Publish Grove Cayenne Spider Test

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00001 /*
00002  / _____)             _              | |
00003 ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
00004  \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
00005  _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
00006 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
00007     (C)2015 Semtech
00009 Description: VT100 terminal support class
00011 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
00013 Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
00014 */
00015 #ifndef __VT100_H__
00016 #define __VT100_H__
00018 #ifndef STRING_STACK_LIMIT
00019 #define STRING_STACK_LIMIT    120
00020 #endif
00022 #ifdef TARGET_MOTE_L152RC
00023     #define VT100_BAUD      115200
00024 #elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1)
00025     #define VT100_BAUD      38400   /* HSI? */
00026 #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L152RE)
00027     #define VT100_BAUD      115200
00028 #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L073RZ)
00029     #define VT100_BAUD      115200
00030 #elif defined(TARGET_NRF52_DK)
00031     #define VT100_BAUD      115200
00032 #else
00033     #error find_usable_vt100_baudrate
00034 #endif
00036 /**
00037  * Implements VT100 terminal commands support.
00038  * Implments also the same behaviour has RawSerial class. The only difference
00039  * is located in putc fucntion where writeable check is made befor sending the character.
00040  */
00041 class VT100 : public SerialBase
00042 {
00043 public:
00044     enum TextAttributes
00045     {
00046         ATTR_OFF      = 0,
00047         BOLD          = 1,
00048         USCORE        = 4,
00049         BLINK         = 5,
00050         REVERSE       = 7,
00051         BOLD_OFF      = 21,
00052         USCORE_OFF    = 24,
00053         BLINK_OFF     = 25,
00054         REVERSE_OFF   = 27,
00055     };
00057     enum Colors
00058     {
00059         BLACK   = 0,
00060         RED     = 1,
00061         GREEN   = 2,
00062         BROWN   = 3,
00063         BLUE    = 4,
00064         MAGENTA = 5,
00065         CYAN    = 6,
00066         WHITE   = 7,
00067     };
00069     VT100( PinName tx, PinName rx ): SerialBase(tx, rx, VT100_BAUD)
00070     {
00071         // initializes terminal to "power-on" settings
00072         // ESC c
00073         this->printf( "\x1B\x63" );
00074     }
00076     void ClearScreen( uint8_t param )
00077     {
00078         // ESC [ Ps J
00079         // 0    Clear screen from cursor down
00080         // 1    Clear screen from cursor up
00081         // 2    Clear entire screen 
00082         this->printf( "\x1B[%dJ", param );
00083     }
00085     void ClearLine( uint8_t param )
00086     {
00087         // ESC [ Ps K
00088         // 0    Erase from the active position to the end of the line, inclusive (default)
00089         // 1    Erase from the start of the screen to the active position, inclusive
00090         // 2    Erase all of the line, inclusive
00091         this->printf( "\x1B[%dK", param );
00092     }
00094     void SetAttribute( uint8_t attr )
00095     {
00096         // ESC [ Ps;...;Ps m
00097         this->printf( "\x1B[%dm", attr );
00098     }
00100     void SetAttribute( uint8_t attr, uint8_t fgcolor, uint8_t bgcolor )
00101     {
00102         // ESC [ Ps;...;Ps m
00103         this->printf( "\x1B[%d;%d;%dm", attr, fgcolor + 30, bgcolor + 40 );
00104     }
00106     void SetCursorMode( uint8_t visible )
00107     {
00108         if( visible == true )
00109         {
00110             // ESC [ ? 25 h
00111             this->printf( "\x1B[?25h" );
00112         }
00113         else
00114         {
00115             // ESC [ ? 25 l
00116             this->printf( "\x1B[?25l" );
00117         }
00118     }
00120     void SetCursorPos( uint8_t line, uint8_t col )
00121     {
00122         // ESC [ Pl ; Pc H
00123         this->printf( "\x1B[%d;%dH", line, col );
00124     }
00126     void PutStringAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, const char *s )
00127     {
00128         this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
00129         this->printf( "%s", s );
00130     }
00132     void PutCharAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, uint8_t c )
00133     {
00134         this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
00135         this->printf( "%c", c );
00136     }
00138     void PutHexAt( uint8_t line, uint8_t col, uint16_t n )
00139     {
00140         this->SetCursorPos( line, col );
00141         this->printf( "%X", n );
00142     }
00144     void PutBoxDrawingChar( uint8_t c )
00145     {
00146         this->printf( "\x1B(0%c\x1b(B", c );
00147     }
00149     bool Readable( void )
00150     {
00151         return this->readable( );
00152     }
00154     uint8_t GetChar( void )
00155     {
00156         return this->getc( );
00157     }
00159     /*
00160      * RawSerial class implmentation copy.
00161      */
00162     /** Read a char from the serial port
00163      *
00164      * @returns The char read from the serial port
00165      */
00166     int getc( )
00167     {
00168         return _base_getc( );
00169     }
00171     /** Write a char to the serial port
00172      *
00173      * @param c The char to write
00174      *
00175      * @returns The written char or -1 if an error occured
00176      */
00177     int putc( int c )
00178     {
00179         while( this->writeable( ) != 1 );
00180         return _base_putc( c );
00181     }
00183     /** Write a string to the serial port
00184      *
00185      * @param str The string to write
00186      *
00187      * @returns 0 if the write succeeds, EOF for error
00188      */
00189     int puts( const char *str )
00190     {
00191         while( *str )
00192             putc( *str++ );
00193         return 0;
00194     }
00196     // Experimental support for printf in RawSerial. No Stream inheritance
00197     // means we can't call printf() directly, so we use sprintf() instead.
00198     // We only call malloc() for the sprintf() buffer if the buffer
00199     // length is above a certain threshold, otherwise we use just the stack.
00200     int printf( const char *format, ... )
00201     {
00202         std::va_list arg;
00203         va_start( arg, format );
00204         int len = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, format, arg );
00205         if( len < STRING_STACK_LIMIT )
00206         {
00207             char temp[STRING_STACK_LIMIT];
00208             vsprintf( temp, format, arg );
00209             puts( temp );
00210         }
00211         else
00212         {
00213             char *temp = new char[len + 1];
00214             vsprintf( temp, format, arg );
00215             puts( temp );
00216             delete[] temp;
00217         }
00218         va_end( arg );
00219         return len;
00220     }
00222 private:
00224 };
00226 #endif // __VT100_H__