Demonstration of the Bitmap rendering - reads BMP and JPG files in many format variants and renders to the screen.

Dependencies:   FlashFileSystem mbed RA8875

Bitmap and JPEG Demo

This demo publishes each graphic file from a list of files to the display. The graphic files can be BMP, JPG, or ICO. On the terminal it displays the filename and the return-code (in case of an error). This demo works as intended on the 480x272 display in either 8 or 16 bit per pixel mode and it should work on larger displays.

Items of interest to change and rebuild/test:

// Not all systems have the LocalFileSystem. Plug in the library and driver for yours.
LocalFileSystem local("local");             // Image source

TestImage_T TestImage[] = {
    { 0, 0, "/local/01601602.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027202.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027204.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027208.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027224.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.jpg"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.bmp"}

// deefine your screen size and color depth. 
#define SCREEN_W 480
#define SCREEN_H 272
#define SCREEN_BPP 16

LocalFileSystem may need to be altered to SDFileSystem (for example) and the corresponding paths in the TestImage array.

Also, the Screen size and bit per pixel color depth.


The following image files are saved in different resolution and color depth. The first, and smallest, was simply for developing the monochrome support. Others are 4-bit color, 8-bit color, 24-bit color, and a mislabeled 1-bit color (shown as 02).




File content as of revision 9:092f7ac73c03:

/ TJpgDec - Tiny JPEG Decompressor R0.01b                     (C)ChaN, 2012
/ The TJpgDec is a generic JPEG decompressor module for tiny embedded systems.
/ This is a free software that opened for education, research and commercial
/  developments under license policy of following terms.
/  Copyright (C) 2012, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * The TJpgDec module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/   personal, non-profit or commercial products UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
/ Oct 04,'11 R0.01  First release.
/ Feb 19,'12 R0.01a Fixed decompression fails when scan starts with an escape seq.
/ Sep 03,'12 R0.01b Added JD_TBLCLIP option.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "tjpgd.h"

#define DEBUG "JPEG"
// ...
// INFO("Stuff to show %d", var); // new-line is automatically appended
#if (defined(DEBUG) && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
#define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[INF %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[WRN %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define ERR(x, ...)  std::printf("[ERR %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
static void HexDump(const char * title, const uint8_t * p, int count)
    int i;
    char buf[100] = "0000: ";

    if (*title)
        INFO("%s", title);
    for (i=0; i<count; ) {
        sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%02X ", *(p+i));
        if ((++i & 0x0F) == 0x00) {
            INFO("%s", buf);
            if (i < count)
                sprintf(buf, "%04X: ", i);
                buf[0] = '\0';
    if (strlen(buf))
        INFO("%s", buf);
#define INFO(x, ...)
#define WARN(x, ...)
#define ERR(x, ...)
#define HexDump(a, b, c)

/* Zigzag-order to raster-order conversion table */

#define ZIG(n)  Zig[n]

const uint8_t Zig[64] = {  /* Zigzag-order to raster-order conversion table */
     0,  1,  8, 16,  9,  2,  3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11,  4,  5,
    12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13,  6,  7, 14, 21, 28,
    35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51,
    58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63

/* Input scale factor of Arai algorithm            */
/* (scaled up 16 bits for fixed point operations)  */

#define IPSF(n) Ipsf[n]

const uint16_t Ipsf[64] = { /* See also aa_idct.png */
    (uint16_t)(1.00000*8192), (uint16_t)(1.38704*8192), (uint16_t)(1.30656*8192), (uint16_t)(1.17588*8192), (uint16_t)(1.00000*8192), (uint16_t)(0.78570*8192), (uint16_t)(0.54120*8192), (uint16_t)(0.27590*8192),
    (uint16_t)(1.38704*8192), (uint16_t)(1.92388*8192), (uint16_t)(1.81226*8192), (uint16_t)(1.63099*8192), (uint16_t)(1.38704*8192), (uint16_t)(1.08979*8192), (uint16_t)(0.75066*8192), (uint16_t)(0.38268*8192),
    (uint16_t)(1.30656*8192), (uint16_t)(1.81226*8192), (uint16_t)(1.70711*8192), (uint16_t)(1.53636*8192), (uint16_t)(1.30656*8192), (uint16_t)(1.02656*8192), (uint16_t)(0.70711*8192), (uint16_t)(0.36048*8192),
    (uint16_t)(1.17588*8192), (uint16_t)(1.63099*8192), (uint16_t)(1.53636*8192), (uint16_t)(1.38268*8192), (uint16_t)(1.17588*8192), (uint16_t)(0.92388*8192), (uint16_t)(0.63638*8192), (uint16_t)(0.32442*8192),
    (uint16_t)(1.00000*8192), (uint16_t)(1.38704*8192), (uint16_t)(1.30656*8192), (uint16_t)(1.17588*8192), (uint16_t)(1.00000*8192), (uint16_t)(0.78570*8192), (uint16_t)(0.54120*8192), (uint16_t)(0.27590*8192),
    (uint16_t)(0.78570*8192), (uint16_t)(1.08979*8192), (uint16_t)(1.02656*8192), (uint16_t)(0.92388*8192), (uint16_t)(0.78570*8192), (uint16_t)(0.61732*8192), (uint16_t)(0.42522*8192), (uint16_t)(0.21677*8192),
    (uint16_t)(0.54120*8192), (uint16_t)(0.75066*8192), (uint16_t)(0.70711*8192), (uint16_t)(0.63638*8192), (uint16_t)(0.54120*8192), (uint16_t)(0.42522*8192), (uint16_t)(0.29290*8192), (uint16_t)(0.14932*8192),
    (uint16_t)(0.27590*8192), (uint16_t)(0.38268*8192), (uint16_t)(0.36048*8192), (uint16_t)(0.32442*8192), (uint16_t)(0.27590*8192), (uint16_t)(0.21678*8192), (uint16_t)(0.14932*8192), (uint16_t)(0.07612*8192)

