mbed Connector Interface simplification API on top of mbed-client

Fork of mbedConnectorInterfaceV3 by Doug Anson


This repo has been replaced with https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedConnectorInterface. No further updates will occur with this repo. Please use the github repo instead. Thanks!

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source/DynamicResource.cpp	Fri Feb 19 17:32:14 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ * @file    DynamicResource.cpp
+ * @brief   mbed CoAP Endpoint Dynamic Resource class
+ * @author  Doug Anson/Chris Paola
+ * @version 1.0
+ * @see
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DynamicResource.h"
+// ResourceObserver help
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/ResourceObserver.h"
+// Options enablement
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/Options.h"
+// GET option that can be used to Start/Stop Observations...
+#define START_OBS 0
+#define STOP_OBS  1
+// MaxAge support for each DynamicResource
+#define DEFAULT_MAXAGE 60
+// ContentFormat defaults for each DynamicResource
+// default constructor
+DynamicResource::DynamicResource(const Logger *logger,const char *obj_name,const char *res_name,const char *res_type,uint8_t res_mask,const bool observable) : Resource<string>(logger,string(obj_name),string(res_name),string(""))
+    this->m_res_type = string(res_type);
+    this->m_observable = observable;
+    this->m_res_mask = res_mask;
+    this->m_obs_number = 0;
+    this->m_data_wrapper = NULL;
+    this->m_observer = NULL;
+    this->m_maxage = DEFAULT_MAXAGE;
+    this->m_content_format = DEFAULT_CONTENT_FORMAT;
+    this->m_object = NULL;
+    this->m_op_processor = NULL;
+// constructor (input initial value)
+DynamicResource::DynamicResource(const Logger *logger,const char *obj_name,const char *res_name,const char *res_type,const string value,uint8_t res_mask,const bool observable) : Resource<string>(logger,string(obj_name),string(res_name),value)
+    this->m_res_type = string(res_type);
+    this->m_observable = observable;
+    this->m_res_mask = res_mask;
+    this->m_obs_number = 0;
+    this->m_data_wrapper = NULL;
+    this->m_observer = NULL;
+    this->m_maxage = DEFAULT_MAXAGE;
+    this->m_content_format = DEFAULT_CONTENT_FORMAT;
+    this->m_object = NULL;
+    this->m_op_processor = NULL;
+// constructor (strings)
+DynamicResource::DynamicResource(const Logger *logger,const string obj_name,const string res_name,const string res_type,const string value,uint8_t res_mask,const bool observable) : Resource<string>(logger,obj_name,res_name,value)
+    this->m_res_type = res_type;
+    this->m_observable = observable;
+    this->m_res_mask = res_mask;
+    this->m_obs_number = 0;
+    this->m_data_wrapper = NULL;
+    this->m_observer = NULL;
+    this->m_maxage = DEFAULT_MAXAGE;
+    this->m_content_format = DEFAULT_CONTENT_FORMAT;
+    this->m_object = NULL;
+    this->m_op_processor = NULL;
+// copy constructor
+DynamicResource::DynamicResource(const DynamicResource &resource) : Resource<string>((const Resource<string> &)resource)
+    this->m_res_type = resource.m_res_type;
+    this->m_observable = resource.m_observable;
+    this->m_res_mask = resource.m_res_mask;
+    this->m_obs_number = resource.m_obs_number;
+    this->m_data_wrapper = resource.m_data_wrapper;
+    this->m_observer = resource.m_observer;
+    this->m_maxage = resource.m_maxage;
+    this->m_content_format = resource.m_content_format;
+    this->m_object = resource.m_object;
+    this->m_op_processor = resource.m_op_processor;
+// destructor
+DynamicResource::~DynamicResource() {
+// bind CoAP Resource...
+M2MObject *DynamicResource::bind(void *p) {
+	if (p != NULL) {
+		this->m_object = M2MInterfaceFactory::create_object(this->getObjName().c_str());
+        if (this->m_object != NULL) {
+            this->m_obj_instance = this->m_object->create_object_instance();
+            if (this->m_obj_instance != NULL) {
+            		this->m_res = this->m_obj_instance->create_dynamic_resource(this->getResName().c_str(),this->m_res_type.c_str(),M2MResourceInstance::STRING,this->m_observable);
+            		if (this->m_res != NULL) {   
+            			// perform an initial get() to initialize our data value
+            			this->setValue(this->get());
+            			// now record the data value         			
+            			if (this->getDataWrapper() != NULL) {
+            				// wrap the data...
+							this->getDataWrapper()->wrap((uint8_t *)this->getValue().c_str(),(int)this->getValue().size());
+            				this->m_res->set_operation((M2MBase::Operation)this->m_res_mask);
+            				this->m_res->set_value( this->getDataWrapper()->get(),(uint8_t)this->getDataWrapper()->length());
+            				this->logger()->log("%s: [%s] value: [%s] bound (observable: %d)",this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),this->getDataWrapper()->get(),this->m_observable);
+            				this->m_op_processor = (void *)p;
+        				}
+        				else {
+        					// do not wrap the data...
+            				this->m_res->set_operation((M2MBase::Operation)this->m_res_mask);
+            				this->m_res->set_value((uint8_t *)this->getValue().c_str(),(uint8_t)this->getValue().size());
+             				this->logger()->log("%s: [%s] value: [%s] bound (observable: %d)",this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),this->getValue().c_str(),this->m_observable);
+             				this->m_op_processor = (void *)p;
+        				}
+        				// For POST-enabled RESOURCES (only...), we must add a callback
+        				if ((this->m_res_mask & M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+        					// add a callback for the execute function...we will just direct through process()...
