Library to control a Graphics TFT connected to 4-wire SPI - revised for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller.

Dependents:   FRDM_RA8875_mPaint RA8875_Demo RA8875_KeyPadDemo SignalGenerator ... more

Fork of SPI_TFT by Peter Drescher

See Components - RA8875 Based Display

Enhanced touch-screen support - where it previous supported both the Resistive Touch and Capacitive Touch based on the FT5206 Touch Controller, now it also has support for the GSL1680 Touch Controller.

Offline Help Manual (Windows chm)

/media/uploads/WiredHome/ (download, rename to .zip and unzip)



File content as of revision 205:f215dc32736b:

/// Support for Touch Controller GSL1680
/// Information is quite scarce for the SiLead GSL1680 Capacitive Touch controller.
/// Further, this controller hosts a 32-bit micro, but is without flash memory, so
/// after power-up, the program must be installed into the chip. This is done through
/// the I2C interface.
/// @attention To make it a bit more complicated, I cannot find any source
///     for this micro, only "bytestream", which one has to hope is defect free.
/// @attention To make it even more complicated, I do not have a display with this
///     controller in it, so this body of work is the collective merge of what I've
///     found and interpreted and interface converted to align with this library.
/// @attention It is probably clear that this represents a work in process, and is
///     an attempt to make a working driver.
/// has some useful information, a bit of which
/// is replicated here in case that site changes/disappears.
/// To read from the chip, just write a single byte with the register number to
/// start to read, and then do as many reads as registers to read.
/// The known registers are:
/// * 0x00-0x7F: these registers are used to load portions of the firmware.
/// * 0x80: contains the number of touches in the screen.
/// ** If zero, the user isn't touching the screen;
/// ** if one, only one finger is on the screen;
/// ** if two, there are two fingers; and so on.
/// * 0x84-0x87: contains the coordinates for the first touch.
/// * 0x88-0x8B: contains the coordinates for the second touch.
/// * 0x8C-0xAB: contains the coordinates for the third, fourth, and so on
/// ** (up to five in some devices, up to ten in other), touches,
///     in the same format than the previous ones (four bytes for each touch).
/// * 0xE0: STATUS register
/// * 0xE4, 0xBC-0xBF: some kind of control registers. Needed for uploading
///     the firmware and soft resetting the chip
///     (there's not more data available about them).
/// * 0xF0: PAGE register. Contains the memory page number currently mapped
///     in the 0x00-0x7F registers.
/// Touch coordinates format
/// The four bytes of each group of coordinates contains the X and Y values,
///     and also the finger.
/// * The first two bytes contains, in little endian format,
/// ** the X coordinate in the 12 lower bits.
/// * The other two bytes contains, in little endian format,
/// ** the Y coordinate in the 12 lower bits.
/// ** The 4 upper bits in the Y coordinate contains the finger identifier.
/// Example:
/// Let's say that the user touches the screen with one finger. The register 0x80
/// will contain 1, and registers 0x84 to 0x87 will contain the X and Y coordinates,
/// and the finger identifier will be 1.
/// Now the user, without removing the first finger, touches the screen with a second finger.
/// The register 0x80 will contain 2. Registers 0x84 to 0x87 will contain the
/// X and Y coordinates of the first touch and the finger identifier in them will be 1.
/// Registers 0x88 to 0x8B will contain the X and Y coordinates of the second touch
/// and the finger identifier in them will be 2.
/// Now the user removes the first finger, keeping the second one. The register 0x80
/// will contain 1. Registers 0x84 to 0x87 will contain the X and Y coordinates,
/// but the finger identifier will be 2, because that's the finger that remains
/// in the screen.

#include "RA8875.h"
#include "RA8875_Touch_GSL1680_Firmware.h"

//#define DEBUG "RAGL"
// ...
// INFO("Stuff to show %d", var); // new-line is automatically appended
#if (defined(DEBUG) && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
#define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[INF %s %4d] " x "\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[WRN %s %4d] " x "\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define ERR(x, ...)  std::printf("[ERR %s %4d] " x "\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
static void HexDump(const char * title, const uint8_t * p, int count)
    int i;
    char buf[100] = "0000: ";

    if (*title)
        INFO("%s", title);
    for (i=0; i<count; ) {
        sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%02X ", *(p+i));
        if ((++i & 0x0F) == 0x00) {
            INFO("%s", buf);
            if (i < count)
                sprintf(buf, "%04X: ", i);
                buf[0] = '\0';
    if (strlen(buf))
        INFO("%s", buf);
#define INFO(x, ...)
#define WARN(x, ...)
#define ERR(x, ...)
#define HexDump(a, b, c)

