Updated standard library



File content as of revision 88:bfddef6ec836:

/// @mainpage RA8875 Display Controller Driver library
/// The RA8875 Display controller is a powerful interface for low cost displays. It
/// can support displays up to 800 x 600 pixels x 16-bit color. Another common 
/// implementation is 480 x 272 x 16 with two layers. The two layers can be 
/// exchanged, or blended in various ways (transparency, OR, AND, and more).
/// It includes graphics acceleration capabilities for drawing primitives, 
/// such as line, rectangle, circles, and more.
/// The controller additionally supports backlight control (via PWM), keypad scanning
/// (for a 4 x 5 matrix) and resistive touch-panel support. 
/// @section Display_Config Display Configuration
/// This section details basics for bringing the display online. At a minimum,
/// the display is instantiated. After that any of the available commands
/// may be issued.
/// During the instantiation, the display is powered on, cleared, and the backlight
/// is energized. Additionally, the keypad and touchscreen features are activated.
/// It is important to keep in mind that the keypad had the default mapping, and
/// the touchscreen does not have the calibration matrix configured, so additional
/// steps may be necessary.
/// @code 
/// RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft");
/// lcd.init();
/// lcd.foreground(Blue);
/// lcd.line(0,0, 479,271);
/// ...
/// @endcode
/// @section Touch_Panel Touch Panel
/// The supported touch panel interface is for a resistive panel, and is natively 
/// supported by the RA8875 controller. There are a few steps to enable this interface.
/// @subsection Touch_Panel_Enable Touch Panel Enable
/// @see TouchPanelInit has two forms - fully automatic, and controlled. See the APIs for
/// details.
/// @subsection Touch_Panel_Calibration
/// The touch panel is not initially calibrated on startup. The application should 
/// provide a means to activate the calibration process, and that should not require
/// the touchscreen as it may not yet be usable. Alternately, a calibration matrix
/// can be loaded from non-volatile and installed.
/// @section Keypad Keypad
/// The keypad has a default keypad mapping, but there is an API that permits
/// installing a custom keymap.
#ifndef RA8875_H
#define RA8875_H
#include <mbed.h>

#include "RA8875_Regs.h"
#include "GraphicsDisplay.h"

#define RA8875_DEFAULT_SPI_FREQ 5000000

// Define this to enable code that monitors the performance of various
// graphics commands.
//#define PERF_METRICS

// What better place for some test code than in here and the companion
// .cpp file. See also the bottom of this file.
//#define TESTENABLE

/// DOS colors - slightly color enhanced
#define Black       (color_t)(RGB(0,0,0))
#define Blue        (color_t)(RGB(0,0,187))
#define Green       (color_t)(RGB(0,187,0))
#define Cyan        (color_t)(RGB(0,187,187))
#define Red         (color_t)(RGB(187,0,0))
#define Magenta     (color_t)(RGB(187,0,187))
#define Brown       (color_t)(RGB(63,63,0))
#define Gray        (color_t)(RGB(187,187,187))
#define Charcoal    (color_t)(RGB(85,85,85))
#define BrightBlue  (color_t)(RGB(0,0,255))
#define BrightGreen (color_t)(RGB(0,255,0))
#define BrightCyan  (color_t)(RGB(0,255,255))
#define BrightRed   (color_t)(RGB(255,0,0))
#define Orange      (color_t)(RGB(255,85,85))
#define Pink        (color_t)(RGB(255,85,255))
#define Yellow      (color_t)(RGB(187,187,0))
#define White       (color_t)(RGB(255,255,255))

#define DarkBlue    (color_t)(RGB(0,0,63))
#define DarkGreen   (color_t)(RGB(0,63,0))
#define DarkCyan    (color_t)(RGB(0,63,63))
#define DarkRed     (color_t)(RGB(63,0,0))
#define DarkMagenta (color_t)(RGB(63,0,63))
#define DarkBrown   (color_t)(RGB(63,63,0))
#define DarkGray    (color_t)(RGB(63,63,63))

#define min(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)
#define max(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b)

//namespace SW_graphics

/// This is a graphics library for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller chip
/// attached to a 4-wire SPI interface.
/// It offers both primitive and high level APIs.
/// Central to this API is a coordinate system, where the origin (0,0) is in
/// the top-left corner of the display, and the width (x) extends positive to the
/// right and the height (y) extends positive toward the bottom.
/// @caution As there are both graphics and text commands, one must take care to use
/// the proper coordinate system for each. Some of the text APIs are in units
/// of column and row, which is measured in character positions (and dependent
/// on the font size), where other text APIs permit pixel level positioning.
/// @code
/// #include "RA8875.h"
/// RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft");
/// int main()
/// {
///     lcd.init();
///     lcd.printf("printing 3 x 2 = %d", 3*2);
///     lcd.circle(       400,25,  25,               BrightRed);
///     lcd.fillcircle(   400,25,  15,               RGB(128,255,128));
///     lcd.ellipse(      440,75,  35,20,            BrightBlue);
///     lcd.fillellipse(  440,75,  25,10,            Blue);
///     lcd.triangle(     440,100, 475,110, 450,125, Magenta);
///     lcd.filltriangle( 445,105, 467,111, 452,120, Cyan);
///     lcd.rect(         400,130, 475,155,          Brown);
///     lcd.fillrect(     405,135, 470,150,          Pink);
///     lcd.roundrect(    410,160, 475,190, 10,8,    Yellow);
///     lcd.fillroundrect(415,165, 470,185,  5,3,    Orange);
///     lcd.line(         430,200, 460,230,          RGB(0,255,0));
///     for (int i=0; i<=30; i+=5) 
///         lcd.pixel(435+i,200+i, White);
/// }
/// @endcode
/// @todo Add Scroll support for text.
/// @todo Improve sync between internal and external font support - cursor, window, scroll.
/// @todo Add Hardware reset signal - but testing to date indicates it is not needed.
/// @todo Add high level objects - x-y graph, meter, others... but these will
///     probably be best served in another class, since they may not
///     be needed for many uses.
class RA8875 : public GraphicsDisplay
    /// cursor type to be shown as the text cursor.
    typedef enum
        NOCURSOR,   ///< cursor is hidden
        IBEAM,      ///< | cursor
        UNDER,      ///< _ cursor
        BLOCK       ///< Block cursor
    } cursor_t;

    /// font type selection.
    typedef enum
        ISO8859_1,      ///< ISO8859-1 font
        ISO8859_2,      ///< ISO8859-2 font
        ISO8859_3,      ///< ISO8859-3 font
        ISO8859_4       ///< ISO8859-4 font
    } font_t;
    /// display orientation
    typedef enum
        normal,         ///< normal (landscape) orientation
        rotate_0 = normal,  ///< alternate to 'normal'
        rotate_90,      ///< rotated clockwise 90 degree
        rotate_180,     ///< rotated (clockwise) 180 degree
        rotate_270,     ///< rotated clockwise 270 degree
    } orientation_t;
    /// alignment  
    typedef enum
        align_none,     ///< align - none
        align_full      ///< align - full
    } alignment_t;    
    /// Scale factor - 1, 2, 3 4
    typedef int HorizontalScale;
    /// Scale factor - 1, 2, 3, 4
    typedef int VerticalScale;

