
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-STM32F103C8T6 eeprom_flash Watchdog PinDetect DS1820

  1. Bluepill STM32F103C8T6 Heating system
    1. _This project is core part of bigger heating system project!_

Features - Reading temperature from four DS18B20 sensors - Making a decision about switching on/off heater and pomp - Executing simple user commands from UART - Storing state parameters to program memory (EEPROM emulation)



File content as of revision 60:7ae1d3b965ae:

#include "temp_controller.h"

extern Serial pc;
extern Watchdog wd;
extern DigitalOut myled; 
extern DigitalOut pomp_OFF;
extern DigitalOut heater_OFF;
extern EventQueue queue;

extern unsigned int eeprom_config_value;

// here we define default working temps for standart mode if eeprom is not initialized
#define MIN_MEBEL_TEMP      15 
#define MIN_LITOS_TEMP      10 
#define MAX_HOT_WATER_TEMP  35 

// here we define default working temps for ECO mode
#define ECO_MIN_MEBEL_TEMP      3 
#define ECO_MIN_LITOS_TEMP      3 

#define HYSTERESIS  0.2

//unsigned int epprom_config_value = 0x0F0A0A23; 
        1 unsigned char - Min mebel temp        (default +15)
        2 unsigned char   Min litos temp        (default +10)
        3 unsigned char   Min back water temp   (default +10)
        4 unsigned char   Max hot water temp    (default +35)

float current_temp[5] = {
                    // current work temperature is maximum
                    85, // OUTDOOR
                    85, // LITOS
                    85, // MEBEL
                    85, // HOT WATER
                    85  // BACK WATER

float temp[5] = {
                    // initial temperature is maximum
                    85, // OUTDOOR
                    85, // LITOS
                    85, // MEBEL
                    85, // HOT WATER
                    85  // BACK WATER
float simulated_temp[5] = {
                    // initial temperature for simulator
                    7,  // OUTDOOR
                    10, // LITOS
                    14, // MEBEL
                    33, // HOT WATER
                    18  // BACK WATER
int temp_error[5] = {
                        1,1,1,1,1       // initial state is no sensors
                                        // 0 - sensor present
                                        // 1 - no sensor
                                        // 2 - sensor CRC error
string labels[5] = {
                        "HOT WATER", 
                        "BACK WATER" 
DS1820  ds1820[5] = { 
                        DS1820(PA_9), // substitute PA_9 with actual mbed pin name connected to the OUTDOOR
                        DS1820(PA_8), // substitute PA_8 with actual mbed pin name connected to the INDOOR LITOS    
                        DS1820(PA_7), // substitute PA_7 with actual mbed pin name connected to the INDOOR MEBEL
                        DS1820(PA_6), // substitute PA_6 with actual mbed pin name connected to the HOT WATER
                        DS1820(PA_5)  // substitute PA_6 with actual mbed pin name connected to the HOT WATER
int error_count = 0;            // counts temp sensor errors 
unsigned char working_mode = 1; // default mode after powerup is ECO
                                // 0 - OFF - heating off, pomp and heater are OFF
                                // 1 - ECO - eco heating
                                // 2 - STANDART - standart heating
                                // 3 - ECO SIMULATOR - eco simulator mode - work on eco simulated_temp
                                // 4 - SIMULATOR - simulator mode - work on simulated_temp
                                // 5 - POMP - pomp is ON, heater is OFF
                                // 6 - EMERGENCY - pomp and heater are ON
char pomp_was_delayed = 0;
void delayed_pomp_off(){
    if (pomp_was_delayed == 1) {
        pomp_OFF = 1;
    pomp_was_delayed = 0;

void start_temp(){
    for ( int j=0; j < 5; j++ ) {
        if(ds1820[j].begin()) { 
            //pc.printf("%s sensor present!\r\n", labels[j].c_str()); 
        };// else {
            //pc.printf("No %s sensor found!\r\n", labels[j].c_str());         

void check_temp(){
       int error_flag = 0;
       myled = 0; // turn the LED on
       // kick the watchdog
       for ( int j=0; j < 5; j++ ) {
            temp_error[j] = ds1820[j].read(current_temp[j]); // read temperature from DS1820 and perform cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
            if ( temp_error[j] == 0 ) {
                temp[j] = current_temp[j];
            } else {
            ds1820[j].startConversion();            // start temperature conversion from analog to digital before next reading
        if (error_flag > 0 && ( working_mode==1 || working_mode==2 ) ){
            if ( error_count > 10 ) {
                // if sensor reading error repeats more than 10 times - EMERGENCY MODE
                //working_mode = 6;
        } else if ( error_flag == 0 ) {
            // if all sensors are readable set no errors
            error_count = 0;
        // save new config if it was changed
        if (readEEPROMWord(0) != eeprom_config_value || 
            readEEPROMWord(4) != (unsigned int)working_mode) {
            //pc.printf("Tram=%x Teeprom=%x\r\n", readEEPROMWord(0), eeprom_config_value);
            //pc.printf("Mram=%x Meeprom=%x\r\n", readEEPROMWord(4), working_mode);
        myled = 1;      // turn the LED off

