This lib is supposed to be used as a sensor's calibration or control program. This makes Cubic Spline Model from some sample plots(sets of (value, voltage)), and then discretize the model (dividing the range of voltage into some steps) in order to use the calibrated model data without getting the INVERSE function.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TRP105F_Spline.cpp	Fri Feb 12 11:02:15 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+#define DEBUG
+#include "TRP105F_Spline.h"
+//  To get voltage of TRP105F
+AnalogIn g_Sensor_Voltage(p16);
+//  To get sample distance via seral com
+Serial g_Serial_Signal(USBTX, USBRX);
+LocalFileSystem local("local");  // マウントポイントを定義(ディレクトリパスになる)
+// for debug
+#ifdef DEBUG
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+    :_Data_Input_Type(SYSTEM)
+    _Sample_Num = 5;
+    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
+    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));
+    //calibrateSensor();
+    unsigned int arg_num
+    :_Data_Input_Type(SYSTEM)
+    if(arg_num > _ENUM) _Sample_Num = _ENUM;
+    else _Sample_Num = arg_num;
+    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
+    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));
+    //calibrateSensor();
+    unsigned int arg_num,
+    DataInType arg_dit
+    :_Data_Input_Type(arg_dit)
+    if(arg_num > _ENUM) _Sample_Num = _ENUM;
+    else _Sample_Num = arg_num;
+    _Sample_Set = (VDset *)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(VDset));
+    _u_spline   = (double*)malloc(_Sample_Num * sizeof(double));
+    //calibrateSensor();
+    free(_Sample_Set);
+    free(_u_spline);
+unsigned short TRP105FS::getDistance()
+    int idx;
+    unsigned short pv = 0;
+    //low pass filter
+    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+        pv += g_Sensor_Voltage.read_u16() / 10;
+    idx = _getNearest(_LIDX, _RIDX, pv);
+    if (idx != 0xFFFF)    //  unless occuring error
+        return _Set[idx].dst;
+    else
+        return 0xFFFF;
+    Function to find a set whose vol member is nearest a voltage from the sensor, recursively.
+                   SHORT                                                          LONG
+    +------------>  HIGH[lidx , ... , cidx , threshold[cidx], cidx+1 , ... , ridx]LOW <-----------+
+    |(if voltage form sensor < threshold[cidx])   |||   (if threshold[cidx] < voltage form sensor)|
+    |               HIGH[lidx , ... , cidx]LOW    |||    HIGH[cidx+1 , ... , ridx]LOW             |
+    |                |                                                            |               |
+    +----------------+                                                            +---------------+
+int TRP105FS::_getNearest(
+    int arg_lidx,
+    int arg_ridx,
+    unsigned short arg_vol
+    int cidx = (arg_lidx + arg_ridx) / 2;
+    //  When the number of element to compare is only one, return it as result.
+    if(arg_lidx == arg_ridx)
+        return cidx;
+    //  If the voltage from the sensor is lower than the center threshold
+    //  (_set[cidx] > _threshold[cidx] > _set[cidx+1])
+    else if(arg_vol > _Threshold[cidx])
+        return _getNearest(arg_lidx, cidx,     arg_vol);
+    //  If the voltage from the sensor is higher than the center threshold
+    else if(arg_vol < _Threshold[cidx])
+        return _getNearest(cidx + 1, arg_ridx, arg_vol);
+    //  If the voltage from the sensor eauals the center threshold
+    else //(arg_vol == _Treshold[cidx].vol)
+        return cidx;
+void TRP105FS::_sampleData()
+    int     tmp;
+    char    sig;
+    unsigned short tmp_vol;
+    VDset tmp_set[_ENUM];   // for bucket sort
+    //  Evry set, first get dst data via serai com,
+    //  next, get vol data,
+    //  and then do same for next index set.
