Onscreen QWERTY keypad for RA8857 based display. Uses the resistive touch panel.

Dependents:   RA8875_KeyPadDemo PUB_RA8875_Keypad IAC_Final_Monil_copy

--- a/Keypad.h	Sat Nov 12 20:09:21 2016 +0000
+++ b/Keypad.h	Sun Nov 13 02:05:41 2016 +0000
@@ -124,7 +124,9 @@
     /// @param[in,out] buffer is the provided buffer into which the string is written.
     /// @param[in] size is the size of the buffer.
     /// @param[in] prompt is the optional text to prompt the user. It defaults
-    ///             to no prompp.
+    ///             to no prompt.
+    /// @param[in] initFromBuffer causes initial text from buffer to seed the data entry. 
+    ///             If this is true and if the strlen(buffer) < size, it will be shown.
     /// @param[in] mask is the optional character, if non-zero, that is used to obscure
     ///             the text entry - for password purposes. It defaults to not hidden.
     /// @param[in] autoclose is an optional parameter to erase the keyboard when done.
@@ -133,7 +135,8 @@
     /// @returns true if text was entered.
     /// @returns false if text was not entered (e.g. <esc> pressed).
-    bool GetString(char * buffer, size_t size, const char * prompt = NULL, char mask = 0, bool autoclose = true);
+    bool GetString(char * buffer, size_t size, const char * prompt = NULL, 
+        bool initFromBuffer = false, char mask = 0, bool autoclose = true);
     /// Erase the area where the keypad panel was drawn