This is a library for managing the mbed real time clock, including functions for setting and getting the rtc in text format, getting and setting the timezone offset, and getting and setting the calibration register, both directly, and by using an adjustment API to automatically set the calibration value.

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File content as of revision 5:fbbdf57675c3:

/// @file TimeUtilities.h contains a real time clock interface for the mbed
/// @mainpage Time Management of the Real Time Clock module
/// APIs for showing the time from the RTC, or from a passed in value.
/// Also supports setting the clock, timezone offsets and calibration
/// of the RTC subsystem.
/// @note Copyright &copr; 2011 by Smartware Computing, all rights reserved.
///     Individuals may use this application for evaluation or non-commercial
///     purposes. Within this restriction, changes may be made to this application
///     as long as this copyright notice is retained. The user shall make
///     clear that their work is a derived work, and not the original.
///     Users of this application and sources accept this application "as is" and
///     shall hold harmless Smartware Computing, for any undesired results while
///     using this application - whether real or imagined.
/// @author David Smart, Smartware Computing
/// @note
/// History
/// v1.03 20111030
/// \li Adding an API to adjust time and calibration based on how far it is
///     off "now", based on when it was set.
/// v1.02 
/// \li 20110716 Minor documentation update
/// \li 20110616 Minor documentation updates
/// v1.01 29 May 2011
/// \li Slightly improved documentation.
/// unlabeled 29 May 2011
/// \li Initial release as a library

#ifndef WIN32
#include "mbed.h"
typedef int int32_t;

#include <time.h>

/// RealTimeClock is an interface to the mbed RTC module
/// It provides interfaces to get and set the time in text representation
/// as well as a means to get and set the timezone offset so that it 
/// maintains time in UTC format.
/// Additionally, it provides an interface to adjust the calibration
/// registers of the RTC, to compensate for 32 kHz clock error, whether
/// based on the oscillator itself or on some bias to ambient temperature.
/// @note It is recommended that the system has a battery connected to
/// the mbed battery backup pin.
/// @note The timezone offset is stored in RTC register GPREG0 which
/// is battery backed, permitting recovery on the next startup.
/// Example:
/// @code
/// RealTimeClock rtc;
/// void main() {
///     bool success;
///     char TimeTest[] = "05/29/2011 14:15:18 (-6:00)";
///     char buf[50];
///     success = rtc.SetTime(TimeTest);
///     rtc.GetTimeString(buf);
///     printf("success: %i, time: %s\n", success, buf);
/// }
/// prints the following:
/// success: 1, time: Sun May 29 14:15:18 2011 (tzo: -6:00)
/// @endcode
class RealTimeClock
    /// Constructor for the RealTimeClock interface, usually implemented
    /// outside of main( )

    /// Destructor for the RealTimeClock, usually not executed

    /// GetTimeValue gets the current time in time_t format
    /// Gets the current time from the rtc and returns the time in time_t format.
    /// This is functionally identical to "return time(NULL);", 
    /// simply wrapped in this class for convenience.
    /// @returns current time in time_t format
    time_t GetTimeValue();
    /// GetTimeValueWhenSet gets the time in time_t seconds when the clock was last set
    /// This value represents the time_t time when the clock was set.
    /// This value is not preserved through power cycles, or resets, in which
    /// case it will return 0.
    /// @returns time in time_t format when the clock was last set
    time_t GetTimeValueWhenSet();
    /// GetTimeString gets the formatted time applying the internal time-zone offset of hours and minutes
    /// It places the formatted string into the buffer in the format of
    /// Sun May 29 07:19:24 2011 (tzo: -6:00)
    /// The internal timezone offset can be set with SetTimeOffset
    /// @param buffer is a pointer to a buffer large enough (>= 40 chars) for the formatted time string
    /// @param tValue is the optional time value to convert to text, if zero, then the current 
    ///         time is used.
    /// @returns nothing
    void GetTimeString(char * buffer, time_t tValue = 0);

    /// GetTimeString gets the formatted time applying the time-zone offset of hours and minutes
    /// It places the formatted string into the buffer in the format of
    /// Sun May 29 07:19:24 2011 (tzo: -6:00)
    /// @param buffer is a pointer to a buffer large enough (>= 40 chars) for the formatted time string
    /// @param hOffset is the hours offset
    /// @param mOffset is the minutes offset
    /// @returns nothing
    void GetTimeString(char * buffer, int hOffset, int mOffset);

