Demonstration of the Bitmap rendering - reads BMP and JPG files in many format variants and renders to the screen.

Dependencies:   FlashFileSystem mbed RA8875

Bitmap and JPEG Demo

This demo publishes each graphic file from a list of files to the display. The graphic files can be BMP, JPG, or ICO. On the terminal it displays the filename and the return-code (in case of an error). This demo works as intended on the 480x272 display in either 8 or 16 bit per pixel mode and it should work on larger displays.

Items of interest to change and rebuild/test:

// Not all systems have the LocalFileSystem. Plug in the library and driver for yours.
LocalFileSystem local("local");             // Image source

TestImage_T TestImage[] = {
    { 0, 0, "/local/01601602.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027202.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027204.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027208.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/48027224.bmp"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.jpg"},
    { 0, 0, "/local/p480272.bmp"}

// deefine your screen size and color depth. 
#define SCREEN_W 480
#define SCREEN_H 272
#define SCREEN_BPP 16

LocalFileSystem may need to be altered to SDFileSystem (for example) and the corresponding paths in the TestImage array.

Also, the Screen size and bit per pixel color depth.


The following image files are saved in different resolution and color depth. The first, and smallest, was simply for developing the monochrome support. Others are 4-bit color, 8-bit color, 24-bit color, and a mislabeled 1-bit color (shown as 02).