RetCode_t RA8875::GSL1680_Init() {
    RetCode_t r = noerror;
    uint8_t buf[5] = { 0 };   // addr + up to 4 Bytes data
    unsigned int source_line = 0;
    unsigned int source_len;
    const struct fw_data * ptr_fw;

    // Wake it

    // Clear reg
    buf[0] = 0xe0;
    buf[1] = 0x88;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
    buf[0] = 0x80;
    buf[1] = 0x03;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
    buf[0] = 0xe4;
    buf[1] = 0x04;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
    buf[0] = 0xe0;
    buf[1] = 0x00;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);

    // Reset
    buf[0] = 0xe0;
    buf[1] = 0x88;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
    buf[0] = 0xe4;
    buf[1] = 0x04;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
    buf[0] = 0xbc;
    buf[1] = 0x00;
    buf[2] = 0x00;
    buf[3] = 0x00;
    buf[4] = 0x00;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 5);

    // Load Firmware
    ptr_fw = GSLX680_FW;
    source_len = ARRAY_SIZE(GSLX680_FW);
    for (source_line = 0; source_line < source_len; source_line++)

        /* init page trans, set the page val */
        if (0xf0 == ptr_fw[source_line].offset) {
            buf[0] = 0xf0;
            buf[1] = (uint8_t)(ptr_fw[source_line].val & 0x000000ff);
            INFO("GSL1680 Firmware set page: %02X", buf[1]);
            m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);
        } else {
            buf[0] = ptr_fw[source_line].offset;
            buf[1] = (uint8_t)(ptr_fw[source_line].val & 0x000000ff);
            buf[2] = (uint8_t)((ptr_fw[source_line].val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
            buf[3] = (uint8_t)((ptr_fw[source_line].val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
            buf[4] = (uint8_t)((ptr_fw[source_line].val & 0xff000000) >> 24);
            //INFO("GSL1680 Firmware write[%02X] = %08X", ptr_fw[source_line].offset, ptr_fw[source_line].val);
            m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 5);

    // Startup chip
    buf[0] = 0xe0;
    buf[1] = 0x00;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)buf, 2);

    return r;

uint8_t RA8875::GSL1680_ReadRegU8(uint8_t reg, uint8_t * buf, int count) {
    uint8_t lbuf[1];

    if (buf == NULL) {
        buf = lbuf;
        count = 1;
    m_i2c->write(m_addr, (char *)&reg, 1);
    m_i2c->read(m_addr, (char *)buf, count);
    return buf[0];

uint8_t RA8875::GSL1680_TouchPositions(void) {
    // [80] = # touch points
    // [81]       not used
    // [82]       not used
    // [83]       not used
    // [84] --+ Touch # 1 info
    // [85]   |
    // [86]   |
    // [87] --+
    // [88] --+ Touch # 2 info
    // [89]   |
    // [8A]   |
    // [8B] --+
    // ...

#define TD_SPACE (4 + 4 * GSL1680_TOUCH_POINTS)
    if (m_irq->read() == 0) {
        uint8_t touch_data[TD_SPACE];

        GSL1680_ReadRegU8(0x80, touch_data, TD_SPACE);
        numberOfTouchPoints = touch_data[0];
        gesture = FT5206_GEST_ID_NO_GESTURE;    // no gesture support

        INFO("GSL1680 Touch %d points", numberOfTouchPoints);
        int tNdx = GSL1680_TOUCH_POINTS - 1;
        int dNdx = TD_SPACE - 1;
        for (; tNdx >= 0; tNdx--, dNdx -= 4) {
            uint16_t fingerAndY, AndX;
            fingerAndY = (uint16_t)(touch_data[dNdx - 0]) << 8 | (uint16_t)touch_data[dNdx - 1];
            AndX = (uint16_t)(touch_data[dNdx - 2]) << 8 | (uint16_t)touch_data[dNdx - 3];
            touchInfo[tNdx].coordinates = TranslateOrientation( AndX & 0x0FFFF, fingerAndY & 0x0FFF );
            touchInfo[tNdx].touchID = (fingerAndY >> 12);
            touchInfo[tNdx].touchCode = (numberOfTouchPoints > tNdx) ? touch : no_touch;
            //INFO("  Code %d, Finger %d, xy (%4d,%4d)",
            //    touchInfo[tNdx].touchCode, touchInfo[tNdx].touchID,
            //    touchInfo[tNdx].coordinates.x, touchInfo[tNdx].coordinates.y);
    } else {
        numberOfTouchPoints = 0;
        ERR("GSL1680 Touch - else path, unexpected.");
    return numberOfTouchPoints;