    /// Clear screen region
    typedef enum
        FULLWINDOW,     ///< Full screen
        ACTIVEWINDOW    ///< active window/region
    } Region_t;
    /// Set the Layer Display Mode. @ref SetLayerMode
    typedef enum
        ShowLayer0,         ///< Only layer 0 is visible, layer 1 is hidden (default)
        ShowLayer1,         ///< Only layer 1 is visible, layer 0 is hidden
        LightenOverlay,     ///< Lighten-overlay mode
        TransparentMode,    ///< Transparent mode
        BooleanOR,          ///< Boolean OR mode
        BooleanAND,         ///< Boolean AND mode
        FloatingWindow      ///< Floating Window mode
    } LayerMode_T;
    /// Touch Panel modes
    typedef enum
        TP_Auto,               ///< Auto touch detection mode
        TP_Manual,             ///< Manual touch detection mode
    } tpmode_t;
    /// Constructor for a display based on the RAiO RA8875 
    /// display controller.
    /// This configures the registers and calls the @ref init method.
    /// @code
    /// #include "RA8875.h"
    /// RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft");
    /// int main()
    /// {
    ///     lcd.init();
    ///     lcd.printf("printing 3 x 2 = %d", 3*2);
    ///     lcd.circle(400,25, 25, BrightRed);
    /// }
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] mosi is the SPI master out slave in pin on the mbed.
    /// @param[in] miso is the SPI master in slave out pin on the mbed.
    /// @param[in] sclk is the SPI shift clock pin on the mbed.
    /// @param[in] csel is the DigitalOut pin on the mbed to use as the
    ///         active low chip select for the display controller.
    /// @param[in] reset is the DigitalOut pin on the mbed to use as the 
    ///         active low reset input on the display controller - 
    ///         but this is not currently used.
    /// @param[in] name is a text name for this object, which will permit
    ///         capturing stdout to puts() and printf() directly to it.
    RA8875(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel, PinName reset, const char * name = "lcd");
    // Destructor doesn't have much to do as this would typically be created
    // at startup, and not at runtime.
    /// Initialize the driver.
    /// @param[in] width in pixels to configure the display for. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is 480.
    /// @param[in] height in pixels to configure the display for. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is 272.
    /// @param[in] color_bpp can be either 8 or 16, but must be consistent
    ///             with the width and height parameters. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is 16.
    /// @param[in] power defines if the display should be left in the power-on or off state.
    ///            If power is true (on), the backlight is set to 100%. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is true (on). @see Power.
    /// @param[in] keypadon defines if the keypad support should be enabled. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is true (enabled). @see KeypadInit.
    /// @param[in] touchscreeenon defines if the keypad support should be enabled. This parameter is optional
    ///             and the default is true (enabled). @see TouchPanelInit.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t init(int width = 480, int height = 272, int color_bpp = 16, 
        bool poweron = true, bool keypadon = true, bool touchscreeenon = true);
    /// Get a pointer to the error code.
    /// This method returns a pointer to a text string that matches the
    /// code. @see RetCode_t.
    /// @param[in] code is the return value from RetCode_t to look up.
    /// @returns a pointer to the text message representing code. If code
    ///     is not a valid value, then it returns the text for bad_parameter;
    const char * GetErrorMessage(RetCode_t code);
    /// Select the drawing layer for subsequent commands.
    /// If the screen configuration is 480 x 272, or if it is 800 x 480 
    /// and 8-bit color, the the display supports two layers, which can 
    /// be independently drawn on and shown. Additionally, complex
    /// operations involving both layers are permitted.
    /// @code
    ///     //lcd.SetLayerMode(OnlyLayer0); // default is layer 0
    ///     lcd.rect(400,130, 475,155,Brown);
    ///     lcd.SelectDrawingLayer(1);
    ///     lcd.circle(400,25, 25, BrightRed);
    ///     wait(1);
    ///     lcd.SetLayerMode(ShowLayer1);
    /// @endcode
    /// @attention The user manual refers to Layer 1 and Layer 2, however the
    ///     actual register values are value 0 and 1. This API as well as
    ///     others that reference the layers use the values 0 and 1 for
    ///     cleaner iteration in the code.
    /// @param[in] layer is 0 or 1 to select the layer for subsequent 
    ///     commands.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SelectDrawingLayer(uint16_t layer);
    /// Get the currently active drawing layer.
    /// This returns a value, 0 or 1, based on the screen configuration
    /// and the currently active drawing layer.
    /// @code
    ///     uint16_t prevLayer = lcd.GetDrawingLayer();
    ///     lcd.SelectDrawingLayer(x);
    ///     lcd.circle(400,25, 25, BrightRed);
    ///     lcd.SelectDrawingLayer(prevLayer);
    /// @endcode
    /// @attention The user manual refers to Layer 1 and Layer 2, however the
    ///     actual register values are value 0 and 1. This API as well as
    ///     others that reference the layers use the values 0 and 1 for
    ///     cleaner iteration in the code.
    /// @returns the current drawing layer; 0 or 1.
    uint16_t GetDrawingLayer(void);
    /// Set the Layer presentation mode.
    /// This sets the presentation mode for layers, and permits showing
    /// a single layer, or applying a mode where the two layers
    /// are combined using one of the hardware methods.
    /// Refer to the RA8875 data sheet for full details.
    /// @code
    ///     //lcd.SetLayerMode(OnlyLayer0); // default is layer 0
    ///     lcd.rect(400,130, 475,155,Brown);
    ///     lcd.SelectDrawingLayer(1);
    ///     lcd.circle(400,25, 25, BrightRed);
    ///     wait(1);
    ///     lcd.SetLayerMode(ShowLayer1);
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] mode sets the mode in the Layer Transparency Register.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetLayerMode(LayerMode_T mode);
    /// Get the Layer presentation mode.
    /// This gets the current layer mode. @see LayerMode_T.
    /// @returns layer mode.
    LayerMode_T GetLayerMode(void);
    /// Set the layer transparency for each layer.
    /// Set the transparency, where the range of values is
    /// from zero (fully visible) to eight (fully transparent).
    /// The input value is automatically limited to this range.
    /// @code
    ///     // draw something on each layer, then step-fade across
    ///     display.SetLayerMode(RA8875::TransparentMode);
    ///     for (i=0; i<=8; i++) {
    ///         display.SetLayerTransparency(i, 8-i);
    ///         wait_ms(200);
    ///     }
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] layer1 sets the layer 1 transparency.
    /// @param[in] layer2 sets the layer 2 transparency.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetLayerTransparency(uint8_t layer1, uint8_t layer2);
    /// Set the background color register used for transparency.
    /// This command sets the background color registers that are used
    /// in the transparent color operations involving the layers.
    /// @param[in] color is optional and expressed in 16-bit format. If not
    ///     supplied, a default of Black is used.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetBackgroundTransparencyColor(color_t color = RGB(0,0,0));
    /// Get the background color value used for transparency.
    /// This command reads the background color registers that define
    /// the transparency color for operations involving layers.
    /// @returns the color.
    color_t GetBackgroundTransparencyColor(void);
    /// Initialize theTouch Panel controller with default values 
    /// This activates the simplified touch panel init, which may work for
    /// most uses. The alternate API is available if fine-grained control
    /// is needed for the numerous settings.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t TouchPanelInit(void);
    /// Initialize the Touch Panel controller with detailed settings.
    /// This is the detailed touch panel init, which provides the ability
    /// to set nearly every possible option.
    /// @param[in]  bTpEnable           Touch Panel enable/disable control:
    ///                                 - TP_ENABLE: enable the touch panel
    ///                                 - TP_DISABLE: disable the touch panel
    /// @param[in]  bTpAutoManual       Touch Panel operating mode:
    ///                                 - TP_MODE_AUTO: automatic capture
    ///                                 - TP_MODE_MANUAL: manual capture
    /// @param[in]  bTpDebounce         Debounce circuit enable for touch panel interrupt:
    ///                                 - TP_DEBOUNCE_OFF: disable the debounce circuit
    ///                                 - TP_DEBOUNCE_ON: enable the debounce circuit     
    /// @param[in]  bTpManualMode       When Manual Mode is selected, this sets the mode:
    ///                                 - TP_MANUAL_IDLE: touch panel is idle   
    ///                                 - TP_MANUAL_WAIT: wait for touch panel event   
    ///                                 - TP_MANUAL_LATCH_X: latch X data  
    ///                                 - TP_MANUAL_LATCH_Y: latch Y data   
    /// @param[in]  bTpAdcClkDiv        Sets the ADC clock as a fraction of the System CLK:
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_1: Use CLK   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_2: Use CLK/2   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_4: Use CLK/4   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_8: Use CLK/8   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_16: Use CLK/16   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_32: Use CLK/32   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_64: Use CLK/64   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_CLKDIV_128: Use CLK/128   
    /// @param[in]  bTpAdcSampleTime    Touch Panel sample time delay before ADC data is ready:
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_512_CLKS: Wait 512 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_1024_CLKS: Wait 1024 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_2048_CLKS: Wait 2048 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_4096_CLKS: Wait 4096 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_8192_CLKS: Wait 8192 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_16384_CLKS: Wait 16384 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_32768_CLKS: Wait 32768 system clocks   
    ///                                 - TP_ADC_SAMPLE_65536_CLKS: Wait 65536 system clocks
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.   
    RetCode_t TouchPanelInit(uint8_t bTpEnable, uint8_t bTpAutoManual, uint8_t bTpDebounce, 
        uint8_t bTpManualMode, uint8_t bTpAdcClkDiv, uint8_t bTpAdcSampleTime);
    /// Poll the TouchPanel and on a touch event return the a to d filtered x, y coordinates.
    /// This method reads the touch controller, which has a 10-bit range for each the
    /// x and the y axis.
    /// @note The returned values are not in display (pixel) units but are in analog to
    ///     digital converter units.
    /// @note This API is usually not needed. @see TouchPanelComputeCalibration. 
    ///     @see TouchPanelReadable.
    /// @param[out] x is the x scale a/d value.
    /// @param[out] y is the y scale a/d value.
    /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
    ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - touch:    touch is detected, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
    TouchCode_t TouchPanelA2DFiltered(int *x, int *y);

