Workings and tests to create custom GATT services, for use as part of peripheral communication in cars

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Sun Mar 22 17:47:11 2015 +0000
Added error service :)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 1 #ifndef __BLE_BROADCASTER_SERVICE_H__
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 2 #define __BLE_BROADCASTER_SERVICE_H__
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 3
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 4 #include "BLEDevice.h"
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 5
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 6 /**
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 7 * @class BroadcasterService
alexanderlea 10:2c5c202c69a5 8 * @brief Based heavily on the BLE Battery Service, the aim is to send key, pair values <br>. UPDATE: Should now be sending 8-byte string - 4 bytes for
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 9 */
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 10 class BroadcasterService
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 11 {
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 12 public:
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 13 /**
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 14 * @param[ref] _ble
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 15 *
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 16 * @param[in]
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 17 */
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 18
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 19 const static uint16_t BROADCAST_SERVICE_UUID = 0x2A67;
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 20 const static uint16_t BROADCAST_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 0x1817;
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 21
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 22 BroadcasterService(BLEDevice &_ble) : //, uint8_t _command[8]
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 23 ble(_ble),
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 24 command(), //instead of command(_command);
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 25
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 26 broadcasterCharacteristic(BROADCAST_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, command, sizeof(command), sizeof(command),
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 27 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ |
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 28 // GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE |
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 29 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY) {
alexanderlea 10:2c5c202c69a5 30
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 31 static bool serviceAdded = false; /* We should only ever need to add the service once. */
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 32 if (serviceAdded) {
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 33 return;
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 34 }
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 35
alexanderlea 4:ac0ee88ea0ed 36 GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&broadcasterCharacteristic};
alexanderlea 8:3376f79e7d50 37 GattService broadcasterService(BroadcasterService::BROADCAST_SERVICE_UUID, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 38
alexanderlea 4:ac0ee88ea0ed 39 ble.addService(broadcasterService);
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 40 serviceAdded = true;
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 41 }
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 42
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 43 /**
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 44 * @brief
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 45 *
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 46 * @param
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 47 */
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 48 void sendCommand(uint8_t _newCommand[8]) {
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 49 // command = _newCommand;
alexanderlea 10:2c5c202c69a5 50
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 51 memcpy(command, _newCommand, sizeof(_newCommand));
alexanderlea 10:2c5c202c69a5 52 ble.updateCharacteristicValue(broadcasterCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), command, sizeof(command), false);
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 53 }
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 54
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 55 private:
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 56 BLEDevice &ble;
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 57 uint8_t command[8];
alexanderlea 9:0ed64b14d46b 58 GattCharacteristic broadcasterCharacteristic;
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 59 };
alexanderlea 0:af868ad47854 60
alexanderlea 7:5c983cf3c352 61 #endif