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bignum.h File Reference

bignum.h File Reference

Multi-precision integer library. More...

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Data Structures

struct  mpi
 MPI structure. More...


void mpi_init (mpi *X)
 Initialize one MPI (make internal references valid) This just makes it ready to be set or freed, but does not define a value for the MPI.
void mpi_free (mpi *X)
 Unallocate one MPI.
int mpi_grow (mpi *X, size_t nblimbs)
 Enlarge to the specified number of limbs.
int mpi_shrink (mpi *X, size_t nblimbs)
 Resize down, keeping at least the specified number of limbs.
int mpi_copy (mpi *X, const mpi *Y)
 Copy the contents of Y into X.
void mpi_swap (mpi *X, mpi *Y)
 Swap the contents of X and Y.
int mpi_safe_cond_assign (mpi *X, const mpi *Y, unsigned char assign)
 Safe conditional assignement X = Y if assign is 1.
int mpi_safe_cond_swap (mpi *X, mpi *Y, unsigned char assign)
 Safe conditional swap X <-> Y if swap is 1.
int mpi_lset (mpi *X, t_sint z)
 Set value from integer.
int mpi_get_bit (const mpi *X, size_t pos)
 Get a specific bit from X.
int mpi_set_bit (mpi *X, size_t pos, unsigned char val)
 Set a bit of X to a specific value of 0 or 1.
size_t mpi_lsb (const mpi *X)
 Return the number of zero-bits before the least significant '1' bit.
size_t mpi_msb (const mpi *X)
 Return the number of bits up to and including the most significant '1' bit'.
size_t mpi_size (const mpi *X)
 Return the total size in bytes.
int mpi_read_string (mpi *X, int radix, const char *s)
 Import from an ASCII string.
int mpi_write_string (const mpi *X, int radix, char *s, size_t *slen)
 Export into an ASCII string.
int mpi_read_file (mpi *X, int radix, FILE *fin)
 Read X from an opened file.
int mpi_write_file (const char *p, const mpi *X, int radix, FILE *fout)
 Write X into an opened file, or stdout if fout is NULL.
int mpi_read_binary (mpi *X, const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
 Import X from unsigned binary data, big endian.
int mpi_write_binary (const mpi *X, unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen)
 Export X into unsigned binary data, big endian.
int mpi_shift_l (mpi *X, size_t count)
 Left-shift: X <<= count.
int mpi_shift_r (mpi *X, size_t count)
 Right-shift: X >>= count.
int mpi_cmp_abs (const mpi *X, const mpi *Y)
 Compare unsigned values.
int mpi_cmp_mpi (const mpi *X, const mpi *Y)
 Compare signed values.
int mpi_cmp_int (const mpi *X, t_sint z)
 Compare signed values.
int mpi_add_abs (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Unsigned addition: X = |A| + |B|.
int mpi_sub_abs (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Unsigned subtraction: X = |A| - |B|.
int mpi_add_mpi (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Signed addition: X = A + B.
int mpi_sub_mpi (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Signed subtraction: X = A - B.
int mpi_add_int (mpi *X, const mpi *A, t_sint b)
 Signed addition: X = A + b.
int mpi_sub_int (mpi *X, const mpi *A, t_sint b)
 Signed subtraction: X = A - b.
int mpi_mul_mpi (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Baseline multiplication: X = A * B.
int mpi_mul_int (mpi *X, const mpi *A, t_sint b)
 Baseline multiplication: X = A * b Note: despite the functon signature, b is treated as a t_uint.
int mpi_div_mpi (mpi *Q, mpi *R, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Division by mpi: A = Q * B + R.
int mpi_div_int (mpi *Q, mpi *R, const mpi *A, t_sint b)
 Division by int: A = Q * b + R.
int mpi_mod_mpi (mpi *R, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Modulo: R = A mod B.
int mpi_mod_int (t_uint *r, const mpi *A, t_sint b)
 Modulo: r = A mod b.
int mpi_exp_mod (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *E, const mpi *N, mpi *_RR)
 Sliding-window exponentiation: X = A^E mod N.
int mpi_fill_random (mpi *X, size_t size, int(*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng)
 Fill an MPI X with size bytes of random.
int mpi_gcd (mpi *G, const mpi *A, const mpi *B)
 Greatest common divisor: G = gcd(A, B)
int mpi_inv_mod (mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *N)
 Modular inverse: X = A^-1 mod N.
int mpi_is_prime (mpi *X, int(*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng)
 Miller-Rabin primality test.
int mpi_gen_prime (mpi *X, size_t nbits, int dh_flag, int(*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng)
 Prime number generation.
int mpi_self_test (int verbose)
 Checkup routine.

Detailed Description

Multi-precision integer library.

Copyright (C) 2006-2014, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved

This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Definition in file bignum.h.

