please publish my library

Fork of accelerometer by Aisyah Syahana

--- a/Accelerometer.h	Mon Jul 09 02:17:49 2012 +0000
+++ b/Accelerometer.h	Tue Aug 06 10:07:46 2013 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,43 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-class Accelerometer{
+struct xyz {
+    float x;
+    float y;
+    float z;
+class Accel  {
-    Accelerometer (PinName XoutPin, PinName youPin,PinName zoutPin,PinName sleepPin, PinName zeroGDetectPin,PinName gSelectPin);
-    enum Scale {SCALE_1_5G,SCALE_6G};
-    float getAccel();
-    float getAccelX();
-    float getAccelY();
-    float getAccelZ();
-    float getTiltX();
-    float getTiltY();
-    float getTiltZ();
+    /** create a accelerometer Object
+     *
+     * @param xpin analogin pin to connect to for x axis
+     * @param ypin analogin pin to connect to for y axis
+     * @param zpin analogin pin to connect to for z axis**/
+ Accel(PinName xpin, PinName ypin, PinName zpin);
+ float readx();
+    /** read analog value from pin y axis
+    * @param Percent voltage/ref voltage- full range (0.0 - 1.0)
+     */
+    float ready();
+    /** read analog value from pin z axis
+     *
+     * @param Percent voltage/ref voltage- full range (0.0 - 1.0)
+     */
+    float readz();
+    /** read analog value from all pins xy&z
+     *
+     * @param Percent voltage/ref voltage- full range (0.0 - 1.0)
+     */
+     float readall();
+private :
+    AnalogIn _zpin;
+    AnalogIn _ypin;
+    AnalogIn _xpin;
-    void setScale (Scale scale);
-    void setSleep(bool on);
-    bool detectedZeroG();
-    void setZeroGDetectListener(void (*func)(void));
-    template<typename T> void setZeroGDetectListener(T* t,void (T::*func)(void));
-    private:
-        AnalogIn xout,yout,zout;
-        DigitalIn zeroGDetect;
-        DigitalOut sleep;
-        DigitalOut gSelect;
-        InterruptIn zeroG;
-        float scale;
-  };
-  #endif
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+ };
+ #endif        
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