Library to control a Graphics TFT connected to 4-wire SPI - revised for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller.

Dependents:   FRDM_RA8875_mPaint RA8875_Demo RA8875_KeyPadDemo SignalGenerator ... more

Fork of SPI_TFT by Peter Drescher

See Components - RA8875 Based Display

Enhanced touch-screen support - where it previous supported both the Resistive Touch and Capacitive Touch based on the FT5206 Touch Controller, now it also has support for the GSL1680 Touch Controller.

Offline Help Manual (Windows chm)

/media/uploads/WiredHome/ (download, rename to .zip and unzip)

--- a/RA8875.h	Mon Jul 25 10:55:58 2016 +0000
+++ b/RA8875.h	Sun Jul 31 20:59:01 2016 +0000
@@ -113,6 +113,98 @@
 #define max(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b)
+/// FT5206 definitions follow
+#define FT5206_I2C_FREQUENCY                400000
+#define FT5206_I2C_ADDRESS                  0x38
+#define FT5206_NUMBER_OF_REGISTERS          31   // there are more registers, but this
+                                                 // is enough to get all 5 touch coordinates.
+#define FT5206_DEVICE_MODE                  0x00 // Normal, test, etc.
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID                      0x01 // Gesture detected
+#define FT5206_TD_STATUS                    0x02 // How many points detected (3:0). 1-5 is valid.
+#define FT5206_TOUCH1_XH                    0x03 // Event Flag, Touch X Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH1_XL                    0x04
+#define FT5206_TOUCH1_YH                    0x05 // Touch ID, Touch Y Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH1_YL                    0x06
+#define FT5206_TOUCH2_XH                    0x09 // Event Flag, Touch X Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH2_XL                    0x0a
+#define FT5206_TOUCH2_YH                    0x0b // Touch ID, Touch Y Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH2_YL                    0x0c
+#define FT5206_TOUCH3_XH                    0x0f // Event Flag, Touch X Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH3_XL                    0x10
+#define FT5206_TOUCH3_YH                    0x11 // Touch ID, Touch Y Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH3_YL                    0x12
+#define FT5206_TOUCH4_XH                    0x15 // Event Flag, Touch X Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH4_XL                    0x16
+#define FT5206_TOUCH4_YH                    0x17 // Touch ID, Touch Y Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH4_YL                    0x18
+#define FT5206_TOUCH5_XH                    0x1b // Event Flag, Touch X Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH5_XL                    0x1c
+#define FT5206_TOUCH5_YH                    0x1d // Touch ID, Touch Y Position
+#define FT5206_TOUCH5_YL                    0x1e
+// For typical usage, the registers listed below are not used.
+#define FT5206_ID_G_THGROUP                 0x80 // Valid touching detect threshold
+#define FT5206_ID_G_THPEAK                  0x81 // Valid touching peak detect threshold
+#define FT5206_ID_G_THCAL                   0x82 // The threshold when calculating the focus of touching
+#define FT5206_ID_G_THWATER                 0x83 // The threshold when there is surface water
+#define FT5206_ID_G_THTEMP                  0x84 // The threshold of temperature compensation
+#define FT5206_ID_G_CTRL                    0x86 // Power control mode
+#define FT5206_ID_G_TIME_ENTER_MONITOR      0x87 // The timer of entering monitor status
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PERIODACTIVE            0x88 // Period Active
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PERIODMONITOR           0x89 // The timer of entering idle while in monitor status
+#define FT5206_ID_G_AUTO_CLB_MODE           0xA0 // Auto calibration mode
+#define FT5206_TOUCH_LIB_VERSION_H          0xA1 // Firmware Library Version H byte
+#define FT5206_TOUCH_LIB_VERSION_L          0xA2 // Firmware Library Version L byte
+#define FT5206_ID_G_CIPHER                  0xA3 // Chip vendor ID
+#define FT5206_G_MODE                       0xA4 // The interrupt status to host
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PMODE                   0xA5 // Power Consume Mode
+#define FT5206_FIRMID                       0xA6 // Firmware ID
