(void) { return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Stop scanning. The current scanning parameters remain in effect. * * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE if successfully stopped scanning procedure. */ virtual ble_error_t stopScan() { return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Create a connection (GAP Link Establishment). * * @param[in] peerAddr * 48-bit address, LSB format. * @param[in] peerAddrType * Address type of the peer. * @param[in] connectionParams * Connection parameters. * @param[in] scanParams * Paramters to be used while scanning for the peer. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if connection establishment procedure is started * successfully. The connectionCallChain (if set) will be invoked upon * a connection event. */ virtual ble_error_t connect(const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)peerAddr; (void)peerAddrType; (void)connectionParams; (void)scanParams; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Create a connection (GAP Link Establishment). * * @deprecated This funtion overloads Gap::connect(const BLEProtocol::Address_t peerAddr, * BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, * const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, * const GapScanningParams *scanParams) * to maintain backward compatibility for change from Gap::AddressType_t to * BLEProtocol::AddressType_t. */ ble_error_t connect(const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, DeprecatedAddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams) __deprecated_message("Gap::DeprecatedAddressType_t is deprecated, use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead") { return connect(peerAddr, (BLEProtocol::AddressType_t) peerAddrType, connectionParams, scanParams); } /** * This call initiates the disconnection procedure, and its completion will * be communicated to the application with an invocation of the * disconnectionCallback. * * @param[in] reason * The reason for disconnection; to be sent back to the peer. * @param[in] connectionHandle * The handle of the connection to disconnect from. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if disconnection was successful. */ virtual ble_error_t disconnect(Handle_t connectionHandle, DisconnectionReason_t reason) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)connectionHandle; (void)reason; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * This call initiates the disconnection procedure, and its completion will * be communicated to the application with an invocation of the * disconnectionCallback. * * @param[in] reason * The reason for disconnection; to be sent back to the peer. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if disconnection was successful. * * @deprecated This version of disconnect() doesn't take a connection handle. It * works reliably only for stacks that are limited to a single * connection. Use instead Gap::disconnect(Handle_t connectionHandle, * DisconnectionReason_t reason) instead. */ virtual ble_error_t disconnect(DisconnectionReason_t reason) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)reason; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the GAP peripheral preferred connection parameters. These are the * defaults that the peripheral would like to have in a connection. The * choice of the connection parameters is eventually up to the central. * * @param[out] params * The structure where the parameters will be stored. Memory * for this is owned by the caller. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the parameters were successfully filled into * the given structure pointed to by params. */ virtual ble_error_t getPreferredConnectionParams(ConnectionParams_t *params) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)params; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Set the GAP peripheral preferred connection parameters. These are the * defaults that the peripheral would like to have in a connection. The * choice of the connection parameters is eventually up to the central. * * @param[in] params * The structure containing the desired parameters. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the preferred connection params were set * correctly. */ virtual ble_error_t setPreferredConnectionParams(const ConnectionParams_t *params) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)params; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Update connection parameters. In the central role this will initiate a * Link Layer connection parameter update procedure. In the peripheral role, * this will send the corresponding L2CAP request and wait for the central * to perform the procedure. * * @param[in] handle * Connection Handle. * @param[in] params * Pointer to desired connection parameters. If NULL is provided on a peripheral role, * the parameters in the PPCP characteristic of the GAP service will be used instead. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the connection parameters were updated correctly. */ virtual ble_error_t updateConnectionParams(Handle_t handle, const ConnectionParams_t *params) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)handle; (void)params; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Set the device name characteristic in the GAP service. * * @param[in] deviceName * The new value for the device-name. This is a UTF-8 encoded, <b>NULL-terminated</b> string. