This Library is to establish communication between a transmitter and receivers formed by the combination of SX1272MB2DAS shield and FRDM kl25z board that uses Cortex M0+ architecture.

Fork of SX1272Lib by Semtech

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00001 /*
00002  / _____)             _              | |
00003 ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
00004  \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
00005  _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
00006 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
00007     ( C )2015 Semtech
00009 Description: -
00011 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
00013 Maintainers: Miguel Luis, Gregory Cristian and Nicolas Huguenin
00014 */
00015 #ifndef __ENUMS_H__
00016 #define __ENUMS_H__
00018 /*!
00019  * Radio driver internal state machine states definition
00020  */
00021 typedef enum RadioState
00022 {
00023     RF_IDLE = 0,
00024     RF_RX_RUNNING,
00025     RF_TX_RUNNING,
00026     RF_CAD,
00027 }RadioState_t;
00029 /*!
00030  *    Type of the modem. [LORA / FSK]
00031  */
00032 typedef enum ModemType
00033 {
00034     MODEM_FSK = 0,
00035     MODEM_LORA
00036 }RadioModems_t;
00038 /*!
00039  * Type of the supported board. 
00040  */
00041 typedef enum BoardType
00042 {
00043     SX1272MB2XAS = 0,
00044     SX1272MB1DCS,
00045     NA_MOTE_72,
00046     MDOT_F411RE,
00047     UNKNOWN
00048 }BoardType_t;
00050 /*!
00051  * Radio FSK modem parameters
00052  */
00053 typedef struct
00054 {
00055     int8_t   Power;
00056     uint32_t Fdev;
00057     uint32_t Bandwidth;
00058     uint32_t BandwidthAfc;
00059     uint32_t Datarate;
00060     uint16_t PreambleLen;
00061     bool     FixLen;
00062     uint8_t  PayloadLen;
00063     bool     CrcOn;
00064     bool     IqInverted;
00065     bool     RxContinuous;
00066     uint32_t TxTimeout;
00067     uint32_t RxSingleTimeout;
00068 }RadioFskSettings_t ;
00070 /*!
00071  * Radio FSK packet handler state
00072  */
00073 typedef struct
00074 {
00075     uint8_t  PreambleDetected;
00076     uint8_t  SyncWordDetected;
00077     int8_t   RssiValue;
00078     int32_t  AfcValue;
00079     uint8_t  RxGain;
00080     uint16_t Size;
00081     uint16_t NbBytes;
00082     uint8_t  FifoThresh;
00083     uint8_t  ChunkSize;
00084 }RadioFskPacketHandler_t ;
00086 /*!
00087  * Radio LoRa modem parameters
00088  */
00089 typedef struct
00090 {
00091     int8_t   Power;
00092     uint32_t Bandwidth;
00093     uint32_t Datarate;
00094     bool     LowDatarateOptimize;
00095     uint8_t  Coderate;
00096     uint16_t PreambleLen;
00097     bool     FixLen;
00098     uint8_t  PayloadLen;
00099     bool     CrcOn;
00100     bool     FreqHopOn;
00101     uint8_t  HopPeriod;
00102     bool     IqInverted;
00103     bool     RxContinuous;
00104     uint32_t TxTimeout;
00105     bool     PublicNetwork;
00106 }RadioLoRaSettings_t ;
00108 /*!
00109  * Radio LoRa packet handler state
00110  */
00111 typedef struct
00112 {
00113     int8_t SnrValue;
00114     int8_t RssiValue;
00115     uint8_t Size;
00116 }RadioLoRaPacketHandler_t ;
00118 /*!
00119  * Radio Settings
00120  */
00121 typedef struct
00122 {
00123     RadioState               State;
00124     ModemType                Modem;
00125     uint32_t                 Channel;
00126     RadioFskSettings_t        Fsk;
00127     RadioFskPacketHandler_t   FskPacketHandler;
00128     RadioLoRaSettings_t       LoRa;
00129     RadioLoRaPacketHandler_t  LoRaPacketHandler;
00130 }RadioSettings_t ;
00133 #endif //__ENUMS_H__