Onscreen QWERTY keypad for RA8857 based display. Uses the resistive touch panel.

Dependents:   RA8875_KeyPadDemo PUB_RA8875_Keypad IAC_Final_Monil_copy



File content as of revision 4:edb5155f1b6f:

#ifndef KEYPAD_H
#define KEYPAD_H
#include "mbed.h"
#include "RA8875.h"

// OK, these key assignments are a bit odd looking. The value are mapped to the character set of the RA8875
// internal font. The selected characters shown various symbols - left arrow for the <bs>, up arrow for <shift>
// and so on. They then have to be mapped to legitimate characters as needed.

#define KYBD_SYM_ENTER  0x1C    ///< This is a symbol in the RA8875 character set that looks most like <enter>, so it used to detect enter
#define KYBD_SYM_ESCAPE 0x15    ///< This is a symbol in the RA8875 character set that is used to show and detect escape
#define KYBD_SYM_BS    0x1B     ///< This is a symbol in the RA8875 character set that is used to show and detect backspace
#define KYBD_SYM_SHIFT 0x18     ///< This is a symbol in the RA8875 character set that is used to show and detect shift
#define KYBD_SYM_TAB   0x1A     ///< This is a symbol in the RA8875 character set that is used to show and detect tab (which translates to <space>

/// A QWERTY keypad, intended to be coupled with the touchscreen, provides
/// on-screen data entry.
/// This keypad takes over the bottom of the screen to show an onscreen keyboard.
/// It shows a prompt, and allows basic text entry, including backspace. It does
/// not allow more complex editing.
/// Since it takes over a significant chunk of the screen, the parent application
/// must be prepared to redraw the underlying data when the keyboard is no longer
/// in use. Alternately, the parent application may choose to select an 
/// alternate display layer, and then activate the keypad.
class Keypad {

    /// keyboard definition structure, used to define a keyboard.
    typedef struct {
        loc_t x;        ///< left edge of keypad. typically 0 to +n. negative is translated to zero. 
        loc_t y;        ///< top edge of keypad. typically 0 to +n, and more typically in the bottom half of the screen height.
                        ///  negative number allows keypad to size from the bottom of the screen upward.
        dim_t width;    ///< width of keypad. be sure that the keys can fit. zero is translated to screen-width.
        dim_t height;   ///< height of keypad. be sure the number of rows will fit, based on the desired key height.
                        ///  zero number allows keypad to size from the bottom of the screen upward.
        int rows;       ///< number of rows to show.
        int cols;       ///< number of columns (keys) in the longest row
        const char * keydef1; ///< pointer to the base keyboard data stream
        const char * keydef2; ///< pointer to an alternate keyboard data stream (e.g. after <shift> is activated)
    } keyboard_t;

    /// Instantiator the Keypad object.
    /// Shows a keypad like this:
    /// @code
    /// Prompt: [Input text field here.......]
    /// `123456...
    ///  qwertyui...
    ///   asdfgh...
    ///    zxcvb....
    ///           [ space   ]         000/020
    /// @endcode
    /// The bottom right corner shows how many characters have been entered and how
    /// many are permitted.
    /// @param[in] _ra is a reference to the hosting applications RA8875 display
    ///            object. This grants Keypad access to the display.
    /// @param[in] fore is the foreground color which is for the keys, prompt, text
    /// @param[in] back is the background color.
    Keypad(RA8875 & _ra, color_t fore = Blue, color_t back = White);
    /// Destructor for the Keypad object.

    /// Select a keyboard to use.
    /// This selects the internally defined keyboard (when NULL) or a user defined
    /// keyboard.
    /// @param[in] keyboard is an optional pointer to a @ref keyboard_t data structure,
    ///             NULL is the default.
    /// @param[in] enter_key is an optional character used to complete the entry,
    ///             KYBD_SYM_ENTER is the default.
    /// @param[in] esc_key is an optional character used to abandon the entry, 
    ///             KYBD_SYM_ESCAPE is the default.
    /// @returns true if it was accepted.
    /// @returns false if it could not be accepted (no known reason to return false at this time).
    bool SetKeyboard(const keyboard_t * kbd = NULL, char enter_key = KYBD_SYM_ENTER, char esc_key = KYBD_SYM_ESCAPE);