Function Documentation

int mpi_add_abs ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Unsigned addition: X = |A| + |B|.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 857 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_add_int ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
t_sint  b 

Signed addition: X = A + b.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
bThe integer value to add
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1035 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_add_mpi ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Signed addition: X = A + B.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 973 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_cmp_abs ( const mpi X,
const mpi Y 

Compare unsigned values.

XLeft-hand MPI
YRight-hand MPI
1 if |X| is greater than |Y|, -1 if |X| is lesser than |Y| or 0 if |X| is equal to |Y|

Definition at line 778 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_cmp_int ( const mpi X,
t_sint  z 

Compare signed values.

XLeft-hand MPI
zThe integer value to compare to
1 if X is greater than z, -1 if X is lesser than z or 0 if X is equal to z

Definition at line 841 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_cmp_mpi ( const mpi X,
const mpi Y 

Compare signed values.

XLeft-hand MPI
YRight-hand MPI
1 if X is greater than Y, -1 if X is lesser than Y or 0 if X is equal to Y

Definition at line 808 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_copy ( mpi X,
const mpi Y 

Copy the contents of Y into X.

XDestination MPI
YSource MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 173 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_div_int ( mpi Q,
mpi R,
const mpi A,
t_sint  b 

Division by int: A = Q * b + R.

QDestination MPI for the quotient
RDestination MPI for the rest value
ALeft-hand MPI
bInteger to divide by
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if b == 0
Either Q or R can be NULL.

Definition at line 1356 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_div_mpi ( mpi Q,
mpi R,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Division by mpi: A = Q * B + R.

QDestination MPI for the quotient
RDestination MPI for the rest value
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if B == 0
Either Q or R can be NULL.

Definition at line 1192 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_exp_mod ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi E,
const mpi N,
mpi _RR 

Sliding-window exponentiation: X = A^E mod N.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
EExponent MPI
NModular MPI
_RRSpeed-up MPI used for recalculations
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA if N is negative or even or if E is negative
_RR is used to avoid re-computing R*R mod N across multiple calls, which speeds up things a bit. It can be set to NULL if the extra performance is unneeded.

Definition at line 1521 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_fill_random ( mpi X,
size_t  size,
int(*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)  f_rng,
void *  p_rng 

Fill an MPI X with size bytes of random.

XDestination MPI
sizeSize in bytes
f_rngRNG function
p_rngRNG parameter
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1785 of file bignum.c.

void mpi_free ( mpi X )

Unallocate one MPI.

XOne MPI to unallocate.

Definition at line 84 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_gcd ( mpi G,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Greatest common divisor: G = gcd(A, B)

GDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1729 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_gen_prime ( mpi X,
size_t  nbits,
int  dh_flag,
int(*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)  f_rng,
void *  p_rng 

Prime number generation.

XDestination MPI
nbitsRequired size of X in bits ( 3 <= nbits <= POLARSSL_MPI_MAX_BITS )
dh_flagIf 1, then (X-1)/2 will be prime too
f_rngRNG function
p_rngRNG parameter
0 if successful (probably prime), POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA if nbits is < 3

Definition at line 2088 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_get_bit ( const mpi X,
size_t  pos 

Get a specific bit from X.

XMPI to use
posZero-based index of the bit in X
Either a 0 or a 1

Definition at line 301 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_grow ( mpi X,
size_t  nblimbs 

Enlarge to the specified number of limbs.

XMPI to grow
nblimbsThe target number of limbs
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 103 of file bignum.c.

void mpi_init ( mpi X )

Initialize one MPI (make internal references valid) This just makes it ready to be set or freed, but does not define a value for the MPI.

XOne MPI to initialize.

Definition at line 71 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_inv_mod ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi N 

Modular inverse: X = A^-1 mod N.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
NRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA if N is negative or nil POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE if A has no inverse mod N

Definition at line 1805 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_is_prime ( mpi X,
int(*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)  f_rng,
void *  p_rng 

Miller-Rabin primality test.

XMPI to check
f_rngRNG function
p_rngRNG parameter
0 if successful (probably prime), POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE if X is not prime

Definition at line 2056 of file bignum.c.

size_t mpi_lsb ( const mpi X )

Return the number of zero-bits before the least significant '1' bit.

Note: Thus also the zero-based index of the least significant '1' bit

XMPI to use

Definition at line 340 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_lset ( mpi X,
t_sint  z 

Set value from integer.

XMPI to set
zValue to use
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 283 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_mod_int ( t_uint *  r,
const mpi A,
t_sint  b 

Modulo: r = A mod b.

rDestination t_uint
ALeft-hand MPI
bInteger to divide by
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if b == 0, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE if b < 0

Definition at line 1395 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_mod_mpi ( mpi R,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Modulo: R = A mod B.

RDestination MPI for the rest value
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI

Definition at line 1372 of file bignum.c.

size_t mpi_msb ( const mpi X )

Return the number of bits up to and including the most significant '1' bit'.

