FRDM-KL46Z board sLCD demo code using RTC clock.

Dependencies:   SLCD mbed

Fork of FRDM-KL46Z LCD rtc Demo by Paul Staron

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jan 27 21:58:45 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 18 21:47:44 2014 +0000
@@ -1,136 +1,414 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "SLCD.h"
+#include "InterruptManager.h"
+#include "TPM_init.h"
+#define TOTAL_SYNC 3
+#define PI 3.1415926f
+DigitalOut d_out(D2);
+DigitalIn  d_in(D3);
+InterruptIn d_IRQ(D3);
+int temp_pulse_flag[TOTAL_SYNC];
+int temp_pulse_tpm[TOTAL_SYNC];
+int temp_sync_flag[TOTAL_SYNC];
+int temp_sync_tpm[TOTAL_SYNC];
+bool dbg = 0;
 time_t seconds = time(NULL); // needed to start rtc on reset to maintain reasonable time if hard reset
 SLCD slcd;
-Timer scroll;
+//Timer scroll;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+RawSerial rpi(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
 DigitalOut  led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut  led2(LED2);
-InterruptIn setmin (SW1);
-InterruptIn sethour (SW3);
+DigitalOut led_r(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut  pps(D7);
+AnalogIn lightSensor(PTE22);
+//InterruptIn setmin (SW1);
+//InterruptIn sethour (SW3);
-struct tm t;
+//struct tm t;
-int i,j,k,lastscroll,display_timer,minute,hour,colon,dp;
+//int i,j,k,lastscroll,display_timer,minute,hour,colon,dp;
+int i;
 char message[60];
-void scroll_message();
+//void scroll_message();
 char buffer[32];
-void setminIRQ();
-void sethourIRQ();
+//void setminIRQ();
+//void sethourIRQ();
+void Tx_interrupt();
+void Rx_interrupt();
+void send_line();
+void read_line();
+// Circular buffers for serial TX and RX data - used by interrupt routines
+const int buffer_size = 255;
+// might need to increase buffer size for high baud rates
+char tx_buffer[buffer_size+1];
+char rx_buffer[buffer_size+1];
+char temp_rx_buffer[2];
+char str[6];
+// Circular buffer pointers
+// volatile makes read-modify-write atomic 
+volatile int tx_in=0;
+volatile int tx_out=0;
+volatile int rx_in=0;
+volatile int rx_out=0;
+// Line buffers for sprintf and sscanf
+char tx_line[80];
+char rx_line[80];
+unsigned int flag = 0;
+unsigned int modulo_val = 48000;   //period = 1 ms
+unsigned int new_sync_flag = 0;
+unsigned int new_sync_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int old_sync_flag = 0;
+unsigned int old_sync_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int sync_flag = 0;
+unsigned int sync_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int new_pulse_flag = 100;
+unsigned int new_pulse_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int old_pulse_flag = 100;
+unsigned int old_pulse_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int pulse_flag = 0;
+unsigned int pulse_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int new_arrival_flag = 0;
+unsigned int new_arrival_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int old_arrival_flag = 0;
+unsigned int old_arrival_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int arrival_flag = 0;
+unsigned int arrival_tpm = 0;
+unsigned int state = 0;
+unsigned int pps_state = 0;
+Ticker tick_DAC;
+Ticker tick_test;
+AnalogOut DAC(PTE30);
+const long num_samp_per_sec = 10000;
+const int freq_DAC[4] = {1,10,100,1000};
+int count_ADC;
+long count_DAC;
+int sel_freq_DAC;
+char ADC_string[6];
+char final_string[7] = "V";
+bool on_DAC;
+AnalogIn in_0(A0);
+//AnalogIn in_1(A1);
+bool flag_for_d;
+void sine_gen() {
+    float tem = on_DAC? 0.5*sin(2*PI*freq_DAC[sel_freq_DAC]*count_DAC/num_samp_per_sec) + 0.5 : 0.0;
+    //float temf = 0.1;
+    //float tem = 0.5*sin(2*PI*temf*count_DAC/num_samp_per_sec) + 0.5;
+    //if (count_DAC % 10 == 0) pc.printf("write%f\n",tem);
+    DAC.write(tem);
+    count_DAC += 1;
+    if (count_DAC == num_samp_per_sec - 1) count_DAC = 0;
+    //if (count_DAC == 10*num_samp_per_sec - 1) count_DAC = 0;
+    count_ADC += 1;
+    if (count_ADC == 10000)
+    {
+        //sprintf(str, "v%0.3f",;
+        //for(i=0; i<6; i++) rpi.putc(str[i]);
+        //rpi.printf("V%0.3f",;