    /// Poll the TouchPanel and on a touch event return the a to d raw x, y coordinates.
    /// This method reads the touch controller, which has a 10-bit range for each the
    /// x and the y axis. A number of samples of the raw data are taken, filtered,
    /// and the results are returned. 
    /// @note The returned values are not in display (pixel) units but are in analog to
    ///     digital converter units.
    /// @note This API is usually not needed. @see TouchPanelComputeCalibration. 
    ///     @see TouchPanelReadable.
    /// @param[out] x is the x scale a/d value.
    /// @param[out] y is the y scale a/d value.
    /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
    ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - touch:    touch is detected, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
    TouchCode_t TouchPanelA2DRaw(int *x, int *y);
    /// Get the screen calibrated point of touch.
    /// This method determines if there is a touch and if so it will provide
    /// the screen-relative touch coordinates. This method can be used in
    /// a manner similar to Serial.readable(), to determine if there was a 
    /// touch and indicate that - but not care about the coordinates. Alternately,
    /// if a valid pointer to a point_t is provided, then if a touch is detected
    /// the point_t will be populated with data. 
    /// @code
    ///     Timer t;
    ///     t.start();
    ///     do {
    ///        point_t point = {0, 0};
    ///        if (display.TouchPanelReadable(&point)) {
    ///            display.pixel(point, Red);
    ///        }
    ///    } while (t.read_ms() < 30000);
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[out] TouchPoint is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
    /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
    ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - touch:    touch is detected, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
    TouchCode_t TouchPanelReadable(point_t * TouchPoint = NULL);

    /// Wait for a touch panel touch and return it.
    /// This method is similar to Serial.getc() in that it will wait for a touch
    /// and then return. In order to extract the coordinates of the touch, a
    /// valid pointer to a point_t must be provided.
    /// @note There is no timeout on this function, so its use is not recommended.
    /// @code
    ///     Timer t;
    ///     t.start();
    ///     do {
    ///        point_t point = {0, 0};
    ///        display.TouchPanelGet(&point);   // hangs here until touch
    ///        display.pixel(point, Red);
    ///    } while (t.read_ms() < 30000);
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[out] TouchPoint is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
    /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
    ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
    ///         - touch:    touch is detected, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
    ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
    TouchCode_t TouchPanelGet(point_t * TouchPoint);

    /// Calibrate the touch panel.
    /// This method accepts two lists - one list is target points in ,
    /// display coordinates and the other is a lit of raw touch coordinate 
    /// values. It generates a calibration matrix for later use. This
    /// matrix is also accessible to the calling API, which may store
    /// the matrix in persistent memory and then install the calibration
    /// matrix on the next power cycle. By doing so, it can avoid the
    /// need to calibrate on every power cycle.
    /// @note The methods "TouchPanelComputeCalibration", "TouchPanelReadable", and
    ///     indirectly the "TouchPanelSetMatrix" methods are all derived
    ///     from a program by Carlos E. Vidales. See the copyright note
    ///     for further details. See also the article
    ///     http://www.embedded.com/design/system-integration/4023968/How-To-Calibrate-Touch-Screens
    /// @copyright Copyright (c) 2001, Carlos E. Vidales. All rights reserved.
    ///     This sample program was written and put in the public domain 
    ///      by Carlos E. Vidales.  The program is provided "as is" 
    ///      without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
    ///     If you choose to use the program within your own products
    ///      you do so at your own risk, and assume the responsibility
    ///      for servicing, repairing or correcting the program should
    ///      it prove defective in any manner.
    ///     You may copy and distribute the program's source code in any 
    ///      medium, provided that you also include in each copy an
    ///      appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty.
    ///     You may also modify this program and distribute copies of
    ///      it provided that you include prominent notices stating 
    ///      that you changed the file(s) and the date of any change,
    ///      and that you do not charge any royalties or licenses for 
    ///      its use.
    /// @param[in] display is a pointer to a set of 3 points, which 
    ///             are in display units of measure. These are the targets
    ///             the calibration was aiming for.
    /// @param[in] screen is a pointer to a set of 3 points, which
    ///             are in touchscreen units of measure. These are the
    ///             registered touches.
    /// @param[out] matrix is an optional parameter to hold the calibration matrix 
    ///             as a result of the calibration. This can be saved in  
    ///             non-volatile memory to recover the calibration after a power fail.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t TouchPanelComputeCalibration(point_t display[3], point_t screen[3], tpMatrix_t * matrix);

