mbed code Inductive_Sensor_Jasper for Bsc paper

Dependencies:   Bob DS1825 LDC1101 SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of Inductive_Sensor by Bob Giesberts


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
13:62442b016e9f 2016-06-23 bobgiesberts Publicatie verslag Jasper default tip
12:cceece4f3afb 2016-04-12 bobgiesberts Solved a few problems:; - Timing (float / int problem in deepsleep mode); - Storing data (seperate function now); - Power down Pinouts when class is killed
11:599ca9982e45 2016-03-30 bobgiesberts Added comments
10:3cab80866536 2016-02-24 bobgiesberts Thermometer (DS1825) included, ready for first run, all code in main.cpp will tidy up after first trial
9:47f1b1c0ef8b 2016-02-24 bobgiesberts Final version before implementing thermometer
8:8cc1960467ae 2016-02-16 bobgiesberts Included more features from the LDC1101.
7:6c4cac1ec122 2016-01-25 bobgiesberts Minor changes:; - fixed ldc->is_New_LHR_data(); - changed time variable type (S and Svector) from float (23 bit) to uint32_t (32 bit) to prevent overflow after about 70 hours
6:ff39d60061ca 2016-01-18 bobgiesberts Beautifully working version of the code. Current during rest reduced to 0.196 mA. During sampling approximately 15-20 mA. Measuring for 30 seconds and resting for half an hour results in a theoretic battery life of 14 days.
5:736a81a59f3c 2016-01-16 bobgiesberts Power management: take samples for INTERVAL_ON seconds, then go to deepsleep for INTERVAL_OFF seconds. ; There is still a very stupid error with the SDFileSystem. writing to SD does not work properly. After power is cut from SD, it can not be awoken..
4:ae441c5727b9 2016-01-05 bobgiesberts Fixed timing, filename and sleep options
3:57847eeddb4e 2015-12-18 bobgiesberts Works, now ready for extensive calibration (resolution, linearity, etc.)
2:1a203732fc95 2015-12-18 bobgiesberts Working version to calibrate the sensor. Now tweaking for optimal resolution, linearity, range, etc.; 20 Hz output (time, L: "%.2f;%d\n")
1:22c272515015 2015-12-12 bobgiesberts Including SD File system
0:e81b68888268 2015-12-10 bobgiesberts Testing Serial