A stack which works with or without an Mbed os library. Provides IPv4 or IPv6 with a full 1500 byte buffer.

Dependents:   oldheating gps motorhome heating



File content as of revision 10:f0854784e960:

#include  "mbed.h"
#include   "phy.h"
#include   "net.h"
#include   "tcp.h"
#include  "dhcp.h"
#include    "ar.h"
#include   "dns.h"
#include "slaac.h"
#include   "ndp.h"

char* NetName;

static void addHexNibble(bool* pAdded, int number, int index, char** pp)
    int nibble = number;
    if (index) nibble >>= 4;
    nibble &= 0xF;
    if (nibble || *pAdded)
        **pp = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble - 10 + 'a';
        *pp += 1;
        *pAdded = true;
int NetIp6AddressToString(char* pIp, int size, char* pText)
    char* pIpE = pIp + 16;
    char* p = pText;
    while (true)
        bool added = false;
        if (*pIp || *(pIp + 1))
            if (p > pText + size - 2) break;  addHexNibble(&added, *(pIp + 0), 1, &p);
            if (p > pText + size - 2) break;  addHexNibble(&added, *(pIp + 0), 0, &p);
            if (p > pText + size - 2) break;  addHexNibble(&added, *(pIp + 1), 1, &p);
            if (p > pText + size - 2) break;  addHexNibble(&added, *(pIp + 1), 0, &p);
        pIp += 2;
        if (pIp >= pIpE) break;
        if (p > pText + size - 2) break; *p++ = ':';
    *p = 0;
    return p - pText;
int NetIp4AddressToString(uint32_t ip, int size, char* text)
    int a0 = (ip & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
    int a1 = (ip & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
    int a2 = (ip & 0x0000FF00) >>  8;
    int a3 = (ip & 0x000000FF);
    return snprintf(text, size, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a3, a2, a1, a0); 
int NetMacToString(char* mac, int size, char* text)
    return snprintf(text, size, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
void NetProtocolToString(uint8_t protocol, int size, char* text)
    switch (protocol)
        case  ICMP: strncpy (text, "ICMP4", size);        break;
        case ICMP6: strncpy (text, "ICMP6", size);        break;
        case   TCP: strncpy (text, "TCP"  , size);        break;
        case   UDP: strncpy (text, "UDP"  , size);        break;
        default:    snprintf(text, size, "%d", protocol); break;

int16_t NetToHost16(int16_t n)
    int16_t h;
    char* pn = (char*)&n;
    char* ph = (char*)&h + 1;
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 1<-0
    *ph = *pn;             // 0<-1

    return h;

int32_t NetToHost32(int32_t n)
    int32_t h;
    char* pn = (char*)&n;
    char* ph = (char*)&h + 3;
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 3<-0
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 2<-1
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 1<-2
    *ph = *pn;             // 0<-3

    return h;
int64_t NetToHost64(int64_t n)
    int64_t h;
    char* pn = (char*)&n;
    char* ph = (char*)&h + 7;
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 7<-0
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 6<-1
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 5<-2
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 4<-3
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 3<-4
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 2<-5
    *ph = *pn; ph--; pn++; // 1<-6
    *ph = *pn;             // 0<-7

    return h;
uint16_t onesComplement(uint16_t start, int count, void* pData)
    uint32_t sum = start;                               //Initialise the 32 bit accumulator with the last sum
    uint16_t* p = (uint16_t*)pData;                     //Set up a 16 bit pointer for the data
    while(count > 1)
        sum += *p++;                                    // Add each pair of bytes into 32 bit accumulator
        count -= 2;
    if(count) sum += * (uint8_t*) p;                    // Add left-over byte, if any
    while (sum>>16) sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16); // Add any carries from the sum back into the sum to make it ones complement
    return sum;
uint16_t NetCheckSumTwo(int count1, void* pData1, int count2, void* pData2)
    uint16_t sum = onesComplement(0, count1, pData1);
    return ~onesComplement(sum, count2, pData2);
uint16_t NetCheckSum(int count, void* pData)
    return ~onesComplement(0, count, pData);

static bool ticked()
    static time_t lastT = 0;
    time_t thisT = time(NULL);
    bool oneshot = lastT != thisT;
    lastT = thisT;
    return oneshot;

int NetInit(char* name)
    NetName = name;
    return 0;
int NetMain()
    if (ticked())
    return 0;