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device name was set correctly. */ virtual ble_error_t setDeviceName(const uint8_t *deviceName) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)deviceName; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the value of the device name characteristic in the GAP service. * * @param[out] deviceName * Pointer to an empty buffer where the UTF-8 *non NULL- * terminated* string will be placed. Set this * value to NULL in order to obtain the deviceName-length * from the 'length' parameter. * * @param[in,out] lengthP * (on input) Length of the buffer pointed to by deviceName; * (on output) the complete device name length (without the * null terminator). * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device name was fetched correctly from the * underlying BLE stack. * * @note If the device name is longer than the size of the supplied buffer, * length will return the complete device name length, and not the * number of bytes actually returned in deviceName. The application may * use this information to retry with a suitable buffer size. */ virtual ble_error_t getDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP) { /* avoid compiler warnings about unused variables */ (void)deviceName; (void)lengthP; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Set the appearance characteristic in the GAP service. * * @param[in] appearance * The new value for the device-appearance. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the new appearance was set correctly. */ virtual ble_error_t setAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance appearance) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)appearance; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the appearance characteristic in the GAP service. * * @param[out] appearance * The current device-appearance value. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device-appearance was fetched correctly * from the underlying BLE stack. */ virtual ble_error_t getAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance *appearanceP) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)appearanceP; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Set the radio's transmit power. * * @param[in] txPower * Radio's transmit power in dBm. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the new radio's transmit power was set * correctly. */ virtual ble_error_t setTxPower(int8_t txPower) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)txPower; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Query the underlying stack for permitted arguments for setTxPower(). * * @param[out] valueArrayPP * Out parameter to receive the immutable array of Tx values. * @param[out] countP * Out parameter to receive the array's size. */ virtual void getPermittedTxPowerValues(const int8_t **valueArrayPP, size_t *countP) { /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)valueArrayPP; (void)countP; *countP = 0; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /** * Get the maximum size of the whitelist. * * @return Maximum size of the whitelist. * * @note If using mbed OS the size of the whitelist can be configured by * setting the YOTTA_CFG_WHITELIST_MAX_SIZE macro in your yotta * config file. * * @experimental */ virtual uint8_t getMaxWhitelistSize(void) const { return 0; } /** * Get the internal whitelist to be used by the Link Layer when scanning, * advertising or initiating a connection depending on the filter policies. * * @param[in,out] whitelist * (on input) whitelist.capacity contains the maximum number * of addresses to be returned. * (on output) The populated whitelist with copies of the * addresses in the implementation's whitelist. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the implementation's whitelist was successfully * copied into the supplied reference. * * @experimental */ virtual ble_error_t getWhitelist(Whitelist_t &whitelist) const { (void) whitelist; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Set the internal whitelist to be used by the Link Layer when scanning, * advertising or initiating a connection depending on the filter policies. * * @param[in] whitelist * A reference to a whitelist containing the addresses to * be added to the internal whitelist. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the implementation's whitelist was successfully * populated with the addresses in the given whitelist. * * @note The whitelist must not contain addresses of type @ref * BLEProtocol::AddressType_t::RANDOM_PRIVATE_NON_RESOLVABLE, this * this will result in a @ref BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM since the * remote peer might change its private address at any time and it * is not possible to resolve it. * @note If the input whitelist is larger than @ref getMaxWhitelistSize() * the @ref BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. * * @experimental */ virtual ble_error_t setWhitelist(const Whitelist_t &whitelist) { (void) whitelist; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Set the advertising policy filter mode to be used in the next call * to startAdvertising(). * * @param[in] mode * The new advertising policy filter mode. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the specified policy filter mode was set * successfully. * * @experimental */ virtual ble_error_t setAdvertisingPolicyMode(AdvertisingPolicyMode_t mode) { (void) mode; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Set the scan policy filter mode to be used in the next call * to startScan(). * * @param[in] mode * The new scan policy filter mode. