SocketIO is a compatibility library on top of the MBED Websockets API. Currently the broadcast paradigm is supported. There is much more to the SocketIO spec that could be built into this API. Have fun!

Dependents:   df-2013-thermostat-handson df-2013-minihack-thermostat-complete df-2013-minihack-thermostat df-2013-thermostat-remotes ... more



File content as of revision 6:f71f8a61dc98:

#include "SocketIO.h"

// constructor
SocketIO::SocketIO(char * myurl) {
    // prepare the sessionkey URL
    this->prepareSessionKeyURL(myurl, DEFAULT_VERSION);

// constructor
SocketIO::SocketIO(char * myurl, int myversion) {
    // prepare the sessionkey URL
    this->prepareSessionKeyURL(myurl, myversion);    

// connect to the SocketIO server
bool SocketIO::connect() {
    bool connected = this->is_connected();
    // make sure we are not already connected
    if (connected == false) {
        // first we must acquire the session key
        bool connected = this->acquireSessionKey();
        // next we must create a new URL to connect to with the session key
        if (connected == true) {
            // create our session URL
            // allocate our websocket endpoint
            this->ws = new Websocket(this->url_session);
            // connect!
            connected = this->attemptWebSocketConnect();
    // return our connection status
    return connected;

// gracefully disconnect from the SocketIO server
bool SocketIO::close() {
    bool closed = false;
    // if we are connected lets disconnect
    if (this->ws != NULL) {
        closed = this->ws->is_connected();
    // now clean up memory 
    if (this->ws != NULL) delete this->ws;
    if (this->url_session != NULL) delete this->url_session;
    if (this->url_session_key != NULL) delete this->url_session_key;
    if (this->session_key != NULL) delete this->session_key;
    if (this->ws_channel != NULL) delete this->ws_channel;
    // return our status
    return closed;

// emit a message (broadcast) to the SocketIO server
int SocketIO::emit(char *name, char * args) {
    int bytesSent = 0;
    // only emit if we are connected
    if (this->is_connected() == true) {
        // prepare the JSON message for SocketIO
        char buffer[256];
        char *json = this->prepareSocketIOJSONMessage(name,args,buffer);
        // send a heartbeat
        // send the message
        bytesSent = this->ws->send(json);
    return bytesSent;

// read a message from the SocketIO server
bool SocketIO::read(char * message) {
    bool didRead = false;
    // only read if we are connected
    if (this->is_connected() == true && message != NULL) {        
        // attempt a read
        didRead = this->ws->read(message);        
    // return our status
    return didRead;

// Are we connected?
bool SocketIO::is_connected() {
    bool isConnected = false;
    // if we have an endpoint - get its connection status
    if (this->ws != NULL) isConnected = this->ws->is_connected();
    return isConnected;

// Private Methods

// prepare a SocketIO compatible JSON packet
char *SocketIO::prepareSocketIOJSONMessage(char *name, char *args, char *buffer) {
    sprintf(buffer,"5:::{\"name\": \"%s\", \"args\": \"%s\"}",name, args);
    return buffer;

// prepare the session URL
void SocketIO::prepareSessionURL() {
    // allocate the buffer
    this->url_session = new char[256];
    // fill the buffer

// attempt a connection via websockets
bool SocketIO::attemptWebSocketConnect() {
    // attempt connect
    int status = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<10;++i) {
        status = this->ws->connect();
        if (status != 0) i = 10;
    // set the connect command
    if (this->ws->is_connected()) this->ws->send("1::");
    // return connection status
    return this->is_connected();

// prepare the session key URL
void SocketIO::prepareSessionKeyURL(char *myurl, int myversion) {
    // save the base URL
    this->url = myurl;
    // set our version
    this->version = myversion;
    // build out the session key URL
    this->url_session_key = new char[256];
    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
    // setup the session key and channel buffers
    this->session_key = new char[128];
    this->ws_channel = new char[128];

// parse the session key
void SocketIO::parseSessionKey(char *response, char *sessionkey, char *channel) {
     int val1 = 0;
     int val2 = 0;
     // convert ":" to " "
     for(int i=0;i<strlen(response);++i) if (response[i] == ':') response[i] = ' ';
     // format:  Session_ID YY ZZ CHANNEL
     char t_sessionkey[128];
     sscanf(response,"%s %d %d %s",t_sessionkey,&val1,&val2,channel);
     // create

// acquire the session key for our session
bool SocketIO::acquireSessionKey() {
    bool haveKey = false;
    HTTPClient http;
    char response[513];
    // make sure we have buffers
    if (this->session_key != NULL && this->ws_channel != NULL) {
        // request our session key
        int nread = http.get(this->url_session_key,response,512);
        // parse the session key
        if (!nread)         
             // parse into the session key
        // update our status
        if (strlen(this->session_key) > 0) haveKey = true;
    // return status
    return haveKey;