Program to run data acquisition and control for BU Rocket Team's MKII hybrid rocket motor

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Apr 09 16:39:50 2012 +0000
Commit message:
For some reason, this thing wont run serial interrupts and threads simultaneously without locking up.

Changed in this revision

FastIO.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
burtdaq/burtdaq.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7fd45d2b5926 FastIO.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FastIO.h	Mon Apr 09 16:39:50 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#ifndef __FAST_IO_H
+#define __FAST_IO_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Super-fast DigitalOut-like class for mbed
+//   by Igor Skochinsky
+// includes FastOut, FastPortOut and MaskedPortOut classes
+// usage:
+//   FastOut<LED2> led2;
+//   FastPortOut<Port0, LED_MASK> ledport2;
+//   MaskedPortOut<Port0, LED_MASK> ledport3;
+//   led2 = 1;
+//   ledport2 = LED_MASK;
+//   ledport3 = LED_MASK;
+// MaskedPortOut works the same way as FastPortOut, but it pre-sets the pin mask so that write can be done in one operation
+// this makes things faster but you can't control other pins of the port, even with other classes
+// pin definitions in PinNames.h start from LPC_GPIO0_BASE for P0_0 and there are 32 pins to a port (0 to 31)
+// Thus:
+// pin = LPC_GPIO0_BASE + port * 32 + bit
+// port = (pin - LPC_GPIO0_BASE) / 32
+// bit  = (pin - LPC_GPIO0_BASE) % 32
+#define PORTNO(pin) (((pin) - P0_0)/32)
+#define BITNO(pin)  (((pin) - P0_0)%32)
+// calculate the GPIO port definition for the pin
+// we rely on the fact that port structs are 0x20 bytes apart
+#define PORTDEF(pin) ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef*)(LPC_GPIO0_BASE + PORTNO(pin)*0x20))
+#define PORTDEFPORT(port) ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef*)(LPC_GPIO0_BASE + port*0x20))
+// calculate the mask for the pin's bit in the port
+#define PINMASK(pin) (1UL << BITNO(pin))
+// each port takes two PINSEL registers (8 bytes or 64 bits)
+// so there are 16 pins per PINSEL
+#define PINSELREG(pin)  (*(volatile uint32_t*)(LPC_PINCON_BASE + 4*(((pin) - P0_0)/16)))
+#define PINSELMASK(pin, v) (v << (((pin - P0_0)%16)*2) )
+// usage: FastOut<LED2> led2;
+// then use the same assignment operators as with DigitalOut
+template <PinName pin> class FastOut
+    FastOut()
+    {
+        // set PINSEL bits to 0b00 (GPIO)
+        PINSELREG(pin) &= ~PINSELMASK(pin, 3);
+        // set FIODIR bit to 1 (output)
+        PORTDEF(pin)->FIODIR |= PINMASK(pin);
+    }
+    void write(int value)
+    { 
+        if ( value )
+            PORTDEF(pin)->FIOSET = PINMASK(pin);
+        else
+            PORTDEF(pin)->FIOCLR = PINMASK(pin);
+    } 
+    int read()
+    {
+        return PORTDEF(pin)->FIOPIN & PINMASK(pin) != 0;
+    }
+    FastOut& operator= (int value) { write(value); return *this; };
+    FastOut& operator= (FastOut& rhs) { return write(; };
+    operator int() { return read(); };
+#define PINSELREG(pin)  (*(volatile uint32_t*)(LPC_PINCON_BASE + 4*(((pin) - P0_0)/16)))
+#define PINSELMASK(pin, v) (v << (((pin - P0_0)%16)*2) )
+// usage: FastPortOut<Port0, mask> led2;
+// then use the same assignment operators as with DigitalOut
+template <enum PortName port, uint32_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFF> class FastPortOut
+    FastPortOut()
+    {
+        // init pins selected by the mask
+        uint32_t pin = LPC_GPIO0_BASE + port * 32;
+        for ( uint32_t pinmask = mask; pinmask !=0; pinmask >>= 1 )
+        {
+            if ( pinmask & 1 )
+            {
+                // set PINSEL bits to 0b00 (GPIO)
+                PINSELREG(pin) &= ~PINSELMASK(pin, 3);
