mbed Connector Interface simplification API on top of mbed-client

Fork of mbedConnectorInterfaceV3 by Doug Anson


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Fri Feb 19 17:32:14 2016 +0000
initial checkin

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 1 /**
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 2 * @file Options.cpp
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 3 * @brief mbed CoAP Options (immutable OptionsBuilder instance) class implementation
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 4 * @author Doug Anson/Chris Paola
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 5 * @version 1.0
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 6 * @see
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 7 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 8 * Copyright (c) 2014
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 9 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 10 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 11 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 12 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 13 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 14 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 15 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 16 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 17 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 18 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 19 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 20 * limitations under the License.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 21 */
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 22
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 23 #include "mbed-connector-interface/Options.h"
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 24
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 25 namespace Connector {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 26
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 27 // default constructor
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 28 Options::Options()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 29 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 30 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 31
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 32 // copy constructor
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 33 Options::Options(const Options &opt)
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 34 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 35 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 36
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 37 // destructors
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 38 Options::~Options()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 39 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 40 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 41
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 42 // lifetime pointer
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 43 int Options::getLifetime()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 44 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 45 return this->m_lifetime;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 46 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 47
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 48 // NSP domain
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 49 string Options::getDomain()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 50 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 51 return this->m_domain;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 52 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 53
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 54 // Endpoint name
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 55 string Options::getEndpointNodename()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 56 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 57 return this->m_node_name;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 58 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 59
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 60 // Endpoint Type
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 61 string Options::getEndpointType()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 62 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 63 return this->m_endpoint_type;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 64 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 65
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 66 // NODE Radio Channel List
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 67 uint32_t Options::getRadioChannelList()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 68 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 69 return this->m_channel_list;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 70 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 71
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 72 // mbed Registation update period
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 73 int Options::getRegUpdatePeriod()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 74 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 75 return this->m_reg_update_period;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 76 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 77
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 78 // Connector URL
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 79 char *Options::getConnectorURL()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 80 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 81 return (char *)this->m_connector_url.c_str();
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 82 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 83
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 84 // NODE MAC Address
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 85 uint8_t *Options::getMACAddress()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 86 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 87 return this->m_mac_address;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 88 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 89
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 90 // Device Resources
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 91 DeviceResourcesList *Options::getDeviceResourceList()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 92 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 93 return &this->m_device_resources;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 94 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 95
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 96 // Static Resources
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 97 StaticResourcesList *Options::getStaticResourceList()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 98 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 99 return &this->m_static_resources;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 100 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 101
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 102 // Dynamic Resources
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 103 DynamicResourcesList *Options::getDynamicResourceList()
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 104 {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 105 return &this->m_dynamic_resources;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 106 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 107
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 108 // WiFi SSID
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 109 string Options::getWiFiSSID() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 110 return this->m_wifi_ssid;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 111 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 112
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 113 // WiFi AuthType
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 114 WiFiAuthTypes Options::getWiFiAuthType() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 115 return this->m_wifi_auth_type;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 116 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 117
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 118 // WiFi AuthKey
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 119 string Options::getWiFiAuthKey() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 120 return this->m_wifi_auth_key;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 121 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 122
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 123 // 802.15.4 Network ID
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 124 string Options::getNetworkID() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 125 return this->m_network_id;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 126 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 127
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 128 // 802.15.4 Network ID
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 129 uint8_t Options::getRadioChannel() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 130 return this->m_channel;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 131 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 132
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 133 // Immediate Observationing Enabled
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 134 bool Options::immedateObservationEnabled() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 135 return this->m_enable_immediate_observation;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 136 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 137
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 138 // Enable/Disable Observation control via GET
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 139 bool Options::enableGETObservationControl() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 140 return this->m_enable_get_obs_control;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 141 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 142
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 143 // Get the Server Certificate
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 144 uint8_t *Options::getServerCertificate() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 145 return (uint8_t *) this->m_server_cert;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 146 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 147
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 148 // Get the Server Certificate length
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 149 int Options::getServerCertificateSize() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 150 return this->m_server_cert_length;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 151 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 152
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 153 // Get the Client Certificate
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 154 uint8_t *Options::getClientCertificate() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 155 return (uint8_t *) this->m_client_cert;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 156 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 157
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 158 // Get the Client Certificate length
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 159 int Options::getClientCertificateSize() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 160 return this->m_client_cert_length;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 161 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 162
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 163 // Get the Client Key
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 164 uint8_t *Options::getClientKey() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 165 return (uint8_t *) this->m_client_key;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 166 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 167
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 168 // Get the Client Key length
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 169 int Options::getClientKeySize() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 170 return this->m_client_key_length;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 171 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 172
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 173 } // namespace Connector
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 174