    /// GetTimeString gets the formatted time value applying the time-zone offset of hours and minutes
    /// It places the formatted string into the buffer in the format of
    /// Sun May 29 07:19:24 2011 (tzo: -6:00)
    /// @param buffer is a pointer to a buffer large enough (>= 40 chars) for the formatted time string
    /// @param tValue is the time value to convert to text, if zero, then the current 
    ///         time is used.
    /// @param hOffset is the hours offset
    /// @param mOffset is the minutes offset
    /// @returns nothing
    void GetTimeString(char * buffer, time_t tValue, int hOffset, int mOffset);

    /// SetTimeOffset will set the hour and minute timezone offset
    /// @param offsetHour is the timezone offset in hours
    /// @param offsetMinute is the timezone offset in minutes
    /// @returns nothing
    void SetTimeOffset(int offsetHour, int offsetMinute);

    /// GetTimeCalibration will return the calibration register value
    /// This is the raw register value as a signed 32-bit value (even though
    /// it is actually a 17-bit unsigned value with an additional 'direction' flag).
    /// @returns calibration settings ranging from -131071 to +131071
    int32_t GetTimeCalibration();

    /// SetTimeCalibration will set the calibration register value
    /// This accepts a signed value to be used to set the calibration
    /// registers. Setting the calibration value to zero disables the
    /// calibration function. 
    /// It is important to know the register function in order to use 
    /// this command, and this API is normally not used by external
    /// application code. @See AdjustBySeconds for a user-friendly
    /// API.
    /// @param calibration value to use ranging from -131071 to +131071
    /// @returns nothing
    void SetTimeCalibration(int32_t calibration);

    /// SetTime will set the Real Time Clock from a well formatted string
    /// This will read a string, and if it is well formed, it will then
    /// set the RTC based on this string. The string should be of the form:
    /// 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS' and may have the optional timezone offset 
    /// of the form '(+/-HH:MM)'
    /// example: 05/29/2011 13:15:07 (-6:00)
    /// @param timestring is the string to parse
    /// @returns true if the time was set
    bool SetTime(char * timestring);
    /// AdjustBySeconds adjusts both the time and the calibration by seconds
    /// This will take a signed value, which is the current adjustment in seconds
    /// to put the clock on the correct time. So, if the clock is behind by
    /// 3 seconds, the value should be +3 to advance the clock accordingly.
    /// It will then adjust the time, and it will attempt to adjust the
    /// calibration factor to make the time more accurate.
    /// The adjustment can only be made if it has retained when the clock was
    /// last set, in order to know by how much to adjust it. It is also most
    /// accurate if several days have elapsed since the time was set.
    /// @note The current version only works if the calibration value
    ///       is zero when this adjustment is made.
    /// @param adjustSeconds is the signed value by which to adjust the time to
    ///        correct it to the current actual time.
    /// @returns true if the adjustment was made
    /// @returns false if the adjustment could not be made
    bool AdjustBySeconds(int32_t adjustSeconds);
    /// GetVersion will return a pointer to a constant text string
    /// This returns a pointer to a constant string which represents
    /// the version of this component.
    /// @returns pointer to a character string holding the version.
    const char * GetVersion();

    /// SetTimeOffsetStore will store the timezone offset values in RTC ram
    /// This takes the current timezone offset values and stores them in 
    /// the RTC battery backed ram.
    /// @returns nothing
    void SetTimeOffsetStore();

    /// GetTimeOffsetStore will extract the timezone offset values from RTC ram
    /// This extracts the timezone offset values that were stored in RTC
    /// battery backed ram and uses them for time information.
    /// @returns nothing
    void GetTimeOffsetStore();
    /// SetTimeLastSetStore will store the time_t when last set in RTC ram
    /// When the clock is correctly set, the time value will be stored
    /// which permits later adjustments to the calibration based on 
    /// elapsed time and knowing when it was set.
    /// @returns nothing
    void SetTimeLastSetStore();
    /// GetTimeLastSetStore will extract the time_t when last set from RTC ram
    /// When the clock is correctly set, the time value will have been stored
    /// which permits later adjustments to the calibration based on 
    /// elapsed time and knowing when it was set. This function retrieves it.
    /// @returns nothing
    void GetTimeLastSetStore();