+                // set FIODIR bit to 1 (output)
+                PORTDEF(pin)->FIODIR |= PINMASK(pin);
+            }
+            pin++;
+        }
+    }
+    void write(int value)
+    {
+        PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOSET = value & mask;
+        PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOCLR = ~value & mask;
+    } 
+    int read()
+    {
+        return PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOPIN & mask;
+    }
+    FastPortOut& operator= (int value) { write(value); return *this; };
+    FastPortOut& operator= (FastPortOut& rhs) { return write(; };
+    operator int() { return read(); };
+// usage: MaskedPortOut<Port0, mask> led2;
+// then use the same assignment operators as with DigitalOut
+template <enum PortName port, uint32_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFF> class MaskedPortOut
+    MaskedPortOut()
+    {
+        // init pins selected by the mask
+        uint32_t pin = LPC_GPIO0_BASE + port * 32;
+        for ( uint32_t pinmask = mask; pinmask !=0; pinmask >>= 1 )
+        {
+            if ( pinmask & 1 )
+            {
+                // set PINSEL bits to 0b00 (GPIO)
+                PINSELREG(pin) &= ~PINSELMASK(pin, 3);
+                // set FIODIR bit to 1 (output)
+                PORTDEF(pin)->FIODIR |= PINMASK(pin);
+            }
+            pin++;
+        }
+        // set mask
+        PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOMASK = mask;
+    }
+    void write(int value)
+    {
+        PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOPIN = value;
+    } 
+    int read()
+    {
+        return PORTDEFPORT(port)->FIOPIN;
+    }
+    MaskedPortOut& operator= (int value) { write(value); return *this; };
+    MaskedPortOut& operator= (MaskedPortOut& rhs) { return write(; };
+    operator int() { return read(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7fd45d2b5926 burtdaq/burtdaq.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/burtdaq/burtdaq.h	Mon Apr 09 16:39:50 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Pin function definitions for BURT MKII DAQ Main Board r1.0
+#ifndef BURTDAQ_H
+#define BURTDAQ_H
+// XBee serial port
+#define XBEETX p28
+#define XBEERX p27
+// LCD serial port
+#define LCDTX p9
+#define LCDRX p10
+// SPI A
+#define SPIA_MOSI p5
+#define SPIA_MISO p6
+#define SPIA_CLK p7
+#define SPIA_P1_CS p8       // P0.6
+#define SPIA_P2_CS p14      // P0.16
+#define SPIA_P3_CS p30      // P0.4
+#define SPIA_P4_CS p29      // P0.5
+#define SPIA_CS_PORT_MASK 0x10070
+#define SPIA_P1_CS_PORT_MASK 0x40
+#define SPIA_P2_CS_PORT_MASK 0x10000
+#define SPIA_P3_CS_PORT_MASK 0x10
+#define SPIA_P4_CS_PORT_MASK 0x20
+// SPI B
+#define SPIB_MOSI p11
+#define SPIB_MISO p12
+#define SPIB_CLK p13
+#define SPIB_P1_CS p15
+#define SPIB_P2_CS p16
+#define SPIB_P3_CS p17
+#define SPIB_P4_CS p19
+// H-Bridge Outputs
+#define MOTOR1 p25
+#define MOTOR2 p24
+#define MOTOR3 p22          // NOTE: Motor3 and Motor4 are mixed up in schematic, so the pins are out of order
+#define MOTOR4 p23
+// Filter Clock Output
+#define FILTCLK p26
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7fd45d2b5926 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 09 16:39:50 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "burtdaq.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "FastIO.h"
+#include <stdio.h>      // printf
+#include <string.h>     // strcat
+#include <stdlib.h>     // strtol
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+//Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+Serial xbee(XBEETX,XBEERX);
+//Queue<uint8_t, 50> queue;
+#define kDisplayWidth 32
+char* pBinFill(long int x,char *so, char fillChar)
+{ // fill in array from right to left
