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Fork of MODGPS by Andy K

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00001 /*
00002     Copyright (c) 2010 Andy Kirkham
00004     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
00005     of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
00006     in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
00007     to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
00008     copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
00009     furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
00011     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
00012     all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
00020     THE SOFTWARE.
00021 */
00023 #ifndef GPS_H
00024 #define GPS_H
00026 #include "mbed.h"
00027 #include "GPS_VTG.h"
00028 #include "GPS_Time.h"
00029 #include "GPS_Geodetic.h"
00031 #define GPS_RBR  0x00
00032 #define GPS_THR  0x00
00033 #define GPS_DLL  0x00
00034 #define GPS_IER  0x04
00035 #define GPS_DML  0x04
00036 #define GPS_IIR  0x08
00037 #define GPS_FCR  0x08
00038 #define GPS_LCR  0x0C
00039 #define GPS_LSR  0x14
00040 #define GPS_SCR  0x1C
00041 #define GPS_ACR  0x20
00042 #define GPS_ICR  0x24
00043 #define GPS_FDR  0x28
00044 #define GPS_TER  0x30
00046 #define GPS_BUFFER_LEN  128
00047 #define GPS_TICKTOCK    10000
00049 /** @defgroup API The MODGPS API */
00051 /** GPS module
00052  * @author Andy Kirkham
00053  * @see
00054  * @see example1.cpp
00055  * @see example2.cpp
00056  * @see API 
00057  *
00058  * @image html /media/uploads/AjK/gps_interfaces.png "Wiring up the GPS module"
00059  *
00060  * Example:
00061  * @code
00062  * #include "mbed.h"
00063  * #include "GPS.h"
00064  *
00065  * DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00066  * Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00067  * GPS gps(NC, p10); 
00068  *
00069  * int main() {
00070  *     GPS_Time t;
00071  *
00072  *     // Wait for the GPS NMEA data to become valid.
00073  *     while (!gps.isTimeValid()) {
00074  *       led1 = !led1;
00075  *       wait(1);
00076  *     }
00077  *
00078  *     gps.timeNow(&t);
00079  *
00080  *     pc.printf("The time/date is %02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d\r\n",
00081  *        t.hour, t.minute, t.second,, t.month, t.year);
00082  *
00083  *     // Wait until at least four satellites produce a position fix and a valid quality.
00084  *     while (gps.numOfSats() < 4 && gps.getGPSquality != 0) {
00085  *       led1 = !led1;
00086  *       wait(1);
00087  *     }
00088  *
00089  *     pc.printf("Lat = %.4f Lon = %.4f Alt = %.1fkm\r\n", 
00090  *         gps.latitude(), gps.longitude, gps.altitude());
00091  *
00092  *     // Make the LED go steady to indicate we have finished.
00093  *     led1 = 1;
00094  * 
00095  *     while(1) {}
00096  * }
00097  * @endcode
00098  */
00100 class GPS : Serial {
00101 public:
00103     //! The PPS edge type to interrupt on.
00104     enum ppsEdgeType { 
00105         ppsRise  = 0,    /*!< Use the rising edge (default). */
00106         ppsFall          /*!< Use the falling edge. */
00107     };
00109     //! A copy of the Serial parity enum
00110     enum Parity {
00111         None = 0
00112         , Odd
00113         , Even
00114         , Forced1   
00115         , Forced0
00116     };
00118     //! GPS constructor.
00119     /**
00120      * The GPS constructor is used to initialise the GPS object.
00121      *
00122      * @param tx Usually unused and set to NC
00123      * @param rx The RX pin the GPS is connected to, p10, p14( OR p25), p27.
00124      * @param name An option name for RPC usage.
00125      */
00126     GPS(PinName tx, PinName rx, const char *name = NULL);
00128     //! Is the time reported by the GPS valid.
00129     /**
00130      * Method used to check the validity of the time the GPS module is reporting.
00131      *
00132      * @code
00133      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00134      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00135      *
00136      *     if (gps.isTimeValid()) {
00137      *         // Time is valid :)
00138      *     }
00139      *     else {
00140      *         // Doh, time is not valid :(
00141      *     )
00142      *     
00143      * @endcode
00144      *
00145      * @ingroup API
00146      * @return bool true if valid, false otherwise
00147      */
00148     bool isTimeValid(void) { return theTime.status == 'V' ? false : true; }
00150     //! Is the positional fix reported by the GPS valid.