+#define FT5206_ID_G_STATE                   0xA7 // Running State
+#define FT5206_ID_G_FT5201ID                0xA8 // CTPM Vendor ID
+#define FT5206_ID_G_ERR                     0xA9 // Error Code
+#define FT5206_ID_G_CLB                     0xAA // Configure TP module during calibration in Test Mode
+#define FT5206_ID_G_B_AREA_TH               0xAE // The threshold of big area
+#define FT5206_LOG_MSG_CNT                  0xFE // The log MSG count
+#define FT5206_LOG_CUR_CHA                  0xFF // Current character of log message, will point to the next
+                                                 // character when one character is read.
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_MOVE_UP              0x10
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_MOVE_LEFT            0x14
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_MOVE_DOWN            0x18
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_MOVE_RIGHT           0x1c
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_ZOOM_IN              0x48
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_ZOOM_OUT             0x49
+#define FT5206_GEST_ID_NO_GESTURE           0x00
+#define FT5206_EVENT_FLAG_PUT_DOWN          0x00
+#define FT5206_EVENT_FLAG_PUT_UP            0x01
+#define FT5206_EVENT_FLAG_CONTACT           0x02
+#define FT5206_EVENT_FLAG_RESERVED          0x03
+#define FT5206_ID_G_POLLING_MODE            0x00
+#define FT5206_ID_G_TRIGGER_MODE            0x01
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PMODE_ACTIVE            0x00
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PMODE_MONITOR           0x01
+#define FT5206_ID_G_PMODE_HIBERNATE         0x03
+#define FT5206_ID_G_STATE_CONFIGURE         0x00
+#define FT5206_ID_G_STATE_WORK              0x01
+#define FT5206_ID_G_STATE_CALIBRATION       0x02
+#define FT5206_ID_G_STATE_FACTORY           0x03
+/// end of FT5206 definitions
 //namespace SW_graphics
@@ -301,7 +393,11 @@
     typedef RetCode_t (* IdleCallback_T)(IdleReason_T info);
     /// Constructor for a display based on the RAiO RA8875 
-    /// display controller.
+    /// display controller (use for TouchScreen: Resistive or none)
+    ///
+    /// This constructor differs from the alternate by supportting
+    /// either No Touch Screen, or the RA8875 built-in resistive
+    /// touch screen.
     /// This configures the registers and calls the @ref init method.
@@ -328,7 +424,33 @@
     /// @param[in] name is a text name for this object, which will permit
     ///         capturing stdout to puts() and printf() directly to it.
-    RA8875(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel, PinName reset, const char * name = "lcd");
+    RA8875(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel, PinName reset, 
+        const char * name = "lcd");
+    /// Constructor for a display based on the RAiO RA8875 
+    /// display controller (use for TouchScreen: Capacitive only)
+    ///
+    /// This constructor differs from the alternate by including support
+    /// for the Capactive Touch screen.
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] mosi is the SPI master out slave in pin on the mbed.
+    /// @param[in] miso is the SPI master in slave out pin on the mbed.
+    /// @param[in] sclk is the SPI shift clock pin on the mbed.
+    /// @param[in] csel is the DigitalOut pin on the mbed to use as the
+    ///         active low chip select for the display controller.
+    /// @param[in] reset is the DigitalOut pin on the mbed to use as the 
+    ///         active low reset input on the display controller - 
+    ///         but this is not currently used.
+    /// @param[in] sda is the I2C Serial Data pin you are wiring to the FT5206.
+    /// @param[in] scl is the I2C Serial Clock pin you are wiring to the FT5206.
+    /// @param[in] irq is the Interrupt Request pin you are wiring to the FT5206.
+    /// @param[in] name is a text name for this object, which will permit
+    ///         capturing stdout to puts() and printf() directly to it.
+    ///
+    RA8875(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel, PinName reset, 
+        PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName irq, const char * name = "lcd");
     // Destructor doesn't have much to do as this would typically be created
