A stack which works with or without an Mbed os library. Provides IPv4 or IPv6 with a full 1500 byte buffer.

Dependents:   oldheating gps motorhome heating


http.cpp@ 4:31fa7d50722c

File content as of revision 10:f0854784e960:

#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "http.h"
#include    "time.h"

int (*HttpRequestFunction)(char *pPath, char *pLastModified);              //Plumb into this from your html server
int (*HttpResponseFunction)(int position, int mss, char *pData, int todo); //Plumb into this from your html server

static void dateHeaderFromTm(struct tm* ptm, char* ptext)
    size_t size = strftime(ptext, HTTP_DATE_LENGTH, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", ptm);//Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
void HttpDateHeaderFromNow(char* pText)
    struct tm tm;
    TimeToTmUtc(time(NULL), &tm);
    dateHeaderFromTm(&tm, pText);
void HttpDateHeaderFromDateTime(const char* date, const char *ptime, char* ptext)
    struct tm tm;
    TimeAsciiDateTimeToTm(date, ptime, &tm);
    dateHeaderFromTm(&tm, ptext);

static char* getNextLine(char* p, char* pE) //Terminates this line and returns the start of the next line or NULL if none
    while (true)
        if (p == pE)             //There are no more lines
            *p = 0;              //terminate the line
            return NULL;   
        if (*p == 0) return NULL;//There are no more lines
        if (*p == '\n')
            *p = 0;              //make the line a c string
            return p + 1;        //return the start of the next line
        if (*p < ' ')    *p = 0; //terminate the line at any invalid characters
        if (*p >= 0x7f)  *p = 0; //terminate the line at any invalid characters

static void splitRequest(char* p, char** ppMethod, char** ppPath, char** ppQuery)
    *ppMethod   = NULL;
    *ppPath     = NULL;
    *ppQuery    = NULL;

    while (*p == ' ')         //Move past any leading spaces
        if (*p == 0) return;
    *ppMethod = p;            //Record the start of the method (GET or POST)
    while (*p != ' ')         //Move past the method
        if (*p == 0) return;
    *p = 0;                   //Terminate the method
    p++;                      //Start at next character

    while (*p == ' ')         //Move past any spaces
        if (*p == 0) return;
    *ppPath = p;              //Record the start of the path
    while (*p != ' ')         //Move past the path and query
        if (*p == 0) return;
        if (*p == '?')
            *p = 0;           //Terminate the path
            *ppQuery = p + 1; //Record the start of the query
    *p = 0;                   //Terminate the path or query
static void splitHeader(char* p, char** ppName, char** ppValue)
    *ppName    = p;                     //Record the start of the name
    *ppValue   = NULL;

    while (*p != ':')                   //Loop to an ':'
        if (!*p) return;
    *p = 0;                             //Terminate the name by replacing the ':' with a NUL char
    while (*p == ' ')                   //Move past any spaces
        if (*p == 0) return;
    *ppValue = p;                       //Record the start of the value

int HttpRequest(int position, int len, char *pData)
    char* pMethod;
    char* pPath;
    char* pQuery;

    char* pEnd = pData + len;
    char* pThis = pData;    
    char* pNext = getNextLine(pThis, pEnd);
    splitRequest(pThis, &pMethod, &pPath, &pQuery);

    char* pLastModified;
        pThis = pNext;
        pNext = getNextLine(pThis, pEnd);
        if (*pThis == 0) break;     //This line is empty ie no more headers
        char* pName;
        char* pValue;
        splitHeader(pThis, &pName, &pValue);
        if (strcmp(pName, "If-Modified-Since") == 0) pLastModified = pValue;
    return HttpRequestFunction(pPath, pLastModified);
int HttpResponse(int position, int mss, char *pData, int todo)
    return HttpResponseFunction(position, mss, pData, todo);