    /// Perform the touch panel calibration process.
    /// This method provides the easy "shortcut" to calibrating the touch panel.
    /// The process will automatically generate the calibration points, present
    /// the targets on-screen, detect the touches, compute the calibration
    /// matrix, and optionally provide the calibration matrix to the calling code
    /// for persistence in non-volatile memory.
    /// @param[out] matrix is an optional parameter to hold the calibration matrix 
    ///             as a result of the calibration. This can be saved in  
    ///             non-volatile memory to recover the calibration after a power fail.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t TouchPanelCalibrate(tpMatrix_t * matrix = NULL);

    /// Perform the touch panel calibration process.
    /// This method provides the easy "shortcut" to calibrating the touch panel.
    /// The process will automatically generate the calibration points, present
    /// the targets on-screen, detect the touches, compute the calibration
    /// matrix, and optionally provide the calibration matrix to the calling code
    /// for persistence in non-volatile memory.
    /// @param[in] msg is a text message to present on the screen during the
    ///             calibration process.
    /// @param[out] matrix is an optional parameter to hold the calibration matrix 
    ///             as a result of the calibration. This can be saved in  
    ///             non-volatile memory to recover the calibration after a power fail.
    /// @param[in] maxwait_s is the maximum number of seconds to wait for a touch
    ///             calibration. If no touch panel installed, it then reports
    ///             touch_cal_timeout.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t TouchPanelCalibrate(const char * msg, tpMatrix_t * matrix = NULL, int maxwait_s = 15);

    /// Set the calibration matrix for the touch panel.
    /// This method is used to set the calibration matrix for the touch panel. After
    /// performing the calibration (@see TouchPanelComputeCalibration), the matrix can be stored.
    /// On a subsequence power cycle, the matrix may be restored from non-volatile and
    /// passed in to this method. It will then be held to perform the corrections when
    /// reading the touch panel point.
    /// @code
    /// FILE * fh = fopen("/local/tpmatrix.cfg", "r");
    /// if (fh) {
    ///     tpMatrix_t matrix;
    ///     if (fread(fh, &matrix, sizeof(tpMatrix_t))) {
    ///         lcd.TouchPanelSetMatrix(&matrix);
    ///     }
    ///     fclose(fh);
    /// }
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] matrix is a pointer to the touch panel calibration matrix.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t TouchPanelSetMatrix(tpMatrix_t * matrix);
#if 0
    /// Append interrupt handler for specific RA8875 interrupt source
    /// @param[in]    bISRType        Interrupt Source, should be:
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_KEYSCAN: KEYCAN interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_DMA: DMA interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_TP: Touch panel interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_BTE: BTE process complete interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_BTEMCU_FONTWR: Multi-purpose interrupt (see spec sheet)   
    /// @param[in]    fptr is a callback function to handle the interrupt event.
    /// @returns       none
    void AppendISR(uint8_t bISRType, void(*fptr)(void));

    /// Unappend interrupt handler for specific RA8875 interrupt source
    /// @param[in]    bISRType        Interrupt Source, should be:
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_KEYSCAN: KEYCAN interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_DMA: DMA interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_TP: Touch panel interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_BTE: BTE process complete interrupt
    ///                                - RA8875_INT_BTEMCU_FONTWR: Multi-purpose interrupt (see spec sheet)   
    /// @return       none
    void UnAppendISR(uint8_t bISRType);

    /// Initialize the keypad interface on the RA8875 controller.
    /// Enables the keypad subsystem. It will scan the 4 x 5 matrix
    /// and make available key presses. 
    /// @note See section 5-13 of RAIO RA8875 data sheet for more details.
    /// @caution When using the display from buy-display.com, be sure that
    ///     the option for the keypad is configured on the hardware.
    /// All parameters are optional.
    /// @param[in] scanEnable when true, enables the key scan function (default: true).
    /// @param[in] longDetect when true, additionally enables the long key held detection (default: false).
    /// @param[in] sampleTime setting (range: 0 - 3, default: 0).
    /// @param[in] scanFrequency setting (range: 0 - 7, default: 0).
    /// @param[in] longTimeAdjustment (range: 0 - 3, default: 0).
    /// @param[in] interruptEnable when true, enables interrupts from keypress (default: false).
    /// @param[in] wakeupEnable when true, activates the wakeup function (default: false).
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t  KeypadInit(bool scanEnable = true, bool longDetect = false, 
        uint8_t sampleTime = 0, uint8_t scanFrequency = 0, 
        uint8_t longTimeAdjustment = 0,
        bool interruptEnable = false, bool wakeupEnable = false);

    /// Create Key Code definitions for the key matrix.
    /// This API provides a table of 22 key-code assignments for the matrix of keys.
    /// This can be used to translate the keys 1 - 20 into some other value, as
    /// well as to communicate the "no key" (zero) and "error state" (21).
    /// In this way, a keypad could easily emulate a piece of a keyboard, transforming
    /// 0 - 20 into the values 0, '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
    /// '9', '+', '-', '*' , '/', '=', '<bs>', '<cr>', and so on...
    /// @code
    /// //        Return Value by Row, Column   Example reassignment
    /// //    Column    0    1    2    3    4 
    /// //          +-------------------------+  +-------------------------+
    /// // Row   0  |   1    2    3    4    5 |  | '7'  '8'  '9'  ',' '<-' |
    /// //       1  |   6    7    8    9   10 |  | '4'  '5'  '6'  '/'  '-' |
    /// //       2  |  11   12   13   14   15 |  | '1'  '2'  '3'  '*'  '+' |
    /// //       3  |  16   17   18   19   20 |  | '0'  '.'  '('  ')' '\n' |
    /// //          +-------------------------+  +-------------------------+
    /// //     Return value  0 = No Key pressed
    /// //     Return value 21 = Error
    /// const uint8_t CodeList[22] = 
    ///     {0, '7', '8', '9', ',', '\h', 
    ///         '4', '5', '6', '/', '-',
    ///         '1', '2', '3', '*', '+',
    ///         '0', '.', '(', ')', '\n', 
    ///         '\x1b'};
    ///     lcd.SetKeyMap(CodeList);
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] CodeList is a pointer to an always available byte-array 
    ///             where the first 22 bytes are used as the transformation 
    ///             from raw code to your reassigned value.
    ///            If CodeList is NULL, the original raw value key map is
    ///             restored.
    /// @returns noerror.
    RetCode_t SetKeyMap(const uint8_t * CodeList = NULL);

    /// Determine if a key has been hit
    /// @returns true if a key has been hit
    bool readable();