     // at startup, and not at runtime.
@@ -353,13 +475,17 @@
     ///             and the default is true (on). See @ref Power.
     /// @param[in] keypadon defines if the keypad support should be enabled. This parameter is optional
     ///             and the default is true (enabled). See @ref KeypadInit.
-    /// @param[in] touchscreeenon defines if the keypad support should be enabled. This parameter is optional
-    ///             and the default is true (enabled). See @ref TouchPanelInit.
+    /// @param[in] touchscreeenon defines if the touchscreen support should be enabled. 
+    ///             This parameter is optional and the default is true (enabled). See @ref TouchPanelInit.\\
+    ///             - If the constructor was called with support for the capacitive driver, this 
+    ///             parameter causes the driver to initialize.
+    ///             - If the constructor was called without support for the capacitive driver, this
+    ///             parameter is used to enable and initialize the resistive touchscreen driver.
     /// @returns success/failure code. See @ref RetCode_t.
     RetCode_t init(int width = 480, int height = 272, int color_bpp = 16, 
         bool poweron = true, bool keypadon = true, bool touchscreeenon = true);
     /// Get a pointer to the error code.
     /// This method returns a pointer to a text string that matches the
@@ -495,7 +621,7 @@
     /// This activates the simplified touch panel init, which may work for
     /// most uses. The alternate API is available if fine-grained control
-    /// is needed for the numerous settings.
+    /// of the numerous settings of the resistive panel is needed.
     /// @returns success/failure code. See @ref RetCode_t.
@@ -504,7 +630,10 @@
     /// Initialize the Touch Panel controller with detailed settings.
     /// This is the detailed touch panel init, which provides the ability
-    /// to set nearly every possible option.
+    /// to set nearly every option.
+    ///
+    /// @note If the capacitive touch panel was constructed, this behaves
+    ///     the same as the simplified version.
     /// @param[in]  bTpEnable           Touch Panel enable/disable control:
     ///                                 - TP_ENABLE: enable the touch panel
@@ -574,7 +703,84 @@
     TouchCode_t TouchPanelReadable(point_t * TouchPoint = NULL);
+    /// Get the reported touch gesture, if any.
+    /// 
+    /// If it could detect a gesture, it will return a value based on
+    /// the interpreted gesture.\\
+    ///
+    /// Valid gesture values are:
+    /// @li 0x00 No gesture
+    /// @li 0x10 Move up
+    /// @li 0x14 Move left
+    /// @li 0x18 Move down
+    /// @li 0x1C Move right
+    /// @li 0x48 Zoom in
+    /// @li 0x49 Zoom out
+    ///
+    /// @returns gesture information.
+    ///
+    uint8_t TouchGesture(void) { return gesture; }
+    /// Get the count of registered touches.
+    ///
+    /// @returns count of touch points to communicate; 0 to 5.
+    ///
+    int TouchCount(void) { return numberOfTouchPoints; }
+    /// Get the count of possible touch channels.
+    ///
+    /// @returns count of touch channels supported by the hardware.
+    ///
+    int TouchChannels(void);
+    /// Get the Touch ID value for a specified touch channel.
+    ///
+    /// Touch ID is a tracking number based on the order of the touch
+    /// detections. The first touch is ID 0, the next is ID 1, and 
+    /// so on. If the first touch is lifted (no touch), the touch count
+    /// decrements, and the remaining touch is communicated on
+    /// touch channel zero, even as the Touch ID remains as originally
+    /// reported (1 in this example). In this way, it is easy to track 
+    /// a specific touch.\\
+    ///
+    /// It is possible to query the data for a channel that is not
+    /// presently reported as touched.
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] channel is the touch channel, from 0 to 4, or 0 to getTouchCount()-1
+    ///     It defaults to 0, in case the user is not interested in multi-touch.
+    /// @returns the touch ID, or 15 if you get the ID for an untouched channel.
+    /// @returns 0 if an invalid channel is queried.
+    ///
+    uint8_t TouchID(uint8_t channel = 0) { return (channel < 5) ? touchInfo[channel].touchID : touchInfo[0].touchID; }
