Library to use my Photo MOS Relays Circuit having 16 or less channels.

Fork of PMRC4ch by Akifumi Takahashi

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00001 /** PMRC16 class header file
00002  *  \file   PMRC16ch.h
00003  *  \author Akifumi Takahashi
00004  *  \date   2016/dec/11-
00005  *  -   ver.1;      8 channel
00006  *  \date   2018/jun/01-
00007  *  -   ver.16.1;   16 channel
00008  *  \date   2018/jun/28-
00009  *  -   ver.16.2;   major change
00010  */
00011 #ifndef PMRC_16CHANNEL_H
00012 #define PMRC_16CHANNEL_H
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00014 /** PMCR16 nyaan 
00015  *  \par    About PMRC16 class
00016  *  - A Program with which to control Photo MOS Relay Circuit
00017  *  for 16 channels Electric Stimulation.
00018  *  - Photo Couplers are controlled by Shift Resisters. So this lib serves 
00019  *  shift resister's utility.
00020  *
00021  *  \par    Image of Photo MOS Relay Array
00022  *  -   32 Photo MOS Relay IN 
00023  *  -   16 channel OUT 
00024  *  
00025  *  \verbatim
00026  *   +--i      o----+----i      o--+
00027  *   |  [PMR01-1]   |    [PMR01-2] |
00028  *   |         (ch1(B)out)         |
00029  *   |                             |
00030  *   +--i      o----+----i      o--+
00031  *   |  [PMR02-1]   |    [PMR02-2] |
00032  *   |         (ch2(R)out)         |
00033  *   |                             |
00034  *   .              .              .
00035  *   .              .              .
00036  *   .              .              .
00037  *  Vpp                           GND
00038  *  \endverbatim
00039  *
00040  *  \par Info. Shit-Resister circuit board
00041  *  -   nOE is connected to GND
00042  *
00043  *  \verbatim
00044  *  in
00045  *  ->[PMR01-1]->[PMR01-2]->[PMR02-1]->[PMR02-2]
00046  *  ->[PMR03-1]->[PMR03-2]->[PMR04-1]->[PMR04-2]
00047  *  ->[PMR05-1]->[PMR05-2]->[PMR06-1]->[PMR06-2]
00048  *  ->[PMR07-1]->[PMR07-2]->[PMR08-1]->[PMR08-2]
00049  *  ->[PMR09-1]->[PMR09-2]->[PMR10-1]->[PMR10-2]
00050  *  ->[PMR11-1]->[PMR11-2]->[PMR12-1]->[PMR12-2]
00051  *  ->[PMR13-1]->[PMR13-2]->[PMR14-1]->[PMR14-2]
00052  *  ->[PMR15-1]->[PMR15-2]->[PMR16-1]->[PMR16-2]
00053  *  ->out
00054  *  \endverbatim
00055  *
00056  *  \version 1
00057  *      -   2016/dec/11-
00058  *      - program bersion for 8 channel circuit
00059  *  \version 16.1
00060  *      -   2018/jun/01-
00061  *      -   16 channel version
00062  *  \version 16.2
00063  *      -   2018/jun/28-
00064  *      -   major change
00065  *  \version 16.x
00066  */
00067 class PMRC16ch
00068 {
00069 public:
00070     //
00071     //  Constructors
00072     //
00073     /// Constructor default
00074     PMRC16ch();
00075     /// Constructor with setting num of channels
00076     PMRC16ch(
00077         uint8_t arg_num_ch  ///<[in] number of channels to use
00078     );
00079     /// Construxtor with full configuration
00080     PMRC16ch(
00081         uint8_t arg_num_ch, ///<[in] number of channels to use
00082         PinName arg_SCK,    ///<[in] pin of shift registor clock
00083         PinName arg_CLR,    ///<[in] pin to clear the shift registor
00084         PinName arg_RCK,    ///<[in] pin of storage registor (buffer) clock
00085         PinName arg_SER,    ///<[in] pin to insert data
00086         PinName arg_OUT     ///<[in] pin to receive overflowed bit
00087     );
00089     //  Const.
