Library to control a Graphics TFT connected to 4-wire SPI - revised for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller.

Dependents:   FRDM_RA8875_mPaint RA8875_Demo RA8875_KeyPadDemo SignalGenerator ... more

Fork of SPI_TFT by Peter Drescher

See Components - RA8875 Based Display

Enhanced touch-screen support - where it previous supported both the Resistive Touch and Capacitive Touch based on the FT5206 Touch Controller, now it also has support for the GSL1680 Touch Controller.

Offline Help Manual (Windows chm)

/media/uploads/WiredHome/ (download, rename to .zip and unzip)

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GraphicsDisplay.cpp	Mon Sep 10 19:23:26 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* mbed GraphicsDisplay Display Library Base Class
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 sford
+ * Released under the MIT License:
+ */
+#include "GraphicsDisplay.h"
+const unsigned char FONT8x8[97][8] = {
+0x08,0x08,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // columns, rows, num_bytes_per_char
+0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // space 0x20
+0x30,0x78,0x78,0x30,0x30,0x00,0x30,0x00, // !
+0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // "
+0x6C,0x6C,0xFE,0x6C,0xFE,0x6C,0x6C,0x00, // #
+0x18,0x3E,0x60,0x3C,0x06,0x7C,0x18,0x00, // $
+0x00,0x63,0x66,0x0C,0x18,0x33,0x63,0x00, // %
+0x1C,0x36,0x1C,0x3B,0x6E,0x66,0x3B,0x00, // &
+0x30,0x30,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // '
+0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x00, // (
+0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x00, // )
+0x00,0x66,0x3C,0xFF,0x3C,0x66,0x00,0x00, // *
+0x00,0x30,0x30,0xFC,0x30,0x30,0x00,0x00, // +
+0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x18,0x30, // ,
+0x00,0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // -
+0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x18,0x00, // .
+0x03,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0x40,0x00, // / (forward slash)
+0x3E,0x63,0x63,0x6B,0x63,0x63,0x3E,0x00, // 0 0x30
+0x18,0x38,0x58,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x7E,0x00, // 1
+0x3C,0x66,0x06,0x1C,0x30,0x66,0x7E,0x00, // 2
+0x3C,0x66,0x06,0x1C,0x06,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // 3
+0x0E,0x1E,0x36,0x66,0x7F,0x06,0x0F,0x00, // 4
+0x7E,0x60,0x7C,0x06,0x06,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // 5
+0x1C,0x30,0x60,0x7C,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // 6
+0x7E,0x66,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x00, // 7
+0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // 8
+0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x3E,0x06,0x0C,0x38,0x00, // 9
+0x00,0x18,0x18,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x18,0x00, // :
+0x00,0x18,0x18,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x18,0x30, // ;
+0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x00, // <
+0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x00,0x00, // =
+0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x00, // >
+0x3C,0x66,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x00,0x18,0x00, // ?
+0x3E,0x63,0x6F,0x69,0x6F,0x60,0x3E,0x00, // @ 0x40
+0x18,0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x7E,0x66,0x66,0x00, // A
+0x7E,0x33,0x33,0x3E,0x33,0x33,0x7E,0x00, // B
+0x1E,0x33,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x33,0x1E,0x00, // C
+0x7C,0x36,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x36,0x7C,0x00, // D
+0x7F,0x31,0x34,0x3C,0x34,0x31,0x7F,0x00, // E
+0x7F,0x31,0x34,0x3C,0x34,0x30,0x78,0x00, // F
+0x1E,0x33,0x60,0x60,0x67,0x33,0x1F,0x00, // G
+0x66,0x66,0x66,0x7E,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x00, // H
+0x3C,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x00, // I
+0x0F,0x06,0x06,0x06,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // J
+0x73,0x33,0x36,0x3C,0x36,0x33,0x73,0x00, // K
+0x78,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x31,0x33,0x7F,0x00, // L
+0x63,0x77,0x7F,0x7F,0x6B,0x63,0x63,0x00, // M
+0x63,0x73,0x7B,0x6F,0x67,0x63,0x63,0x00, // N
+0x3E,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x3E,0x00, // O
+0x7E,0x33,0x33,0x3E,0x30,0x30,0x78,0x00, // P 0x50
+0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x6E,0x3C,0x0E,0x00, // Q
+0x7E,0x33,0x33,0x3E,0x36,0x33,0x73,0x00, // R
+0x3C,0x66,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // S
+0x7E,0x5A,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x00, // T