00151     /**
00152      * Method used to check the validity of the positional data. This method
00153      * returns the GGA field, 0 is "bad, 1 is "ok", etc. See the NMEA GGA 
00154      * description for more details.
00155      *
00156      * @code
00157      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00158      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00159      *
00160      *     if (gps.getGPSquality() == 0) {
00161      *         // The location fix is no good/not accurate :(
00162      *     }
00163      *     else {
00164      *         // All good, can use last fix data.
00165      *     )
00166      *     
00167      * @endcode
00168      *
00169      * @ingroup API
00170      * @return int 0 on no fix, 1... (see NMEA GGA for more details).
00171      */
00172     int getGPSquality(void) { return thePlace.getGPSquality(); }
00174     //! How many satellites were used in the last fix.
00175     /**
00176      * Method returns the number of GPS satellites used on the last fix.
00177      *
00178      * @code
00179      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00180      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00181      *
00182      *     int sats = gps.numOfSats();
00183      *     
00184      * @endcode
00185      *
00186      * @ingroup API
00187      * @return int The number of satellites.
00188      */
00189     int numOfSats(void) { return thePlace.numOfSats(); }
00191     //! What was the last reported latitude (in degrees)
00192     /**
00193      * Method returns a double in degrees, positive being North, negative being South.
00194      *
00195      * @code
00196      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00197      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00198      *
00199      *     double latitude = gps.latitude();
00200      *     
00201      * @endcode
00202      *
00203      * @ingroup API
00204      * @return double Degrees
00205      */
00206     double latitude(void);
00208     //! What was the last reported longitude (in degrees)
00209     /**
00210      * Method returns a double in degrees, positive being East, negative being West.
00211      *
00212      * @code
00213      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00214      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00215      *
00216      *     double logitude = gps.logitude();
00217      *     
00218      * @endcode
00219      *
00220      * @ingroup API
00221      * @return double Degrees
00222      */
00223     double longitude(void);
00225     //! What was the last reported altitude (in kilometers)
00226     /**
00227      * Method returns a double in kilometers.
00228      *
00229      * @code
00230      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00231      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00232      *
00233      *     double altitude = gps.altitude();
00234      *     
00235      * @endcode
00236      *
00237      * @ingroup API
00238      * @return double Kilometers
00239      */
00240     double altitude(void);
00242     //! What was the last reported altitude/height (in kilometers)
00243     /**
00244      * @see altitude()
00245      *
00246      * @code
00247      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00248      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00249      *
00250      *     double height = gps.height();
00251      *     
00252      * @endcode
00253      *
00254      * Note, this is identical to altitude()
00255      * @see altitude()
00256      *
00257      * @ingroup API
00258      * @return double Kilometers
00259      */
00260     double height(void) { return altitude(); }
00262     //! Get all vector parameters together.
00263     /**
00264      * Pass a pointer to a GPS_VTG object and the current
00265      * GPS data will be copied into it.
00266      *
00267      * @code
00268      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00269      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00270      *
00271      *     // Then get the data...
00272      *     GPS_VTG p;
00273      *     gps.vtg(&p);
00274      *     printf("Speed (knots)  = %.4f", p.velocity_knots);
00275      *     printf("Speed (kps)    = %.4f", p.velocity_kps);
00276      *     printf("Track (true)  = %.4f", p.track_true);
00277      *     printf("Track (mag)    = %.4f", p.track_mag);
00278      *
00279      * @endcode
00280      *
00281      * @ingroup API
00282      * @param g A GSP_VTG pointer to an existing GPS_VTG object.
00283      * @return GPS_VTG * The pointer passed in.
00284      */
00285     GPS_VTG *vtg(GPS_VTG *g);
00287     //! Get all vector parameters together.
00288     /**
00289      * Get all the vector data at once. For example:-
00290      *
00291      * @code
00292      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00293      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00294      *
00295      *     // Then get the data...
00296      *     GPS_VTG *p = gps.vtg();
00297      *     printf("Speed (knots)  = %.4f", p->velocity_knots);
00298      *     printf("Speed (kps)    = %.4f", p->velocity_kps);
00299      *     printf("Track (true)  = %.4f", p->track_true);
00300      *     printf("Track (mag)    = %.4f", p->track_mag);     
00301      *     delete(p); // then remember to delete the object to prevent memory leaks.