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        //
+        //  Recieve a Distance datus and store it into member
+        //
+        if(_Data_Input_Type == KEYBORD) {
+            g_Serial_Signal.putc('>');
+            _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
+            do {
+                sig = g_Serial_Signal.getc();
+                if('0' <= sig && sig <= '9') {
+                    _Sample_Set[i].dst = 10 * _Sample_Set[i].dst + sig - 48;
+                    g_Serial_Signal.putc(char(sig));
+                } else if(sig == 0x08) {
+                    _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
+                    g_Serial_Signal.printf("[canseled!]");
+                    g_Serial_Signal.putc('\n');
+                    g_Serial_Signal.putc('>');
+                }
+            } while (!(sig == 0x0a || sig == 0x0d));
+            g_Serial_Signal.putc('\n');
+        } else { //_Data_Input_Type == SYSTEM
+            _Sample_Set[i].dst = g_Serial_Signal.getc();
+        }
+        //  if input data is over the bound calibrate it below
+        if (_Sample_Set[i].dst < 0)
+            _Sample_Set[i].dst = 0;
+        else if (_ENUM < _Sample_Set[i].dst)
+            _Sample_Set[i].dst = _ENUM;
+        //
+        //  Recieve a Voltage datus and store it into member
+        //
+        //  LOW PASS FILTERED
+        //  Get 10 data and store mean as a sample.
+        //  After get one original sample, system waits for 0.1 sec,
+        //  thus it takes 1 sec evry sampling.
+        _Sample_Set[i].vol = 0;
+        for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+            //unsigned short 's range [0 , 65535]
+            //the Number of significant figures of read voltage is 3 or 4.
+            tmp_vol = g_Sensor_Voltage.read_u16();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d,",tmp_vol);
+            _Sample_Set[i].vol += (tmp_vol / 10);
+            wait(0.1);
+        }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("(%d)\n",_Sample_Set[i].vol);
+    }
+    //
+    //  Sort set data array in distanceAscending order
+    //
+    //  Bucket sort
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++)
+        tmp_set[i].dst = 0xaaaa;
+    tmp = 0;
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        //  use dst as index for dst range [2,20]
+        if (tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].dst == 0xaaaa) {
+            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].dst = _Sample_Set[i].dst;
+            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol = _Sample_Set[i].vol;
+        } else { // if a same dst has been input, calcurate mean.
+            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol += _Sample_Set[i].vol;
+            tmp_set[_Sample_Set[i].dst].vol /= 2;
+            tmp++;
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d\n", _Sample_Num );
+    //  substruct tmp from number of sample.
+    _Sample_Num -= tmp;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("tmp: %d\n", tmp );
+    //  apply sort on _Sample_Set
+    tmp = 0;
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        if(tmp_set[i].dst != 0xaaaa) {
+            _Sample_Set[i - tmp].dst = tmp_set[i].dst;
+            _Sample_Set[i - tmp].vol = tmp_set[i].vol;
+        } else //  if no data, skip it
+            tmp++;
+    }
+//  Function to define _u_spline, specific constants of spline.
+void TRP105FS::_makeSpline()
+    //  x: dst, distance
+    //  y: vol, voltage
+    //
+    //  N: max of index <=> (_Sample_Num - 1)
+    //
+    //  _u_spline[i] === d^2/dx^2(Spline f)[i]
+    //  i:[0,N]
+    //  _u_spline[0] = _u_spline[N] = 0
+    //
+    //  h[i] = x[i+1] - x[i]
+    //  i:[0,N-1]; num of elm: N<=>_Sample_Num - 1
+    double *h = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 1) * sizeof(double));
+    //unsigned short *h __attribute__((at(0x20080000)));
+    //h = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 1) * sizeof(unsigned short));
+    //  v[i] = 6*((y[i+2]-y[i+1])/h[i+1] + (y[i+1]-y[i])/h[i])
+    //  i:[0,N-2]
+    double *v = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
+    //unsigned short *v __attribute__((at(0x20080100)));