00090     enum State {
00091         ALLGROUND = 0x55555555,
00092         CH1 = /*1V*/0b10000000000000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00093         CH2 = /*1V*/0b00100000000000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00094         CH3 = /*1V*/0b00001000000000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00095         CH4 = /*1V*/0b00000010000000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00096         CH5 = /*1V*/0b00000000100000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00097         CH6 = /*1V*/0b00000000001000000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00098         CH7 = /*1V*/0b00000000000010000000000000000000/*16G*/,
00099         CH8 = /*1V*/0b00000000000000100000000000000000/*16G*/,
00100         CH9 = /*1V*/0b00000000000000001000000000000000/*16G*/,
00101         CH10= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000010000000000000/*16G*/,
00102         CH11= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000100000000000/*16G*/,
00103         CH12= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000001000000000/*16G*/,
00104         CH13= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000000010000000/*16G*/,
00105         CH14= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000000000100000/*16G*/,
00106         CH15= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000000000001000/*16G*/,
00107         CH16= /*1V*/0b00000000000000000000000000000010/*16G*/,
00108         ALLHiZ    = 0x00000000
00109     };
00110     enum Polarity {Anodic = 0, Cathodic = 1};
00111     enum StimMode {ONE_VS_THEOTHERS, TWIN_ELECTRODES};
00112     //
00113     //  Function to prepare channels
00114     //
00115     void allGround();
00116     void allHiZ();
00117     void setPol(Polarity pol);  //inline definition
00118     void setOvsO(char ch);
00119     void setTwin(char stim_ch, char ref_ch);
00120     void setTrio(char stim_ch, char ref_ch1, char ref_ch2);
00121     //
00122     //  Function to get prameter
00123     //
00124     uint32_t getState();        //inline definition
00125     bool getPol();              //inline definition
00127 private:
00128     //  The number of channels to use
00129     const uint8_t m_num_ch;
00130     //
00131     //  Sig var to controll PRM circuit
00132     //
00133     DigitalOut m_SCK;   //  Shift-resister's clock
00134     DigitalOut m_CLR;   //  To use when you want to clear shift-resister
00135     DigitalOut m_RCK;   //  FF's clock
00136     DigitalOut m_SER;   //  Serial input to shift data in a shift-resister
00137     DigitalIn  m_OUT;   //  Output data overflowed from shift-resister
00138     //
00139     // Var of state
00140     //
00141     //  Position of stimulation bits
00142     //  0: no stimbits, 1~m_num_ch: channel of stimulation
00143     uint32_t m_pos_stim;
00144     static const uint32_t m_statearray[];
00145     uint32_t m_PMRC_state;
00146     Polarity m_PMRC_POL;
00147     StimMode m_PMRC_mode;
00148     //  Initialization
00149     void init();
00150     //
00151     //  Function to control buffer of shift-resister
00152     //
00153     //  shift the bits arbitary times
00154     void shiftby(int times);
00155     //  the function with which to rapidly set it all-ground
00156     void sweep();
00157     //  set the simulation bits of 01
00158     void setStimbits();
00159     //  set all bits arbitarily
00160     void setBits(const uint32_t bits);
00161     //
00162     //  Clock Function
00163     //
00164     //update the clock of shift-resister
00165     void update();
00166     //  output the data by uploading them to FF Resitors
00167     void upload();
00168 };
00169 inline void PMRC16ch::setPol(Polarity arg_pol)
00170 {
00171     m_PMRC_POL = arg_pol;
00172 }
00173 inline uint32_t PMRC16ch::getState()
00174 {
00175     return m_PMRC_state;
00176 }
00177 inline bool PMRC16ch::getPol()
00178 {
00179     //return false if cathodic
00180     //return true  if anodic
00181     return static_cast<bool>(m_PMRC_POL);
00182 }
00183 #endif