00302      *
00303      * @endcode
00304      *
00305      * @ingroup API
00306      * @return GPS_Geodetic * A pointer to the data.
00307      */
00308     GPS_VTG *vtg(void) { return vtg(NULL); }
00310     //! Get all three geodetic parameters together.
00311     /**
00312      * Pass a pointer to a GPS_Geodetic object and the current
00313      * GPS data will be copied into it.
00314      *
00315      * @code
00316      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00317      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00318      *
00319      *     // Then get the data...
00320      *     GPS_Geodetic p;
00321      *     gps.geodetic(&p);
00322      *     printf("Latitude  = %.4f",;
00323      *     printf("Longitude = %.4f", p.lon);
00324      *     printf("Altitude  = %.4f", p.alt);
00325      *
00326      * @endcode
00327      *
00328      * @ingroup API
00329      * @param g A GSP_Geodetic pointer to an existing GPS_Geodetic object.
00330      * @return GPS_Geodetic * The pointer passed in.
00331      */
00332     GPS_Geodetic *geodetic(GPS_Geodetic *g);
00334     //! Get all three geodetic parameters together.
00335     /**
00336      * Get all the geodetic data at once. For example:-
00337      *
00338      * @code
00339      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00340      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00341      *
00342      *     // Then get the data...
00343      *     GPS_Geodetic *p = gps.geodetic();
00344      *     printf("Latitude = %.4f", p->lat);
00345      *     delete(p); // then remember to delete the object to prevent memory leaks.
00346      *
00347      * @endcode
00348      *
00349      * @ingroup API
00350      * @return GPS_Geodetic * A pointer to the data.
00351      */
00352     GPS_Geodetic *geodetic(void) { return geodetic(NULL); }
00354     //! Take a snap shot of the current time.
00355     /**
00356      * Pass a pointer to a GPS_Time object to get a copy of the current
00357      * time and date as reported by the GPS.
00358      *
00359      * @code
00360      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00361      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00362      *
00363      *     // Then get the data...
00364      *     GPS_Time t;
00365      *     gps.timeNow(&t);
00366      *     printf("Year = %d", t.year);
00367      *
00368      * @endcode
00369      *
00370      * @ingroup API
00371      * @param n A GPS_Time * pointer to an existing GPS_Time object.
00372      * @return GPS_Time * The pointer passed in.
00373      */
00374     GPS_Time * timeNow(GPS_Time *n) { return theTime.timeNow(n); }
00376     //! Take a snap shot of the current time.
00377     /**
00378      * Pass a pointer to a GPS_Time object to get a copy of the current
00379      * time and date as reported by the GPS.
00380      *
00381      * @code
00382      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00383      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00384      *
00385      *     // Then get the data...
00386      *     GPS_Time *t = gps.timeNow();
00387      *     printf("Year = %d", t->year);
00388      *     delete(t); // Avoid memory leaks.
00389      *
00390      * @endcode
00391      *
00392      * @ingroup API
00393      * @return GPS_Time * The pointer passed in.
00394      */
00395     GPS_Time * timeNow(void) { GPS_Time *n = new GPS_Time; return theTime.timeNow(n); }
00397     //! Return the curent day.
00398     /**
00399      * @code
00400      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00401      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00402      *
00403      *     // Then get the Julain Day Number.
00404      *     double julianDayNumber = gps.julianDayNumber();
00405      *
00406      * @endcode
00407      *
00408      * @ingroup API
00409      * @return double The Julian Date as a double.
00410      */
00411     double julianDayNumber(void) { return theTime.julian_day_number(); } 
00413     //! Return the curent date/time as a Julian date
00414     /**
00415      * @code
00416      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00417      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00418      *
00419      *     // Then get the Julian Date.
00420      *     double julianDate = gps.julianDate();
00421      *
00422      * @endcode
00423      *
00424      * @ingroup API
00425      * @return double The Julian Date as a double.
00426      */
00427     double julianDate(void) { return theTime.julian_date(); }
00429     //! Get the current sidereal degree angle.
00430     /**
00431      * @code
00432      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00433      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00434      *     double sidereal = gps.siderealDegrees();
00435      *
00436      * @endcode
00437      *
00438      * @ingroup API
00439      * @return double Sidereal degree angle..