/* Conversion table for fast clipping process  */


#define BYTECLIP(v) Clip8[(uint16_t)(v) & 0x3FF]

const uint8_t Clip8[1024] = {
    /* 0..255 */
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
    32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
    64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
    96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
    128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
    160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
    192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223,
    224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255,
    /* 256..511 */
    255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
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    /* -512..-257 */
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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    /* -256..-1 */
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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#else   /* JD_TBLCLIP */

uint8_t BYTECLIP (
    int16_t val
    if (val < 0) val = 0;
    if (val > 255) val = 255;

    return (uint8_t)val;


/* Allocate a memory block from memory pool                              */

void* alloc_pool (  /* Pointer to allocated memory block (NULL:no memory available) */
    JDEC* jd,       /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    uint16_t nd         /* Number of bytes to allocate */
    char *rp = 0;
    INFO("alloc_pool(%p,%d) %p:%d", jd, nd, jd->pool, jd->sz_pool);
    //HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));
    nd = (nd + 3) & ~3;         /* Align block size to the word boundary */

    if (jd->sz_pool >= nd) {
        jd->sz_pool -= nd;
        rp = (char*)jd->pool;           /* Get start of available memory pool */
        jd->pool = (void*)(rp + nd);    /* Allocate requierd bytes */
    INFO("rp %p", rp);
    return (void*)rp;   /* Return allocated memory block (NULL:no memory to allocate) */

/* Create de-quantization and prescaling tables with a DQT segment       */

uint16_t create_qt_tbl (    /* 0:OK, !0:Failed */
    JDEC* jd,           /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    const uint8_t* data,   /* Pointer to the quantizer tables */
    uint16_t ndata          /* Size of input data */
    uint16_t i;
    uint8_t d, z;
    int32_t *pb;

    INFO("create qt table (%p,%p,%d)", jd, data, ndata);
    HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    while (ndata) { /* Process all tables in the segment */
        if (ndata < 65) return JDR_FMT1;    /* Err: table size is unaligned */
        ndata -= 65;
        d = *data++;                            /* Get table property */
        if (d & 0xF0) return JDR_FMT1;          /* Err: not 8-bit resolution */
        i = d & 3;                              /* Get table ID */
        pb = (int32_t *)alloc_pool(jd, 64 * sizeof (int32_t));/* Allocate a memory block for the table */
        if (!pb) return JDR_MEM1;               /* Err: not enough memory */
        jd->qttbl[i] = pb;                      /* Register the table */
        for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {              /* Load the table */
            z = ZIG(i);                         /* Zigzag-order to raster-order conversion */
            pb[z] = (int32_t)((uint32_t)*data++ * IPSF(z));   /* Apply scale factor of Arai algorithm to the de-quantizers */

    return JDR_OK;

/* Create huffman code tables with a DHT segment                         */

uint16_t create_huffman_tbl (   /* 0:OK, !0:Failed */
    JDEC* jd,               /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    const uint8_t* data,       /* Pointer to the packed huffman tables */
    uint16_t ndata              /* Size of input data */
    uint16_t i, j, b, np, cls, num;
    uint8_t d, *pb, *pd;
    uint16_t hc, *ph;

    INFO("create_huffman_tbl(%p,%p,%d)", jd, data, ndata);
    HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));
    while (ndata) { /* Process all tables in the segment */
        if (ndata < 17) return JDR_FMT1;    /* Err: wrong data size */
        ndata -= 17;
        d = *data++;                        /* Get table number and class */
        cls = (d >> 4); num = d & 0x0F;     /* class = dc(0)/ac(1), table number = 0/1 */
        if (d & 0xEE) return JDR_FMT1;      /* Err: invalid class/number */
        pb = (uint8_t *)alloc_pool(jd, 16);            /* Allocate a memory block for the bit distribution table */
        if (!pb) return JDR_MEM1;           /* Err: not enough memory */
        jd->huffbits[num][cls] = pb;
        for (np = i = 0; i < 16; i++) {     /* Load number of patterns for 1 to 16-bit code */
            pb[i] = b = *data++;
            np += b;    /* Get sum of code words for each code */

        ph = (uint16_t *)alloc_pool(jd, np * sizeof (uint16_t));/* Allocate a memory block for the code word table */
        if (!ph) return JDR_MEM1;           /* Err: not enough memory */
        jd->huffcode[num][cls] = ph;
        hc = 0;
        for (j = i = 0; i < 16; i++) {      /* Re-build huffman code word table */
            b = pb[i];
            while (b--) ph[j++] = hc++;
            hc <<= 1;

        if (ndata < np) return JDR_FMT1;    /* Err: wrong data size */
        ndata -= np;
        pd = (uint8_t *)alloc_pool(jd, np);            /* Allocate a memory block for the decoded data */
        if (!pd) return JDR_MEM1;           /* Err: not enough memory */
        jd->huffdata[num][cls] = pd;
        for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {          /* Load decoded data corresponds to each code ward */
            d = *data++;
            if (!cls && d > 11) return JDR_FMT1;
            *pd++ = d;

    return JDR_OK;

/* Extract N bits from input stream                                      */

int16_t bitext (    /* >=0: extracted data, <0: error code */
    JDEC* jd,   /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    uint16_t nbit   /* Number of bits to extract (1 to 11) */
    uint8_t msk, s, *dp;
    uint16_t dc, v, f;

    msk = jd->dmsk; dc = jd->dctr; dp = jd->dptr;   /* Bit mask, number of data available, read ptr */
    s = *dp; v = f = 0;
    do {
        if (!msk) {             /* Next byte? */
            if (!dc) {          /* No input data is available, re-fill input buffer */
                dp = jd->inbuf; /* Top of input buffer */
                dc = jd->infunc(jd, dp, JD_SZBUF);
                if (!dc) return 0 - (int16_t)JDR_INP;   /* Err: read error or wrong stream termination */
            } else {
                dp++;           /* Next data ptr */
            dc--;               /* Decrement number of available bytes */
            if (f) {            /* In flag sequence? */
                f = 0;          /* Exit flag sequence */
                if (*dp != 0) return 0 - (int16_t)JDR_FMT1; /* Err: unexpected flag is detected (may be collapted data) */
                *dp = s = 0xFF;         /* The flag is a data 0xFF */
            } else {
                s = *dp;                /* Get next data byte */
                if (s == 0xFF) {        /* Is start of flag sequence? */
                    f = 1; continue;    /* Enter flag sequence */
            msk = 0x80;     /* Read from MSB */
        v <<= 1;    /* Get a bit */
        if (s & msk) v++;
        msk >>= 1;
    } while (nbit);
    jd->dmsk = msk; jd->dctr = dc; jd->dptr = dp;

    return (int16_t)v;

/* Extract a huffman decoded data from input stream                      */

int16_t huffext (           /* >=0: decoded data, <0: error code */
    JDEC* jd,           /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    const uint8_t* hbits,  /* Pointer to the bit distribution table */
    const uint16_t* hcode,  /* Pointer to the code word table */
    const uint8_t* hdata   /* Pointer to the data table */
    uint8_t msk, s, *dp;
    uint16_t dc, v, f, bl, nd;

    msk = jd->dmsk; dc = jd->dctr; dp = jd->dptr;   /* Bit mask, number of data available, read ptr */
    s = *dp; v = f = 0;
    bl = 16;    /* Max code length */
    do {
        if (!msk) {     /* Next byte? */
            if (!dc) {  /* No input data is available, re-fill input buffer */
                dp = jd->inbuf; /* Top of input buffer */
                dc = jd->infunc(jd, dp, JD_SZBUF);
                if (!dc) return 0 - (int16_t)JDR_INP;   /* Err: read error or wrong stream termination */
            } else {
                dp++;   /* Next data ptr */
            dc--;       /* Decrement number of available bytes */
            if (f) {        /* In flag sequence? */
                f = 0;      /* Exit flag sequence */
                if (*dp != 0)
                    return 0 - (int16_t)JDR_FMT1;   /* Err: unexpected flag is detected (may be collapted data) */
                *dp = s = 0xFF;         /* The flag is a data 0xFF */
            } else {
                s = *dp;                /* Get next data byte */
                if (s == 0xFF) {        /* Is start of flag sequence? */
                    f = 1; continue;    /* Enter flag sequence, get trailing byte */
            msk = 0x80;     /* Read from MSB */
        v <<= 1;    /* Get a bit */
        if (s & msk) v++;
        msk >>= 1;

        for (nd = *hbits++; nd; nd--) { /* Search the code word in this bit length */
            if (v == *hcode++) {        /* Matched? */
                jd->dmsk = msk; jd->dctr = dc; jd->dptr = dp;
                return *hdata;          /* Return the decoded data */
    } while (bl);

    return 0 - (int16_t)JDR_FMT1;   /* Err: code not found (may be collapted data) */

