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TimeInterface Class Reference

TimeInterface Class Reference

TimeInterface class is much like the normal c-style time.h interface, but is extended with time-zone support, and clock-adjustment support (which permits tuning the clock) for more accuracy. More...

#include <TimeInterface.h>

Public Member Functions

 TimeInterface (void *m_net=NULL)
 Constructor for the TimeInterface class, which does minimal initialization.
 ~TimeInterface ()
 Destructor, normally not used, because it is typically kept for the life of the program.
clock_t clock (void)
 Gets the system elapsed time in CLOCKS_PER_SEC tics.
time_t time (time_t *timer=NULL)
 Gets the current time as a UTC time value, optionally writing it to a provided buffer.
time_t timelocal (time_t *timer=NULL)
 Gets the current time as a LOCAL time value, optionally writing it to a provided buffer.
char * ctime (const time_t *timer)
 Convert a time value structure into an ASCII printable time "Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy".
char * asctime (const struct tm_ex *timeptr)
 Convert a tm_ex structure into an ASCII printable "time Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy".
double difftime (time_t end, time_t beginning)
 Compute the difference in seconds between two time values.
struct tm_exgmtime (const time_t *timer)
 Convert the referenced time_t value to a tm_ex structure in UTC/GMT format.
struct tm_exlocaltime (const time_t *timer)
 Convert the referenced time_t value to a tm structure in local format.
time_t mktime (struct tm_ex *timeptr)
 Convert a tm_ex structure (an extended time structure) to a time_t value.
size_t strftime (char *ptr, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm_ex *timeptr)
 Presents a time value in a user specified format, into a user specified buffer.
const char * strptime (const char *buf, const char *fmt, struct tm_ex *tm)
 Convert a string, in a defined format, to a time value in a tm_ex structure.
void set_time (time_t t, int16_t tzo_min=0)
 Set the internal RTC (clock) to the time value.
void set_tzo_min (int16_t tzo_min)
 Set the time zone offset in minutes.
int16_t get_tzo_min (void)
 Get the time zone offset in minutes.
bool set_dst (bool dst)
 Set the clock for local time to report whether the current mode is standard or daylight savings time.
bool set_dst (const char *dstStart, const char *dstStop)
 Set the clock for auto-adjust local time based on changing to standard or daylight savings time.
bool get_dst (void)
 Get the current clock mode for daylight savings time.
time_t get_timelastset (void)
 Get the time value when the clock was last set.
int32_t get_cal ()
 get_cal will return the calibration register value
void set_cal (int32_t calibration)
 set_cal will set the calibration register value
bool adjust_sec (int32_t adjustSeconds)
 adjust_sec adjusts both the time and the calibration by seconds

Detailed Description

TimeInterface class is much like the normal c-style time.h interface, but is extended with time-zone support, and clock-adjustment support (which permits tuning the clock) for more accuracy.

Additionally, strptime was integrated, which can extract the time from a text string. A formatter is used, so it cannot parse an arbitrary string.

Within this class are the normal time.h methods, simply exposed here for one consistent interface.

This class uses the special battery backed registers GPREG0 and GPREG1 for TimeInterface data.
In mbed library ver 84, the gmtime method is defective, and calls to this function return junk data. The gmtime method in this library actually uses localtime, but manages the time-zone offset as it does so.
 // TimeInterface Architecture and APIs
 // +--------+
 // | clock  |----> clock_t clock()
 // +--------+
 // +--------+
 // |        |<------------ setTime(char * server, uint16_t port, uint32_t timeout)
 // | NTP    |<-----------> Ethernet
 // |        |----+
 // +--------+    |
 //               |
 // +--------+    |
 // | RTC    |<---+-------- set_time(time_t t, int16_t tzo)
 // |        |<------------ adjust_sec(int32_t)
 // |        |<------------ set_cal(int32_t)
 // |        |------------> int32_t get_cal()
 // |        |------------> time_t time(time_t *)
 // |        |------+
 // +--------+      |
 //                 |  
 // +--------+      |
 // |        |<---- | <---- set_dst(bool dst)
 // |        |<---- | <---- set_dst(char * start_dst, char * end_dst)
 // |        |----- | ----> bool get_dst()
 // |dst_pair|---+  |  +----------+
 // +--------+   |  |  |          |
 //              |  +->|          |
 // +--------+   +---->|time_local|--------> time_t timelocal(time_t *)     
 // | tzo    |<--------|          |
 // |        |         +----------+
 // |        |<------------ set_tzo_min(int16_t)
 // |        |------------> int16_t get_tzo_min()
 // +--------+                                
 // +--------+                                   +--------------------------+
 // | time_t | ---> char * ctime(time_t *) ----> | buffer                   |
 // | value  |                                   | Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy |
 // +--------+     +- char * asctime(tm_ex *) -> +--------------------------+
 //      ^  |      |
 //      |  |      |                                 +-----------------+   
 //      |  |      +-------------------------------- | tm_ex           |   
 //      |  |                                        |   .tm_sec       |   
 //      |  +- tm_ex * gmtime(const time_t *) -----> |   .tm_min       |   
 //      |  |                                        |   .tm_hour      |   
 //      |  +- tm_ex * localtime(const time_t *) --> |   .tm_mday      |   
 //      |                                           |   .tm_mon       |   
 //      +---- time_t mktime(struct tm_ex *) ------- |   .tm_year      |   
 //                                                  |   .tm_wday      |   
 //                                                  |   .tm_yday      |   
 //  +---------------------------------------------> |   .tm_isdst     |   
 //  | +-------------------------------------------- |   .tm_tzo_min   |               
 //  | |                                             +-----------------+               
 //  | |                                         +--------------------------+
 //  | +- strftime(char * ptr, ..., tm_ex *) --> | buffer                   |
 //  +----strptime(char * buf, ..., tm_ex *) --- | Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy |
 //                                              +--------------------------+
 //      double difftime(time_t end, time_t)