+        count_ADC = 0;
+        }
+void init() {
+    d_out = false;
+    flag_for_d = false;
+    count_DAC = 0;
+    count_ADC = 0;
+    sel_freq_DAC = 0;
+    on_DAC = true;
+    led_r = true;
+    //led_g = false;
+void logichigh() {
+    led_r=false;
+    rpi.putc('H');
+void logiclow() {
+    led_r=true;
+    rpi.putc('L');
+int num_expire = 0;
+void TPM0_handler() {
+    unsigned int overflow = TPM0_SC_read() & 0x000000C0; 
+    if(overflow == 0xC0) {
+        TPM0_clear_overflow();
+        flag++;
+        if(state==0){
+        if(pps_state == 0){
+            if( sync_flag==0 && sync_tpm==0 ){
+                pps = 1;
+                pps_state = 1;
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("pulse high!\n");
+                TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+                TPM0_start();
+                //num_expire = 0;
+            } else if ( sync_flag==0 ){
+                //if(dbg) pc.printf("I shouldn't be here\n");
+                TPM0_init(sync_tpm);
+                TPM0_start();
+                sync_tpm = 0;
+            } else {
+                sync_flag--;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if( pulse_flag==0 && pulse_tpm==0 ){
+                pps = 0;
+                pps_state = 0;
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("pulse low!\n");
+                TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+                //TPM0_start();
+                state = 1;
+            } else if ( pulse_flag==0 ){
+                //if(dbg) pc.printf("I shouldn't be here\n");
+                TPM0_init(pulse_tpm);
+                TPM0_start();
+                pulse_tpm = 0;
+            } else {
+                pulse_flag--;
+            }            
+        }
+        } else if (state == 1){
+        }          
+        //if(dbg) pc.printf("flag = %d\n", flag);
+        NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TPM0_IRQn);
+    }
+    init();
+    //pc.printf("Welcome\r\na:on/off (default: on) s:1Hz d:10Hz f:100Hz g:1kHz\r\nq:digital on w:digital off\r\np:print values\r\n");
+    tick_DAC.attach_us(&sine_gen, (double)1000000/num_samp_per_sec);
+    //tick_test.attach(&print_in, (double)1.0/sampling_freq);
+    d_IRQ.rise(&logichigh);
+    d_IRQ.fall(&logiclow);
-    wait(2);
+    wait(1);
-    led1 = 1;led2 = 1;
-    sprintf(message, "    rtc clock    s3 sets the hours    s1 sets the minutes");
-// scrolling message    
-    scroll.start();
-    while (i<58) {
+    led1 = 1; led2 = 1; pps = 1; 
+    sprintf(message, "1234");
+    slcd.printf(message);
+    if(dbg) pc.printf("Hello World!\n");
+    //pc.putc('1');
+    NVIC_SetVector(TPM0_IRQn, (uint32_t) TPM0_handler);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TPM0_IRQn, 0);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TPM0_IRQn);    
+    //TPM0_init(modulo_val);
-        while (i<58) {
-            scroll_message();
-         }
+    if(dbg) pc.printf("Setting up UART interrupts!\n");
+// Setup a serial interrupt function to receive data
+    rpi.attach(&Rx_interrupt, Serial::RxIrq);
+// Setup a serial interrupt function to transmit data
+    //rpi.attach(&Tx_interrupt, Serial::TxIrq);
+    //char temp[4];
+    while(1){
-    wait(1);
-    setmin.rise(setminIRQ);     // start set Minutes IRQ
-    sethour.rise(sethourIRQ);   // start set Hours IRQ
-// rtc clock function    
+        //wait(3);
+        //pulse_flag = 100;
+        //pulse_tpm = 5;
+        //TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+        //TPM0_start();
+        //if(dbg) pc.printf("Timer started!\n");
     while(1) {
-        time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-        if(display_timer>6) {
-            strftime(buffer, 4, "%H%M", localtime(&seconds));// display Hours,Minutes for 2 seconds
-            slcd.Colon(1);led2=0;
-            slcd.DP2(0);led1=1;
-        } else {
-            strftime(buffer, 4, "%M%S", localtime(&seconds));// display Minutes,Seconds for 8 seconds            
-            slcd.Colon(0);led2=1;