+    /// Get the Touch Code for a touch channel.
+    ///
+    /// It is possible to query the data for a channel that is not
+    /// presently reported as touched.
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] channel is the touch channel, from 0 to 4, or 0 to getTouchCount()-1
+    ///     It defaults to 0, in case the user is not interested in multi-touch.
+    /// @returns the touch code (@ref TouchCode_t).
+    /// @returns channel 0 information if an invalid channel is queried.
+    ///
+    TouchCode_t TouchCode(uint8_t channel = 0) { return (channel < 5) ? touchInfo[channel].touchCode : touchInfo[0].touchCode; }
+    /// Get the coordinates for a touch channel.
+    ///
+    /// This returns the (X,Y) coordinates for a touch channel.
+    ///\\
+    ///
+    /// It is possible to query the data for a channel that is not
+    /// presently reported as touched.
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] channel is an optional touch channel, from 0 to 4, or 0 to getTouchCount()-1.
+    ///     It defaults to 0, in case the user is not interested in multi-touch.
+    /// @returns the coordinates as a point_t structure.
+    /// @returns channel 0 information if an invalid channel is queried.
+    ///
+    point_t TouchCoordinates(uint8_t channel = 0)  { return (channel < 5) ? touchInfo[channel].coordinates : touchInfo[0].coordinates; }
     /// Poll the TouchPanel and on a touch event return the a to d filtered x, y coordinates.
     /// This method reads the touch controller, which has a 10-bit range for each the
@@ -2123,7 +2329,51 @@
-    /// Touch Panel register name definitions
+    /// Touch panel parameters - common to both resistive and capacitive
+    /// Data type to indicate which TP, if any, is in use.
+    typedef enum {
+        TP_NONE,            ///< no touch panel in use
+        TP_RES,             ///< resistive touch panel using RA8875
+        TP_CAP,             ///< capacitive touch panel using FT5206
+    } WhichTP_T;
+    /// boolean flag set true when using Capacitive touch panel, and false
+    /// for resistive.
+    WhichTP_T useTouchPanel;    ///< Indicates which TP is selected for use.
+    /// Touch State used by TouchPanelReadable. See @ref TouchCode_t.
+    TouchCode_t touchState;
+    ////////////////// Start of Capacitive Touch Panel parameters
+    uint8_t getTouchPositions(void);
+    void TouchPanelISR(void);
+    uint16_t numberOfTouchPoints;
+    uint8_t gesture;            ///< Holds the reported gesture information.
+    /// Touch Information data structure
+    typedef struct {
+        uint8_t touchID;        ///< Contains the touch ID, which is the "order" of touch, from 0 to n-1
+        TouchCode_t touchCode;  ///< Contains the touch code; no_touch, touch, held, release
+        point_t coordinates;    ///< Contains the X,Y coordinate of the touch
+    } touchInfo_T;
+    touchInfo_T touchInfo[5];   /// Contains the actual touch information in an array from 0 to n-1
+    InterruptIn * m_irq;
+    I2C * m_i2c;
+    int m_addr;
+    uint8_t data[2];
+    bool panelTouched;
+    void writeRegister8(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
+    uint8_t readRegister8(uint8_t reg);
+    ////////////////// Start of Resistive Touch Panel parameters
+    /// Resistive Touch Panel register name definitions
     #define TPCR0   0x70
     #define TPCR1   0x71
     #define TPXH    0x72
@@ -2148,9 +2398,6 @@
     // a touch, and if so, it then clears the sample counter so it doesn't get partial old
     // and partial new.
-    /// Touch State used by TouchPanelReadable. See @ref TouchCode_t.
-    TouchCode_t touchState;
     /// Touch Panel ticker
     Ticker touchTicker;
@@ -2166,6 +2413,9 @@
     /// Touch Panel calibration matrix.
     tpMatrix_t tpMatrix;
+    ////////////////// End of Touch Panel parameters
     /// Internal function to put a character using the built-in (internal) font engine
     /// @param[in] c is the character to put to the screen.
@@ -2320,7 +2570,6 @@
     RetCode_t (* c_callback)(filecmd_t cmd, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t size);
     FPointerDummy  *obj_callback;
     RetCode_t (FPointerDummy::*method_callback)(filecmd_t cmd, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t size);
     RetCode_t (* idle_callback)(IdleReason_T reason);