I have ported my old project “pNesX” game console emulator to the nucleo.

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed


I have ported my old project “pNesX” to the STM32 Nucleo. The pNesX is a NES emulator for the PlayStation that I have created 16 years ago!

Emulation part was almost without change, the sound part was newly added.


STM32 Nucleo F446RE
QVGA 2.2 TFT SPI (with the SD card slot)
Audio jack(TS or TRS)
USB Connector
Register 100k, 10k, 4.7k, 100
Capacitor 0.01uF, 2.2uF
Computer Speakers
USB GamePad

Wiring diagram


TFT J2Nucleo
ResetPA_10(D2) Pull Up(100k)
TFT J4Nucleo
USB con.Nucleo



  • Since the rest of the RAM is about 50kbyte, maximum capacity of the game ROM is about 50kbyte.
  • The length of the file name up to 32 characters.
  • The number of files in the folder is up to 100.

Used Library

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/K6502_rw.h	Sun Apr 03 07:45:29 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+/*                                                                   */
+/*  K6502_RW.h : 6502 Reading/Writing Operation for NES              */
+/*               This file is included in K6502.cpp                  */
+/*                                                                   */
+/*  1999/11/03  Racoon  New preparation                              */
+/*                                                                   */
+#ifndef K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED
+#define K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED
+/*  Include files                                                    */
+#include "pNesX.h"
+#include "pNesX_System.h"
+/*                                                                   */
+/*            K6502_ReadZp() : Reading from the zero page            */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline BYTE K6502_ReadZp( BYTE byAddr )
+ *  Reading from the zero page
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    BYTE byAddr              (Read)
+ *      An address inside the zero page
+ *
+ *  Return values
+ *    Read Data
+ */
+  return RAM[ byAddr ];
+/*                                                                   */
+/*               K6502_Read() : Reading operation                    */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline BYTE K6502_Read( WORD wAddr )
+ *  Reading operation
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    WORD wAddr              (Read)
+ *      Address to read
+ *
+ *  Return values
+ *    Read data
+ *
+ *  Remarks
+ *    0x0000 - 0x1fff  RAM ( 0x800 - 0x1fff is mirror of 0x0 - 0x7ff )
+ *    0x2000 - 0x3fff  PPU
+ *    0x4000 - 0x5fff  Sound
+ *    0x6000 - 0x7fff  SRAM ( Battery Backed )
+ *    0x8000 - 0xffff  ROM
+ *
+ */
+  BYTE byRet;
+  switch ( wAddr & 0xe000 )
+  {
+    case 0x0000:  /* RAM */
+      return RAM[ wAddr & 0x7ff ];
+    case 0x2000:  /* PPU */
+      if ( wAddr <= 0x2006 )  /* PPU Status */
+      {
+        // Set return value
+        byRet = PPU_R2;
+        // Reset a V-Blank flag
+        PPU_R2 &= ~R2_IN_VBLANK;
+        // Reset address latch
+        PPU_Latch_Flag = 0;
+        // Make a Nametable 0 in V-Blank
+        if ( PPU_Scanline >= SCAN_VBLANK_START && !( PPU_R0 & R0_NMI_VB ) )
+        {
+          PPU_R0 &= ~R0_NAME_ADDR;
+          PPU_NameTableBank = NAME_TABLE0;
+        }
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x2007 )  /* PPU Memory */
+      {
+        // Set return value;
+        byRet = PPU_R7;
+        // Read PPU Memory
+        PPU_R7 = PPUBANK[ PPU_Addr >> 10 ][ PPU_Addr & 0x3ff ];
+        // Increment PPU Address
+        PPU_Addr += PPU_Increment;
+        PPU_Addr &= 0x3fff;
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x4000:  /* Sound */
+      if ( wAddr < 0x4016 )
+      {
+        // Return APU Register
+        //return APU_Reg[ wAddr & 0x1f ];
+        return ApuRead( wAddr & 0x1f );
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x4016 )
+      {
+        // Set Joypad1 data
+        byRet = (BYTE)( ( PAD1_Latch >> PAD1_Bit ) & 1 ) | 0x40;
+        PAD1_Bit = ( PAD1_Bit == 23 ) ? 0 : ( PAD1_Bit + 1 );
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x4017 )
+      {
+        // Set Joypad2 data
+        byRet = (BYTE)( ( PAD2_Latch >> PAD2_Bit ) & 1 ) | 0x40;
+        PAD2_Bit = ( PAD2_Bit == 23 ) ? 0 : ( PAD2_Bit + 1 );
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x6000:  /* SRAM */
+      return SRAM[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0x8000:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+      return ROMBANK0[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xa000:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+      return ROMBANK1[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xc000:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+      return ROMBANK2[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xe000:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+      return ROMBANK3[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+  }
+  return 0;
+/*                                                                   */
+/*               K6502_Write() : Writing operation                    */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline void K6502_Write( WORD wAddr, BYTE byData )
+ *  Writing operation
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    WORD wAddr              (Read)
+ *      Address to write
+ *
+ *    BYTE byData             (Read)
+ *      Data to write
+ *
+ *  Remarks
+ *    0x0000 - 0x1fff  RAM ( 0x800 - 0x1fff is mirror of 0x0 - 0x7ff )
+ *    0x2000 - 0x3fff  PPU
+ *    0x4000 - 0x5fff  Sound
+ *    0x6000 - 0x7fff  SRAM ( Battery Backed )
+ *    0x8000 - 0xffff  ROM
+ *
+ */
+  switch ( wAddr & 0xe000 )
+  {
+    case 0x0000:  /* RAM */
+      RAM[ wAddr & 0x7ff ] = byData;
+      break;
+    case 0x2000:  /* PPU */