00440      */
00441     double siderealDegrees(void) { return theTime.siderealDegrees(&theTime, longitude()); }
00443     //! Get the current sidereal hour angle.
00444     /**
00445      * @code
00446      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00447      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00448      *     double sidereal = gps.siderealHA();
00449      *
00450      * @endcode
00451      *
00452      * @ingroup API
00453      * @return double Sidereal degree angle..
00454      */
00455     double siderealHA(void) { return theTime.siderealHA(&theTime, longitude()); }
00457     //! Optionally, connect a 1PPS single to an Mbed pin.
00458     /**
00459      * Optional: If the GPS unit has a 1PPS output, use this to
00460      * connect that to our internal ISR. Using the 1PPS increases
00461      * the GPS_Time time accuracy from +/-0.25s to +/-0.001s
00462      *
00463      * @code
00464      *     // Assuming we have a GPS object previously created...
00465      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00466      *
00467      *     gps.ppsAttach(p29); // default to GPS::ppsRise, rising edge. 
00468      *
00469      *     // Or...
00470      *     gps.ppsAttach(p29, GPS::ppsRise); // The default.
00471      *
00472      *     // Or...
00473      *     gps.ppsAttach(p29, GPS::ppsFall); // If a falling edge.
00474      *
00475      * @endcode
00476      *
00477      * <b>Note</b>, before using this function you should attach an actual
00478      * callback function using attach_pps()
00479      *
00480      * @see attach_pps()
00481      *
00482      * @ingroup API
00483      * @param irq A PinName to attach
00484      * @param type The type of edge, MAX7456::ppsRise OR MAX7456::ppsFall
00485      */
00486     void ppsAttach(PinName irq, ppsEdgeType type = ppsRise );
00488     //! Remove any 1PPS signal previously attached.
00489     void ppsUnattach(void);
00491     //! GPS serial receive interrupt handler.
00492     void rx_irq(void);    
00494     //! GPS pps interrupt handler.
00495     void pps_irq(void);
00497     //! A pointer to the UART peripheral base address being used.
00498     void *_base;
00500     //! The RX serial buffer.
00501     char buffer[2][GPS_BUFFER_LEN];
00503     //! The current "active" buffer, i.e. the buffer the ISR is writing to.
00504     int  active_buffer;
00506     //! The active buffer "in" pointer.
00507     int  rx_buffer_in;
00509     //! Boolean flag set when the "passive" buffer is full and needs processing.
00510     bool process_required;
00512     //! 10ms Ticker callback.
00513     void ticktock(void);
00515     //! Attach a user object/method callback function to the PPS signal
00516     /**
00517      * Attach a user callback object/method to call when the 1PPS signal activates. 
00518      *
00519      * @code
00520      *     class FOO {
00521      *     public:
00522      *         void myCallback(void);
00523      *     };
00524      *
00525      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00526      *     Foo foo;
00527      *
00528      *     gps.attach_pps(foo, &FOO::myCallback);
00529      * 
00530      * @endcode
00531      *
00532      * @ingroup API
00533      * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
00534      * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
00535      */
00536     template<typename T>
00537     void attach_pps(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) { cb_pps.attach(tptr, mptr); }
00539     //! Attach a user callback function to the PPS signal
00540     /**
00541      * Attach a user callback function pointer to call when the 1PPS signal activates. 
00542      *
00543      * @code
00544      *     void myCallback(void) { ... }
00545      *
00546      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00547      *     Foo foo;
00548      *
00549      *     gps.attach_pps(&myCallback);
00550      * 
00551      * @endcode
00552      *
00553      * @ingroup API
00554      * @param fptr Callback function pointer
00555      */
00556     void attach_pps(void (*fptr)(void)) { cb_pps.attach(fptr); } 
00558     //! A callback object for the 1PPS user API.
00559     FunctionPointer cb_pps;
00561     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA RMC message processed signal.
00562     /**
00563      * Attach a user callback object/method to call when an NMEA RMC packet has been processed. 
