Demonstration of the Bitmap rendering - reads BMP and JPG files in many format variants and renders to the screen.

Dependencies:   FlashFileSystem mbed RA8875

Bitmap and JPEG Demo

This demo publishes each graphic file from a list of files to the display. The graphic files can be BMP, JPG, or ICO. On the terminal it displays the filename and the return-code (in case of an error). This demo works as intended on the 480x272 display in either 8 or 16 bit per pixel mode and it should work on larger displays.

Items of interest to change and rebuild/test:

// Not all systems have the LocalFileSystem. Plug in the library and driver for yours.
LocalFileSystem local("local");             // Image source

TestImage_T TestImage[] = {
    { 0, 0, "/local/01601602.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027202.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027204.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027208.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027224.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.jpg"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.bmp"}

// deefine your screen size and color depth. 
#define SCREEN_W 480
#define SCREEN_H 272
#define SCREEN_BPP 16

LocalFileSystem may need to be altered to SDFileSystem (for example) and the corresponding paths in the TestImage array.

Also, the Screen size and bit per pixel color depth.


The following image files are saved in different resolution and color depth. The first, and smallest, was simply for developing the monochrome support. Others are 4-bit color, 8-bit color, 24-bit color, and a mislabeled 1-bit color (shown as 02).




File content as of revision 11:0c2ff405c1c1:

/* Integer type definitions for FatFs module */

#ifndef _INTEGER
#define _INTEGER

#if 0

#ifdef _WIN32   /* FatFs development platform */

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#else           /* Embedded platform */

/* These types must be 16-bit, 32-bit or larger integer */
typedef int             INT;
typedef unsigned int    UINT;

/* These types must be 8-bit integer */
typedef char            CHAR;
typedef unsigned char   UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char   BYTE;

/* These types must be 16-bit integer */
typedef short           SHORT;
typedef unsigned short  USHORT;
typedef unsigned short  WORD;
typedef unsigned short  WCHAR;

/* These types must be 32-bit integer */
typedef long            LONG;
typedef unsigned long   ULONG;
typedef unsigned long   DWORD;