+      switch ( wAddr & 0x7 )
+      {
+        case 0:    /* 0x2000 */
+          PPU_R0 = byData;
+          PPU_Increment = ( PPU_R0 & R0_INC_ADDR ) ? 32 : 1;
+          PPU_NameTableBank = NAME_TABLE0 + ( PPU_R0 & R0_NAME_ADDR );
+          PPU_BG_Base = ( PPU_R0 & R0_BG_ADDR ) ? ChrBuf + 256 * 64 : ChrBuf;
+          PPU_SP_Base = ( PPU_R0 & R0_SP_ADDR ) ? ChrBuf + 256 * 64 : ChrBuf;
+          PPU_SP_Height = ( PPU_R0 & R0_SP_SIZE ) ? 16 : 8;
+          break;
+        case 1:   /* 0x2001 */
+          PPU_R1 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 2:   /* 0x2002 */
+          PPU_R2 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 3:   /* 0x2003 */
+          // Sprite RAM Address
+          PPU_R3 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 4:   /* 0x2004 */
+          // Write data to Sprite RAM
+          SPRRAM[ PPU_R3++ ] = byData;
+          break;
+        case 5:   /* 0x2005 */
+          // Set Scroll Register
+          if ( PPU_Latch_Flag )
+          {
+            // V-Scroll Register
+            PPU_Scr_V_Next = ( byData > 239 ) ? 0 : byData;
+            PPU_Scr_V_Byte_Next = PPU_Scr_V_Next >> 3;
+            PPU_Scr_V_Bit_Next = PPU_Scr_V_Next & 7;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            // H-Scroll Register
+            PPU_Scr_H_Next = byData;
+            PPU_Scr_H_Byte_Next = PPU_Scr_H_Next >> 3;
+            PPU_Scr_H_Bit_Next = PPU_Scr_H_Next & 7;
+          }
+          PPU_Latch_Flag ^= 1;
+          break;
+        case 6:   /* 0x2006 */
+          // Set PPU Address
+          if ( PPU_Latch_Flag )
+          {
+            // Low
+            PPU_Addr |= byData;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            // High
+            PPU_Addr = ( byData & 0x3f ) << 8;
+          }
+          PPU_Latch_Flag ^= 1;
+          break;
+        case 7:   /* 0x2007 */
+          // Write to PPU Memory
+          if ( PPU_Addr < 0x2000 && NesHeader.byVRomSize == 0 )
+          {
+            // Pattern Data
+            ChrBufUpdate |= ( 1 << ( PPU_Addr >> 10 ) );
+            PPURAM[ PPU_Addr ] = byData;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( PPU_Addr < 0x3f00 )  /* 0x2000 - 0x3eff */
+          {
+            // Name Table
+            PPUBANK[ PPU_Addr >> 10 ][ PPU_Addr & 0x3ff ] = byData;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( !( PPU_Addr & 0xf ) )  /* 0x3f00 or 0x3f10 */
+          {
+            // Palette mirror
+            PPURAM[ 0x3f10 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f14 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f18 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f1c ] = 
+            PPURAM[ 0x3f00 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f04 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f08 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f0c ] = byData;
+            PalTable[ 0x00 ] = PalTable[ 0x04 ] = PalTable[ 0x08 ] = PalTable[ 0x0c ] =
+            PalTable[ 0x10 ] = PalTable[ 0x14 ] = PalTable[ 0x18 ] = PalTable[ 0x1c ] = NesPalette[ byData ]; // | 0x8000;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( PPU_Addr & 3 )
+          {
+            // Palette
+            PPURAM[ PPU_Addr ] = byData;
+            PalTable[ PPU_Addr & 0x1f ] = NesPalette[ byData ];
+          }
+          // Increment PPU Address
+          PPU_Addr += PPU_Increment;
+          PPU_Addr &= 0x3fff;
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x4000:  /* Sound */
+      switch ( wAddr & 0x1f )
+      {
+        case 0x14:  /* 0x4014 */
+          // Sprite DMA
+          switch ( byData >> 5 )
+          {
+            case 0x0:  /* RAM */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &RAM[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x7ff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x3:  /* SRAM */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &SRAM[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x4:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK0[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x5:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK1[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x6:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK2[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x7:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK3[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+          }
+          APU_Reg[ 0x14 ] = byData;          
+          break;
+        case 0x16:  /* 0x4016 */
+          // Reset joypad
+          if ( !( APU_Reg[ 0x16 ] & 1 ) && ( byData & 1 ) )
+          {
+            PAD1_Bit = 0;
+            PAD2_Bit = 0;
+          }
+          APU_Reg[ 0x16 ] = byData;
+          break;
+        default:
+          if ( wAddr <= 0x4017 )
+          {
+            // Write to APU Register
+            ApuWrite( wAddr & 0x1f, byData );
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x6000:  /* SRAM */
+      SRAM[ wAddr & 0x1fff ] = byData;
+      break;
+    case 0x8000:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+    case 0xa000:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+    case 0xc000:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+    case 0xe000:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+      // Write to Mapper
+      MapperWrite( wAddr, byData );
+      break;
+  }
+// Reading/Writing operation (WORD version)
+static inline WORD K6502_ReadW( WORD wAddr ){ return K6502_Read( wAddr ) | (WORD)K6502_Read( wAddr + 1 ) << 8; };
+static inline void K6502_WriteW( WORD wAddr, WORD wData ){ K6502_Write( wAddr, wData & 0xff ); K6502_Write( wAddr + 1, wData >> 8 ); };
+static inline WORD K6502_ReadZpW( BYTE byAddr ){ return K6502_ReadZp( byAddr ) | ( K6502_ReadZp( byAddr + 1 ) << 8 ); };
+#endif /* !K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED */