Solution for Bluetooth SIG hands-on training course

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed-dev-bin nRF51822-bluetooth-mdw

Dependents:   microbit

Fork of microbit-dal-bluetooth-mdw_starter by Martin Woolley

Wed Jul 13 12:17:54 2016 +0100
Synchronized with git rev 7cf98c22
Author: James Devine
microbit-dal: patch for fiber_wake_on_event

fiber_wake_on_event used to crash after forking a FOB fiber.

It would attempt to obtain a new fiber context, and would place it on the wait queue.
Then when that fiber was paged in, the context of that fiber would not have been
initialised, as the function presumed schedule would be called immediately after
fiber initialisation.

This patch catches that edge case.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 1 {
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 2 "name": "microbit-dal",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 3 "version": "2.0.0-rc1",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 4 "license": "MIT",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 5 "description": "The runtime library for the BBC micro:bit, developed by Lancaster University",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 6 "keywords": [
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 7 "mbed-classic",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 8 "microbit",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 9 "runtime",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 10 "library",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 11 "lancaster",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 12 "University"
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 13 ],
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 14 "author": "Joe Finney < ( >",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 15 "homepage": "",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 16 "dependencies": {
LancasterUniversity 15:65509c60005c 17 "mbed-classic": "lancaster-university/mbed-classic#microbit_hfclk+mb4",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 18 "ble": "lancaster-university/BLE_API#v2.5.0+mb3",
LancasterUniversity 13:8d33728584d9 19 "ble-nrf51822": "lancaster-university/nrf51822#v2.5.0+mb6",
LancasterUniversity 15:65509c60005c 20 "nrf51-sdk": "lancaster-university/nrf51-sdk#v2.2.0+mb4"
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 21 },
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 22 "extraIncludes": [
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 23 "inc/core",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 24 "inc/types",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 25 "inc/drivers",
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 26 "inc/bluetooth"
Jonathan Austin 1:8aa5cdb4ab67 27 ]
LancasterUniversity 9:960ce8922159 28 }