/* Apply Inverse-DCT in Arai Algorithm (see also aa_idct.png)            */

void block_idct (
    int32_t* src,  /* Input block data (de-quantized and pre-scaled for Arai Algorithm) */
    uint8_t* dst   /* Pointer to the destination to store the block as byte array */
    const int32_t M13 = (int32_t)(1.41421*4096), M2 = (int32_t)(1.08239*4096), M4 = (int32_t)(2.61313*4096), M5 = (int32_t)(1.84776*4096);
    int32_t v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
    int32_t t10, t11, t12, t13;
    uint16_t i;

    /* Process columns */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        v0 = src[8 * 0];    /* Get even elements */
        v1 = src[8 * 2];
        v2 = src[8 * 4];
        v3 = src[8 * 6];

        t10 = v0 + v2;      /* Process the even elements */
        t12 = v0 - v2;
        t11 = (v1 - v3) * M13 >> 12;
        v3 += v1;
        t11 -= v3;
        v0 = t10 + v3;
        v3 = t10 - v3;
        v1 = t11 + t12;
        v2 = t12 - t11;

        v4 = src[8 * 7];    /* Get odd elements */
        v5 = src[8 * 1];
        v6 = src[8 * 5];
        v7 = src[8 * 3];

        t10 = v5 - v4;      /* Process the odd elements */
        t11 = v5 + v4;
        t12 = v6 - v7;
        v7 += v6;
        v5 = (t11 - v7) * M13 >> 12;
        v7 += t11;
        t13 = (t10 + t12) * M5 >> 12;
        v4 = t13 - (t10 * M2 >> 12);
        v6 = t13 - (t12 * M4 >> 12) - v7;
        v5 -= v6;
        v4 -= v5;

        src[8 * 0] = v0 + v7;   /* Write-back transformed values */
        src[8 * 7] = v0 - v7;
        src[8 * 1] = v1 + v6;
        src[8 * 6] = v1 - v6;
        src[8 * 2] = v2 + v5;
        src[8 * 5] = v2 - v5;
        src[8 * 3] = v3 + v4;
        src[8 * 4] = v3 - v4;

        src++;  /* Next column */

    /* Process rows */
    src -= 8;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        v0 = src[0] + (128L << 8);  /* Get even elements (remove DC offset (-128) here) */
        v1 = src[2];
        v2 = src[4];
        v3 = src[6];

        t10 = v0 + v2;              /* Process the even elements */
        t12 = v0 - v2;
        t11 = (v1 - v3) * M13 >> 12;
        v3 += v1;
        t11 -= v3;
        v0 = t10 + v3;
        v3 = t10 - v3;
        v1 = t11 + t12;
        v2 = t12 - t11;

        v4 = src[7];                /* Get odd elements */
        v5 = src[1];
        v6 = src[5];
        v7 = src[3];

        t10 = v5 - v4;              /* Process the odd elements */
        t11 = v5 + v4;
        t12 = v6 - v7;
        v7 += v6;
        v5 = (t11 - v7) * M13 >> 12;
        v7 += t11;
        t13 = (t10 + t12) * M5 >> 12;
        v4 = t13 - (t10 * M2 >> 12);
        v6 = t13 - (t12 * M4 >> 12) - v7;
        v5 -= v6;
        v4 -= v5;

        dst[0] = BYTECLIP((v0 + v7) >> 8);  /* Descale the transformed values 8 bits and output */
        dst[7] = BYTECLIP((v0 - v7) >> 8);
        dst[1] = BYTECLIP((v1 + v6) >> 8);
        dst[6] = BYTECLIP((v1 - v6) >> 8);
        dst[2] = BYTECLIP((v2 + v5) >> 8);
        dst[5] = BYTECLIP((v2 - v5) >> 8);
        dst[3] = BYTECLIP((v3 + v4) >> 8);
        dst[4] = BYTECLIP((v3 - v4) >> 8);
        dst += 8;

        src += 8;   /* Next row */

/* Load all blocks in the MCU into working buffer                        */

JRESULT mcu_load (
    JDEC* jd        /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    int32_t *tmp = (int32_t*)jd->workbuf; /* Block working buffer for de-quantize and IDCT */
    uint16_t blk, nby, nbc, i, z, id, cmp;
    int16_t b, d, e;
    uint8_t *bp;
    const uint8_t *hb, *hd;
    const uint16_t *hc;
    const int32_t *dqf;

    //INFO("mcu_load(%p)", jd);
    //HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    nby = jd->msx * jd->msy;    /* Number of Y blocks (1, 2 or 4) */
    nbc = 2;                    /* Number of C blocks (2) */
    bp = jd->mcubuf;            /* Pointer to the first block */

    for (blk = 0; blk < nby + nbc; blk++) {
        cmp = (blk < nby) ? 0 : blk - nby + 1;  /* Component number 0:Y, 1:Cb, 2:Cr */
        id = cmp ? 1 : 0;                       /* Huffman table ID of the component */

