Central Heating controller using the real time clock, PHY module for internet, 1-wire interface for temperature sensors, a system log and a configuration file

Dependencies:   net 1-wire lpc1768 crypto clock web fram log




--- a/main/spi.c	Sun Feb 04 11:36:24 2018 +0000
+++ b/main/spi.c	Fri Feb 16 19:43:06 2018 +0000
@@ -1,50 +1,51 @@
-#include "defs.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
 #include "log.h"
-#define CS_BIT_MASK_0 1 << 6 //pin 0.6
+#define CS_DIR FIO0DIR(6)
+#define CS_SET FIO0SET(6)
+#define CS_CLR FIO0CLR(6)
+#define CR0     (*((volatile unsigned *) 0x40030000))
+#define CR1     (*((volatile unsigned *) 0x40030004))
+#define DR      (*((volatile unsigned *) 0x40030008))
+#define SR      (*((volatile unsigned *) 0x4003000C))
+#define CPSR    (*((volatile unsigned *) 0x40030010))
 void SpiInit(void)
-    LPC_SSP1->CR0 |= 7 << 0; //3:0 8 bit transfer
-    LPC_SSP1->CR0 |= 0 << 4; //5:4 SPI
-    LPC_SSP1->CR0 |= 0 << 6; //7:6 Mode 0
-    LPC_SSP1->CR0 |= 0 << 8; //divide by 1
+    CR0 |= 7 << 0; //3:0 8 bit transfer
+    CR0 |= 0 << 4; //5:4 SPI
+    CR0 |= 0 << 6; //7:6 Mode 0
+    CR0 |= 0 << 8; //divide by 1
     //Set prescaler bps = PCLK / PS ==> PS = PCLK / bps ==> PS = 96/16 = 6
-    LPC_SSP1->CPSR = 6; //Bit 0 must be 0. 6 ==> 16 bps which is within the 20MHz allowed by the FRAM
+    CPSR = 6; //Bit 0 must be 0. 6 ==> 16 bps which is within the 20MHz allowed by the FRAM
     //Select the function of the ssel pin: P0.6
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0  &= ~0x3000;
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0  |=  0x0000; // table 80. 13:12 = 0b00 ==> GPIO
-    LPC_PINCON->PINMODE0 &= ~0x3000; // table 88. 13:12 = 0b00 ==> enable pull-up resistor
-    LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR |= CS_BIT_MASK_0; //Set the direction to 1 == output
-    LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET  = CS_BIT_MASK_0; //Deselect the output == CS = 1
-    //Select the function of the sck, miso and mosi pins: P0.7, P0.8 and P0.9
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0  &= ~0xFC000;
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0  |=  0xA8000; // table 80. 15:14, 17:16, 19:18 = 0b10
-    LPC_PINCON->PINMODE0 &= ~0xFC000; // table 88. = 0b00 ==> enable pull-up resistor
+    CS_SET;     //Deselect the output == CS = 1
+    CS_DIR = 1; //Set the direction to 1 == output
     //Enable operation
-    LPC_SSP1->CR1 |= 2; //Enable the SSP controller
+    CR1 |= 2; //Enable the SSP controller
 void SpiChipSelect(int value)
-    if (value) LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = CS_BIT_MASK_0;
-    else       LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = CS_BIT_MASK_0;
+    if (value) CS_SET;
+    else       CS_CLR;
 void SpiWrite(char byte)
-    LPC_SSP1->DR = byte; //This loads the next frame in the TX FIFO
+    DR = byte; //This loads the next frame in the TX FIFO
 int  SpiBusy(void)
-    return LPC_SSP1->SR & 0x10; //bit 4 is BSY. This bit is 0 if the SSPn controller is idle, or 1 if it is currently sending/receiving a frame and/or the Tx FIFO is not empty.
+    return SR & 0x10; //bit 4 is BSY. This bit is 0 if the SSPn controller is idle, or 1 if it is currently sending/receiving a frame and/or the Tx FIFO is not empty.
 char SpiRead(void)
-    return LPC_SSP1->DR & 0xFF; //This reads the oldest frame in the RX FIFO
+    return DR & 0xFF; //This reads the oldest frame in the RX FIFO
 char SpiTransfer(char byte)