+    //v = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
+    //  temporary array whose num of elm equals v array
+    double *w = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
+    //unsigned short *w __attribute__((at(0x20080200)));
+    //w = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
+    //
+    //  [ 2(h[0]+h[1])  , h[1]          ,                                 O                 ]   [_u[1]  ]   [v[0]  ]
+    //  [ h[1]          , 2(h[1]+h[2])  , h[2]                                              ]   [_u[2]  ]   [v[1]  ]
+    //  [                       ...                                                         ] * [...    ] = [...   ]
+    //  [                   h[j]          , 2(h[j]+h[j+1])  , h[j+1]                        ]   [_u[j+1]]   [v[j]  ]
+    //  [                                   ...                                             ]   [ ...   ]   [ ...  ]
+    //  [                               h[N-3]        , 2(h[N-3]+h[N-2]), h[N-2]            ]   [_u[j+1]]   [v[j]  ]
+    //  [       O                                       h[N-2]          , 2(h[N-2]+h[N-1])  ]   [_u[N-1]]   [v[N-2]]
+    //
+    // For LU decomposition
+    double *Upper = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
+    //unsigned short *Upper __attribute__((at(0x20080300)));
+    //Upper = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
+    double *Lower = (double*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(double));
+    //unsigned short *Lower __attribute__((at(0x20080400)));
+    //Lower = (unsigned short*)malloc((_Sample_Num - 2) * sizeof(unsigned short));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    _printOutData(_Sample_Set, _Sample_Num, "\nSampleSet");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num - 1; i++)
+        h[i] =  (double)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[i].dst);
+    //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[i].dst);
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i++)
+        v[i] = 6 * (
+                   ((double)(_Sample_Set[i + 2].vol - _Sample_Set[i + 1].vol)) / h[i + 1]
+                   //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 2].vol - _Sample_Set[i + 1].vol) / h[i + 1]
+                   -
+                   ((double)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[i].vol))     / h[i]
+                   //(unsigned short)(_Sample_Set[i + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[i].vol) / h[i]
+               );
+    //
+    //  LU decomposition
+    //
+    Upper[0] = 2 * (h[0] + h[1]);
+    Lower[0] = 0;
+    for (int i = 1; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i++) {
+        Lower[i] = h[i] / Upper[i - 1];
+        Upper[i] = 2 * (h[i] + h[i + 1]) - Lower[i] * h[i];
+    }
+    //
+    //  forward substitution
+    //
+    w[0] = v[0];
+    for (int i = 1; i < _Sample_Num - 2; i ++) {
+        w[i] = v[i] - Lower[i] * w[i-1];
+    }
+    //
+    //  backward substitution
+    //
+    _u_spline[_Sample_Num - 2] =  w[_Sample_Num - 3]                         / Upper[_Sample_Num - 3];
+    for(int i = _Sample_Num - 3; i > 0; i--) {
+        _u_spline[i]           = (w[(i - 1)] -  h[(i)] * _u_spline[(i) + 1]) / Upper[(i - 1)];
+    }
+    // _u_spline[i] === d^2/dx^2(Spline f)[i]
+    _u_spline[0] = _u_spline[_Sample_Num - 1] = 0.0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    _printOutData(h, _Sample_Num - 1, "h");
+    _printOutData(v, _Sample_Num - 2, "v");
+    _printOutData(w, _Sample_Num - 2, "w");
+    _printOutData(Upper, _Sample_Num - 2, "Upper");
+    _printOutData(Lower, _Sample_Num - 2, "Lower");
+    _printOutData(_u_spline, _Sample_Num, "u");
+    free(h);
+    free(v);
+    free(w);
+    free(Upper);
+    free(Lower);
+//  Function to return Voltage for distance.
+unsigned short TRP105FS:: _getSplineYof(
+    double arg_x       //  the argument is supposed as distance [mm]
+    double y;       //  voltage calculated by spline polynomial
+    double a,b,c,d; //  which is specific constant of spline, and can be expressed with _u.
+    int itv = 0;    //  interval(section) of interpolation
+    //  the number of interval is less 1 than the number of sample sets,
+    //  which means the max number of interval is _Sample_num - 2.