00564      *
00565      * @code
00566      *     class FOO {
00567      *     public:
00568      *         void myCallback(void);
00569      *     };
00570      *
00571      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00572      *     Foo foo;
00573      *
00574      *     gps.attach_rmc(foo, &FOO::myCallback);
00575      * 
00576      * @endcode
00577      *
00578      * @ingroup API 
00579      * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
00580      * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
00581      */
00582     template<typename T>
00583     void attach_rmc(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) { cb_rmc.attach(tptr, mptr); }
00585     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA RMC message processed signal.
00586     /**
00587      * Attach a user callback function pointer to call when an NMEA RMC packet has been processed. 
00588      *
00589      * @code
00590      *     void myCallback(void) { ... }
00591      *
00592      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00593      *     Foo foo;
00594      *
00595      *     gps.attach_rmc(&myCallback);
00596      * 
00597      * @endcode
00598      *
00599      * @ingroup API 
00600      * @param fptr Callback function pointer.
00601      */
00602     void attach_rmc(void (*fptr)(void)) { cb_rmc.attach(fptr); } 
00604     //! A callback object for the NMEA RMS message processed signal user API.
00605     FunctionPointer cb_rmc;
00607     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA GGA message processed signal.
00608     /**
00609      * Attach a user callback object/method to call when an NMEA GGA packet has been processed. 
00610      *
00611      * @code
00612      *     class FOO {
00613      *     public:
00614      *         void myCallback(void);
00615      *     };
00616      *
00617      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00618      *     Foo foo;
00619      *
00620      *     gps.attach_gga(foo, &FOO::myCallback);
00621      * 
00622      * @endcode
00623      *
00624      * @ingroup API 
00625      * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
00626      * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
00627      */
00628     template<typename T>
00629     void attach_gga(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) { cb_gga.attach(tptr, mptr); }
00631     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA GGA message processed signal.
00632     /**
00633      * Attach a user callback function pointer to call when an NMEA GGA packet has been processed. 
00634      *
00635      * @code
00636      *     void myCallback(void) { ... }
00637      *
00638      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00639      *     Foo foo;
00640      *
00641      *     gps.attach_gga(&myCallback);
00642      * 
00643      * @endcode
00644      *
00645      * @ingroup API 
00646      * @param fptr Callback function pointer.
00647      */
00648     void attach_gga(void (*fptr)(void)) { cb_gga.attach(fptr); } 
00650     //! A callback object for the NMEA GGA message processed signal user API.
00651     FunctionPointer cb_gga;
00654     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA VTG message processed signal.
00655     /**
00656      * Attach a user callback object/method to call when an NMEA VTG packet has been processed. 
00657      *
00658      * @code
00659      *     class FOO {
00660      *     public:
00661      *         void myCallback(void);
00662      *     };
00663      *
00664      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00665      *     Foo foo;
00666      *
00667      *     gps.attach_vtg(foo, &FOO::myCallback);
00668      * 
00669      * @endcode
00670      *
00671      * @ingroup API 
00672      * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
00673      * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
00674      */
00675     template<typename T>
00676     void attach_vtg(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) { cb_vtg.attach(tptr, mptr); }
00678     //! Attach a user callback function to the NMEA VTG message processed signal.
00679     /**
00680      * Attach a user callback function pointer to call when an NMEA VTG packet has been processed. 
00681      *
00682      * @code
00683      *     void myCallback(void) { ... }
00684      *
00685      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00686      *     Foo foo;
00687      *
00688      *     gps.attach_vtg(&myCallback);
00689      * 
00690      * @endcode
00691      *
00692      * @ingroup API 
00693      * @param fptr Callback function pointer.
00694      */
00695     void attach_vtg(void (*fptr)(void)) { cb_vtg.attach(fptr); } 
00697     //! A callback object for the NMEA RMS message processed signal user API.
00698     FunctionPointer cb_vtg;
00700     //! Attach a user callback function to the unknown NMEA message.
00701     /**
00702      * Attach a user callback object/method to call when an unknown NMEA packet. 
00703      *
00704      * @code
00705      *     class FOO {
00706      *     public:
00707      *         void myCallback(void);
00708      *     };
00709      *
00710      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00711      *     Foo foo;
00712      *
00713      *     gps.attach_ukn(foo, &FOO::myCallback);
00714      * 
00715      * @endcode
00716      *
00717      * @ingroup API 
00718      * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
00719      * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
00720      */
00721     template<typename T>
00722     void attach_ukn(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) { cb_ukn.attach(tptr, mptr); }
00724     //! Attach a user callback function to the unknown NMEA message.