void process_temp() {    

        switch(working_mode) {
            case 0:
                // 0 - OFF - heating off, pomp and heater are OFF
                pomp_OFF = 1;
                heater_OFF = 1;
            case 1:
                // 1 - ECO - eco heating
                );   //  temp,min_mebel_temp, min_litos_temp,min_back_water_temp,max_hot_water_temp
            case 2:
                // 2 - STANDART - standart heating
                set_pomp_and_heater_by( temp, 
                                        eeprom_config_value >> 24,
                                        (0x00FF0000 & eeprom_config_value) >> 16,
                                        (0x0000FF00 & eeprom_config_value) >> 8,
                                        0x000000FF & eeprom_config_value
            case 3:
                // 3 - ECO SIMULATOR - simulator mode - work on simulated_temp
                set_pomp_and_heater_by( simulated_temp, 10, 7, 7, 26);
            case 4:
                // 4 - SIMULATOR - simulator mode - work on simulated_temp
                set_pomp_and_heater_by( simulated_temp, 
                                        eeprom_config_value >> 24,
                                        (0x00FF0000 & eeprom_config_value) >> 16,
                                        (0x0000FF00 & eeprom_config_value) >> 8,
                                        0x000000FF & eeprom_config_value

            case 5:
                // 5 - POMP - pomp is ON, heater is OFF
                pomp_OFF = 0;
                heater_OFF = 1;
            case 6:
                // 6 - FULL - pomp and heater are ON
                pomp_OFF = 0;
                heater_OFF = 0;
                pomp_OFF = 1;
                heater_OFF = 1;


void save_new_config() {
    writeEEPROMWord(4,(unsigned int)working_mode);    

unsigned int get_temp_config_value(){
    unsigned int v = readEEPROMWord(0);
    if ( v == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
        // if eeprom config value is not initialized
        // set default value 0x0F0A0A23;
        v =  MIN_MEBEL_TEMP;
        v = ( v << 8 ) | MIN_LITOS_TEMP;
        v = ( v << 8 ) | MIN_BACK_WATER_TEMP;
        v = ( v << 8 ) | MAX_HOT_WATER_TEMP;
    return v;  

unsigned int get_mode_config_value(){
    unsigned int v = readEEPROMWord(4);
    if ( v > 6 ) {
        // if eeprom mode value is not initialized
        // set default value 0x01; ECO mode
        v = 1;
    return v;  

void set_pomp_and_heater_by(float * work_temp, 
                            unsigned char min_mebel_temp,
                            unsigned char min_litos_temp,
                            unsigned char min_back_water_temp,
                            unsigned char max_hot_water_temp) 
    // temp config array = outdoor|litos|mebel|hot_water|back_water
        1 unsigned char - Min mebel temp        (default +15)
        2 unsigned char   Min litos temp        (default +10)
        3 unsigned char   Min back water temp   (default +10)
        4 unsigned char   Max hot water temp    (default +35)
    float outdoor    = *(work_temp);
    float litos      = *(work_temp + 1);
    float mebel      = *(work_temp + 2);
    float hot_water  = *(work_temp + 3);
    float back_water = *(work_temp + 4);
    if (outdoor > min_litos_temp) {
        // ============================================= SUMMER MODE
        // system off
        if ( heater_OFF == 0 ) {
            heater_OFF = 1;
            //pomp_OFF = 1;
            queue.call_in( 10000, delayed_pomp_off );
            pomp_was_delayed = 1;
        } else {
            if ( pomp_was_delayed == 0 ) {
                pomp_OFF = 1;    
    } else if ( outdoor < 2) {
        // ============================================== WINTER MODE
        // pomp is always on 
        pomp_OFF = 0;
        //heater state definition
        if (mebel < min_mebel_temp || litos < min_litos_temp || back_water < min_back_water_temp) 
        { // somewhere is colder then it must be
            if (hot_water > max_hot_water_temp) {
                heater_OFF = 1;
            } else {
                if (hot_water < (max_hot_water_temp - 8)) {
                    heater_OFF = 0;
        } else if (mebel > (min_mebel_temp + HYSTERESIS) &&
                   litos > (min_litos_temp + HYSTERESIS) &&
                   back_water > (min_back_water_temp + HYSTERESIS)) 
            // warm is everywhere
            heater_OFF = 1;
        } else {
            if (hot_water > max_hot_water_temp) {
                heater_OFF = 1;
    } else {
        // ======================================== DEMI SEASON MODE
        //heater state definition
        if (mebel < min_mebel_temp || litos < min_litos_temp || back_water < min_back_water_temp) 
        { // somewhere is colder than it must be
            pomp_OFF = 0;
            if (hot_water > max_hot_water_temp - 4) {
                heater_OFF = 1;
            } else {
                if (hot_water < (max_hot_water_temp - 12)) {
                    heater_OFF = 0;
        } else if (mebel > (min_mebel_temp + HYSTERESIS) &&
                   litos > (min_litos_temp + HYSTERESIS) &&
                   back_water > (min_back_water_temp + HYSTERESIS)) 
            // warm is everywhere
            heater_OFF = 1;
            if ( hot_water > (back_water + 3) ) {
                pomp_OFF = 0;
            } else {
                pomp_OFF = 1;
        } else {
            //printf("====demi==== ");
            if (hot_water > max_hot_water_temp - 4) {
                heater_OFF = 1;