This library contains a simple device driver for the X10 CM17a module. It also contains a simple X10Server, which listens for network commands to be forwarded to the module.

Dependents:   X10Svr

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X10Server Class Reference

X10Server Class Reference

The X10Server class, which will listen for X10 commands from the network. More...

#include <X10Server.h>

Public Member Functions

 X10Server (void(*fptr)(char *buffer, int size)=NULL, uint16_t port=10630)
 X10Server Constructor, which also assigns the port.
void poll (void)
 The process to call where there is free time, to see if there is a request, and to handle it.

Detailed Description

The X10Server class, which will listen for X10 commands from the network.

Definition at line 12 of file X10Server.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

X10Server ( void(*)(char *buffer, int size)  fptr = NULL,
uint16_t  port = 10630 

X10Server Constructor, which also assigns the port.

This constructs the X10Server object, and sets it to listen for incoming messages.

[in]fptris an optional pointer to a function that can accept and process the received message. This function is called with a pointer to the message and the size of the message as parameters.
[in]portis an optional parameter to set the port to listen to. The default is 10630.

Definition at line 24 of file X10Server.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void poll ( void   )

The process to call where there is free time, to see if there is a request, and to handle it.

Definition at line 46 of file X10Server.cpp.