Library for using the AMS TSL45315 Ambient Light Sensor

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TSL45315 Class Reference

TSL45315 Class Reference

Class: TSL45315 Digital Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) - TSL45315 Illumination values are directly presented in lux without calculation. More...

#include <tsl45315.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 TSL45315 (PinName sda, PinName scl, int i2c_freq, float t)
 Create a TSL45315 instance without variable integration time ( set to M1) with integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.
 TSL45315 (PinName sda, PinName scl, int i2c_freq, float t, uint8_t mult)
 Create a TSL45315 instance with variable integration time (M1,M2,M4) and with integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.
 TSL45315 (PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t mult)
 Create a TSL45315 instance with variable integration time (M1,M2,M4) without integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.
 TSL45315 (PinName sda, PinName scl)
 Create a TSL45315 instance without variable integration time ( set to M1) and without integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.
void setReg (int reg, int arg)
 sets the address in the command register of the target register for future write operations
void getLuxData ()
 reads out datalow and datahigh registers and calculates the resulting illumination value in lux which is saved in the variable lux
uint32_t getLux ()
void getIDdata ()
 reads out the ID register and saves the id in the variable devID
uint8_t getID ()
void setMultiplier (uint8_t mult)
 reads out datalow and datahigh registers and calculates the resulting illumination value in lux which is saved in the variable lux
int getMultiplier ()

Detailed Description

Class: TSL45315 Digital Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) - TSL45315 Illumination values are directly presented in lux without calculation.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "tsl45315.hpp"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 //TSL45x::TSL45315 sensor(p9, p10);
 //TSL45x::TSL45315 sensor(p9, p10, M1);
 TSL45x::TSL45315 sensor(p9, p10, I2C_FREQ, 0.5);
 //TSL45x::TSL45315 sensor(p9, p10, I2C_FREQ, 0.5, M1);

 int main( void )
   pc.printf("TSL45315 Illumination Sensor\n");

   pc.printf("ID:\t%x\n", sensor.getID());
   pc.printf("Multiplier:\t%x\n", sensor.getMultiplier());

   while(1) {
        pc.printf("Illumination: %u lux\n",sensor.getLux());


Definition at line 60 of file tsl45315.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TSL45315 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
int  i2c_freq,
float  t 

Create a TSL45315 instance without variable integration time ( set to M1) with integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.

sda- I2C Dataline pin
scl- I2C Clockline pin
i2c_freq- choose the i2c frequency
t- ticker interval in seconds

Definition at line 7 of file tsl45315.cpp.

TSL45315 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
int  i2c_freq,
float  t,
uint8_t  mult 

Create a TSL45315 instance with variable integration time (M1,M2,M4) and with integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.

sda- I2C Dataline pin
scl- I2C Clockline pin
i2c_freq- choose the i2c frequency
mult- Multiplier with corresponding integration time (M1 = 400ms, M2 = 200ms, M4 = 100ms)
t- ticker interval in seconds

Definition at line 17 of file tsl45315.cpp.

TSL45315 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
uint8_t  mult 

Create a TSL45315 instance with variable integration time (M1,M2,M4) without integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.

For use with seperate ticker or RtosTimer.

sda- I2C Dataline pin
scl- I2C Clockline pin
mult- Multiplier with corresponding integration time (M1 = 400ms, M2 = 200ms, M4 = 100ms)

Definition at line 27 of file tsl45315.cpp.

TSL45315 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl 

Create a TSL45315 instance without variable integration time ( set to M1) and without integrated ticker to repeatedly update the illumination value.

For use with seperate ticker or RtosTimer.

sda- I2C Dataline pin
scl- I2C Clockline pin

Definition at line 36 of file tsl45315.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

uint8_t getID (  )
the ID of the device

Definition at line 138 of file tsl45315.hpp.

void getIDdata (  )

reads out the ID register and saves the id in the variable devID

Definition at line 72 of file tsl45315.cpp.

uint32_t getLux (  )
returns the actual illumination value in lux which was previously calculated in the getLuxData routine

Definition at line 128 of file tsl45315.hpp.

void getLuxData (  )

reads out datalow and datahigh registers and calculates the resulting illumination value in lux which is saved in the variable lux

reg- specific register to write to
arg- argument of function in the control or config register

Definition at line 85 of file tsl45315.cpp.

int getMultiplier (  )
the multiplier according to the choosen integration time

Definition at line 151 of file tsl45315.hpp.

void setMultiplier ( uint8_t  mult )

reads out datalow and datahigh registers and calculates the resulting illumination value in lux which is saved in the variable lux

mult- Multiplier (1,2,4) defined by M1, M2, M4

Definition at line 45 of file tsl45315.cpp.

void setReg ( int  reg,
int  arg 

sets the address in the command register of the target register for future write operations

reg- specific register to write to (control or config)
arg- argument of function in the control or config register

Definition at line 63 of file tsl45315.cpp.