+ char s[kDisplayWidth+1];
+ int  i=kDisplayWidth;
+ s[i--]=0x00;   // terminate string
+ do
+ { // fill in array from right to left
+  s[i--]=(x & 1) ? '1':'0';
+  x>>=1;  // shift right 1 bit
+ } while( x > 0);
+ while(i>=0) s[i--]=fillChar;    // fill with fillChar 
+ sprintf(so,"%s",s);
+ return so;
+void bridgeReader(void const *argument) {
+    spia.format(16);
+    spia.frequency(1000000);
+    //DigitalOut spia_mosi(SPIA_MOSI);
+    FastOut<SPIA_MOSI> spia_mosi;
+    FastPortOut<Port0, SPIA_CS_PORT_MASK> spiaCSPort;
+    //PortOut spiaCSPort(Port0, SPIA_CS_PORT_MASK);
+    unsigned int bridgeCSPinMasks[5] = {SPIA_P1_CS_PORT_MASK, SPIA_P2_CS_PORT_MASK, SPIA_P3_CS_PORT_MASK, SPIA_P4_CS_PORT_MASK};
+    int deviceCount = 4;
+    spiaCSPort = SPIA_CS_PORT_MASK;
+    uint16_t outputs[4] = {0x0f0f, 0xf0f0, 0x0000, 0x0000};
+    //bridgeCSPins = 3;
+    printf("ENTERING READ LOOP\n");
+    while(true) {
+        __disable_irq();
+        led2 = 1;
+        // READ BRIDGES
+        spia_mosi = 1;
+        int i = 0;      // This constitutes ROUGHLY a 500ns delay
+        while(i<10)
+        i++;
+        for(i=0; i<deviceCount; i++){
+            spiaCSPort = ~bridgeCSPinMasks[i];
+            outputs[i] = spia.write(0x0);
+        }
+        spiaCSPort = SPIA_CS_PORT_MASK;
+        //spiaCSPort = 1;
+        spia_mosi = 0;
+        // END READING
+        printf("%u, %u, %u, %u\n",outputs[0],outputs[1],outputs[2],outputs[3]);
+        led2 = 0;
+        __enable_irq();
+        Thread::wait(5000);
+    }
+void tcReader(void const *argument) {
+    spib.format(16);
+    spib.frequency(1000000);
+    DigitalOut spibCSPins[] = {SPIB_P1_CS, SPIB_P2_CS, SPIB_P3_CS};
+    spibCSPins[0]=1;
+    spibCSPins[1]=1;
+    spibCSPins[2]=1;
+    int numTCs = 3;
+    uint32_t rawTcData[3] = {0,0,0};
+    uint32_t tcData[3] = {0,0,0};
+    uint32_t ambientData[3] = {0,0,0};
+    float humanTcData[3] = {0,0,0};
+    float humanAmbientData[3] = {0,0,0};
+    uint32_t buffer = 0;
+    char so[kDisplayWidth+1];
+    while (true) {
+        __disable_irq();
+        led3 = 1;
+        for(int i=0; i<numTCs; i++){
+            rawTcData[i] = 0;
+            spibCSPins[i] = 0;
+            buffer = spib.write(0);
+            //printf("%s\n",binary_fmt(buffer,tmp));
+            rawTcData[i] = (buffer << 16);
+            buffer = spib.write(0);
+            rawTcData[i] |= (buffer);
+            spibCSPins[i] = 1;
+        }
+        //printf("%s %s %s\n", byte_to_binary(tcData[0]), byte_to_binary(tcData[1]), byte_to_binary(tcData[2]));
+        //printf("Data is: %s %s %s\n",pBinFill(tcData[0], so, '0'), pBinFill(tcData[1], so, '0'), pBinFill(tcData[2], so, '0'));
+        for(int i=0; i<numTCs; i++){
+            tcData[i] = ((rawTcData[i] & 0xFFFC0000) >> 18);
+            ambientData[i] = ((rawTcData[i] & 0xFFF0) >> 4);
+            humanTcData[i] = (float) tcData[i] * .25;
+            humanAmbientData[i] = (float) ambientData[i]*.0625;
+            printf("Thermocouple %d ambient: %f, tc:%f\n",i,humanAmbientData[i],humanTcData[i]);
+        }
+        led3=0;
+        __enable_irq();
+        Thread::wait(2000);
+    }
+void xbeeISR() {
+    led4 = !led4;
+int main() {
+    printf("Starting reader\n");
+    Thread bridgeReader1(bridgeReader);
+    Thread tcReader1(tcReader);
+    //Thread actuatorController1(actuatorController);
+    xbee.baud(115200);
+    xbee.attach(&xbeeISR);
+    int i = 0;
+    while(1){
+        //xbee.printf("In Range: %d",i);
+        i++;
+        led1 = !led1;
+        Thread::wait(1000);
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7fd45d2b5926 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon Apr 09 16:39:50 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@