00725     /**
00726      * Attach a user callback function pointer to call when an unknown NMEA. 
00727      *
00728      * @code
00729      *     void myCallback(void) { ... }
00730      *
00731      *     GPS gps(NC, p9); 
00732      *     Foo foo;
00733      *
00734      *     gps.attach_ukn(&myCallback);
00735      * 
00736      * @endcode
00737      *
00738      * @ingroup API 
00739      * @param fptr Callback function pointer.
00740      */
00741     void attach_ukn(void (*fptr)(void)) { cb_ukn.attach(fptr); } 
00743     //! A callback object for the NMEA RMS message processed signal user API.
00744     FunctionPointer cb_ukn;
00746     /**
00747      * Set's the GGA string memory pointer.
00748      * @param s char pointer ti string.
00749      * @return char s passed in.
00750      */
00751     char * setGga(char *s) { _gga = s; return s; }
00753     /**
00754      * Set's the RMC string memory pointer.
00755      * @param s char pointer ti string.
00756      * @return char s passed in.
00757      */
00758     char * setRmc(char *s) { _rmc = s; return s; };
00760     /**
00761      * Set's the VTG string memory pointer.
00762      * @param s char pointer ti string.
00763      * @return char s passed in.
00764      */
00765     char * setVtg(char *s) { _vtg = s; return s; };
00767     /**
00768      * Set's the UKN string memory pointer.
00769      * @param s char pointer ti string.
00770      * @return char s passed in.
00771      */
00772     char * setUkn(char *s) { _ukn = s; return s; };
00774     //! Set the baud rate the GPS module is using.
00775     /** 
00776      * Set the baud rate of the serial port
00777      * 
00778      * @see
00779      *
00780      * @ingroup API 
00781      * @param baudrate The baudrate to set.
00782      */
00783     void baud(int baudrate) { Serial::baud(baudrate); }
00785    //! Set the serial port format the GPS module is using. 
00786    /**
00787     * Set the transmission format used by the Serial port
00788     *
00789     * @see
00790     *
00791     * @ingroup API 
00792     * @param bits - The number of bits in a word (5-8; default = 8)
00793     * @param parity - The parity used (GPS::None, GPS::Odd, GPS::Even, GPS::Forced1, GPS::Forced0; default = GPS::None)
00794     * @param stop_bits - The number of stop bits (1 or 2; default = 1)
00795     */
00796     void format(int bits, Parity parity, int stop_bits) { Serial::format(bits, (Serial::Parity)parity, stop_bits); }
00798    //! Send incoming GPS bytes to Uart0
00799    /**
00800     * Send incoming GPS bytes to Uart0
00801     *
00802     * This can be useful for printing out the bytes from the GPS onto
00803     * a the common debug port Uart0. Note, Uart0 should have been setup
00804     * and initialised before switching this on. Also, realistically,
00805     * you should ensure Uart0 has a higher baud rate than that being
00806     * used by the GPS. Sending of bytes to Uart0 is "raw" and should
00807     * only be used to initially gather data and should NOT be used as
00808     * part of the application design. If you need to forward on the 
00809     * data you should come up with a proper strategy.
00810     *
00811     * @ingroup API 
00812     * @param b - True to send to Uart0, false otherwise
00813     */
00814     void NmeaOnUart0(bool b) { _nmeaOnUart0 = b; }
00816 protected:
00818     //! Flag set true when a GPS PPS has been attached to a pin.
00819     bool         _ppsInUse;
00821     //! An InterruptIn object to "trigger" on the PPS edge.
00822     InterruptIn *_pps;
00824     //! A Ticker object called every 10ms.
00825     Ticker      *_second100;
00827     //! A GPS_Time object used to hold the last parsed time/date data.
00828     GPS_Time     theTime;
00830     //! A GPS_Geodetic object used to hold the last parsed positional data.
00831     GPS_Geodetic thePlace;
00833     //! A GPS_VTG object used to hold vector data.
00834     GPS_VTG      theVTG; 
00836     //! Used to record the previous byte received.
00837     char _lastByte;
00839     char *_gga;
00840     char *_rmc;
00841     char *_vtg;
00842     char *_ukn;
00844     //! Used for debugging.
00845     bool _nmeaOnUart0;      
00846 };
00848 #endif