Central Heating controller using the real time clock, PHY module for internet, 1-wire interface for temperature sensors, a system log and a configuration file

Dependencies:   net 1-wire lpc1768 crypto clock web fram log




--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/heating/radiator.c	Thu Jan 11 17:40:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "peripherals.h"
+#include  "program.h"
+#include  "ds18b20.h"
+#include     "fram.h"
+#include "radiator.h"
+#define       HALL_PB_MASK 1ULL <<  5 // P0. 5 == p29;
+#define      HALL_LED_MASK 1ULL << 10 // P0.10 == p28;
+#define RADIATOR_PUMP_MASK 1ULL <<  3 // P2. 3 == p23;
+static char      htgMode;        static int iMode;
+static char      htgOverride;    static int iOverride;
+static char     hallRom[8];      static int iHallRom;
+static int32_t nightTemperature; static int iNightTemperature;
+static int32_t frostTemperature; static int iFrostTemperature;
+bool  RadiatorGetMode            (){ return (bool)htgMode;          } 
+bool  RadiatorGetOverride        (){ return (bool)htgOverride;      } 
+char* RadiatorGetHallRom         (){ return       hallRom;          } 
+int   RadiatorGetNightTemperature(){ return  (int)nightTemperature; } 
+int   RadiatorGetFrostTemperature(){ return  (int)frostTemperature; } 
+static void  setMode             ( bool value) { htgMode          =    (char)value; FramWrite(iMode,             1, &htgMode         ); }
+static void  setOverride         ( bool value) { htgOverride      =    (char)value; FramWrite(iOverride,         1, &htgOverride     ); }
+void RadiatorSetHallRom          (char* value) { memcpy(hallRom,  value, 8);        FramWrite(iHallRom,          8,  hallRom         ); }
+void RadiatorSetNightTemperature ( int  value) { nightTemperature = (int32_t)value; FramWrite(iNightTemperature, 4, &nightTemperature); }
+void RadiatorSetFrostTemperature ( int  value) { frostTemperature = (int32_t)value; FramWrite(iFrostTemperature, 4, &frostTemperature); }
+static bool outputBeforeOverride = false;
+static void makeOutputBeforeOverride()
+    //See if the temperature is too low
+    int  hallTemp16ths = DS18B20ValueFromRom(hallRom);
+    int nightTemp16ths = nightTemperature << 4;
+    int frostTemp16ths = frostTemperature << 4;
+    static bool tooCold = false; //This is static to ride through invalid temperature reads
+    if (DS18B20IsValidValue(hallTemp16ths))
+    {
+        tooCold = hallTemp16ths < frostTemp16ths;
+        if (htgMode) tooCold |= hallTemp16ths < nightTemp16ths;
+    }
+    outputBeforeOverride = htgMode && ProgramTimerOutput || tooCold;
+static void adjustOverride()
+    static bool previousOutput = false;
+    if (previousOutput != outputBeforeOverride) setOverride(false);
+    previousOutput = outputBeforeOverride;
+bool RadiatorPump = false;
+static void makeOutputWithOverride()
+    RadiatorPump = htgOverride ? !outputBeforeOverride : outputBeforeOverride ;
+void RadiatorSetMode(bool value) //Summer is false, Winter is true
+    if (htgMode == (char)value) return; //Ignore no change
+    setMode(value);             //Change to the new value
+    bool prevOutputBeforeOverride = outputBeforeOverride;
+    makeOutputBeforeOverride();
+    if (htgOverride) //Only deal with an override that is already set; if it wasn't set don't change it
+    {
+        if (htgMode) //Summer -> Winter
+        {
+            if (outputBeforeOverride != prevOutputBeforeOverride) setOverride(0); //Adjust the override to leave the heat as it was - off or on.
+        }
+        else //Winter -> Summer
+        {
+            setOverride(0); //turn off the heat.
+        }
+    }
+    makeOutputWithOverride();
+void RadiatorSetOverride(bool value)
+    setOverride(value);
+    makeOutputBeforeOverride();
+    makeOutputWithOverride(); }
+void RadiatorChgMode    (){ RadiatorSetMode    (!RadiatorGetMode    ()); }
+void RadiatorChgOverride(){ RadiatorSetOverride(!RadiatorGetOverride()); }
+int RadiatorInit()
+    int  address;
+    char    def1;
+    int32_t def4;
+    def1 =  0; address = FramLoad( 1, &htgMode,          &def1); if (address < 0) return -1; iMode             = address; 
+    def1 =  0; address = FramLoad( 1, &htgOverride,      &def1); if (address < 0) return -1; iOverride         = address; 
+               address = FramLoad( 8,  hallRom,              0); if (address < 0) return -1; iHallRom          = address;
+    def4 = 15; address = FramLoad( 4, &nightTemperature, &def4); if (address < 0) return -1; iNightTemperature = address; 
+    def4 =  8; address = FramLoad( 4, &frostTemperature, &def4); if (address < 0) return -1; iFrostTemperature = address; 
+    LPC_GPIO2->FIODIR |= RADIATOR_PUMP_MASK; //Set the direction to 1 == output
+    LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR |=      HALL_LED_MASK; //Set the direction to 1 == output
+    return 0;
+void RadiatorMain()
+    //deal with pushbutton
+    static bool prevHallPb = false;
+           bool thisHallPb = LPC_GPIO0->FIOPIN & HALL_PB_MASK;
+    bool hallPbPressed = thisHallPb && !prevHallPb;
+    prevHallPb = thisHallPb;
+    if (hallPbPressed) RadiatorChgOverride();
+    //Make the radiator output
+    makeOutputBeforeOverride();
+    adjustOverride();
+    makeOutputWithOverride();
+    //Pump output
+    if (RadiatorPump) LPC_GPIO2->FIOSET = RADIATOR_PUMP_MASK;
+    else              LPC_GPIO2->FIOCLR = RADIATOR_PUMP_MASK;
+    //Display the led
+    if (RadiatorPump) LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = HALL_LED_MASK;
+    else              LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = HALL_LED_MASK;
\ No newline at end of file