Library to interface to the TI BQ27441, a fuel gauge monitor

Dependents:   rcCar

Fork of battery-gauge-bq27441 by u-blox

--- a/battery_gauge_bq27441.h	Wed Jun 14 17:11:40 2017 +0100
+++ b/battery_gauge_bq27441.h	Wed Dec 13 17:14:51 2017 +0000
@@ -113,8 +113,20 @@
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
     bool getVoltage (int32_t *pVoltageMV);
+    /** Read the power output the battery.
+    * If battery gauging is off this function will take ~1 second
+    * to return while the ADCs are activated and the reading is taken.
+    * If battery gauging is on, the last voltage reading taken
+    * will be returned without delay.
+    * @param pPowerMW place to put the power reading.
+    * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
+    */
+    bool getPower (int32_t *pPowerMW);
     /** Read the current flowing from the battery.
+    * Negative value means battery is being drained
+    * Positive value means battery is being charged
     * If battery gauging is off this function will take ~1 second
     * to return while the ADCs are activated and the reading is taken.
     * If battery gauging is on, the last current reading taken
@@ -242,6 +254,14 @@
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
     bool getTwoBytes (uint8_t registerAddress, uint16_t *pBytes);
+    /** Read two bytes starting at a given address (signed int16).
+    * Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
+    * @param registerAddress the register address to start reading from.
+    * @param pBytes place to put the two bytes.
+    * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
+    */
+    bool getTwoBytesSigned (uint8_t registerAddress, int16_t *pBytes);
     /** Compute the checksum of a block of memory in the chip.
     * @param pData a pointer to the 32 byte data block.