Definition at line 119 of file TimeInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TimeInterface ( void *  m_net = NULL )

Constructor for the TimeInterface class, which does minimal initialization.

[in]netis optional and provides the EthernetInterface which is used if you want to sync to an NTP server
 EthernetInterface net;
 TimeInterface ntp(&net);
     ntp.set_tzo_min(-6 * 60);
     if (NTP_OK == ntp.setTime("", 123, 10)) {
         time_t tNow = ntp.timelocal();
         printf("time is %s\r\n", ntp.ctime(&tNow));

Definition at line 34 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

~TimeInterface (  )

Destructor, normally not used, because it is typically kept for the life of the program.

Definition at line 41 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool adjust_sec ( int32_t  adjustSeconds )

adjust_sec adjusts both the time and the calibration by seconds

This will take a signed value, which is the current adjustment in seconds to put the clock on the correct time. So, if the clock is behind by 3 seconds, the value should be +3 to advance the clock accordingly. It will then adjust the time, and it will attempt to adjust the calibration factor to make the time more accurate.

The adjustment can only be made if it has retained when the clock was last set, in order to know by how much to adjust it. It is also most accurate if several days have elapsed since the time was set.

The current version only works if the calibration value is zero when this adjustment is made.
[in]adjustSecondsis the signed value by which to adjust the time to correct it to the current actual time.
true if the adjustment was made
false if the adjustment could not be made

Definition at line 348 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

char * asctime ( const struct tm_ex timeptr )

Convert a tm_ex structure into an ASCII printable "time Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy".

Unlike the standard asctime, this takes a pointer to a tm_ex, which has daylight savings time flag and a time zone offset element.
Watch out for race conditions as this returns a pointer to a shared buffer.
Unlike the standard ctime function, this version DOES NOT append a newline character to the buffer.
 time_t tNow = timelocal();
 tm_ex * tEx = localtime(&tNow);
 printf("Time is %s\r\n", asctime(tEx));
[in]timeptris a pointer to a tm_ex structure containing the time to convert.
a pointer to a private buffer containing the string.

Definition at line 188 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

clock_t clock ( void   )

Gets the system elapsed time in CLOCKS_PER_SEC tics.

Divide the returned value by CLOCKS_PER_SEC to get time in seconds.

 clock_t tstart, tend;
     tstart = clock();
     // do something long
     tend = clock();
     printf("Elapsed time is %5.3f\r\n", (float)(tend - tstart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
elapsed tics.

Definition at line 133 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

char * ctime ( const time_t *  timer )

Convert a time value structure into an ASCII printable time "Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy".

Watch out for race conditions as this returns a pointer to a shared buffer.
Unlike the standard ctime function, this version DOES NOT append a newline character to the buffer.
 time_t tNow = timelocal();
 printf("time is %s\r\n", ctime(tNow));
[in]timeris a pointer to a time_t value containing the time to convert.
a pointer to a buffer containing the string.

Definition at line 173 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

double difftime ( time_t  end,
time_t  beginning 

Compute the difference in seconds between two time values.

 time_t tstart, tend;
     tstart = time();
     // do some long process now
     tend = time();
     printf("Elapsed time is %5.3f\r\n", tend - tstart);
[in]endis the end time to compare to the beginning time.
[in]beginningtime is compared to the end time.
the difference in seconds, as a double.

Definition at line 275 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

int32_t get_cal (  )

get_cal will return the calibration register value

This is the raw register value as a signed 32-bit value (even though it is actually a 17-bit unsigned value with an additional 'direction' flag).

calibration settings ranging from -131071 to +131071

Definition at line 325 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

bool get_dst ( void   )

Get the current clock mode for daylight savings time.

true if clock is in dst mode.