    /// Set Keyboard Font.
    /// This selects the font, or the font size, to be used on the keyboard. 
    /// If the font is set, that font will be used and the fontscale will be ignored.\\
    /// If the font is NULL, the display defined font will be used, and if that is not
    /// set the internal font will be used.\\
    /// If the internal font is being used, the fontscale parameter can be set to
    /// choose a scale factor, where values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are permitted.
    /// @param[in] font is an optional pointer to a user font, NULL is the default.
    /// @param[in] fontscale is an optional parameter to scale the built-in font, if
    ///             a user specified font was not used.
    /// @returns true if it was accepted.
    /// @returns false if it could not be accepted (no known reason to return false at this time).
    bool SetKeyboardFont(const uint8_t * font = NULL, int fontscale = 0);

    /// Get a handle to the keyboard currently in use.
    /// This returns a handle to the currently active keyboard. If you first SelectKeyboard(NULL),
    /// and then call GetKeyboard(), it will return a handle to the built-in keyboard.
    /// This API might be used if you want to use the built-in keyboard definition, but 
    /// resize it meet your needs.
    /// @returns a handle to the currently active keyboard.
    const keyboard_t * GetKeyboard(void) { return kbd; }

    /// Get a string of text entered on the onscreen keypad.
    /// text entry is terminated by <enter> or <esc>.
    /// @param[in,out] buffer is the provided buffer into which the string is written.
    /// @param[in] size is the size of the buffer.
    /// @param[in] prompt is the optional text to prompt the user. It defaults
    ///             to no prompp.
    /// @param[in] mask is the optional character, if non-zero, that is used to obscure
    ///             the text entry - for password purposes. It defaults to not hidden.
    /// @param[in] autoclose is an optional parameter to erase the keyboard when done.
    ///             It defaults to true. Erase is accomplished by filling with the
    ///             'back' color that instantiated the Keypad.
    /// @returns true if text was entered.
    /// @returns false if text was not entered (e.g. <esc> pressed).
    bool GetString(char * buffer, size_t size, const char * prompt = NULL, char mask = 0, bool autoclose = true);

    /// Erase the area where the keypad panel was drawn
    /// This API is usually not necessary, since the parent application will generally
    /// redraw the screen after getting the text information. This might be more useful
    /// if the Keypad is placed onto an alternate layer.
    /// @param[in] fillcolor is the color with which to fill the keyboard area.
    void Erase(color_t fillcolor = Black);

    /// Draw a key in the specified rectangle. Invert the colors if desired.
    /// @param[in] r is the rectangle defining the key.
    /// @param[in] c is the character to draw.
    /// @param[in] invert is the optional parameter to cause the presentation to be inverted.
    void DrawKey(rect_t r, char c, bool invert = false);

    /// Draw the entire keypad
    void DrawKeypad(void);
    /// Draw the entire input panel which includes the prompt, edit area and keyboard.
    /// @param[in] prompt is the text string to print to hint to the user what you
    ///            want them to enter the text for. It is good to keep this very brief.
    void DrawInputPanel(const char * prompt);

    /// isKeyTouched scans the keyboard for the point of touch. If the touch is
    /// within the constraints of a key, that key is identifed.
    /// This API optionally provides the rectangle from which the touch occurred.
    /// @param[in] point is a pointer to a point_t, containing the touch coordinates.
    /// @param[inout] rectTouched is a pointer to a rect_t. If this pointer is not NULL,
    ///               it will be filled in with the rectangle within which the touch
    ///               was detected.
    /// returns the character at that location on the keyboard, or zero, if no key
    ///         was touched.
    char isKeyTouched(point_t * point, rect_t * rectTouched = NULL);

    /// Show the current edit buffer metrics - number of characters and the limit.
    void ShowBufferMetrics(void);

    /// Compute the coordinates for the keypad
    /// @returns rect_t for the keypad.
    rect_t ComputeKeypadRect(void);

    RA8875 & ra;
    const uint8_t * restore_font;       // save user font
    const uint8_t * user_font;          //   keyboard restore user font
    int restore_hScale;                 // save scale
    int restore_vScale;
    int user_font_scale;                //   keyboard font scale
    const keyboard_t * kbd;
    char enter_key;
    char esc_key;
    bool shift;
    char * pStart;
    char * pNext;
    int bufSize;
    point_t userText;
    color_t fore;
    color_t back;