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the specified policy filter mode was set * successfully. * * @experimental */ virtual ble_error_t setScanningPolicyMode(ScanningPolicyMode_t mode) { (void) mode; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Set the initiator policy filter mode to be used. * * @param[in] mode * The new initiator policy filter mode. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the specified policy filter mode was set * successfully. * * @experimental */ virtual ble_error_t setInitiatorPolicyMode(InitiatorPolicyMode_t mode) { (void) mode; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * Get the advertising policy filter mode that will be used in the next * call to startAdvertising(). * * @return The set advertising policy filter mode. * * @experimental */ virtual AdvertisingPolicyMode_t getAdvertisingPolicyMode(void) const { return ADV_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST; } /** * Get the scan policy filter mode that will be used in the next * call to startScan(). * * @return The set scan policy filter mode. * * @experimental */ virtual ScanningPolicyMode_t getScanningPolicyMode(void) const { return SCAN_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST; } /** * Get the initiator policy filter mode that will be used. * * @return The set scan policy filter mode. * * @experimental */ virtual InitiatorPolicyMode_t getInitiatorPolicyMode(void) const { return INIT_POLICY_IGNORE_WHITELIST; } protected: /* Override the following in the underlying adaptation layer to provide the functionality of scanning. */ /** * Start scanning procedure in the underlying BLE stack. * * @param[in] scanningParams * The GAP scanning parameters. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the scan procedure started successfully. */ virtual ble_error_t startRadioScan(const GapScanningParams &scanningParams) { (void)scanningParams; return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } /* * APIs with non-virtual implementations. */ public: /** * Get the current GAP state of the device using a bitmask that * describes whether the device is advertising or connected. * * @return The current GAP state of the device. */ GapState_t getState(void) const { return state; } /** * Set the GAP advertising mode to use for this device. * * @param[in] advType * The new type of the advertising packets. */ void setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t advType) { _advParams.setAdvertisingType(advType); } /** * Set the advertising interval. * * @param[in] interval * Advertising interval in units of milliseconds. Advertising * is disabled if interval is 0. If interval is smaller than * the minimum supported value, then the minimum supported * value is used instead. This minimum value can be discovered * using getMinAdvertisingInterval(). * * This field must be set to 0 if connectionMode is equal * to ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED. * * @note Decreasing this value will allow central devices to detect a * peripheral faster, at the expense of more power being used by the radio * due to the higher data transmit rate. * * @note [WARNING] This API previously used 0.625ms as the unit for its * @p interval argument. That required an explicit conversion from * milliseconds using Gap::MSEC_TO_GAP_DURATION_UNITS(). This conversion is * no longer required as the new units are milliseconds. Any application * code depending on the old semantics needs to be updated accordingly. */ void setAdvertisingInterval(uint16_t interval) { if (interval == 0) { stopAdvertising(); } else if (interval < getMinAdvertisingInterval()) { interval = getMinAdvertisingInterval(); } _advParams.setInterval(interval); } /** * Set the advertising timeout. The length of time to advertise for before * a timeout event is generated. * * @param[in] timeout * Advertising timeout (in seconds) between 0x1 and 0x3FFF (1 * and 16383). Use 0 to disable the advertising timeout. */ void setAdvertisingTimeout(uint16_t timeout) { _advParams.setTimeout(timeout); } /** * Start advertising. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device started advertising successfully. */ ble_error_t startAdvertising(void) { setAdvertisingData(); /* Update the underlying stack. */ return startAdvertising(_advParams); } /** * Reset any advertising payload prepared from prior calls to * accumulateAdvertisingPayload(). This automatically propagates the re- * initialized advertising payload to the underlying stack. */ void clearAdvertisingPayload(void) { _advPayload.clear(); setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Accumulate an AD structure in the advertising payload. Please note that * the payload is limited to 31 bytes. The SCAN_RESPONSE message may be used * as an additional 31 bytes if the advertising payload is too * small. * * @param[in] flags * The flags to be added. Please refer to * GapAdvertisingData::Flags for valid flags. Multiple * flags may be specified in combination. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the data was successfully added to the * advertising payload. */ ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(uint8_t flags) { ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _advPayload.addFlags(flags)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Accumulate an AD structure in the advertising payload. Please note that * the payload is limited to 31 bytes. The SCAN_RESPONSE message may be used * as an additional 31 bytes if the advertising payload is too * small. * * @param[in] app * The appearance of the peripheral. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the data was successfully added to the * advertising payload. */ ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance app) { setAppearance(app); ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _advPayload.addAppearance(app)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Accumulate an AD structure in the advertising payload. Please note that * the payload is limited to 31 bytes. The SCAN_RESPONSE message may be used * as an additional 31 bytes if the advertising payload is too * small. * * @param[in] power * The max transmit power to be used by the controller (in dBm). * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the data was successfully added to the * advertising payload. */ ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower(int8_t power) { ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _advPayload.addTxPower(power)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Accumulate a variable length byte-stream as an AD structure in the * advertising payload. Please note that the payload is limited to 31 bytes. * The SCAN_RESPONSE message may be used as an additional 31 bytes if the * advertising payload is too small. * * @param[in] type * The type describing the variable length data. * @param[in] data * Data bytes. * @param[in] len * Length of data. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertisement payload was updated based on * matching AD type; otherwise, an appropriate error. * * @note When the specified AD type is INCOMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS, * COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS, INCOMPLETE_LIST_32BIT_SERVICE_IDS, * COMPLETE_LIST_32BIT_SERVICE_IDS, INCOMPLETE_LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_IDS, * COMPLETE_LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_IDS or LIST_128BIT_SOLICITATION_IDS the * supplied value is appended to the values previously added to the * payload. */ ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { if (type == GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME) { setDeviceName(data); } ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _advPayload.addData(type, data, len)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Update a particular ADV field in the advertising payload (based on * matching type). * * @param[in] type * The ADV type field describing the variable length data. * @param[in] data * Data bytes. * @param[in] len * Length of data. * * @note If advertisements are enabled, then the update will take effect immediately. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertisement payload was updated based on * matching AD type; otherwise, an appropriate error. */ ble_error_t updateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { if (type == GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME) { setDeviceName(data); } ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _advPayload.updateData(type, data, len)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Set up a particular, user-constructed advertisement payload for the * underlying stack. It would be uncommon for this API to be used directly; * there are other APIs to build an advertisement payload (refer to * Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload()). * * @param[in] payload * A reference to a user constructed advertisement * payload. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertisement payload was successfully * set. */ ble_error_t setAdvertisingPayload(const GapAdvertisingData &payload) { _advPayload = payload; return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Get a reference to the advertising payload. * * @return Read back advertising data. * * @note Useful for storing and restoring payload. */ const GapAdvertisingData &getAdvertisingPayload(void) const { return _advPayload; } /** * Accumulate a variable length byte-stream as an AD structure in the * scanResponse payload. * * @param[in] type * The type describing the variable length data. * @param[in] data * Data bytes. * @param[in] len * Length of data. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the data was successfully added to the scan * response payload. */ ble_error_t accumulateScanResponse(GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _scanResponse.addData(type, data, len)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } return setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Reset any scan response prepared from prior calls to * Gap::accumulateScanResponse(). * * @note This should be followed by a call to Gap::setAdvertisingPayload() or * Gap::startAdvertising() before the update takes effect. */ void clearScanResponse(void) { _scanResponse.clear(); setAdvertisingData(); } /** * Set up parameters for GAP scanning (observer mode). * * @param[in] interval * Scan interval (in milliseconds) [valid values lie between 2.5ms and 10.24s]. * @param[in] window * Scan Window (in milliseconds) [valid values lie between 2.5ms and 10.24s]. * @param[in] timeout * Scan timeout (in seconds) between 0x0001 and 0xFFFF; 0x0000 disables the timeout. * @param[in] activeScanning * Set to True if active-scanning is required. This is used to fetch the * scan response from a peer if possible. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the scan parameters were correctly set. * * @note The scanning window divided by the interval determines the duty cycle for * scanning. For example, if the interval is 100ms and the window is 10ms, * then the controller will scan for 10 percent of the time. It is possible * to have the interval and window set to the same value. In this case, * scanning is continuous, with a change of scanning frequency once every * interval. * * @note Once the scanning parameters have been configured, scanning can be * enabled by using startScan(). * * @note The scan interval and window are recommendations to the BLE stack. */ ble_error_t setScanParams(uint16_t interval = GapScanningParams::SCAN_INTERVAL_MAX, uint16_t window = GapScanningParams::SCAN_WINDOW_MAX, uint16_t timeout = 0, bool activeScanning = false) { ble_error_t rc; if (((rc = _scanningParams.setInterval(interval)) == BLE_ERROR_NONE) && ((rc = _scanningParams.setWindow(window)) == BLE_ERROR_NONE) && ((rc = _scanningParams.setTimeout(timeout)) == BLE_ERROR_NONE)) { _scanningParams.setActiveScanning(activeScanning); return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } return rc; } /** * Set up the scanInterval parameter for GAP scanning (observer mode). * * @param[in] interval * Scan interval (in milliseconds) [valid values lie between 2.5ms and 10.24s]. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the scan interval was correctly set. * * @note The scanning window divided by the interval determines the duty cycle for * scanning. For example, if the interval is 100ms and the window is 10ms, * then the controller will scan for 10 percent of the time. It is possible * to have the interval and window set to the same value. In this case, * scanning is continuous, with a change of scanning frequency once every * interval. * * @note Once the scanning parameters have been configured, scanning can be * enabled by using startScan(). */ ble_error_t setScanInterval(uint16_t interval) { return _scanningParams.setInterval(interval); } /** * Set up the scanWindow parameter for GAP scanning (observer mode). * * @param[in] window * Scan Window (in milliseconds) [valid values lie between 2.5ms and 10.24s]. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the scan window was correctly set. * * @note The scanning window divided by the interval determines the duty cycle for * scanning. For example, if the interval is 100ms and the window is 10ms, * then the controller will scan for 10 percent of the time. It is possible * to have the interval and window set to the same value. In this case, * scanning is continuous, with a change of scanning frequency once every * interval. * * @note Once the scanning parameters have been configured, scanning can be * enabled by using startScan(). * * @note If scanning is already active, the updated value of scanWindow will be * propagated to the underlying BLE stack. */ ble_error_t setScanWindow(uint16_t window) { ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _scanningParams.setWindow(window)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } /* If scanning is already active, propagate the new setting to the stack. */ if (scanningActive) { return startRadioScan(_scanningParams); } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } /** * Set up parameters for GAP scanning (observer mode). * * @param[in] timeout * Scan timeout (in seconds) between 0x0001 and 0xFFFF; 0x0000 disables the timeout. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the scan timeout was correctly set. * * @note Once the scanning parameters have been configured, scanning can be * enabled by using startScan(). * * @note If scanning is already active, the updated value of scanTimeout will be * propagated to the underlying BLE stack. */ ble_error_t setScanTimeout(uint16_t timeout) { ble_error_t rc; if ((rc = _scanningParams.setTimeout(timeout)) != BLE_ERROR_NONE) { return rc; } /* If scanning is already active, propagate the new settings to the stack. */ if (scanningActive) { return startRadioScan(_scanningParams); } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } /** * Modify the active scanning parameter for GAP scanning (observer mode). * This is used to fetch the scan response from a peer if possible. * * @param[in] activeScanning * Set to True if active-scanning is required. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if active scanning was successfully set. * * @note Once the scanning parameters have been configured, scanning can be * enabled by using startScan(). * * @note If scanning is already in progress, then active-scanning will be enabled * for the underlying BLE stack. */ ble_error_t setActiveScanning(bool activeScanning) { _scanningParams.setActiveScanning(activeScanning); /* If scanning is already active, propagate the new settings to the stack. */ if (scanningActive) { return startRadioScan(_scanningParams); } return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } /** * Start scanning (Observer Procedure) based on the parameters currently in * effect. * * @param[in] callback * The application-specific callback to be invoked upon * receiving every advertisement report. This can be passed in * as NULL, in which case scanning may not be enabled at all. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device successfully started the scan * procedure. */ ble_error_t startScan(void (*callback)(const AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params)) { ble_error_t err = BLE_ERROR_NONE; if (callback) { if ((err = startRadioScan(_scanningParams)) == BLE_ERROR_NONE) { scanningActive = true; onAdvertisementReport.attach(callback); } } return err; } /** * Same as Gap::startScan(), but allows the possibility to add an object * reference and member function as handler for advertisement event * callbacks. * * @param[in] object * Pointer to the object of a class defining the member callback * function (@p callbackMember). * @param[in] callbackMember * The member callback (within the context of an object) to be * invoked. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the device successfully started the scan * procedure. */ template<typename T> ble_error_t startScan(T *object, void (T::*callbackMember)(const AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params)) { ble_error_t err = BLE_ERROR_NONE; if (object && callbackMember) { if ((err = startRadioScan(_scanningParams)) == BLE_ERROR_NONE) { scanningActive = true; onAdvertisementReport.attach(object, callbackMember); } } return err; } /** * Initialize radio-notification events to be generated from the stack. * This API doesn't need to be called directly. * * Radio Notification is a feature that enables ACTIVE and INACTIVE * (nACTIVE) signals from the stack that notify the application when the * radio is in use. * * The ACTIVE signal is sent before the radio event starts. The nACTIVE * signal is sent at the end of the radio event. These signals can be used * by the application programmer to synchronize application logic with radio * activity. For example, the ACTIVE signal can be used to shut off external * devices, to manage peak current drawn during periods when the radio is on, * or to trigger sensor data collection for transmission in the Radio Event. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on successful initialization, otherwise an error code. */ virtual ble_error_t initRadioNotification(void) { return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* Requesting action from porter(s): override this API if this capability is supported. */ } private: /** * Helper function used to set the advertising data in the underlying BLE stack. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertising data was successfully set. */ ble_error_t setAdvertisingData(void) { return setAdvertisingData(_advPayload, _scanResponse); } private: /** * Functionality that is BLE stack-dependent and must be implemented by the * ported. This is a helper function to set the advertising data in the * BLE stack. * * @param[in] advData * The new advertising data. * @param[in] scanResponse * The new scan response data. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertising data was set successfully. */ virtual ble_error_t setAdvertisingData(const GapAdvertisingData &advData, const GapAdvertisingData &scanResponse) = 0; /** * Functionality that is BLE stack-dependent and must be implemented by the * ported. This is a helper function to start the advertising procedure in * the underlying BLE stack. * * @param[in] * The advertising parameters. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the advertising procedure was successfully * started. */ virtual ble_error_t startAdvertising(const GapAdvertisingParams &) = 0; public: /** * Accessor to read back currently active advertising parameters. * * @return A reference to the current advertising parameters. */ GapAdvertisingParams &getAdvertisingParams(void) { return _advParams; } /** * A const alternative to Gap::getAdvertisingParams(). * * @return A const reference to the current advertising parameters. */ const GapAdvertisingParams &getAdvertisingParams(void) const { return _advParams; } /** * Set up a particular, user-constructed set of advertisement parameters for * the underlying stack. It would be uncommon for this API to be used * directly; there are other APIs to tweak advertisement parameters * individually. * * @param[in] newParams * The new advertising parameters. */ void setAdvertisingParams(const GapAdvertisingParams &newParams) { _advParams = newParams; } /* Event callback handlers. */ public: /** * Set up a callback for timeout events. Refer to TimeoutSource_t for * possible event types. * * @param[in] callback * Event handler being registered. * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onTimeout().detach(callback). */ void onTimeout(TimeoutEventCallback_t callback) { timeoutCallbackChain.add(callback); } /** * @brief Provide access to the callchain of timeout event callbacks. * * @note It is possible to register callbacks using onTimeout().add(callback). * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onTimeout().detach(callback). * * @return A reference to the timeout event callbacks chain. */ TimeoutEventCallbackChain_t& onTimeout() { return timeoutCallbackChain; } /** * Append to a chain of callbacks to be invoked upon GAP connection. * * @param[in] callback * Event handler being registered. * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onConnection().detach(callback) */ void onConnection(ConnectionEventCallback_t callback) { connectionCallChain.add(callback); } /** * Same as Gap::onConnection(), but allows the possibility to add an object * reference and member function as handler for connection event * callbacks. * * @param[in] tptr * Pointer to the object of a class defining the member callback * function (@p mptr). * @param[in] mptr * The member callback (within the context of an object) to be * invoked. */ template<typename T> void onConnection(T *tptr, void (T::*mptr)(const ConnectionCallbackParams_t*)) { connectionCallChain.add(tptr, mptr); } /** * @brief Provide access to the callchain of connection event callbacks. * * @return A reference to the connection event callbacks chain. * * @note It is possible to register callbacks using onConnection().add(callback). * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onConnection().detach(callback). */ ConnectionEventCallbackChain_t& onConnection() { return connectionCallChain; } /** * Append to a chain of callbacks to be invoked upon GAP disconnection. * * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered. * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onDisconnection().detach(callback). */ void onDisconnection(DisconnectionEventCallback_t callback) { disconnectionCallChain.add(callback); } /** * Same as Gap::onDisconnection(), but allows the possibility to add an object * reference and member function as handler for disconnection event * callbacks. * * @param[in] tptr * Pointer to the object of a class defining the member callback * function (@p mptr). * @param[in] mptr * The member callback (within the context of an object) to be * invoked. */ template<typename T> void onDisconnection(T *tptr, void (T::*mptr)(const DisconnectionCallbackParams_t*)) { disconnectionCallChain.add(tptr, mptr); } /** * @brief Provide access to the callchain of disconnection event callbacks. * * @return A reference to the disconnection event callback chain. * * @note It is possible to register callbacks using onDisconnection().add(callback). * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onDisconnection().detach(callback). */ DisconnectionEventCallbackChain_t& onDisconnection() { return disconnectionCallChain; } /** * Set the application callback for radio-notification events. * * Radio Notification is a feature that enables ACTIVE and INACTIVE * (nACTIVE) signals from the stack that notify the application when the * radio is in use. * * The ACTIVE signal is sent before the radio event starts. The nACTIVE * signal is sent at the end of the radio event. These signals can be used * by the application programmer to synchronize application logic with radio * activity. For example, the ACTIVE signal can be used to shut off external * devices, to manage peak current drawn during periods when the radio is on, * or to trigger sensor data collection for transmission in the Radio Event. * * @param[in] callback * The application handler to be invoked in response to a radio * ACTIVE/INACTIVE event. */ void onRadioNotification(void (*callback)(bool param)) { radioNotificationCallback.attach(callback); } /** * Same as Gap::onRadioNotification(), but allows the posibility to * register an object reference and member function as handler for radio * notification events. * * @param[in] tptr * Pointer to the object of a class defining the member callback * function (@p mptr). * @param[in] mptr * The member callback (within the context of an object) to be * invoked in response to a radio ACTIVE/INACTIVE event. */ template <typename T> void onRadioNotification(T *tptr, void (T::*mptr)(bool)) { radioNotificationCallback.attach(tptr, mptr); } /** * Setup a callback to be invoked to notify the user application that the * Gap instance is about to shutdown (possibly as a result of a call * to BLE::shutdown()). * * @param[in] callback * The handler that is being registered to be notified of * shutdown events. * * @note It is possible to chain together multiple onShutdown callbacks * (potentially from different modules of an application) to be notified * before the Gap instance is shutdown. * * @note It is also possible to set up a callback into a member function of * some object. * * @note It is possible to unregister a callback using onShutdown().detach(callback) */ void onShutdown(const GapShutdownCallback_t& callback) { shutdownCallChain.add(callback); } /** * Same as Gap::onShutdown(), but allows the posibility to * register an object reference and member function as handler for shutdown * events. * * @param[in] objPtr * Pointer to the object of a class defining the member callback * function (@p memberPtr). * @param[in] memberPtr * The member callback (within the context of an object) to be * invoked in response to a shutdown event. */ template <typename T> void onShutdown(T *objPtr, void (T::*memberPtr)(void)) { shutdownCallChain.add(objPtr, memberPtr); } /** * @brief Provide access to the callchain of shutdown event callbacks. * * @return A reference to the shutdown event callback chain. * * @note It is possible to register callbacks using onShutdown().add(callback). * * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onShutdown().detach(callback). */ GapShutdownCallbackChain_t& onShutdown() { return shutdownCallChain; } public: /** * Notify all registered onShutdown callbacks that the Gap instance is * about to be shutdown and clear all Gap state of the * associated object. * * This function is meant to be overridden in the platform-specific * sub-class. Nevertheless, the sub-class is only expected to reset its * state and not the data held in Gap members. This shall be achieved by a * call to Gap::reset() from the sub-class' reset() implementation. * * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on success. * * @note