+        					this->m_res->set_execute_function(execute_callback(this, &DynamicResource::process_resource_post));
+        				}
+        			}
+        			else {
+        				// create_dynamic_resource() failed
+        				this->logger()->log("%s: Unable to create dynamic resource...",this->m_res_type.c_str());
+             			delete this->m_object;
+             			this->m_object = NULL;
+        			}
+             }
+             else {
+             		// create_object_instance() failed...
+             		this->logger()->log("%s: Unable to create object instance...",this->m_res_type.c_str());
+             		delete this->m_object;
+             		this->m_object = NULL;
+             }
+       }
+       else {
+       		// create_object() failed
+       		this->logger()->log("%s: Unable to create object...",this->m_res_type.c_str());
+       }
+	}
+	else {
+      	 this->logger()->log("%s: NULL value parameter in bind() request...",this->m_res_type.c_str());
+    }
+    return this->m_object;
+// get our M2MBase representation
+M2MBase *DynamicResource::getResource() {
+	return (M2MBase *)this->m_res;
+// process inbound mbed-client POST message for a Resource
+void DynamicResource::process_resource_post(void *args) {
+		// just call process() for POST and Resources...
+		(void)this->process(M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED,M2MBase::Resource);
+// process inbound mbed-client message
+uint8_t DynamicResource::process(M2MBase::Operation op,M2MBase::BaseType type) {
+	// DEBUG
+	//this->logger()->log("in %s::process()  Operation=0x0%x Type=%x%x",this->m_res_type.c_str(),op,type);
+	// PUT() check
+	if ((op & M2MBase::PUT_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+		string value = this->coapDataToString(this->m_res->value(),this->m_res->value_length());
+	 	this->logger()->log("%s: Calling resource(PUT) with [%s]=[%s]",this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),value.c_str());
+     	this->put(value.c_str());
+     	return 0;
+     }
+     // POST() check
+	if ((op & M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+		string value = this->coapDataToString(this->m_res->value(),this->m_res->value_length());
+	 	this->logger()->log("%s: Calling resource(POST) with [%s]=[%s]",this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),value.c_str());
+     	this->post(value.c_str());
+     	return 0;
+     }
+     // DELETE() check
+	if ((op & M2MBase::DELETE_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+		string value = this->coapDataToString(this->m_res->value(),this->m_res->value_length());
+	 	this->logger()->log("%s: Calling resource(DELETE) with [%s]=[%s]",this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),value.c_str());
+     	this->del(value.c_str());
+     	return 0;
+     }
+     // unknown type...
+     this->logger()->log("%s: Unknown Operation (0x%x) for [%s]=[%s]... FAILED.",op,this->m_res_type.c_str(),this->getFullName().c_str(),this->m_res->value());
+     return 1;
+// send the notification
+int DynamicResource::notify(const string data) {
+    return this->notify((uint8_t *)data.c_str(),(int)data.length());
+// send the notification
+int DynamicResource::notify(uint8_t *data,int data_length) {
+    uint8_t *notify_data = NULL;
+    int notify_data_length = 0;
+    int status = 0;
+    // convert the string from the GET to something suitable for CoAP payloads
+    if (this->getDataWrapper() != NULL) {
+        // wrap the data...
+        this->getDataWrapper()->wrap((uint8_t *)data,data_length);
+        // announce (after wrap)
+        //this->logger()->log("Notify payload [%s]...",this->getDataWrapper()->get());
+        // fill notify
+        notify_data_length = this->getDataWrapper()->length();
+        notify_data = this->getDataWrapper()->get();
+    }
+    else {
+        // announce (no wrap)
+        //this->logger()->log("Notify payload [%s]...",data);
+        // do not wrap the data...
+        notify_data_length = data_length;
+        notify_data = data;
+    }
+    // update the resource
+    this->m_res->set_value((uint8_t *)notify_data,(uint8_t)notify_data_length);
+    // return our status
+    return status;
+// default PUT (does nothing)
+void DynamicResource::put(const string value)
+    // not used by default
+    ;
+// default POST (does nothing)
+void DynamicResource::post(const string value)
+    // not used by default
+    ;
+// default DELETE (does nothing)
+void DynamicResource::del(const string value)
+    // not used by default
+    ;
+// default observe behavior
+void DynamicResource::observe() {
+    if (this->m_observable == true) {
+        this->notify(this->get());
+    }
+// set the observer pointer
+void DynamicResource::setObserver(void *observer) {
+    this->m_observer = observer;
+// set the content-format in responses
+void DynamicResource::setContentFormat(uint8_t content_format) {
+    this->m_content_format = content_format;
+// set the max-age of responses
+void DynamicResource::setMaxAge(uint8_t maxage) {
+    this->m_maxage = maxage;
+// convenience method to get the URI from its buffer field...
+string DynamicResource::coapDataToString(uint8_t *coap_data_ptr,int coap_data_ptr_length)
+    if (coap_data_ptr != NULL && coap_data_ptr_length > 0) {
+        if (this->getDataWrapper() != NULL) {
+            // unwrap the data...
+            this->getDataWrapper()->unwrap(coap_data_ptr,coap_data_ptr_length);
+            char *buf = (char *)this->getDataWrapper()->get();                  // assumes data is null terminated in DataWrapper...
+            return string(buf);
+        }
+        else {
+            // no unwrap of the data...
+            char buf[MAX_VALUE_BUFFER_LENGTH+1];
+            memset(buf,0,MAX_VALUE_BUFFER_LENGTH+1);
+            memcpy(buf,(char *)coap_data_ptr,coap_data_ptr_length);
+            return string(buf);
+        }
+    }
+    return string("");