        /* Extract a DC element from input stream */
        hb = jd->huffbits[id][0];               /* Huffman table for the DC element */
        hc = jd->huffcode[id][0];
        hd = jd->huffdata[id][0];
        b = huffext(jd, hb, hc, hd);            /* Extract a huffman coded data (bit length) */
        if (b < 0) return (JRESULT)(0 - b);                /* Err: invalid code or input */
        d = jd->dcv[cmp];                       /* DC value of previous block */
        if (b) {                                /* If there is any difference from previous block */
            e = bitext(jd, b);                  /* Extract data bits */
            if (e < 0) return (JRESULT)(0 - e);            /* Err: input */
            b = 1 << (b - 1);                   /* MSB position */
            if (!(e & b)) e -= (b << 1) - 1;    /* Restore sign if needed */
            d += e;                             /* Get current value */
            jd->dcv[cmp] = (int16_t)d;            /* Save current DC value for next block */
        dqf = jd->qttbl[jd->qtid[cmp]];         /* De-quantizer table ID for this component */
        tmp[0] = d * dqf[0] >> 8;               /* De-quantize, apply scale factor of Arai algorithm and descale 8 bits */

        /* Extract following 63 AC elements from input stream */
        for (i = 1; i < 64; i++) tmp[i] = 0;    /* Clear rest of elements */
        hb = jd->huffbits[id][1];               /* Huffman table for the AC elements */
        hc = jd->huffcode[id][1];
        hd = jd->huffdata[id][1];
        i = 1;                  /* Top of the AC elements */
        do {
            b = huffext(jd, hb, hc, hd);        /* Extract a huffman coded value (zero runs and bit length) */
            if (b == 0) break;                  /* EOB? */
            if (b < 0) return (JRESULT)(0 - b);            /* Err: invalid code or input error */
            z = (uint16_t)b >> 4;                   /* Number of leading zero elements */
            if (z) {
                i += z;                         /* Skip zero elements */
                if (i >= 64) return JDR_FMT1;   /* Too long zero run */
            if (b &= 0x0F) {                    /* Bit length */
                d = bitext(jd, b);              /* Extract data bits */
                if (d < 0) return (JRESULT)(0 - d);        /* Err: input device */
                b = 1 << (b - 1);               /* MSB position */
                if (!(d & b)) d -= (b << 1) - 1;/* Restore negative value if needed */
                z = ZIG(i);                     /* Zigzag-order to raster-order converted index */
                tmp[z] = d * dqf[z] >> 8;       /* De-quantize, apply scale factor of Arai algorithm and descale 8 bits */
        } while (++i < 64);     /* Next AC element */

        if (JD_USE_SCALE && jd->scale == 3)
            *bp = (*tmp / 256) + 128;   /* If scale ratio is 1/8, IDCT can be ommited and only DC element is used */
            block_idct(tmp, bp);        /* Apply IDCT and store the block to the MCU buffer */

        bp += 64;               /* Next block */

    return JDR_OK;  /* All blocks have been loaded successfully */

/* Output an MCU: Convert YCrCb to RGB and output it in RGB form         */

JRESULT mcu_output (
    JDEC* jd,   /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    uint16_t (*outfunc)(JDEC*, void*, JRECT*),  /* RGB output function */
    uint16_t x,     /* MCU position in the image (left of the MCU) */
    uint16_t y      /* MCU position in the image (top of the MCU) */
    const int16_t CVACC = (sizeof (int16_t) > 2) ? 1024 : 128;
    uint16_t ix, iy, mx, my, rx, ry;
    int16_t yy, cb, cr;
    uint8_t *py, *pc, *rgb24;
    JRECT rect;

    //INFO("mcu_output(%p,%p,%d,%d)", jd, outfunc, x, y);
    //HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    mx = jd->msx * 8; my = jd->msy * 8;                 /* MCU size (pixel) */
    rx = (x + mx <= jd->width) ? mx : jd->width - x;    /* Output rectangular size (it may be clipped at right/bottom end) */
    ry = (y + my <= jd->height) ? my : jd->height - y;
    if (JD_USE_SCALE) {
        rx >>= jd->scale; ry >>= jd->scale;
        if (!rx || !ry) return JDR_OK;                  /* Skip this MCU if all pixel is to be rounded off */
        x >>= jd->scale; y >>= jd->scale;
    rect.left = x; rect.right = x + rx - 1;             /* Rectangular area in the frame buffer */ = y; rect.bottom = y + ry - 1;

    if (!JD_USE_SCALE || jd->scale != 3) {  /* Not for 1/8 scaling */

        /* Build an RGB MCU from discrete comopnents */
        rgb24 = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf;
        for (iy = 0; iy < my; iy++) {
            pc = jd->mcubuf;
            py = pc + iy * 8;
            if (my == 16) {     /* Double block height? */
                pc += 64 * 4 + (iy >> 1) * 8;
                if (iy >= 8) py += 64;
            } else {            /* Single block height */
                pc += mx * 8 + iy * 8;
            for (ix = 0; ix < mx; ix++) {
                cb = pc[0] - 128;   /* Get Cb/Cr component and restore right level */
                cr = pc[64] - 128;
                if (mx == 16) {                 /* Double block width? */
                    if (ix == 8) py += 64 - 8;  /* Jump to next block if double block heigt */
                    pc += ix & 1;               /* Increase chroma pointer every two pixels */
                } else {                        /* Single block width */
                    pc++;                       /* Increase chroma pointer every pixel */
                yy = *py++;         /* Get Y component */