+0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x7E,0x00, // U
+0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x18,0x00, // V
+0x63,0x63,0x63,0x6B,0x7F,0x77,0x63,0x00, // W
+0x63,0x63,0x36,0x1C,0x1C,0x36,0x63,0x00, // X
+0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x00, // Y
+0x7F,0x63,0x46,0x0C,0x19,0x33,0x7F,0x00, // Z
+0x3C,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x3C,0x00, // [
+0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x00, // \ (back slash)
+0x3C,0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x3C,0x00, // ]
+0x08,0x1C,0x36,0x63,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // ^
+0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF, // _
+0x18,0x18,0x0C,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // ` 0x60
+0x00,0x00,0x3C,0x06,0x3E,0x66,0x3B,0x00, // a
+0x70,0x30,0x3E,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x6E,0x00, // b
+0x00,0x00,0x3C,0x66,0x60,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // c
+0x0E,0x06,0x3E,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3B,0x00, // d
+0x00,0x00,0x3C,0x66,0x7E,0x60,0x3C,0x00, // e
+0x1C,0x36,0x30,0x78,0x30,0x30,0x78,0x00, // f
+0x00,0x00,0x3B,0x66,0x66,0x3E,0x06,0x7C, // g
+0x70,0x30,0x36,0x3B,0x33,0x33,0x73,0x00, // h
+0x18,0x00,0x38,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x00, // i
+0x06,0x00,0x06,0x06,0x06,0x66,0x66,0x3C, // j
+0x70,0x30,0x33,0x36,0x3C,0x36,0x73,0x00, // k
+0x38,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x00, // l
+0x00,0x00,0x66,0x7F,0x7F,0x6B,0x63,0x00, // m
+0x00,0x00,0x7C,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x00, // n
+0x00,0x00,0x3C,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x00, // o
+0x00,0x00,0x6E,0x33,0x33,0x3E,0x30,0x78, // p
+0x00,0x00,0x3B,0x66,0x66,0x3E,0x06,0x0F, // q
+0x00,0x00,0x6E,0x3B,0x33,0x30,0x78,0x00, // r
+0x00,0x00,0x3E,0x60,0x3C,0x06,0x7C,0x00, // s
+0x08,0x18,0x3E,0x18,0x18,0x1A,0x0C,0x00, // t
+0x00,0x00,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3B,0x00, // u
+0x00,0x00,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3C,0x18,0x00, // v
+0x00,0x00,0x63,0x6B,0x7F,0x7F,0x36,0x00, // w
+0x00,0x00,0x63,0x36,0x1C,0x36,0x63,0x00, // x
+0x00,0x00,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x3E,0x06,0x7C, // y
+0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x4C,0x18,0x32,0x7E,0x00, // z
+0x0E,0x18,0x18,0x70,0x18,0x18,0x0E,0x00, // {
+0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x00,0x0C,0x0C,0x0C,0x00, // |
+0x70,0x18,0x18,0x0E,0x18,0x18,0x70,0x00, // }
+0x3B,0x6E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // ~
+0x1C,0x36,0x36,0x1C,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // DEL
+GraphicsDisplay::GraphicsDisplay(const char *name):TextDisplay(name) {
+    foreground(0xFFFF);
+    background(0x0000);
+void GraphicsDisplay::character(int column, int row, int value) { 
+    blitbit(column * 8, row * 8, 8, 8, (char*)&(FONT8x8[value - 0x1F][0]));
+void GraphicsDisplay::window(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
+    // current pixel location
+    _x = x;
+    _y = y;
+    // window settings
+    _x1 = x;
+    _x2 = x + w - 1;
+    _y1 = y;
+    _y2 = y + h - 1;
+void GraphicsDisplay::putp(int colour) {
+    // put pixel at current pixel location
+    pixel(_x, _y, colour);
+    // update pixel location based on window settings
+    _x++;
+    if(_x > _x2) {
+        _x = _x1;
+        _y++;
+        if(_y > _y2) {
+            _y = _y1;
+        }
+    }
+void GraphicsDisplay::fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, int colour) { 
+    window(x, y, w, h);
+    for(int i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
+        putp(colour);
+    }
+void GraphicsDisplay::cls() {
+    fill(0, 0, width(), height(), _background);
+void GraphicsDisplay::blit(int x, int y, int w, int h, const int *colour) { 
+    window(x, y, w, h);
+    for(int i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
+        putp(colour[i]);
+    }
+void GraphicsDisplay::blitbit(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* colour) {
+    window(x, y, w, h);
+    for(int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {
+        char byte = colour[i >> 3];
+        int offset = i & 0x7;
+        int c = ((byte << offset) & 0x80) ? _foreground : _background;
+        putp(c);
+    }
+int GraphicsDisplay::columns() { 
+    return width() / 8; 
+int GraphicsDisplay::rows() { 
+    return height() / 8; 