    /// Blocking read of the keypad.
    /// @caution: This is a blocking read, so it is important to first call _kbhit()
    ///         to avoid hanging your processes.
    /// A keypad connected to the RA8875 is connected in a matrix of 4 rows and 5 columns.
    /// When pressed, this method will return a code in the range of 1 through 20, reserving
    /// the value 0 to indicate that no key is pressed.
    /// Additionally, if configured to detect a "long press", bit 7 will be set to indicate
    /// this. In this situation, first a "normal press" would be detected and signaled and
    /// soon after that a "long press" of the same key would be detected and communicated.
    /// @return 8-bit where bit 7 indicates a long press. The remaining bits indicate the
    ///     keypress using 0 = no key pressed, 1 - 20 = the key pressed.
    uint8_t getc();
    /// Determine if a point is within a rectangle.
    /// @param[in] rect is a rectangular region to use.
    /// @param[in] p is a point to analyze to see if it is within the rect.
    /// @returns true if p is within rect.
    bool Intersect(rect_t rect, point_t p);

    /// Write a command to the display with a word of data.
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @param[in] command is the command to write.
    /// @param[in] data is data to be written to the command register.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t WriteCommandW(uint8_t command, uint16_t data);

    /// Write a command to the display
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @param[in] command is the command to write.
    /// @param[in] data is optional data to be written to the command register
    ///     and only occurs if the data is in the range [0 - 0xFF].
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t WriteCommand(unsigned char command, unsigned int data = 0xFFFF);
    /// Write a data word to the display
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @param[in] data is the data to write.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t WriteDataW(uint16_t data);
    /// Write a data byte to the display
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @param[in] data is the data to write.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t WriteData(unsigned char data);
    /// Read a command register
    /// @param[in] command is the command register to read.
    /// @returns the value read from the register.
    unsigned char ReadCommand(unsigned char command);
    /// Read a data byte from the display
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @returns data that was read.
    unsigned char ReadData(void);
    /// Read a word from the display
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @returns data that was read.
    uint16_t ReadDataW(void);

    /// Read the display status
    /// This is a high level command, and may invoke several primitives.
    /// @returns data that was read.
    unsigned char ReadStatus(void);

    /// get the width in pixels of the currently active font
    /// @returns font width in pixels.
    dim_t fontwidth(void);
    /// get the height in pixels of the currently active font
    /// @returns font height in pixels.
    dim_t fontheight(void);
    /// get the number of colums based on the currently active font
    /// @returns number of columns.
    virtual int columns(void);

    /// get the number of rows based on the currently active font
    /// @returns number of rows.
    virtual int rows(void);

    /// get the screen width in pixels
    /// @returns screen width in pixels.
    virtual dim_t width(void);

    /// get the screen height in pixels
    /// @returns screen height in pixels.
    virtual dim_t height(void);

    /// get the color depth in bits per pixel.
    /// @returns 8 or 16 only.
    virtual dim_t color_bpp(void);

    /// Set cursor position based on the current font size.
    /// @param[in] column is the horizontal position in character positions
    /// @param[in] row is the vertical position in character positions
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t locate(textloc_t column, textloc_t row);

    /// Prepare the controller to write text to the screen by positioning
    /// the cursor.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.SetTextCursor(100, 25);
    ///     lcd.puts("Hello");
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetTextCursor(loc_t x, loc_t y);

    /// Get the current cursor position in pixels.
    /// @code
    ///     point_t point = GetTextCursor();
    ///     if (point.x > 100 && point.y > 150)
    ///         //...
    /// @endcode
    /// @returns cursor position.
    point_t GetTextCursor(void);
    /// Get the current cursor horizontal position in pixels.
    /// @returns cursor position horizontal offset.
    loc_t GetTextCursor_X(void);

    /// Get the current cursor vertical position in pixels.
    /// @returns cursor position vertical offset.
    loc_t GetTextCursor_Y(void);

    /// Configure additional Cursor Control settings.
    /// This API lets you modify other cursor control settings; 
    /// Cursor visible/hidden, Cursor blink/normal, 
    /// Cursor I-Beam/underscore/box.
    /// @param[in] cursor can be set to NOCURSOR (default), IBEAM,
    ///         UNDER, or BLOCK.
    /// @param[in] blink can be set to true or false (default false)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t
    RetCode_t SetTextCursorControl(cursor_t cursor = NOCURSOR, bool blink = false);
    /// Select the ISO 8859-X font to use next.
    /// Supported fonts: ISO 8859-1, -2, -3, -4
    /// @param[in] font selects the font for the subsequent text rendering.
    /// @note if either hScale or vScale is outside of its permitted range,
    ///     the command is not executed.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetTextFont(font_t font = ISO8859_1);
    /// Sets the display orientation.
    /// @note This command does not let you "merge" text onto an existing
    ///       image, since it reuses the memory for the new orientation.
    ///       Therefore, it is recommended that you issue a cls() prior
    ///       to sending text to the screen, or you end with a blended
    ///       image that is probably not as intended.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.cls();
    ///     lcd.SetOrientation(RA8875::normal);
    ///     lcd.puts(30,30, "Normal Landscape");
    ///     wait_ms(2500);
    ///     lcd.cls();
    ///     lcd.SetOrientation(RA8875::rotate_90);
    ///     lcd.puts(30,30, "Rotated 90 Text\r\n");
    ///     wait_ms(2500);
    ///     lcd.cls();
    ///     lcd.SetOrientation(RA8875::rotate_180);
    ///     lcd.puts(30,30, "Rotated 180 Text\r\n");
    ///     wait_ms(2500);
    ///     lcd.cls();
    ///     lcd.SetOrientation(RA8875::rotate_270);
    ///     lcd.puts(30,30, "Rotated 270 Text\r\n");
    ///     wait_ms(2500);
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] angle defaults to normal, but can be rotated
    ///         - normal | rotate_0
    ///         - rotate_90 (clockwise)
    ///         - rotate_180
    ///         - rotate_270 (clockwise)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetOrientation(orientation_t angle = normal);
    /// Control the font behavior.
    /// This command lets you make several modifications to any text that
    /// will be written to the screen.
    /// Options can be combined:
    /// Default:
    /// @li Full alignment disabled, 
    /// @li Font with Background color, 
    /// @li Font in normal orientiation, or rotated 90, 180, or 270 clockwise,
    /// @li Horizontal scale x 1, 2, 3, or 4
    /// @li Vertical scale x 1, 2, 3, or 4
    /// @note alignment is a special mode for the fonts, when mixing half and
    ///     full fonts on one presentation. 'align_full' starts each full
    ///     character on an even alignment. See section 7-4-7 of the RA8875
    ///     specification.
    /// @param[in] fillit defaults to FILL, but can be NOFILL
    /// @param[in] hScale defaults to 1, but can be 1, 2, 3, or 4,
    ///     and scales the font size by this amount.
    /// @param[in] vScale defaults to 1, but can be 1, 2, 3, or 4,
    ///     and scales the font size by this amount.
    /// @param[in] alignment defaults to align_none, but can be
    ///     align_full.
    /// @note if either hScale or vScale is outside of its permitted range,
    ///     the command is not executed.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetTextFontControl(fill_t fillit = FILL, 
        HorizontalScale hScale = 1, 
        VerticalScale vScale = 1, 
        alignment_t alignment = align_none);
    /// Control the font size
    /// This command lets you set the font enlargement for both horizontal
    /// and vertical, independent of the rotation, background, and 
    /// alignment. @see SetTextFontControl.
    /// @param[in] hScale defaults to 1, but can be 1, 2, 3, or 4,
    ///     and scales the font size by this amount.
    /// @param[in] vScale is an optional parameter that defaults to the hScale value, 
    ///     but can be 1, 2, 3, or 4, and scales the font size by this amount.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.SetTextFontSize(2);     // Set the font to 2x normal size
    ///     lcd.puts("Two times");
    ///     lcd.SetTextFontSize(2,3);   // Set the font to 2x Width and 3x Height
    ///     lcd.puts("2*2 3*h");
    ///     lcd.SetTextFontSize();      // Restore to normal size in both dimensions
    ///     lcd.puts("normal");
    /// @endcode
    /// @note if either hScale or vScale is outside of its permitted range,
    ///     the command is not executed.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t SetTextFontSize(HorizontalScale hScale = 1, VerticalScale vScale = -1);
    /// put a character on the screen.
    /// @param[in] c is the character.
    /// @returns the character, or EOF if there is an error.
    virtual int _putc(int c);