                /* Convert YCbCr to RGB */
                *rgb24++ = /* R */ BYTECLIP(yy + ((int16_t)(1.402 * CVACC) * cr) / CVACC);
                *rgb24++ = /* G */ BYTECLIP(yy - ((int16_t)(0.344 * CVACC) * cb + (int16_t)(0.714 * CVACC) * cr) / CVACC);
                *rgb24++ = /* B */ BYTECLIP(yy + ((int16_t)(1.772 * CVACC) * cb) / CVACC);

        /* Descale the MCU rectangular if needed */
        if (JD_USE_SCALE && jd->scale) {
            uint16_t x, y, r, g, b, s, w, a;
            uint8_t *op;

            /* Get averaged RGB value of each square correcponds to a pixel */
            s = jd->scale * 2;  /* Bumber of shifts for averaging */
            w = 1 << jd->scale; /* Width of square */
            a = (mx - w) * 3;   /* Bytes to skip for next line in the square */
            op = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf;
            for (iy = 0; iy < my; iy += w) {
                for (ix = 0; ix < mx; ix += w) {
                    rgb24 = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf + (iy * mx + ix) * 3;
                    r = g = b = 0;
                    for (y = 0; y < w; y++) {   /* Accumulate RGB value in the square */
                        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                            r += *rgb24++;
                            g += *rgb24++;
                            b += *rgb24++;
                        rgb24 += a;
                    }                           /* Put the averaged RGB value as a pixel */
                    *op++ = (uint8_t)(r >> s);
                    *op++ = (uint8_t)(g >> s);
                    *op++ = (uint8_t)(b >> s);

    } else {    /* For only 1/8 scaling (left-top pixel in each block are the DC value of the block) */

        /* Build a 1/8 descaled RGB MCU from discrete comopnents */
        rgb24 = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf;
        pc = jd->mcubuf + mx * my;
        cb = pc[0] - 128;       /* Get Cb/Cr component and restore right level */
        cr = pc[64] - 128;
        for (iy = 0; iy < my; iy += 8) {
            py = jd->mcubuf;
            if (iy == 8) py += 64 * 2;
            for (ix = 0; ix < mx; ix += 8) {
                yy = *py;   /* Get Y component */
                py += 64;

                /* Convert YCbCr to RGB */
                *rgb24++ = /* R */ BYTECLIP(yy + ((int16_t)(1.402 * CVACC) * cr / CVACC));
                *rgb24++ = /* G */ BYTECLIP(yy - ((int16_t)(0.344 * CVACC) * cb + (int16_t)(0.714 * CVACC) * cr) / CVACC);
                *rgb24++ = /* B */ BYTECLIP(yy + ((int16_t)(1.772 * CVACC) * cb / CVACC));

    /* Squeeze up pixel table if a part of MCU is to be truncated */
    mx >>= jd->scale;
    if (rx < mx) {
        uint8_t *s, *d;
        uint16_t x, y;

        s = d = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf;
        for (y = 0; y < ry; y++) {
            for (x = 0; x < rx; x++) {  /* Copy effective pixels */
                *d++ = *s++;
                *d++ = *s++;
                *d++ = *s++;
            s += (mx - rx) * 3; /* Skip truncated pixels */

    /* Convert RGB888 to RGB565 if needed */
    if (JD_FORMAT == 1) {
        uint8_t *s = (uint8_t*)jd->workbuf;
        uint16_t w, *d = (uint16_t*)s;
        uint16_t n = rx * ry;

        do {
            w = (*s++ & 0xF8) << 8;     /* RRRRR----------- */
            w |= (*s++ & 0xFC) << 3;    /* -----GGGGGG----- */
            w |= *s++ >> 3;             /* -----------BBBBB */
            *d++ = w;
        } while (--n);

    /* Output the RGB rectangular */
    return outfunc(jd, jd->workbuf, &rect) ? JDR_OK : JDR_INTR; 

/* Process restart interval                                              */

JRESULT restart (
    JDEC* jd,   /* Pointer to the decompressor object */
    uint16_t rstn   /* Expected restert sequense number */
    uint16_t i, dc;
    uint16_t d;
    uint8_t *dp;

    INFO("restart(%p,%d)", jd, rstn);
    HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    /* Discard padding bits and get two bytes from the input stream */
    dp = jd->dptr; dc = jd->dctr;
    d = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if (!dc) {  /* No input data is available, re-fill input buffer */
            dp = jd->inbuf;
            dc = jd->infunc(jd, dp, JD_SZBUF);
            if (!dc) return JDR_INP;
        } else {
        d = (d << 8) | *dp; /* Get a byte */
    jd->dptr = dp; jd->dctr = dc; jd->dmsk = 0;

