The lib with which to make LPC1768 a simple HTTP server. This have not yet implemented. fopen() DOESN'T WORK after EthernetInterface::connect() is called as using mbed-os 5.4~. See also or and

Fork of HTTP_SERVER by Akifumi Takahashi

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00001 #include "FileHandler.h"
00002 //#ifndef DEBUG
00003 #define FILE_HANDLER_DEBUG
00004 //#endif
00005 LocalFileSystem local("local");
00007 namespace FILE_HANDLER
00008 {
00009 void DEBUG_PRINT_NAME()
00010 {
00012     printf("(DEBUG LINE: FILE_HANDLER) ");
00013 #endif
00014 }
00016 void DEBUG_PRINT_LINE(const char* arg_line)
00017 {
00019     DEBUG_PRINT_NAME();
00020     printf(arg_line);
00021     printf("\r\n");
00022 #endif
00023 }
00024 template<typename T>
00025 void DEBUG_PRINT_LINE(const char* arg_line, T arg_t)
00026 {
00028     DEBUG_PRINT_NAME();
00029     printf(arg_line, arg_t);
00030     printf("\r\n");
00031 #endif
00032 }
00033 template<typename T1, typename T2>
00034 void DEBUG_PRINT_LINE(const char* arg_line, T1 arg_t1, T2 arg_t2)
00035 {
00037     DEBUG_PRINT_NAME();
00038     printf(arg_line, arg_t1, arg_t2);
00039     printf("\r\n");
00040 #endif
00041 }
00042 }
00043 using namespace FILE_HANDLER;
00045 FileHandler::FileHandler()
00046 {
00047     fullpath = NULL;
00048     filename = NULL;
00049     suffix = NULL;
00050     fp = NULL;
00051     file_size = 0;
00052 }
00053 FileHandler::~FileHandler()
00054 {
00055     if (fullpath != NULL) free(fullpath);
00056     if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
00057 }
00059 FILE* FileHandler::open
00060 (   const char* arg_filepath,
00061     const char* arg_mode
00062 )
00063 {
00064     FILE *tmp;
00066     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("fp: %d", fp);
00067     if (fullpath != NULL) free(fullpath);
00068     //  Allocating memory for fullpath;
00069     //  [[+ strlen("index.htm") + 1]] at the end of line is ONLY a MARGIN allowed for concatenating the string.
00070     fullpath = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen("/local/") + strlen(arg_filepath) + strlen("index.htm") + 1));
00072     //  Path formatting
00073     if (arg_filepath[0] == '/') {
00074         sprintf(fullpath, "/local/%s", arg_filepath + 1);
00075     } else {
00076         sprintf(fullpath, "/local/%s", arg_filepath);
00077     }
00078     //  if the argument has no file name but directory, defalt settiing.
00079     if (fullpath[strlen(fullpath) - 1] == '/')
00080         strcat(fullpath, "index.htm");
00081     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("full-file-path: %s", fullpath);
00082     //  store the file name part into a pointer
00083     filename = strrchr(fullpath, '/');
00084     //  remove '/' and just get only the file name.
00085     if(filename != NULL)    filename++;
00086     //  store the suffix part to a pointer
00087     suffix = strchr(filename, '.');
00088     //  remove '.' and just get only the suffix.
00089     if(suffix   != NULL)    suffix++;
00090     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("!!Public function check...");
00091     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("  full path: %s", getFullpath());
00092     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("  filename : %s", getFilename());
00093     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("  suffix   : %s", getSuffix());
00094     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("...DONE!!");
00095     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("fopen(...)");
00096     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("  path: %s", fullpath);
00097     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("  mode: %s", arg_mode);
00098     fp = fopen(fullpath, arg_mode);
00099     if(fp != NULL) {
00100         DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("file opened");
00101         DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("fp: %d", fp);
00102     } else {
00103         DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("Something is wrong @fopen(...)");
00104     }
00105     //  mesure file size
00106     file_size = 0;
00107     tmp = fp;
00108     if(tmp != NULL ) {
00109         ////printf("\r\nfile content\r\n");
00110         int ctmp;
00111         while(1) {
00112             ctmp = fgetc(tmp);
00113             if(ctmp != EOF) {
00114                 //////printf("%c", ctmp);
00115                 file_size++;
00116             } else {
00117                 //////printf("[EOF]\r\n");
00118                 break;
00119             }
00120         }
00121         ////printf("file size: %d\r\n", file_size);
00122         if(fseek(tmp, 0L, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
00123             //////printf("fseek failed\r\n");
00124         }
00125     } else {
00126         file_size = 0;
00127     }
00129     return fp;
00130 }
00131 int FileHandler::close()
00132 {
00133     int tmp;
00135     if(fp != NULL) {
00136         tmp = fclose(fp);
00137         fp = NULL;
00138         return tmp;
00139     } else {
00140         return 1;
00141     }
00142 }
00144 int FileHandler::getc()
00145 {
00146     int tmp = fgetc(fp);
00147 #ifdef DEBUG
00148     if(0x20 < tmp && tmp < 0x7e)
00149         printf("%c", tmp);
00150     else if (tmp == '\r')
00151         printf("\r");
00152     else if (tmp == '\n')
00153         printf("\n");
00154     else
00155         printf("@");
00156 #endif
00157     return tmp;
00158 }
00159 bool FileHandler::arrival()
00160 {
00161     return (bool)fp;
00162 }
00163 bool FileHandler::atEOF()
00164 {
00165     return (bool)feof(fp);
00166 }
00167 bool FileHandler::hasError()
00168 {
00169     return (bool)ferror(fp);
00170 }
00171 char *FileHandler::getFullpath()
00172 {
00173     return fullpath;
00174 }
00175 char *FileHandler::getFilename()
00176 {
00177     return filename;
00178 }
00179 char *FileHandler::getSuffix()
00180 {
00181     return suffix;
00182 }
00183 int FileHandler::getFileSize()
00184 {
00185     return file_size;
00186 }