    /// Write string of text to the display
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.puts("Test STring");
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] string is the null terminated string to send to the display.
    void puts(const char * string);
    /// Write string of text to the display at the specified location.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.puts(10,25, "Test STring");
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
    /// @param[in] string is the null terminated string to send to the display.
    void puts(loc_t x, loc_t y, const char * string);
    /// Prepare the controller to write binary data to the screen by positioning
    /// the memory cursor.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t SetGraphicsCursor(loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Prepare the controller to read binary data from the screen by positioning
    /// the memory read cursor.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t SetGraphicsCursorRead(loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Set the window, which controls where items are written to the screen.
    /// When something hits the window width, it wraps back to the left side
    /// and down a row. If the initial write is outside the window, it will
    /// be captured into the window when it crosses a boundary.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.window(10,10, 80,80);
    ///     lcd.puts("012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] x is the left edge in pixels.
    /// @param[in] y is the top edge in pixels.
    /// @param[in] width is the window width in pixels.
    /// @param[in] height is the window height in pixels.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t window(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t width, dim_t height);
    /// Clear either the specified layer, or the active layer.
    /// The behavior is to clear the whole screen for the specified
    /// layer. When not specified, the active drawing layer is cleared.
    /// This command can also be used to specifically clear either,
    /// or both layers. @see clsw().
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.cls();
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] layers is optional. If not provided, the active layer
    ///     is cleared. If bit 0 is set, layer 0 is cleared, if bit
    ///     1 is set, layer 1 is cleared. If both are set, both layers
    ///     are cleared. Any other value does not cause an action.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t cls(uint16_t layers = 0);
    /// Clear the screen, or clear only the active window.
    /// The default behavior is to clear the whole screen. With the optional 
    /// parameter, the action can be restricted to the active window, which
    /// can be set with the @see window method.
    /// @code
    ///     lcd.window(20,20, 40,10);
    ///     lcd.clsw();
    /// @endcode
    /// @param[in] region is an optional parameter that defaults to FULLWINDOW
    ///         or may be set to ACTIVEWINDOW.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t clsw(RA8875::Region_t region = FULLWINDOW);

    /// Set the background color.
    /// @param[in] color is expressed in 16-bit format.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t background(color_t color);
    /// Set the background color.
    /// @param[in] r is the red element of the color.
    /// @param[in] g is the green element of the color.
    /// @param[in] b is the blue element of the color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t background(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
    /// Set the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] color is expressed in 16-bit format.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t foreground(color_t color);
    /// Set the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] r is the red element of the color.
    /// @param[in] g is the green element of the color.
    /// @param[in] b is the blue element of the color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t foreground(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
    /// Get the current foreground color value.
    /// @returns the current foreground color.
    color_t GetForeColor(void);
    /// Draw a pixel in the specified color.
    /// @note Unlike many other operations, this does not
    ///         set the forecolor!
    /// @param[in] p is the point_t defining the location.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t pixel(point_t p, color_t color);
    /// Draw a pixel in the current foreground color.
    /// @param[in] p is the point_t defining the location.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t pixel(point_t p);
    /// Draw a pixel in the specified color.
    /// @note Unlike many other operations, this does not
    ///         set the forecolor!
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
    /// @param[in] color defines the color for the pixel.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t pixel(loc_t x, loc_t y, color_t color);
    /// Draw a pixel in the current foreground color.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    /// @param[in] y is the veritical offset to this pixel.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t pixel(loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Get a pixel from the display.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
    /// @returns the pixel. see @color_t
    virtual color_t getPixel(loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Write a stream of pixels to the display.
    /// @param[in] p is a pointer to a color_t array to write.
    /// @param[in] count is the number of pixels to write.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position on the display.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical position on the display.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t pixelStream(color_t * p, uint32_t count, loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Get a stream of pixels from the display.
    /// @param[in] p is a pointer to a color_t array to accept the stream.
    /// @param[in] count is the number of pixels to read.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t getPixelStream(color_t * p, uint32_t count, loc_t x, loc_t y);
    /// Draw a line in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] p1 is the point to start the line.
    /// @param[in] p2 is the point to end the line.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t line(point_t p1, point_t p2, color_t color);

    /// Draw a line
    /// Draws a line using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] p1 is the point to start the line.
    /// @param[in] p2 is the point to end the line.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t line(point_t p1, point_t p2);
    /// Draw a line in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t line(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, color_t color);

    /// Draw a line
    /// Draws a line using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t line(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2);