Tue May 17 22:33:54 2016 +0000
Revised demo to also show JPEG files, not just BMP files.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 1 // ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 2 // /_____ _____/ / ___________/ / ___________/ /_____ ______/
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 3 // / / / / / / / /
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 4 // / / / /___ / /__________ / /
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 5 // / / / ____/ /__________ / / /
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 6 // / / / / / / / /
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 7 // / / / /__________ ___________/ / / /
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 8 // /__/ /_____________/ /_____________/ /__/
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 9 //
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 10
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 11 #include "mbed.h" // v118
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 12 #include "RA8875.h" // v111
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 13 #include "WebColors.h"
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 14 #include <algorithm>
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 15
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 16 #define JPEG_TEST
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 17
WiredHome 12:93adb3470150 18 //#define DEBUG "Main"
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 19 // ...
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 20 // INFO("Stuff to show %d", var); // new-line is automatically appended
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 21 //
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 22 #if (defined(DEBUG) && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 23 #define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[INF %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 24 #define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[WRN %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 25 #define ERR(x, ...) std::printf("[ERR %s %4d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 26 static void HexDump(const char * title, const uint8_t * p, int count)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 27 {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 28 int i;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 29 char buf[100] = "0000: ";
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 30
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 31 if (*title)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 32 INFO("%s", title);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 33 for (i=0; i<count; ) {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 34 sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%02X ", *(p+i));
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 35 if ((++i & 0x0F) == 0x00) {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 36 INFO("%s", buf);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 37 if (i < count)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 38 sprintf(buf, "%04X: ", i);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 39 else
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 40 buf[0] = '\0';
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 41 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 42 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 43 if (strlen(buf))
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 44 INFO("%s", buf);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 45 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 46 #else
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 47 #define INFO(x, ...)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 48 #define WARN(x, ...)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 49 #define ERR(x, ...)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 50 #define HexDump(a, b, c)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 51 #endif
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 52
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 53 RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, /ChipSelect, /reset, name
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 54 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 55 extern "C" void mbed_reset();
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 56
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 57
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 58 // Not all systems have the LocalFileSystem. Plug in the library and driver for yours.
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 59 LocalFileSystem local("local"); // BMP test
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 60
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 61 typedef struct {
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 62 loc_t x;
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 63 loc_t y;
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 64 char * filename;
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 65 } TestImage_T;
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 66
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 67 TestImage_T TestImage[] = {
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 68 { 0, 0, "/local/01601602.bmp"},
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 69 { 0, 0, "/local/48027224.bmp"},
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 70 { 0, 0, "/local/48027208.bmp"},
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 71 { 0, 0, "/local/48027204.bmp"},
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 72 { 0, 0, "/local/48027202.bmp"},
WiredHome 12:93adb3470150 73 { 0, 0, "/local/testimg.jpg"},
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 74 { 0, 0, "/local/TestPat.bmp"}
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 75 };
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 76
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 77 // deefine your screen size and color depth.
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 78 #define SCREEN_W 480
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 79 #define SCREEN_H 272
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 80 #define SCREEN_BPP 16
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 81
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 82 #ifdef JPEG_TEST
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 83 //#include "tjpgd.h"
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 84 //JDEC jdec;
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 85 //#define JPEG_WORK_SPACE_SIZE 3100
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 86 //uint16_t work[JPEG_WORK_SPACE_SIZE/sizeof(uint16_t)];
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 87 //FILE *fh;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 88
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 89 uint16_t jpeg_input_func(JDEC *jd, uint8_t *buff, uint16_t ndata)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 90 {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 91 //INFO("Read in %p count %d", buff, ndata);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 92 if (buff) {
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 93 size_t n = fread(buff, 1, ndata, (FILE *)jd->device);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 94 //INFO("fread returned %d", n);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 95 //HexDump("buf", buff, (ndata > 32) ? 32 : ndata);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 96 return n == (size_t)-1 ? 0 : n;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 97 } else {
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 98 off_t t = fseek((FILE *)jd->device, ndata, SEEK_CUR);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 99 //INFO("Seek returned %d", t);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 100 return t == (off_t)-1 ? 0 : ndata;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 101 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 102 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 103
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 104 uint16_t jpeg_output_func(JDEC *jd, void *bitmap, JRECT *rect)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 105 {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 106 #if JD_FORMAT == 1
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 107 uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *)bitmap;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 108 #else
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 109 uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)bitmap;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 110 #endif
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 111 int x0 = rect->left;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 112 int x1 = rect->right;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 113 int y0 = rect->top;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 114 int y1 = rect->bottom;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 115
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 116 if (y0 >= lcd.height() || x0 >= lcd.width())
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 117 return 1;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 118
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 119 if (x1 > lcd.width()-1) x1 = lcd.width() - 1;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 120 if (y1 > lcd.height()-1) y1 = lcd.height() - 1;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 121
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 122 if (x0 == 0)
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 123 printf("\r %d", y0);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 124
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 125 int w = x1 - x0 + 1;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 126 for (int y= y0; y <= y1; y++) {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 127 lcd.SetGraphicsCursor(x0, y);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 128 lcd._StartGraphicsStream();
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 129 #if JD_FORMAT == 1
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 130 uint16_t *p = src + w * (y - y0);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 131 #else
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 132 uint8_t *p = src + 3 * (w * (y - y0));
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 133 #endif
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 134 for (int x=x0; x <= x1; x++) {
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 135 #if JD_FORMAT == 1
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 136 lcd._putp(*p++);
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 137 #else
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 138 lcd._putp(RGB(*p, *(p+1), *(p+2)));
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 139 p += 3;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 140 #endif
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 141 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 142 lcd._EndGraphicsStream();
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 143 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 144 return 1;
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 145 }
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 146 #endif
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 147
WiredHome 1:84fb3e9adaaf 148
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 149 int main()
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 150 {
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 151 pc.baud(460800); // I like a snappy terminal, so crank it up!
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 152 pc.printf("\r\nRA8875 Bitmap Test - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 153
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 154 lcd.init(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, SCREEN_BPP);
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 155 lcd.Backlight(0.5f);
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 156
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 157 int count = sizeof(TestImage)/sizeof(TestImage[0]);
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 158 for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 159 lcd.cls();
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 160 printf("RenderBitmapFile(%d, %d, %s) ", TestImage[i].x, TestImage[i].y, TestImage[i].filename);
WiredHome 2:1e1dd697d12d 161 RetCode_t r = lcd.RenderImageFile(TestImage[i].x, TestImage[i].y, TestImage[i].filename);
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 162 printf("returned %d\r\n", r);
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 163 wait(5);
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 164 }
WiredHome 0:9ecf49d75058 165 }