Currently a call to reset() does not reset the advertising and * scan parameters to default values. */ virtual ble_error_t reset(void) { /* Notify that the instance is about to shutdown */; shutdownCallChain.clear(); /* Clear Gap state */ state.advertising = 0; state.connected = 0; /* Clear scanning state */ scanningActive = false; /* Clear advertising and scanning data */ _advPayload.clear(); _scanResponse.clear(); /* Clear callbacks */ timeoutCallbackChain.clear(); connectionCallChain.clear(); disconnectionCallChain.clear(); radioNotificationCallback = NULL; onAdvertisementReport = NULL; return BLE_ERROR_NONE; } protected: /** * Construct a Gap instance. */ Gap() : _advParams(), _advPayload(), _scanningParams(), _scanResponse(), state(), scanningActive(false), timeoutCallbackChain(), radioNotificationCallback(), onAdvertisementReport(), connectionCallChain(), disconnectionCallChain() { _advPayload.clear(); _scanResponse.clear(); } /* Entry points for the underlying stack to report events back to the user. */ public: /** * Helper function that notifies all registered handlers of an occurrence * of a connection event. This function is meant to be called from the * BLE stack specific implementation when a connection event occurs. * * @param[in] handle * The ID of the connection that generated the event. * @param[in] role * The role of this BLE device in the connection. * @param[in] peerAddrType * The peer's BLE address type. * @param[in] peerAddr * The peer's BLE address. * @param[in] ownAddrType * This device's BLE address type. * @param[in] ownAddr * This device's BLE address. * @param[in] connectionParams * The parameters configured for this connection. */ void processConnectionEvent(Handle_t handle, Role_t role, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t ownAddr, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams) { state.connected = 1; ConnectionCallbackParams_t callbackParams(handle, role, peerAddrType, peerAddr, ownAddrType, ownAddr, connectionParams);; } /** * Helper function that notifies all registered handlers of an occurrence * of a disconnection event. This function is meant to be called from the * BLE stack specific implementation when a disconnection event occurs. * * @param[in] handle * The ID of the connection that generated the event. * @param[in] reason * The reason for disconnection. */ void processDisconnectionEvent(Handle_t handle, DisconnectionReason_t reason) { state.connected = 0; DisconnectionCallbackParams_t callbackParams(handle, reason);; } /** * Helper function that notifies the registered handler of a scanned * advertisement packet. This function is meant to be called from the * BLE stack specific implementation when a such event occurs. * * @param[in] peerAddr * The peer's BLE address. * @param[in] rssi * The advertisement packet RSSI value. * @param[in] isScanReponse * Whether this packet is the response to a scan request. * @param[in] type * The type of advertisement. * @param[in] advertisingDataLen * Length of the advertisement data. * @param[in] advertisingData * Pointer to the advertisement packet's data. */ void processAdvertisementReport(const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, int8_t rssi, bool isScanResponse, GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t type, uint8_t advertisingDataLen, const uint8_t *advertisingData) { AdvertisementCallbackParams_t params; memcpy(params.peerAddr, peerAddr, ADDR_LEN); params.rssi = rssi; params.isScanResponse = isScanResponse; params.type = type; params.advertisingDataLen = advertisingDataLen; params.advertisingData = advertisingData;¶ms); } /** * Helper function that notifies all registered handlers of an occurrence * of a timeout event. This function is meant to be called from the * BLE stack specific implementation when a timeout event occurs. * * @param[in] source * The source of the timout event. */ void processTimeoutEvent(TimeoutSource_t source) { if (timeoutCallbackChain) { timeoutCallbackChain(source); } } protected: /** * Currently set advertising parameters. */ GapAdvertisingParams _advParams; /** * Currently set advertising data. */ GapAdvertisingData _advPayload; /** * Currently set scanning parameters. */ GapScanningParams _scanningParams; /** * Currently set scan response data. */ GapAdvertisingData _scanResponse; /** * The current GAP state. */ GapState_t state; /** * Whether active scanning is set. This is used to fetch the scan response * from a peer if possible. */ bool scanningActive; protected: /** * Callchain containing all registered callback handlers for timeout * events. */ TimeoutEventCallbackChain_t timeoutCallbackChain; /** * The registered callback handler for radio notification events. */ RadioNotificationEventCallback_t radioNotificationCallback; /** * The registered callback handler for scanned advertisement packet * notifications. */ AdvertisementReportCallback_t onAdvertisementReport; /** * Callchain containing all registered callback handlers for connection * events. */ ConnectionEventCallbackChain_t connectionCallChain; /** * Callchain containing all registered callback handlers for disconnection * events. */ DisconnectionEventCallbackChain_t disconnectionCallChain; private: /** * Callchain containing all registered callback handlers for shutdown * events. */ GapShutdownCallbackChain_t shutdownCallChain; private: /* Disallow copy and assignment. */ Gap(const Gap &); Gap& operator=(const Gap &); }; #endif // ifndef __GAP_H__