Definition at line 128 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

time_t get_timelastset ( void   )

Get the time value when the clock was last set.

This is most often used in calibration of the clock.

time last set as a UTC time value.

Definition at line 320 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

int16_t get_tzo_min ( void   )

Get the time zone offset in minutes.

the time zone offset value in minutes. If the tzo was never initialized, this returns zero.

Definition at line 306 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

struct tm_ex * gmtime ( const time_t *  timer ) [read]

Convert the referenced time_t value to a tm_ex structure in UTC/GMT format.

Unlike the standard asctime, this return a pointer to a tm_ex, which has a time zone offset element.
Watch out for race conditions as this returns a pointer to a shared buffer.
[in]timeris a pointer to a time_t structure to convert.
pointer to a tm_ex structure.

Definition at line 229 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

struct tm_ex * localtime ( const time_t *  timer ) [read]

Convert the referenced time_t value to a tm structure in local format.

This method leverages the time zone offset applied with

See also:
set_tzo() and the daylight savings time flag applied with
Watch out for race conditions as this returns a pointer to a shared buffer.
 time_t tNow = timelocal();
 tm_ex * tEx = localtime(&tNow);
[in]timeris a pointer to a time_t structure to convert.
pointer to a tm structure.

Definition at line 247 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

time_t mktime ( struct tm_ex timeptr )

Convert a tm_ex structure (an extended time structure) to a time_t value.

This function also sets the tzo_min element of the tm_ex structure from the previously set tzo_min.

[in]timeptris a pointer to a tm_ex structure.
the computed time_t value.

Definition at line 264 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

void set_cal ( int32_t  calibration )

set_cal will set the calibration register value

This accepts a signed value to be used to set the calibration registers. Setting the calibration value to zero disables the calibration function.

It is important to know the register function in order to use this command, and this API is normally not used by external application code. AdjustBySeconds for a user-friendly API.

[in]calibrationvalue to use ranging from -131071 to +131071

Definition at line 335 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

bool set_dst ( bool  dst )

Set the clock for local time to report whether the current mode is standard or daylight savings time.

return values for localtime will then be adjusted not only for the time zone offset, but for dst.

[in]dstis a boolean that should be set when dst is the active mode.
true, always.

Definition at line 122 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

bool set_dst ( const char *  dstStart,
const char *  dstStop 

Set the clock for auto-adjust local time based on changing to standard or daylight savings time.

return values for localtime will then be adjusted not only for the time zone offset, but for dst.

[in]dstStartis a string of the form "mm/dd,hh:mm" representing when DST starts.
[in]dstStopis a string of the form "mm/dd,hh:mm" representing when DST stops.
true if the start and stop pair could be successfully parsed.

Definition at line 108 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

void set_time ( time_t  t,
int16_t  tzo_min = 0 

Set the internal RTC (clock) to the time value.

The time valueshould be UTC time along with an offset of zero, which then permits gmtime and localtime to be used appropriately. Alternately, the time can be in localtime, and the offset is then used to compute UTC to set the clock.

[in]tshould be the UTC time value to set the clock to. If the available time value is local time, the optional time zone offset can be provided so the system clock is UTC.
[in]tzois the optional time zone offset in minutes when it is in the range of -720 to +720 (-12 hours to + 12 hours). Any other value is illegal and no change will be made.

Definition at line 284 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

void set_tzo_min ( int16_t  tzo_min )

Set the time zone offset in minutes.

This API should be used before any other methods that fetch the RTC info.

[in]tzois the time zone offset in minutes when it is in the range of -720 to +720 (-12 hours to + 12 hours). Any other value is illegal and no change will be made.

Definition at line 293 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

size_t strftime ( char *  ptr,
size_t  maxsize,
const char *  format,
const struct tm_ex timeptr 

Presents a time value in a user specified format, into a user specified buffer.

[out]ptris a pointer to the user buffer.
[in]maxsizeis the size of the user buffer.
[in]formatis a pointer to the special strftime format specification. see format options.
[in]timeptris a pointer to the tm_ex structure.
the total number of characters copied into the buffer.

format options:

