Library for STMicroelectronics dSPIN L6470 stepper driver. "daisy-chain" supported.

Dependents:   L6470_daisy_chain l6470



File content as of revision 2:2af83d3ccd97:

#include "mbed.h"

#ifndef L6470SDC_H
#define L6470SDC_H

//#define DEBUG_L6470SDC

#define L6470_SPI_FREQ 4960000

#define CMD_NOP 0x0
#define CMD_SETPARAM 0x00
#define CMD_GETPARAM 0x20
#define CMD_RUN_PLUS 0x51
#define CMD_RUN_MINUS 0x50
#define CMD_STEP_PLUS 0x59
#define CMD_STEP_MINUS 0x58
#define CMD_ADDSTEP_PLUS 0x41
#define CMD_ADDSTEP_MINUS 0x40
#define CMD_GOTO 0x60
#define CMD_GOTO_DIR_PLUS 0x69
#define CMD_GOTO_DIR_MINUS 0x68
#define CMD_GO_UNTIL_PLUS 0x83
#define CMD_GO_UNTIL_MINUS 0x82
#define CMD_RELEASE_SW_PLUS 0x93
#define CMD_GO_HOME 0x70
#define CMD_GO_MARK 0x78
#define CMD_RESET_POS 0xD8
#define CMD_SOFT_STOP 0xB0
#define CMD_HARD_STOP 0xB8
#define CMD_SOFT_HIZ 0xA0
#define CMD_HARD_HIZ 0xA8
#define CMD_GET_STATUS 0xD0

#define REG_NOTHING 0x0
#define REG_ABS_POS 0x01
#define REG_EL_POS 0x02
#define REG_MARK 0x03
#define REG_SPEED 0x04
#define REG_ACC 0x05
#define REG_DEC 0x06
#define REG_MAX_SPEED 0x07
#define REG_MIN_SPEED 0x08
#define REG_KVAL_HOLD 0x09
#define REG_KVAL_RUN 0x0A
#define REG_KVAL_ACC 0x0B
#define REG_KVAL_DEC 0x0C
#define REG_INT_SPD 0x0D
#define REG_ST_SLP 0x0E
#define REG_FN_SLP_ACC 0x0F
#define REG_FN_SLP_DEC 0x10
#define REG_K_THERM 0x11
#define REG_ADC_OUT 0x12
#define REG_OCD_TH 0x13
#define REG_STALL_TH 0x14
#define REG_FS_SPD 0x15
#define REG_STEP_MODE 0x16
#define REG_ALARM_EN 0x17
#define REG_CONFIG 0x18
#define REG_STATUS 0x19

/** Library for STMicroelectronics dSPIN L6470 stepper driver. "daisy-chain" supported.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "L6470SDC.h"
 * int main() {
 *     //initialize
 *     l6470.init();
 *     //set maximum speed
 *     l6470.setMaximumSpeed(1, l6470.calcMaxSpd(100));
 *     //run 300step/s,clockwise
 *, l6470.calcSpd(300), true);
 *     wait(5.0);
 *     //motor stop
 *     l6470.stop(1);
 *     //motor return home position.
 *     l6470.home(1);
 * }
 * @endcode
class L6470SDC{
    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) PinName
    * @param tx Serial USB_TX PinName
    * @param rx Serial USB_RX PinName
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param csel SPI ChipSelect PinName
    L6470SDC(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel);
    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) PinName & DigitalOut*
    * @param tx Serial USB_TX PinName
    * @param rx Serial USB_RX PinName
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param *csel SPI ChipSelect
    * Example:
    *     DigitalOut my_cs(D10);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(USBTX, USBRX, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK, &my_cs);
    L6470SDC(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, DigitalOut *csel);
    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) Serial* & PinName
    * @param *serial Serial
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param csel SPI ChipSelect PinName
    * Example:
    *     Serial usb_serial(USBTX, USBRX);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&usb_serial, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK, D10);
    L6470SDC(Serial *serial, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel);

    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) Serial* & PinName & DigitalOut*
    * @param *serial Serial
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param *csel SPI ChipSelect
    * Example:
    *     Serial usb_serial(USBTX, USBRX);
    *     DigitalOut my_cs(D10);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&usb_serial, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK, &my_cs);
    L6470SDC(Serial *serial, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, DigitalOut *csel);

    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) Serial* & SPI* & PinName
    * @param *serial Serial
    * @param *spi SPI
    * @param csel SPI ChipSelect PinName
    * Example:
    *     Serial usb_serial(USBTX, USBRX);
    *     SPI my_spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&usb_serial, &my_spi, D10);
    L6470SDC(Serial *serial, SPI *spi, PinName csel);

    /** Constructor:(Serial, SPI, CS) Serial* & SPI* & DigitalOut*
    * @param *serial Serial
    * @param *spi SPI
    * @param *csel SPI ChipSelect
    * Example:
    *     Serial usb_serial(USBTX, USBRX);
    *     SPI my_spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK);
    *     DigitalOut my_cs(D10);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&usb_serial, &my_spi, &my_cs);
    L6470SDC(Serial *serial, SPI *spi, DigitalOut *csel);