    /// Draw a rectangle in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] rect defines the rectangle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t rect(rect_t rect, color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);
     /// Draw a filled rectangle in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] rect defines the rectangle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t fillrect(rect_t rect, color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a rectangle in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is FILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t rect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a filled rectangle in the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to NOFILL the rectangle. default is FILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    virtual RetCode_t fillrect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a rectangle
    /// Draws a rectangle using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t rect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a filled rectangle with rounded corners using the specified color.
    /// This draws a rounded rectangle. A numbers of checks are made on the values,
    /// and it could reduce this to drawing a line (if either x1 == x2, or y1 == y2),
    /// or a single point (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2). If the radius parameters are
    /// > 1/2 the length of that side (width or height), an error value is returned.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line and must be <= x2.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line and must be <= y2.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line and must be >= x1.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line and must be >= y1.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the width of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the height of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t fillroundrect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a rectangle with rounded corners using the specified color.
    /// This draws a rounded rectangle. A numbers of checks are made on the values,
    /// and it could reduce this to drawing a line (if either x1 == x2, or y1 == y2),
    /// or a single point (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2). If the radius parameters are
    /// > 1/2 the length of that side (width or height), an error value is returned.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line and must be <= x2.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line and must be <= y2.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line and must be >= x1.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line and must be >= y1.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the width of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the height of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t roundrect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
    /// This draws a rounded rectangle. A numbers of checks are made on the values,
    /// and it could reduce this to drawing a line (if either x1 == x2, or y1 == y2),
    /// or a single point (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2). If the radius parameters are
    /// > 1/2 the length of that side (width or height), an error value is returned.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line and must be <= x2.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line and must be <= y2.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line and must be >= x1.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line and must be >= y1.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the width of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the curved corner. Take care
    ///         that this value < 1/2 the height of the rectangle, or bad_parameter 
    ///         is returned.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t roundrect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a triangle in the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal for point 1.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical for point 1. 
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal for point 2.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical for point 2.
    /// @param[in] x3 is the horizontal for point 3.
    /// @param[in] y3 is the vertical for point 3.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t triangle(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        loc_t x3, loc_t y3, color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);
    /// Draw a filled triangle in the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal for point 1.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical for point 1.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal for point 2.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical for point 2.
    /// @param[in] x3 is the horizontal for point 3.
    /// @param[in] y3 is the vertical for point 3.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t filltriangle(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        loc_t x3, loc_t y3, color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a triangle
    /// Draws a triangle using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal for point 1.
    /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical for point 1.
    /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal for point 2.
    /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical for point 2.
    /// @param[in] x3 is the horizontal for point 3.
    /// @param[in] y3 is the vertical for point 3.
    /// @param[in] fillit is optional to FILL the rectangle. default is NOFILL.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t triangle(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
        loc_t x3, loc_t y3, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a circle using the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] p defines the center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t circle(point_t p, dim_t radius, color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a filled circle using the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] p defines the center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t fillcircle(point_t p, dim_t radius, color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a circle.
    /// Draws a circle using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] p defines the center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t circle(point_t p, dim_t radius, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a circle using the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t circle(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius, color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a filled circle using the specified color.
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t fillcircle(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius, color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw a circle.
    /// Draws a circle using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the circle.
    /// @param[in] radius defines the size of the circle.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t circle(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw an Ellipse using the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit defines whether the circle is filled or not.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t ellipse(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, 
        color_t color, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);

    /// Draw a filled Ellipse using the specified color
    /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
    ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
    /// @param[in] fillit defines whether the circle is filled or not.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t fillellipse(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, 
        color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL);

    /// Draw an Ellipse
    /// Draws it using the foreground color setting.
    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] y is the vertical center of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius1 defines the horizontal radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] radius2 defines the vertical radius of the ellipse.
    /// @param[in] fillit defines whether the circle is filled or not.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t ellipse(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t radius1, dim_t radius2, fill_t fillit = NOFILL);
    /// Control display power
    /// @param[in] on when set to true will turn on the display, when false it is turned off.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t Power(bool on);

    /// Reset the display controller via the Software Reset interface.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t Reset(void);
    /// Set backlight brightness.
    /// When the built-in PWM is used to control the backlight, this 
    /// API can be used to set the brightness.
    /// @param[in] brightness ranges from 0 (off) to 255 (full on)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t Backlight_u8(unsigned char brightness);
    /// Get backlight brightness.
    /// @returns backlight setting from 0 (off) to 255 (full on).
    uint8_t GetBacklight_u8(void);

    /// Set backlight brightness.
    /// When the built-in PWM is used to control the backlight, this 
    /// API can be used to set the brightness.
    /// @param[in] brightness ranges from 0.0 (off) to 1.0 (full on)
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t Backlight(float brightness);

    /// Get backlight brightness.
    /// @returns backlight setting from 0 (off) to 1.0 (full on).
    float GetBacklight(void);

    /// Select a bitmap font (provided by the user) for all subsequent text.
    /// @note Tool to create the fonts is accessible from its creator
    ///     available at http://www.mikroe.com. 
    ///     Change the data to an array of type char[].
    /// @param[in] font is a pointer to a specially formed font array.
    ///     This special font array has a 4-byte header, followed by 
    ///     the data:
    ///   - the number of bytes per char
    ///   - the vertical size in pixels for each character
    ///   - the horizontal size in pixels for each character
    ///   - the number of bytes per vertical line (width of the array)
    /// @returns error code.
    virtual RetCode_t set_font(const unsigned char * font = NULL);

    /// Get the RGB value for a DOS color.
    /// @param[in] i is the color, in the range 0 to 15;
    /// @returns the RGB color of the selected index, or 0 
    ///     if the index is out of bounds.
    color_t DOSColor(int i);

    /// Get the color name (string) for a DOS color.
    /// @param[in] i is the color, in the range 0 to 15;
    /// @returns a pointer to a string with the color name,
    ///     or NULL if the index is out of bounds.
    const char * DOSColorNames(int i);

    /// Advanced method indicating the start of a graphics stream.
    /// This is called prior to a stream of pixel data being sent.
    /// This may cause register configuration changes in the derived
    /// class in order to prepare the hardware to accept the streaming
    /// data.
    /// Following this command, a series of @see _putp() commands can
    /// be used to send individual pixels to the screen.
    /// To conclude the graphics stream, @see _EndGraphicsStream should
    /// be callled.
    /// @returns error code.
    virtual RetCode_t _StartGraphicsStream(void);
    /// Advanced method to put a single color pixel to the screen.
    /// This method may be called as many times as necessary after 
    /// @see _StartGraphicsStream() is called, and it should be followed 
    /// by _EndGraphicsStream.
    /// @param[in] pixel is a color value to be put on the screen.
    /// @returns error code.
    virtual RetCode_t _putp(color_t pixel);
    /// Advanced method indicating the end of a graphics stream.
    /// This is called to conclude a stream of pixel data that was sent.
    /// This may cause register configuration changes in the derived
    /// class in order to stop the hardware from accept the streaming
    /// data.
    /// @returns error code.
    virtual RetCode_t _EndGraphicsStream(void);

    /// Set the SPI port frequency (in Hz).
    /// This uses the mbed SPI driver, and is therefore dependent on
    /// its capabilities. The RA8875 can accept writes via SPI faster
    /// than a read can be performed. The frequency set by this API
    /// is for the SPI writes. It will automatically reduce the SPI
    /// clock rate when a read is performed, and restore it for the 
    /// next write. Alternately, the 2nd parameters permits setting
    /// the read speed rather than letting it compute it automatically.
    /// @note The primary effect of this is to recover more CPU cycles
    ///     for your application code. Keep in mind that when more than
    ///     one command is sent to the display controller, that it
    ///     will wait for the controller to finish the prior command.
    ///     In this case, the performance is limited by the RA8875.
    /// @param[in] Hz is the frequency in Hz, tested range includes the
    ///     range from 1,000,000 (1MHz) to 10,000,000 (10 MHz). Values
    ///     outside this range will be accepted, but operation may
    ///     be unreliable. This depends partially on your hardware design
    ///     and the wires connecting the display module.
    ///     The default value is 5,000,000, which should work for most
    ///     applications as a starting point.
    /// @param[in] Hz2 is an optional parameter and will set the read
    ///     speed independently of the write speed.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t frequency(unsigned long Hz = RA8875_DEFAULT_SPI_FREQ, unsigned long Hz2 = 0);
    /// This method captures the specified area as a 24-bit bitmap file.
    /// Even though this is a 16-bit display, the stored image is in
    /// 24-bit format.
    /// This method will interrogate the current display setting and
    /// create a bitmap based on those settings. For instance, if 
    /// only layer 1 is visible, then the bitmap is only layer 1. However,
    /// if there is some other operation in effect (transparent mode).
    /// @param[in] x is the left edge of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] y is the top edge of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] w is the width of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] h is the height of the region to capture.
    /// @param[out] Name_BMP is the filename to write the image to.
    /// @return success or error code.
    RetCode_t PrintScreen(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t w, dim_t h, const char *Name_BMP);
    /// This method captures the specified area as a 24-bit bitmap file,
    /// including the option of layer selection.
    /// @caution This method is deprecated as the alternate PrintScreen API
    ///         automatically examines the display layer configuration.
    ///         Therefore, calls to this API will ignore the layer parameter
    ///         and automatically execute the other method.
    /// Even though this is a 16-bit display, the stored image is in
    /// 24-bit format.
    /// @param[in] layer is 0 or 1 to select the layer to extract.
    /// @param[in] x is the left edge of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] y is the top edge of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] w is the width of the region to capture
    /// @param[in] h is the height of the region to capture.
    /// @param[out] Name_BMP is the filename to write the image to.
    /// @return success or error code.
    RetCode_t PrintScreen(uint16_t layer, loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t w, dim_t h, const char *Name_BMP);