    /* Check the marker */
    if ((d & 0xFFD8) != 0xFFD0 || (d & 7) != (rstn & 7))
        return JDR_FMT1;    /* Err: expected RSTn marker is not detected (may be collapted data) */

    /* Reset DC offset */
    jd->dcv[2] = jd->dcv[1] = jd->dcv[0] = 0;

    return JDR_OK;

/* Analyze the JPEG image and Initialize decompressor object             */

#define LDB_WORD(ptr)       (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)*((uint8_t*)(ptr))<<8)|(uint16_t)*(uint8_t*)((ptr)+1))

JRESULT jd_prepare (
    JDEC* jd,           /* Blank decompressor object */
    uint16_t (*infunc)(JDEC*, uint8_t*, uint16_t), /* JPEG strem input function */
    void* pool,         /* Working buffer for the decompression session */
    uint16_t sz_pool,       /* Size of working buffer */
    void* dev           /* I/O device identifier for the session */
    uint8_t *seg, b;
    uint16_t marker;
    uint32_t ofs;
    uint16_t n, i, j, len;
    JRESULT rc;

    INFO("jd_prepare(%p,%p,%p,%d,%p)", jd, infunc, pool, sz_pool, dev);
    HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    if (!pool) return JDR_PAR;

    jd->pool = pool;        /* Work memroy */
    jd->sz_pool = sz_pool;  /* Size of given work memory */
    jd->infunc = infunc;    /* Stream input function */
    jd->device = dev;       /* I/O device identifier */
    jd->nrst = 0;           /* No restart interval (default) */

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {   /* Nulls pointers */
        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            jd->huffbits[i][j] = 0;
            jd->huffcode[i][j] = 0;
            jd->huffdata[i][j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) jd->qttbl[i] = 0;

    jd->inbuf = seg = (uint8_t *)alloc_pool(jd, JD_SZBUF);     /* Allocate stream input buffer */
    if (!seg) return JDR_MEM1;

    if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, 2) != 2) {
        HexDump("SOI marker", seg, 2);
        return JDR_INP;/* Check SOI marker */
    HexDump("SOI marker", seg, 2);
    if (LDB_WORD(seg) != 0xFFD8) return JDR_FMT1;   /* Err: SOI is not detected */
    ofs = 2;

    for (;;) {
        /* Get a JPEG marker */
        if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, 4) != 4) {
            INFO("JPEG marker");
            return JDR_INP;
        marker = LDB_WORD(seg);     /* Marker */
        len = LDB_WORD(seg + 2);    /* Length field */
        if (len <= 2 || (marker >> 8) != 0xFF) return JDR_FMT1;
        len -= 2;       /* Content size excluding length field */
        ofs += 4 + len; /* Number of bytes loaded */

        switch (marker & 0xFF) {
        case 0xC0:  /* SOF0 (baseline JPEG) */
            /* Load segment data */
            if (len > JD_SZBUF) return JDR_MEM2;
            if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, len) != len) {
                return JDR_INP;

            jd->width = LDB_WORD(seg+3);        /* Image width in unit of pixel */
            jd->height = LDB_WORD(seg+1);       /* Image height in unit of pixel */
            if (seg[5] != 3) return JDR_FMT3;   /* Err: Supports only Y/Cb/Cr format */

            /* Check three image components */
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {   
                b = seg[7 + 3 * i];                         /* Get sampling factor */
                if (!i) {   /* Y component */
                    if (b != 0x11 && b != 0x22 && b != 0x21)/* Check sampling factor */
                        return JDR_FMT3;                    /* Err: Supports only 4:4:4, 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 */
                    jd->msx = b >> 4; jd->msy = b & 15;     /* Size of MCU [blocks] */
                } else {    /* Cb/Cr component */
                    if (b != 0x11) return JDR_FMT3;         /* Err: Sampling factor of Cr/Cb must be 1 */
                b = seg[8 + 3 * i];                         /* Get dequantizer table ID for this component */
                if (b > 3) return JDR_FMT3;                 /* Err: Invalid ID */
                jd->qtid[i] = b;

        case 0xDD:  /* DRI */
            /* Load segment data */
            if (len > JD_SZBUF) return JDR_MEM2;
            if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, len) != len) {
                return JDR_INP;

            /* Get restart interval (MCUs) */
            jd->nrst = LDB_WORD(seg);

        case 0xC4:  /* DHT */
            /* Load segment data */
            if (len > JD_SZBUF) return JDR_MEM2;
            if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, len) != len) {
                return JDR_INP;

            /* Create huffman tables */
            rc = (JRESULT)create_huffman_tbl(jd, seg, len);
            if (rc) return rc;

        case 0xDB:  /* DQT */
            /* Load segment data */
            if (len > JD_SZBUF) return JDR_MEM2;
            if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, len) != len) {
                return JDR_INP;