    /** Constructor: without Debug Serial (SPI, CS) PinName
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param csel SPI ChipSelect PinName
    L6470SDC(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel);

    /** Constructor: without Debug Serial (SPI, CS) PinName & DigitalOut*
    * @param mosi SPI Master-out PinName
    * @param miso SPI Slave-out PinName
    * @param sclk SPI Clock PinName
    * @param *csel SPI ChipSelect
    * Example:
    *     DigitalOut cs1(D10);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK, &cs1);
    L6470SDC(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, DigitalOut *csel);

    /** Constructor: without Debug Serial (SPI, CS) SPI* & PinName
    * @param *spi SPI
    * @param csel SPI ChipSelect PinName
    * Example:
    *     SPI spi1(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&spi1, D10);
    L6470SDC(SPI *spi, PinName csel);

    /** Constructor: without Debug Serial (SPI, CS) SPI* & DigitalOut*
    * @param *spi SPI
    * @param *csel SPI ChipSelect
    * Example:
    *     SPI spi1(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCLK);
    *     DigitalOut cs1(D10);
    *     L6470SDC stepper(&spi1, &cs1);
    L6470SDC(SPI *spi, DigitalOut *csel);

    Serial *pc;
    SPI *spi;
    DigitalOut *cs;

    bool hasSerial;
    int motor_count;

    void setCmd(int motorNumber, unsigned char cmdAddress, unsigned long value, int bitLen);
    void setParam(int motorNumber, unsigned char regAddress, unsigned long value, int bitLen);
    unsigned long getParam(int motorNumber, unsigned char regAddress, int bitLen);
    void sendCMD(unsigned char cmd);

    /** Initialize L6470
    * @param initSPI If initialize SPI parameters.(e.g. clockspeed and mode) = true(default)
    void init(bool initSPI = true);

    /** Get connected(daisy-chained) motor count.
    * @returns Connected(daisy-chained) motor count. If not using daisy-chain, return always 1. maybe...
    int getMotorCount();

    /** Get motor Busy-flag status
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @returns Busy status.(false = Busy-flag 0, true = Busy-flag 1)
    bool isBusy(int motorNumber);

    /** Run motor rotate
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param hex_speed Motor rotate speed(hex_value Step/s). -> please use "calcSpd(stepPerSecond)" method.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    * Example:
    *     unsigned long calculatedValue = motor.calcSpd(200);
    *, calculatedValue, true); //200step/s, clockwise
    void run(int motorNumber, unsigned long hex_speed, bool isClockwise);

    /** Run motor steps
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param count Steps count. If using Microstep-mode, "count" must be multiplied by Microstep-value.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    * Example:
    *     motor.stop(1);
    *     motor.setStepMode(1, 0x07); //set microstep-mode 0x07 = 1/128 microstep.
    *     motor.step(1, 256, false); //(256/128)=2 step, counter cloclwise.
    void step(int motorNumber, unsigned int count, bool isClockwise);

    /** Run motor move
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param stepsCount Steps count. If using Microstep-mode, "stepsCount" must be multiplied by Microstep-value.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    * If less than 5step -> Please use the "step(int motorNumber, unsigned int count, bool isClockwise)".
    * If greater than 5step -> Please use this method.
    void move(int motorNumber, unsigned long stepsCount, bool isClockwise);

    /** Go to motor ABS position (shortest path)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param ABSPos Motor Absolute position.
    * CAUTION: This method a motion to ABS position through the shortest path. Rotate direction is not constant.
    void goto1(int motorNumber, unsigned long ABSPos);

    /** Go to motor ABS position (Specify the rotate direction)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param ABSPos Motor Absolute position.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    void goto2(int motorNumber, unsigned long ABSPos, bool isClockwise);

    /** ???Run motor rotate. Until external switch status change???
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param hex_speed Motor rotate speed(hex_value Step/s). -> please use "calcSpd(stepPerSecond)" method.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    * @param setMark External switch status?...??.. Sorry... I could not understand. Please see L6470 datasheet.
    void goUntil(int motorNumber, unsigned long hex_speed, bool isClockwise, bool setMark);

    /** ???Release external switch???
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * @param isClockwise Rotate direction. true = clockwise. false = counter-clockwise.
    * @param setMark External switch status?...??.. Sorry... I could not understand. Please see L6470 datasheet.
    void releaseSwitch(int motorNumber, bool isClockwise, bool setMark);

    /** Go to motor home-position
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void home(int motorNumber);

    /** Go to motor home-position [alias: home(int motorNumber)]
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void zero(int motorNumber);

    /** Go to motor marked-position
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    * Mark Position: -> Please use setMarkPosition(int motorNumber, unsigned long value).
    void gotoMark(int motorNumber);

    /** Reset the ABS_POS register to zero (ABS_POS zero = home-position)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void resetHome(int motorNumber);

    /** Reset the ABS_POS register to zero [alias: resetHome(int motorNumber)]
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void resetZero(int motorNumber);

    /** Reset motor device.(software reset)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void motorReset(int motorNumber);

    /** Stop rotation (soft-stop)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void stop(int motorNumber);