    /// Clear the performance metrics to zero.
    void ClearPerformance();
    /// Count idle time.
    /// @param[in] t is the amount of idle time to accumulate.
    void CountIdleTime(uint32_t t);
    /// Report the performance metrics for drawing functions using
    /// the available serial channel.
    /// @param[in,out] pc is the serial channel to write to.
    void ReportPerformance(Serial & pc);

    /// Touch Panel register name definitions
    #define TPCR0   0x70
    #define TPCR1   0x71
    #define TPXH    0x72
    #define TPYH    0x73
    #define TPXYL   0x74
    #define INTC1   0xF0
    #define INTC2   0xF1

    /// Specify the default settings for the Touch Panel, where different from the chip defaults
    #define TP_MODE_DEFAULT             TP_MODE_AUTO


    /// Other Touch Panel params
    #define TPBUFSIZE   16       // Depth of the averaging buffers for x and y data

    // Needs both a ticker and a timer. (could have created a timer from the ticker, but this is easier).
    // on a touch, the timer is reset.
    // the ticker monitors the timer to see if it has been a long time since
    // a touch, and if so, it then clears the sample counter so it doesn't get partial old
    // and partial new.
    /// Touch State used by TouchPanelReadable. @see TouchCode_t.
    TouchCode_t touchState;

    /// Touch Panel ticker
    Ticker touchTicker;
    /// Touch Panel timer
    Timer touchTimer;
    /// keeps track of which sample we're collecting to filter out the noise.
    int touchSample;
    /// Private function for touch ticker callback.
    void _TouchTicker(void);
    /// Touch Panel calibration matrix.
    tpMatrix_t tpMatrix;

    /// Internal function to put a character using the built-in (internal) font engine
    /// @param[in] is the character to put to the screen.
    /// @returns the character put.
    int _internal_putc(int c);
    /// Internal function to put a character using the external font engine
    /// @param[in] is the character to put to the screen.
    /// @returns the character put.
    int _external_putc(int c);
    /// Select the peripheral to use it.
    /// @param[in] chipsel when true will select the peripheral, and when false
    ///     will deselect the chip. This is the logical selection, and
    ///     the pin selection is the invert of this.
    /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
    RetCode_t _select(bool chipsel);

    /// Wait while the status register indicates the controller is busy.
    /// @param[in] mask is the mask of bits to monitor.
    /// @returns true if a normal exit.
    /// @returns false if a timeout exit.
    bool _WaitWhileBusy(uint8_t mask);

    /// Wait while the the register anded with the mask is true.
    /// @param[in] reg is the register to monitor
    /// @param[in] mask is the bit mask to monitor
    /// @returns true if it was a normal exit
    /// @returns false if it was a timeout that caused the exit.
    bool _WaitWhileReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask);

    /// set the spi port to either the write or the read speed.
    /// This is a private API used to toggle between the write
    /// and the read speed for the SPI port to the RA8875, since
    /// it can accept writes faster than reads.
    /// @param[in] writeSpeed when true selects the write frequency,
    ///     and when false it selects the read frequency.
    void _setWriteSpeed(bool writeSpeed);

    /// The most primitive - to write a data value to the SPI interface.
    /// @param[in] data is the value to write.
    /// @returns a value read from the port, since SPI is often shift
    ///     in while shifting out.
    unsigned char _spiwrite(unsigned char data);
    /// The most primitive - to read a data value to the SPI interface.
    /// This is really just a specialcase of the write command, where
    /// the value zero is written in order to read.
    /// @returns a value read from the port, since SPI is often shift
    ///     in while shifting out.
    unsigned char _spiread();
    const uint8_t * pKeyMap;
    SPI spi;                        ///< spi port
    bool spiWriteSpeed;             ///< indicates if the current mode is write or read
    unsigned long spiwritefreq;     ///< saved write freq
    unsigned long spireadfreq;      ///< saved read freq
    DigitalOut cs;                  ///< chip select pin, assumed active low
    DigitalOut res;                 ///< reset pin, assumed active low
    const unsigned char * font;     ///< reference to an external font somewhere in memory
    loc_t cursor_x, cursor_y;    ///< used for external fonts only
    #ifdef PERF_METRICS
    typedef enum
    } method_e;
    unsigned long metrics[METRICCOUNT];
    unsigned long idletime_usec;
    void RegisterPerformance(method_e method);
    Timer performance;

//}     // namespace

//using namespace SW_graphics;

//      ______________  ______________  ______________  _______________
//     /_____   _____/ /  ___________/ /  ___________/ /_____   ______/
//          /  /      /  /            /  /                  /  /
//         /  /      /  /___         /  /__________        /  /
//        /  /      /  ____/        /__________   /       /  /
//       /  /      /  /                       /  /       /  /
//      /  /      /  /__________  ___________/  /       /  /
//     /__/      /_____________/ /_____________/       /__/

#include "WebColors.h"
#include <algorithm>

extern "C" void mbed_reset();

/// This activates a small set of tests for the graphics library. 
/// Call this API and pass it the reference to the display class.
/// It will then run a series of tests. It accepts interaction via
/// stdin to switch from automatic test mode to manual, run a specific
/// test, or to exit the test mode.
/// @param[in] lcd is a reference to the display class.
/// @param[in] pc is a reference to a serial interface, typically the USB to PC.
void RunTestSet(RA8875 & lcd, Serial & pc);

// To enable the test code, uncomment this section, or copy the
// necessary pieces to your "main()".
// #include "mbed.h"
// #include "RA8875.h"
// RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft");    // MOSI, MISO, SCK, /ChipSelect, /reset, name
// Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
// extern "C" void mbed_reset();
// int main()
// {
//     pc.baud(460800);    // I like a snappy terminal, so crank it up!
//     pc.printf("\r\nRA8875 Test - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
//     pc.printf("Turning on display\r\n");
//     lcd.Reset();
//     lcd.Power(true);  // display power is on, but the backlight is independent
//     lcd.Backlight(0.5);
//     RunTestSet(lcd, pc);
// }

#endif // TESTENABLE