-            slcd.DP2(1);led1=0;
-        }
-        slcd.printf(buffer);
-        wait(.5);
-        slcd.DP2(0);led1=1;
-        display_timer++;
-        if (display_timer>9)display_timer=0;
-        wait(.5);
+        flag = 0;
+        TPM0_start();
+        //slcd.putc(pc.getc());
+        //led1 = 0;
+        wait(0.5);
+        if(dbg) pc.printf("flag = %d, TPM = %x\n", flag, TPM0_read());
+        //pc.putc('1');
+        //led1 = 1;
-void scroll_message()
-    if (scroll.read_ms() > lastscroll + 350) {
-        scroll.reset();
-        if (i > 58) {
-            i=0;
+unsigned int rx_state = 0;
+unsigned int num_sync = 0;
+unsigned int num_sec = 0; 
+// Interupt Routine to read in data from serial port
+void Rx_interrupt() {
+    char c = rpi.getc();
+    //led1=0;
+// Loop just in case more than one character is in UART's receive FIFO buffer
+// Stop if buffer full
+    if( c == 't'){
+        state = 0; 
+        rx_state = 0;
+        num_sec++;
+        if(num_sec==4) num_sec =0;
+        if( pulse_flag==0 && pulse_tpm==0){
+            pulse_flag = old_pulse_flag;
+            pulse_tpm = old_pulse_tpm;
+        }
+        if( arrival_flag==0 && arrival_tpm==0){
+            sync_flag = old_sync_flag;
+            sync_tpm = old_sync_tpm;
-        int j, k = i;
-        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-            if (message[k+j]) {
-                slcd.putc(message[k+j]);
+        TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+        TPM0_start();
+        arrival_flag= 0;
+        arrival_tpm = 0;
+    } else if ( c == 'n'){
+        on_DAC = true; 
+    } else if ( c == 'o'){
+        on_DAC = false; 
+    } else if ( c == 'x'){
+        sel_freq_DAC = 0; 
+    } else if ( c == 'y'){
+        sel_freq_DAC = 1; 
+    } else if ( c == 'z'){
+        sel_freq_DAC = 2; 
+    } else if ( c == 'u'){
+        sel_freq_DAC = 3; 
+    } else if ( c == 'q'){
+        d_out = true; 
+    } else if ( c == 'w'){
+        d_out = false; 
+    } else if ( c == 'p'){ 
+            if(num_sync > 0){
+                temp_pulse_flag[num_sync-1] = flag;
+                temp_pulse_tpm[num_sync-1] = TPM0_read();
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("temp_pulse_flag[%d] = %d, temp_pulse_tpm[%d] = %d\n", num_sync-1, temp_pulse_flag[num_sync-1], num_sync-1, temp_pulse_tpm[num_sync-1]);
+            }
+            flag = 0;
+            TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+            if(num_sync < TOTAL_SYNC){ 
+                TPM0_start();
+                num_sync++;
             } else {
-                slcd.putc(' ');
-                k--;
+                pulse_flag = 0;
+                pulse_tpm = 0;
+                for(i=0; i<TOTAL_SYNC; i++){
+                    pulse_flag += temp_pulse_flag[i];
+                    pulse_tpm += temp_pulse_tpm[i];
+                }
+                pulse_flag /= TOTAL_SYNC;  
+                pulse_tpm /= TOTAL_SYNC;
+                if(pulse_flag<50 || pulse_flag>150){
+                    pulse_flag = 0;
+                    pulse_tpm = 0;
+                } else {
+                    old_pulse_flag = pulse_flag;
+                    old_pulse_tpm = pulse_tpm;
+                }
+                flag = 0;         
+                TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("pulse_flag = %d, pulse_tpm = %x\n", pulse_flag, pulse_tpm);
+                if(num_sec==0){ 
+                    rpi.putc('S');
+                    TPM0_start();  
+                    num_sync=1;
+                } else {
+                    num_sync=0;
+                }
-        }
-        i++;
-        lastscroll=scroll.read_ms();
+    } else if ( c == 's'){
+            temp_sync_flag[num_sync-1] = flag;
+            temp_sync_tpm[num_sync-1] = TPM0_read();
+            if(dbg) pc.printf("temp_sync_flag[%d] = %d, temp_sync_tpm[%d] = %d\n", num_sync-1, temp_sync_flag[num_sync-1], num_sync-1, temp_sync_tpm[num_sync-1]);
+            flag = 0;         
+            TPM0_init(modulo_val);
+            if(num_sync < TOTAL_SYNC){
