Dissertation project, looking at BLE communication in cars. This project is BLE peripheral acting as car indicator stalk

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_GATT_test1 by Alexander Lea


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
21:84574bea5494 2015-04-25 alexanderlea fixed log issue default tip
20:288064697dd3 2015-04-25 alexanderlea Altered to screen logging and removed ref to error service
19:531ec084eb00 2015-04-25 alexanderlea Deleted error service
18:867625bb5000 2015-04-25 alexanderlea Raising error at random duration
17:df2f1d5c69a8 2015-04-16 alexanderlea Tidied up code a load
16:d821122547b3 2015-04-16 alexanderlea Re-factored to deal with events better, and added functionality for break switch too!
15:ad1d37e51a26 2015-04-14 alexanderlea Incorporated error characteristic as part of broadcaster service
14:7225b50aaaf7 2015-04-09 alexanderlea updates
13:a578c382cb7d 2015-03-27 alexanderlea Formatting and tidying and commenting
12:f5b12e8b6043 2015-03-27 alexanderlea Switch input and BLE working correctly :)
11:35b63ab4c76c 2015-03-26 alexanderlea Properly working with input from physical switch
10:2c5c202c69a5 2015-03-22 alexanderlea Added error service :)
9:0ed64b14d46b 2015-03-12 alexanderlea Changed to deal with int arrays rather than int values :)
8:3376f79e7d50 2015-02-24 alexanderlea Tidied up UUIDs
7:5c983cf3c352 2015-02-24 alexanderlea Updated comments in Broadcaster service
6:1d7e5fcc8d00 2015-02-24 alexanderlea updated which cmd is sent
5:b3f8e10b9602 2015-02-17 alexanderlea refactored and attempting to stop madly sending messages
4:ac0ee88ea0ed 2015-02-17 alexanderlea Refactored to "BroadcasterService", and now sending 1 and 0 as on or off
3:f3d20b36b7ea 2015-02-17 alexanderlea Working as pretend battery status node
2:f538ff758828 2015-01-18 alexanderlea Tidied up loads of commented code
1:ebdf445c4bcc 2015-01-18 alexanderlea Renamed variable from level to command
0:af868ad47854 2015-01-18 alexanderlea Initial commit to test 1 of BLE gatt test