This lib is supposed to be used as a sensor's calibration or control program. This makes Cubic Spline Model from some sample plots(sets of (value, voltage)), and then discretize the model (dividing the range of voltage into some steps) in order to use the calibrated model data without getting the INVERSE function.



File content as of revision 20:0453919a76b2:

 *  TRP105F_Spline.h,.cpp
 *  Author: aktk,
 *  Tokyo, Japan.
 *  -   This library is for providing a distance from TRP105F, photo-reflect proximity sensor,
 *  to whatever reflect the flash.
 *  -   Deistance is derived as a voltage signal of TRP105F.
 *  -   An object of TRPFS class has an array of sets of
 *  distance(16 bit-value) and voltage(16bit-value) at the distance.
 *  -   The range of distances that an array has in sets is [LIDX:RIDX] by 1.
 *  -   an array is derived from a cubic spline curve model.
 *  -   In order to derive spline curve, some value sets should be got
 *  at the first calibration.
 *  LOG:
 *  ver.1   2015/10/19 - 2015/10/22
 *  ver.2   2015/10/22 -
 *      Distance data type has become unsigned short from int.
 *      Distance data range : [2:20] by 1 -> [0:1024] by 1.
 *  ver.2.1 2016/02/12 - 2016/02/16
 *      Distance data range : [0:1024] -> [0:255].
 *  ver.3.0 2016/05/23 - 2016/06/08
 *      Some Functions modified a lot. Even same name function might become uncompatible!!!!!
 *      (in order to make it be extensivly)
 *      Following are Implemented: 
 *          -Functions relating to save/load data with serial
 *          -Some New Members: _ai, or so on.
 *          -enum UseType
#ifndef TRP105F_SPLINE_H
#define TRP105F_SPLINE_H

#include "mbed.h"
#include "CODE_SELECTIVE.h"

//  Set of voltage-distance
typedef struct {
    unsigned short x; //  distance
    unsigned short y; //  voltage
} VDset;

//  Type of modality to input data for calibration
enum UseType {
} ;

//  TRP105FS Class for get distance from voltage
class TRP105FS
    //  Constraction
    TRP105FS(unsigned short);
    TRP105FS(unsigned short, UseType);
    TRP105FS(unsigned short, PinName);
    TRP105FS(unsigned short, UseType, PinName);
    //TRP105FS(unsigned int arg_num, DataInType arg_dit, unsigned int channel);
    //  Destraction
    //  Functions
    unsigned short getDistance(unsigned short); // alias of getX
    unsigned short getDistance();   // get voltage from PinName and getX()
    unsigned short getVoltage();    // get voltage
    unsigned short getX(unsigned short);    //  the fuction to get distance.
    unsigned short getY(unsigned short);    //  get y-spline_model value of x(argument)
    unsigned short getSampleNum();
    void    calibrateSensor();
    //void    calibrateSensor(VDset* arg_set, unsigned int arg_num);
    void    calibrate();
    void    setSample(unsigned short,unsigned short);
    void    printOutData(const char* filename);
    void    saveSetting();
    void    loadSetting();
    void    saveSetting(const char* filename);
    void    loadSetting(const char* filename);
    //void    saveSetting_fromSirial(const char* filename, Serial* com);
    //void    loadSetting_intoSerial(const char* filename, Serial* com);
    void    saveSetting_intoSerial(Serial *com);
    void    loadSetting_fromSerial(Serial *com);
    void    printThresholds();

    //  Defining Constants
    enum {
        _LIDX = 0,
        _RIDX = 255,
        _ENUM = _RIDX - _LIDX + 1
    //  Variables
    //  Debug or Module
    UseType         _useType;
    //  For data sampling and making spline model
    unsigned short  _Sample_Num;    // the number of samples for derive spline
    unsigned short  _snum;          //  for counting set sample data by _setSample(us,us);
    VDset*          _Sample_Set;
    double*         _u_spline;
    //  For comvert voltage -> physical quantity e.g. distance
    VDset           _Set[_ENUM];
    unsigned short  _Threshold[_ENUM]; //_Threshold[18] is not used virtually.
    //  For get voltage
    AnalogIn        _ai;
    //  For calibration
    void    _sampleData();
    void    _setSample(unsigned short,unsigned short);
    void    _setSamples(VDset* arg_set, unsigned int arg_num);
    unsigned short _getSplineYof(double arg_x);
    void    _makeSpline();  //  Cubic spline
    //  For get distance
    int     _getNearest(int, int, unsigned short);
    //  For debug
    void    _printOutData(unsigned short    *arg, int num, char* name);
    void    _printOutData(VDset             *arg, int num, char* name);
    void    _printOutData(double            *arg, int num, char* name);

//inline implemeted

inline unsigned short TRP105FS::getDistance(unsigned short arg_y)
    return getX(arg_y);

inline unsigned short TRP105FS::getDistance()
    return getX(_ai.read_u16());

inline unsigned short TRP105FS::getVoltage()
    return _ai.read_u16();
