Solution for Bluetooth SIG hands-on training course

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed-dev-bin nRF51822-bluetooth-mdw

Dependents:   microbit

Fork of microbit-dal-bluetooth-mdw_starter by Martin Woolley

Wed Jul 13 12:17:58 2016 +0100
Synchronized with git rev 9914a980
Author: James Devine
Merge pull request #120 from bluetooth-mdw/master

Added BLE connect/disconnect events and fixed bug in MagnetometerService.cpp

Possible fix for #114

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 1 # microbit-dal
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 2
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 3 The core set of drivers, mechanisms and types that make up the micro:bit runtime.
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 4
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 5 ## Overview
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 6
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 7 The micro:bit runtime provides an easy to use environment for programming the BBC micro:bit in the C/C++ language, written by Lancaster University. It contains device drivers for all the hardware capabilities of the micro:bit, and also a suite of runtime mechanisms to make programming the micro:bit easier and more flexible. These range from control of the LED matrix display to peer-to-peer radio communication and secure Bluetooth Low Energy services. The micro:bit runtime is proudly built on the ARM mbed and Nordic nrf51 platforms.
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 8
LancasterUniversity 17:b15c83c64043 9 In addition to supporting development in C/C++, the runtime is also designed specifically to support higher level languages provided by our partners that target the micro:bit. It is currently used as a support library for all the languages on the BBC website, including the Microsoft Block Editor, Microsoft Touch Develop, Code Kingdoms JavaScript and Micropython languages.
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 10
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 11 ## Links
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 12
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 13 [micro:bit runtime docs]( | [uBit]( | [samples](
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 14
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 15 ## Build Environments
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 16
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 17 | Build Environment | Documentation |
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 18 | ------------- |-------------|
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 19 | ARM mbed online | |
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 20 | yotta | |
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 21
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 22
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 23
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 24 ## Hello World!
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 25
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 26 ```cpp
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 27 #include "MicroBitDisplay.h"
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 28
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 29 MicroBitDisplay display;
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 30
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 31 int main()
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 32 {
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 33 display.scroll("Hello world!");
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 34 }
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 35 ```
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 36
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 37 ## BBC Community Guidelines
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 38
LancasterUniversity 17:b15c83c64043 39 [BBC Community Guidelines](