+    if((double)(_Sample_Set[0].dst) <= arg_x) {
+        while (!((double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst) <= arg_x && arg_x < (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst))) {
+            itv++;
+            if(itv > _Sample_Num - 2) {
+                itv = _Sample_Num - 2;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    a = (double)(_u_spline[itv + 1] - _u_spline[itv]) / 6.0 / (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst);
+    b = (double)(_u_spline[itv]) / 2.0;
+    c = (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].vol - _Sample_Set[itv].vol) / (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst)
+        -
+        (double)(_Sample_Set[itv + 1].dst - _Sample_Set[itv].dst) * (double)(_u_spline[itv + 1] + 2.0 * _u_spline[itv]) / 6.0;
+    d = (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].vol);
+    //  cubic spline expression
+    y = a * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))
+        +
+        b * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst)) * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))
+        +
+        c * (arg_x - (double)(_Sample_Set[itv].dst))
+        +
+        d;
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%f(interval: %d)", arg_x, itv);
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("a:%f, b:%f, c:%f, d:%f, ", a,b,c,d);
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("(y:%f -> %d)\n", y, (unsigned short)y);
+    return ((unsigned short)(int)y);
+void TRP105FS::calibrateSensor()
+    _sampleData();
+    _makeSpline();
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        _Set[i].dst     = i;
+        _Set[i].vol     = _getSplineYof((double)(_Set[i].dst));
+        _Threshold[i]   = _getSplineYof((double)(_Set[i].dst) + 0.5);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("(get...threashold:%d)\n", _Threshold[i]);
+    }
+void TRP105FS::saveSetting()
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen("/local/savedata.log", "wb");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        fwrite(&_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Threshold[i],  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    }
+    fwrite(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
+    fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+void TRP105FS::printThresholds()
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++)
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("Threshold[%d]%d\n",i,_Threshold[i]);
+void TRP105FS::loadSetting()
+    FILE *fp;
+    char tmp;
+    //sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
+    //fp = fopen(filepath, "rb");
+    fp = fopen("/local/savedata.log", "rb");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        fread(&_Set[i].dst,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char),           1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].dst, tmp);
+        fread(&_Set[i].vol,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].vol, tmp);
+        fread(&_Threshold[i],   sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Threshold[i],      tmp);
+    }
+    fread(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(unsigned short),  1, fp);
+    fread(&tmp,         sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].dst, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp, sizeof(char),1,fp);
+        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].vol, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp, sizeof(char),1,fp);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+void TRP105FS::saveSetting(
+    const char *filename
+    FILE *fp;
+    char *filepath;
+    int fnnum = 0;
+    while (filename[fnnum] != 0) fnnum++;
+    filepath = (char *)malloc((fnnum + 8) * sizeof(char)); // "/local/" are 7 char and \0 is 1 char.
+    sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
+    fp = fopen(filepath, "wb");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        fwrite(&_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Threshold[i],  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    }
+    fwrite(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
+    fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x2c, fp);
+        fwrite(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,    sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fputc(0x3b, fp);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(filepath);
+void TRP105FS::loadSetting(
+    const char *filename
+    FILE *fp;
+    char *filepath;
+    char tmp;
+    int fnnum = 0;
+    while (filename[fnnum] != 0) fnnum++;
+    filepath = (char *)malloc((fnnum + 8) * sizeof(char)); // "/local/" are 7 char and \0 is 1 char.
+    sprintf(filepath, "/local/%s", filename);
+    fp = fopen(filepath, "rb");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        fread(&_Set[i].dst,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].dst, tmp);
+        fread(&_Set[i].vol,     sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Set[i].vol, tmp);
+        fread(&_Threshold[i],   sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,             sizeof(char), 1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Threshold[i],      tmp);
+    }
+    fread(&_Sample_Num, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+    fread(&tmp,         sizeof(char),           1, fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+    g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c\n",_Sample_Num,      tmp);
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].dst,  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,                 sizeof(char),1,fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Sample_Set[i].dst, tmp);
+        fread(&_Sample_Set[i].vol,  sizeof(unsigned short), 1, fp);
+        fread(&tmp,                 sizeof(char),1,fp);
+#ifdef DEBUG3
+        g_Serial_Signal.printf("%d%c",  _Sample_Set[i].vol, tmp);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(filepath);
+void TRP105FS::printOutData()
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen("/local/log.txt", "w");  // open file in writing mode
+    fprintf(fp, "dst, vol,(threshold)\n");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _ENUM; i++) {
+        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,(%d)\n", _Set[i].dst, _Set[i].vol, _Threshold[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "\nSample:dst, vol\n");
+    for(int i = 0; i < _Sample_Num; i++) {
+        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d\n", _Sample_Set[i].dst, _Sample_Set[i].vol);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+void TRP105FS::_printOutData(unsigned short *arg, int num, char* name)
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
+    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
+    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        fprintf(fp, "%d, ", arg[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+void TRP105FS::_printOutData(double *arg, int num, char* name)
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
+    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
+    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        fprintf(fp, "%.2f, ", arg[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+void TRP105FS::_printOutData(VDset *arg, int num, char* name)
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen("/local/varlog.txt", "a");  // open file in add mode
+    fprintf(fp, "%10s\n", name);
+    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        fprintf(fp, "%d, ", arg[i].vol);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "\n");
+    fclose(fp);
\ No newline at end of file