    /** Stop rotation. Ignore deceleration (hard-stop)
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void stopImmidiate(int motorNumber);

    /** Stop rotation (soft-stop) state sets HighImpedance.
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void stop_HighImpedance(int motorNumber);

    /** Stop rotation. Ignore deceleration (hard-stop) state sets HighImpedance.
    * @param motorNumber Chained motor-number. If not using daisy-chain, you must be motorNumber = 1.
    void stopImmidiate_HighImpedance(int motorNumber);

    // calc method -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    unsigned long calcSpd(float stepPerSecond);                                                     //回転速度(step/s)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcAcc(float stepPerSecond_2);                                                  //加速(step/s^2)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcDec(float stepPerSecond_2);                                                  //減速(step/s^2)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcMaxSpd(float stepPerSecond);                                                 //最大回転速度(step/s)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcMinSpd(float stepPerSecond);                                                 //最低回転速度(step/s)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcIntSpd(float stepPerSecond);                                                 //加減速曲線の切り替わる速度(step/s)をParam形式に変換
    unsigned short calcFullStepSpd(float stepPerSecond);                                            //フルステップに切り替わる速度(step/s)をParam形式に変換

    // set method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void setAbsPosition(int motorNumber, unsigned long value);                                      //絶対座標設定
    void setElecPosition(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //マイクロステップ位置設定
    void setMarkPosition(int motorNumber, unsigned long value);                                     //ホームポジション設定
    void setAcceleration(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //加速設定
    void setDeceleration(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //減速設定
    void setMaximumSpeed(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //最大回転速度設定
    void setMinimumSpeed(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //最低回転速度設定(普通はゼロ)
    void setHoldingKVAL(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                      //モーター停止中の電圧
    void setRunningKVAL(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                      //モーター駆動中の電圧
    void setAccelerationKVAL(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                 //モーター加速中の電圧
    void setDecelerationKVAL(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                 //モーター減速中の電圧
    void setKVAL(                                                                                   //モーターの電圧(一度に設定)
        int motorNumber,
        unsigned char holdVal, unsigned char runVal,
        unsigned char accVal, unsigned char decVal
    void setInterpolateSpeed(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                //加減速補間を開始するスピード
    void setInterpolateSlope(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                 //加減速補間の傾き
    void setAccSlopeFinal(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                    //加速最終時の補間の傾き
    void setDecSlopeFinal(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                    //減速最終時の補間の傾き
    void setThermoCorrect(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                    //高温時の補正
    void setOCThreshold(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                      //オーバーカレントの電流閾値
    void setStallThreshold(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                   //ストールの電流閾値
    void setFSSpeed(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                         //フルステップ駆動に切り替えるスピード
    void setStepMode(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                         //マイクロステッピングモード指定
    void setAlermEnable(int motorNumber, unsigned char value);                                      //アラームの有効無効
    void setSystemConfig(int motorNumber, unsigned short value);                                    //ドライバシステム設定

    // get method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    unsigned long getSpeed(int motorNumber);                                                        //現在の回転スピード
    unsigned short getADC(int motorNumber);                                                         //ADCの取得
    unsigned short getStatus(int motorNumber);                                                      //ステータス読み取り
    unsigned long getAbsPosition(int motorNumber);                                                  //絶対座標
    unsigned short getElecPosition(int motorNumber);                                                //マイクロステップ位置
    unsigned long getMarkPosition(int motorNumber);                                                 //ホームポジション
    unsigned short getAcceleration(int motorNumber);                                                //加速
    unsigned short getDeceleration(int motorNumber);                                                //減速
    unsigned short getMaximumSpeed(int motorNumber);                                                //最大回転速度
    unsigned short getMinimumSpeed(int motorNumber);                                                //最低回転速度(普通はゼロ)
    unsigned char getHoldingKVAL(int motorNumber);                                                  //モーター停止中の電圧
    unsigned char getRunningKVAL(int motorNumber);                                                  //モーター駆動中の電圧
    unsigned char getAccelerationKVAL(int motorNumber);                                             //モーター加速中の電圧
    unsigned char getDecelerationKVAL(int motorNumber);                                             //モーター減速中の電圧
    unsigned short getInterpolateSpeed(int motorNumber);                                            //加減速補間を開始するスピード
    unsigned char getInterpolateSlope(int motorNumber);                                             //加減速補間の傾き
    unsigned char getAccSlopeFinal(int motorNumber);                                                //加速最終時の補間の傾き
    unsigned char getDecSlopeFinal(int motorNumber);                                                //減速最終時の補間の傾き
    unsigned char getThermoCorrect(int motorNumber);                                                //高温時の補正
    unsigned char getOCThreshold(int motorNumber);                                                  //オーバーカレントの電流閾値
    unsigned char getStallThreshold(int motorNumber);                                               //ストールの電流閾値
    unsigned short getFSSpeed(int motorNumber);                                                     //フルステップ駆動に切り替えるスピード
    unsigned char getStepMode(int motorNumber);                                                     //マイクロステッピングモード
    unsigned char getAlermEnable(int motorNumber);                                                  //アラームの有効無効
    unsigned short getSystemConfig(int motorNumber);                                                //ドライバシステム設定