Note: Thus also the one-based index of the most significant '1' bit

XMPI to use

Definition at line 355 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_mul_int ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
t_sint  b 

Baseline multiplication: X = A * b Note: despite the functon signature, b is treated as a t_uint.

Negative values of b are treated as large positive values.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
bThe integer value to multiply with
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1176 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_mul_mpi ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Baseline multiplication: X = A * B.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1139 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_read_binary ( mpi X,
const unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Import X from unsigned binary data, big endian.

XDestination MPI
bufInput buffer
buflenInput buffer size
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 642 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_read_file ( mpi X,
int  radix,
FILE *  fin 

Read X from an opened file.

XDestination MPI
radixInput numeric base
finInput file handle
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the file read buffer is too small or a POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_XXX error code

Definition at line 568 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_read_string ( mpi X,
int  radix,
const char *  s 

Import from an ASCII string.

XDestination MPI
radixInput numeric base
sNull-terminated string buffer
0 if successful, or a POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_XXX error code

Definition at line 401 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_safe_cond_assign ( mpi X,
const mpi Y,
unsigned char  assign 

Safe conditional assignement X = Y if assign is 1.

XMPI to conditionally assign to
YValue to be assigned
assign1: perform the assignment, 0: keep X's original value
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed,
This function is equivalent to if( assign ) mpi_copy( X, Y ); except that it avoids leaking any information about whether the assignment was done or not (the above code may leak information through branch prediction and/or memory access patterns analysis).

Definition at line 221 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_safe_cond_swap ( mpi X,
mpi Y,
unsigned char  assign 

Safe conditional swap X <-> Y if swap is 1.

XFirst mpi value
YSecond mpi value
assign1: perform the swap, 0: keep X and Y's original values
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed,
This function is equivalent to if( assign ) mpi_swap( X, Y ); except that it avoids leaking any information about whether the assignment was done or not (the above code may leak information through branch prediction and/or memory access patterns analysis).

Definition at line 249 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_self_test ( int  verbose )

Checkup routine.

0 if successful, or 1 if the test failed

Definition at line 2193 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_set_bit ( mpi X,
size_t  pos,
unsigned char  val 

Set a bit of X to a specific value of 0 or 1.

Will grow X if necessary to set a bit to 1 in a not yet existing limb. Will not grow if bit should be set to 0
XMPI to use
posZero-based index of the bit in X
valThe value to set the bit to (0 or 1)
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA if val is not 0 or 1

Definition at line 312 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_shift_l ( mpi X,
size_t  count 

Left-shift: X <<= count.

XMPI to shift
countAmount to shift
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 685 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_shift_r ( mpi X,
size_t  count 

Right-shift: X >>= count.

XMPI to shift
countAmount to shift
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 735 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_shrink ( mpi X,
size_t  nblimbs 

Resize down, keeping at least the specified number of limbs.

XMPI to shrink
nblimbsThe minimum number of limbs to keep
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 135 of file bignum.c.

size_t mpi_size ( const mpi X )

Return the total size in bytes.

XMPI to use

Definition at line 376 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_sub_abs ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Unsigned subtraction: X = |A| - |B|.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE if B is greater than A

Definition at line 930 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_sub_int ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
t_sint  b 

Signed subtraction: X = A - b.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
bThe integer value to subtract
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1051 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_sub_mpi ( mpi X,
const mpi A,
const mpi B 

Signed subtraction: X = A - B.

XDestination MPI
ALeft-hand MPI
BRight-hand MPI
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_MALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 1004 of file bignum.c.

void mpi_swap ( mpi X,
mpi Y 

Swap the contents of X and Y.

XFirst MPI value
YSecond MPI value

Definition at line 207 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_write_binary ( const mpi X,
unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Export X into unsigned binary data, big endian.

Always fills the whole buffer, which will start with zeros if the number is smaller.

XSource MPI
bufOutput buffer
buflenOutput buffer size
0 if successful, POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if buf isn't large enough

Definition at line 665 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_write_file ( const char *  p,
const mpi X,
int  radix,
FILE *  fout 

Write X into an opened file, or stdout if fout is NULL.

pPrefix, can be NULL
XSource MPI
radixOutput numeric base
foutOutput file handle (can be NULL)
0 if successful, or a POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_XXX error code
Set fout == NULL to print X on the console.

Definition at line 601 of file bignum.c.

int mpi_write_string ( const mpi X,
int  radix,
char *  s,
size_t *  slen 

Export into an ASCII string.

XSource MPI
radixOutput numeric base
sString buffer
slenString buffer size
0 if successful, or a POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_XXX error code. *slen is always updated to reflect the amount of data that has (or would have) been written.
Call this function with *slen = 0 to obtain the minimum required buffer size in *slen.

Definition at line 497 of file bignum.c.