+                rpi.putc('S'); 
+                TPM0_start();
+                num_sync++;
+            } else {
+                arrival_flag = 0;
+                arrival_tpm = 0;
+                for(i=0; i<TOTAL_SYNC; i++){
+                    arrival_flag += temp_sync_flag[i];
+                    arrival_tpm += temp_sync_tpm[i];
+                }
+                arrival_flag /= (2*TOTAL_SYNC);  
+                arrival_tpm /= (2*TOTAL_SYNC);
+                old_arrival_flag = arrival_flag;
+                old_arrival_tpm = arrival_tpm;  
+                num_sync=0;
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("arrival_flag = %d, arrival_tpm = %x\n", arrival_flag, arrival_tpm);
+                rpi.putc('M');
+                sprintf(str, "%02d", arrival_flag);
+                rpi.putc(str[0]);
+                rpi.putc(str[1]);
+                sprintf(str, "%04x", arrival_tpm); 
+                rpi.putc(str[0]);
+                rpi.putc(str[1]);
+                rpi.putc(str[2]);
+                rpi.putc(str[3]);
+            }
+    } else if( c == 'm' ){ 
+        rx_state = 1; 
+    } else {
+        //while ((rpi.readable()) && (((rx_in + 1) % buffer_size) != rx_out)) {
+        if(rx_state == 0){
+            //if(dbg) pc.printf("t_rx_in = %d\n", rx_in);
+            rx_buffer[rx_in] = c;
+            rx_in = (rx_in + 1) % buffer_size;
+            if(rx_in == 4){
+                slcd.Home();
+                slcd.printf(rx_buffer);
+                slcd.Colon(1);
+                rx_in = 0;
+                //rpi.printf("l%0.3f",;
+                //rpi.printf("V%0.3f",;
+                sprintf(str, "l%0.3f",;
+                for(i=0; i<6; i++) rpi.putc(str[i]);
+                sprintf(str, "v%0.3f",;
+                for(i=0; i<6; i++) rpi.putc(str[i]);
+            }
+        } else if(rx_state == 1){
+            //if(dbg) pc.printf("m_rx_in = %d\n", rx_in);
+            rx_buffer[rx_in] = c;
+            rx_in = (rx_in + 1) % buffer_size;
+            if(rx_in >= 6){
+                sync_flag = (10*(rx_buffer[0]-'0') + (rx_buffer[1]-'0'));
+              if(sync_flag >= arrival_flag){
+                sync_flag -= arrival_flag;
+                for(i=0; i<6; i++){
+                    if( i<4 ) {rx_buffer[i] = rx_buffer[i+2];} else { rx_buffer[i]=0; }
+                }
+                sync_tpm = (int)strtol(rx_buffer, NULL, 16);
+                if(sync_tpm >= arrival_tpm){
+                    sync_tpm -= arrival_tpm;
+                } else {
+                    sync_tpm = 0x10000 + sync_tpm - arrival_tpm;
+                    sync_flag--;
+                }
+              } else { sync_flag =0; sync_tpm = 0; }
+                if(dbg) pc.printf("sync_flag = %d, sync_tpm = %x\n", sync_flag, sync_tpm);
+                rx_in = 0;
+            }            
+        }                 
-void setminIRQ(void) // set Minutes ISR
-    display_timer=7;
-    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-    char buffer[2];
-    strftime(buffer, 2,"%H", localtime(&seconds));
-    hour = atoi(buffer);    // get Hour integer
-    strftime(buffer, 2,"%M", localtime(&seconds));
-    minute = atoi(buffer);  // get Minutes integer
-    minute++;
-    if(minute>59) minute=0;
-    t.tm_sec = 0;   // Seconds reset to zero
-    t.tm_min = minute;
-    t.tm_hour = hour;
-    t.tm_mday = 1;
-    t.tm_mon = 2;
-    t.tm_year = 114;
-    set_time (mktime(&t));
-void sethourIRQ(void) // set Hours ISR
-    display_timer=7;
-    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-    char buffer[2];
-    strftime(buffer, 2,"%H", localtime(&seconds));
-    hour = atoi(buffer);    // get Hour integer
-    strftime(buffer, 2,"%M", localtime(&seconds));
-    minute = atoi(buffer);  // get Minutes integer
-    hour++;
-    if(hour>23) hour=0;
-    t.tm_sec = 0;   // Seconds reset to zero
-    t.tm_min = minute;
-    t.tm_hour = hour;
-    t.tm_mday = 1;
-    t.tm_mon = 2;
-    t.tm_year = 114;
-    set_time (mktime(&t));
+    //led1=1;
+    return;
\ No newline at end of file