  • %a Abbreviated weekday name e.g. Thu
  • %A Full weekday name e.g. Thursday
  • %b Abbreviated month name e.g. Aug
  • %B Full month name e.g. August
  • %c Date and time representation e.g. Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
  • %C Year divided by 100 and truncated to integer (00-99) e.g. 20
  • %d Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31) e.g. 23
  • %D Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y e.g. 08/23/01
  • %e Day of the month, space-padded ( 1-31) e.g. 23
  • %F Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d e.g. 2001-08-23
  • %g Week-based year, last two digits (00-99) e.g. 01
  • %G Week-based year e.g. 2001
  • %h Abbreviated month name * (same as %b) e.g. Aug
  • %H Hour in 24h format (00-23) e.g. 14
  • %I Hour in 12h format (01-12) e.g. 02
  • %j Day of the year (001-366) e.g. 235
  • %m Month as a decimal number (01-12) e.g. 08
  • %M Minute (00-59) e.g. 55
  • %n New-line character ('\n')
  • %p AM or PM designation e.g. PM
  • %r 12-hour clock time e.g. 02:55:02 pm
  • %R 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M e.g. 14:55
  • %S Second (00-61) e.g. 02
  • %t Horizontal-tab character ('')
  • %T ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S e.g. 14:55:02
  • %u ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7) e.g. 4
  • %U Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53) e.g. 33
  • %V ISO 8601 week number (00-53) e.g. 34
  • %w Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) e.g. 4
  • %W Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53) e.g. 34
  • %x Date representation e.g. 08/23/01
  • %X Time representation e.g. 14:55:02
  • %y Year, last two digits (00-99) e.g. 01
  • %Y Year e.g. 2001
  • %z ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone (1 minute=1, 1 hour=100) (e.g. +100) If timezone cannot be determined, no characters
  • %Z Timezone name or abbreviation (e.g. CDT) If timezone cannot be determined, no characters
  • % A % sign

Definition at line 270 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

const char * strptime ( const char *  buf,
const char *  fmt,
struct tm_ex tm 

Convert a string, in a defined format, to a time value in a tm_ex structure.

Most format details leveraged from The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition Copyright © 2001-2004 The IEEE and The Open Group, All Rights reserved.

Modifications for mbed, and addition of the timezone format option by D. Smart

     char timesample[] = "Jan 22 2017 01:32:48 UTC";
     tm_ex tm;
     strptime(timesample, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", &tm);
[in]bufis a pointer to the string to be parsed.
[in]formatis a pointer to a format string. See the format options.
[out]tmis a pointer to a tm_ex struct.
a pointer to the character following the last one parsed, or null on failure

format options:

  • %a The day of the week, using the locale's weekday names; either the abbreviated or full name may be specified.
  • %A Equivalent to %a.
  • %b The month, using the locale's month names; either the abbreviated or full name may be specified.
  • %B Equivalent to %b.
  • %c Replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time representation.
  • %C The century number [00,99]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %d The day of the month [01,31]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %D The date as %m / %d / %y.
  • %e Equivalent to %d.
  • %h Equivalent to %b.
  • %H The hour (24-hour clock) [00,23]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %I The hour (12-hour clock) [01,12]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %j The day number of the year [001,366]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %m The month number [01,12]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %M The minute [00,59]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %n Any white space.
  • %p The locale's equivalent of a.m or p.m.
  • %r 12-hour clock time using the AM/PM notation if t_fmt_ampm is not an empty string in the LC_TIME portion of the current locale; in the POSIX locale, this shall be equivalent to %I : %M : %S %p.
  • %R The time as %H : %M.
  • %S The seconds [00,60]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %t Any white space.
  • %T The time as %H : %M : %S.
  • %U The week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %w The weekday as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 representing Sunday; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %W The week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %x The date, using the locale's date format.
  • %X The time, using the locale's time format.
  • %y The year within century. When a century is not otherwise specified, values in the range [69,99] shall refer to years 1969 to 1999 inclusive, and values in the range [00,68] shall refer to years 2000 to 2068 inclusive; leading zeros shall be permitted but shall not be required. Note: It is expected that in a future version of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 the default century inferred from a 2-digit year will change. (This would apply to all commands accepting a 2-digit year as input.)
  • %Y The year, including the century (for example, 1988).
  • %Z The timezone offset, as a 3-letter sequence. Only a few whole-hour offsets have been defined.
  • %% Replaced by %.

Definition at line 474 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

time_t time ( time_t *  timer = NULL )

Gets the current time as a UTC time value, optionally writing it to a provided buffer.

This reads the real time clock and returns the current UTC time.

 time_t t_ref1, t_ref2, t_ref3;
 t_ref1 = time(NULL); 
 t_ref2 = t.time(); 
[out]timeris an optional pointer to a time_t value that will be written with the current time. This pointer is ignored when NULL.
the UTC time value.

Definition at line 138 of file TimeInterface.cpp.

time_t timelocal ( time_t *  timer = NULL )

Gets the current time as a LOCAL time value, optionally writing it to a provided buffer.

This reads the real time clock and returns the current time, adjusted for the local time zone and daylight savings time.

 time_t t_ref2, t_ref3;
 t_ref2 = t.time(); 
[out]timeris an optional pointer to a time_t value that will be written. This pointer is ignored when NULL.
the LOCAL time value (UTC adjusted for the LOCAL time zone and dst).

Definition at line 148 of file TimeInterface.cpp.