
Dependents:   oldheating gps motorhome heating

--- a/log.cpp	Wed Feb 01 07:41:22 2017 +0000
+++ b/log.cpp	Sat Feb 04 18:45:41 2017 +0000
@@ -20,40 +20,58 @@
     //Only add if allowed
     if (!enable) return;
+    char* pNext;
+    //Work out what has to be sent
+    bool delimited = false;
+    if (c < ' ' && c != '\r' && c != '\n') delimited = true;
+    if (c > 126) delimited = true;
     //Move the pull position if about to run into it
-    char* pNext = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    pNext = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    if (pNext == pPull) pPull = incrementPushPullPointer(pPull, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    //Add the character at the push position
+    if (delimited) *pPush = '^';
+    else           *pPush = c;
+    pPush = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    if (!delimited) return;
+    //Move the pull position if about to run into it
+    pNext = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
     if (pNext == pPull) pPull = incrementPushPullPointer(pPull, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
     //Add the character at the push position
-    *pPush = c;
+    char h = c >> 4;
+    if (h < 10) h += '0';
+    else        h += 'A' - 10;
+    *pPush = h;
     pPush = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    //Move the pull position if about to run into it
+    pNext = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    if (pNext == pPull) pPull = incrementPushPullPointer(pPull, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    //Add the character at the push position
+    h = c & 0x0F;
+    if (h < 10) h += '0';
+    else        h += 'A' - 10;
+    *pPush = h;
+    pPush = incrementPushPullPointer(pPush, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
 static char *pEnumerate;
-static int hadNull;
 void LogEnumerateStart()
     pEnumerate = pPull;
-    hadNull = false;
 int LogEnumerate()
-    if (hadNull)
-    {
-        hadNull = false;    
-        return '0';
-    }
     if (pEnumerate == pPush) return EOF;
     char c = *pEnumerate;
     pEnumerate = incrementPushPullPointer(pEnumerate, buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH); 
-    if (c)
-    {
-        return c;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        hadNull = true;
-        return '\\';
-    }
+    return c;
 void LogEnable(int on)