            /* Create de-quantizer tables */
            rc = (JRESULT)create_qt_tbl(jd, seg, len);
            if (rc) return rc;

        case 0xDA:  /* SOS */
            /* Load segment data */
            if (len > JD_SZBUF) return JDR_MEM2;
            if (jd->infunc(jd, seg, len) != len) {
                return JDR_INP;

            if (!jd->width || !jd->height) return JDR_FMT1; /* Err: Invalid image size */

            if (seg[0] != 3) return JDR_FMT3;               /* Err: Supports only three color components format */

            /* Check if all tables corresponding to each components have been loaded */
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                b = seg[2 + 2 * i]; /* Get huffman table ID */
                if (b != 0x00 && b != 0x11) return JDR_FMT3;    /* Err: Different table number for DC/AC element */
                b = i ? 1 : 0;
                if (!jd->huffbits[b][0] || !jd->huffbits[b][1]) /* Check huffman table for this component */
                    return JDR_FMT1;                            /* Err: Huffman table not loaded */
                if (!jd->qttbl[jd->qtid[i]]) return JDR_FMT1;   /* Err: Dequantizer table not loaded */

            /* Allocate working buffer for MCU and RGB */
            n = jd->msy * jd->msx;                      /* Number of Y blocks in the MCU */
            if (!n) return JDR_FMT1;                    /* Err: SOF0 has not been loaded */
            len = n * 64 * 2 + 64;                      /* Allocate buffer for IDCT and RGB output */
            if (len < 256) len = 256;                   /* but at least 256 byte is required for IDCT */
            jd->workbuf = alloc_pool(jd, len);          /* and it may occupy a part of following MCU working buffer for RGB output */
            if (!jd->workbuf) return JDR_MEM1;          /* Err: not enough memory */
            jd->mcubuf = (uint8_t *)alloc_pool(jd, (n + 2) * 64);  /* Allocate MCU working buffer */
            if (!jd->mcubuf) return JDR_MEM1;           /* Err: not enough memory */

            /* Pre-load the JPEG data to extract it from the bit stream */
            jd->dptr = seg; jd->dctr = 0; jd->dmsk = 0; /* Prepare to read bit stream */
            if (ofs %= JD_SZBUF) {                      /* Align read offset to JD_SZBUF */
                jd->dctr = jd->infunc(jd, seg + ofs, JD_SZBUF - (uint16_t)ofs);
                jd->dptr = seg + ofs - 1;

            return JDR_OK;      /* Initialization succeeded. Ready to decompress the JPEG image. */

        case 0xC1:  /* SOF1 */
        case 0xC2:  /* SOF2 */
        case 0xC3:  /* SOF3 */
        case 0xC5:  /* SOF5 */
        case 0xC6:  /* SOF6 */
        case 0xC7:  /* SOF7 */
        case 0xC9:  /* SOF9 */
        case 0xCA:  /* SOF10 */
        case 0xCB:  /* SOF11 */
        case 0xCD:  /* SOF13 */
        case 0xCE:  /* SOF14 */
        case 0xCF:  /* SOF15 */
        case 0xD9:  /* EOI */
            return JDR_FMT3;    /* Unsuppoted JPEG standard (may be progressive JPEG) */

        default:    /* Unknown segment (comment, exif or etc..) */
            /* Skip segment data */
            if (jd->infunc(jd, 0, len) != len) { /* Null pointer specifies to skip bytes of stream */
                INFO("Unknown segment");
                return JDR_INP;

/* Start to decompress the JPEG picture                                  */

JRESULT jd_decomp (
    JDEC* jd,                               /* Initialized decompression object */
    uint16_t (*outfunc)(JDEC*, void*, JRECT*),  /* RGB output function */
    uint8_t scale                              /* Output de-scaling factor (0 to 3) */
    uint16_t x, y, mx, my;
    uint16_t rst, rsc;
    JRESULT rc;

    INFO("jd_decom(%p,%p,%d)", jd, outfunc, scale);
    HexDump("JDEC", (uint8_t *)jd, sizeof(JDEC));

    if (scale > (JD_USE_SCALE ? 3 : 0)) return JDR_PAR;
    jd->scale = scale;

    mx = jd->msx * 8; my = jd->msy * 8;         /* Size of the MCU (pixel) */

    jd->dcv[2] = jd->dcv[1] = jd->dcv[0] = 0;   /* Initialize DC values */
    rst = rsc = 0;

    rc = JDR_OK;
    for (y = 0; y < jd->height; y += my) {      /* Vertical loop of MCUs */
        for (x = 0; x < jd->width; x += mx) {   /* Horizontal loop of MCUs */
            if (jd->nrst && rst++ == jd->nrst) {    /* Process restart interval if enabled */
                rc = restart(jd, rsc++);
                if (rc != JDR_OK) return rc;
                rst = 1;
            rc = mcu_load(jd);                  /* Load an MCU (decompress huffman coded stream and apply IDCT) */
            if (rc != JDR_OK) return rc;
            rc = mcu_output(jd, outfunc, x, y); /* Output the MCU (color space conversion, scaling and output) */
            if (rc != JDR_OK) return rc;

    return rc;