AGV using ros with TROY motor

Dependencies:   mbed ros_lib_kinetic

diff -r 000000000000 -r 85456b971234 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 12 00:59:24 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <ros.h>
+#include <ros/time.h>
+#include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
+#include <std_msgs/String.h>
+#include<geometry_msgs/Twist.h> //set buffer larger than 50byte
+#include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#define Start 0xAA
+#define Address 0x7F
+#define ReturnType 0x00
+#define Clean 0x00
+#define Reserve 0x00
+#define End 0x55 
+    Serial RS232 (PB_10, PB_11,115200);  // This one works
+    std_msgs::String str_msg;
+    std_msgs::Float32 VelAngular_L;
+    std_msgs::Float32 VelAngular_R;
+// ============= =============
+        float motor_rpm_r, motor_rpm_l;
+// ============= =============
+    ros::Publisher pub_lmotor("pub_lmotor", &VelAngular_L);
+    ros::Publisher pub_rmotor("pub_rmotor", &VelAngular_R);
+    int seq = 0; // monitor times of callbacks
+    int old_seq = 0; // monitor times of the command
+    ros::NodeHandle nh;
+    geometry_msgs::Twist vel;
+    //float left;
+    //float right;
+    float Lrpm,Rrpm;
+    float ticks_since_target;
+    double timeout_ticks;
+    double w;
+    double rate;
+    double Dimeter;
+    float dx,dy,dr;
+    void init_variables();
+void Sendmessage(float Rrpm,float Lrpm);
+unsigned int CRC_Verify(unsigned char *cBuffer, unsigned int iBufLen)
+    unsigned int i, j;
+    //#define wPolynom 0xA001
+    unsigned int wCrc = 0xffff;
+    unsigned int wPolynom = 0xA001;
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (i = 0; i < iBufLen; i++)
+    {
+        wCrc ^= cBuffer[i];
+        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+        {
+            if (wCrc &0x0001)
+            {
+                wCrc = (wCrc >> 1) ^ wPolynom;
+            }
+            else
+            { 
+                wCrc = wCrc >> 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return wCrc;
+ /*
+ 起始碼(1Byte):                            AA
+地址碼(1Byte):                             01
+返回數據類型(1Byte):從站驅動器不返回數據       00
+故障清除(1Byte)默認發送:                     00
+保留位(1Byte)                              00
+A 馬達過載控制(1Byte)驅動器使能狀態           01
+B 馬達控制(1Byte)                           01
+A 運行方向(1Byte)00:正轉,01反轉             00
+B 運行方向(1Byte)00:正轉,01反轉             00
+運行轉速(2Byte)是100–3000r/min,            12 34
+運行轉速(2Byte)是100–3000r/min,            12 34
+第 1 個 Byte:速度值高 8 位;                
+第 2 個 Byte:速度值低 8 位;
+無效(2Byte)00:無效數據位。                   00
+結束碼(1Byte)55:通訊結束編碼識別。            55
+ */
+ //   void spinOnce();
+ //   void twistCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist &twist_aux);
+void init_variables()
+    dx = dy = dr =0;
+    w = 0.302;//0.2 ;//m
+    rate = 20;//50;
+    timeout_ticks = 2;
+    Dimeter = 0.127;//0.15;
+void Sendmessage(float Rrpm,float Lrpm)
+    //RS232.printf("Wr = %.1f\n",Rrpm);
+    //RS232.printf("Wl = %.1f\n",Lrpm);
+unsigned char sendData[16];
+unsigned int tmpCRC;
+int motor1,motor2;
+    sendData[0] = Start;
+    sendData[1] = Address;
+    sendData[2] = ReturnType;
+    sendData[3] = Clean;
+    sendData[4] = Reserve;
+    sendData[5]  = 0x01;//motor1Sevro ON
+    sendData[6] = 0x01;//motor2Sevro ON
+if (Rrpm>0){sendData[7] = 0x01;}else{sendData[7] = 0x00;}
+if (Lrpm>0){sendData[8] = 0x00;}else{sendData[8] = 0x01;}
+   motor1 =  abs(Rrpm);
+   motor2 =  abs(Lrpm); 
+    sendData[9] = (motor1>>8);//motor1speedH
+    sendData[10] = (motor1 & 0xFF);//motor1speedL
+    sendData[11] = (motor2>>8);//motor2speedH
+    sendData[12] = (motor2 & 0xFF);//motor2speedL
+    sendData[13] = End;
+    tmpCRC = CRC_Verify(sendData, 14);
+    sendData[14] = (tmpCRC & 0xFF);
+    sendData[15] = (tmpCRC>>8);
+    int i;
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++)
+    {
+        RS232.printf("%c",sendData[i]);
+    }
+    RS232.printf("\r\n");
+int myabs( int a ){
+    if ( a < 0 ){
+        return -a;
+        }
+        return a;
+        }
+void TwistToMotors()
+    old_seq = seq;
+    seq = seq + 1;    
+    //int lower_bound = 100;
+    //int upper_bound = 300;
+    float right,left;
+//    float motor_rpm_r, motor_rpm_l;
+    //double vel_data[2];
+    float vel_data[2];
+    float motor_rpm_vx, motor_rpm_theta, motor_rpm_v;
+    // prevent agv receive weird 1.0 command from cmd_vel
+    right = ( 1.0 * dx ) + (dr * w /2);
+    left = ( 1.0 * dx ) - (dr * w /2);
+    motor_rpm_v = ( 1.0 * dx )*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
+    if((motor_rpm_v!=0) && (myabs(motor_rpm_v)<100)){
+        if (motor_rpm_v > 0)  motor_rpm_v=100;
+        else motor_rpm_v = -100;
+        }
+    motor_rpm_theta=(dr * w /2)*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
+    //motor_rpm_r = right*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
+    //motor_rpm_l =  left*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
+    motor_rpm_r = motor_rpm_v + motor_rpm_theta;
+    motor_rpm_l = motor_rpm_v - motor_rpm_theta;
+        if (myabs(motor_rpm_r)<100 || myabs(motor_rpm_l)<100){
+        if(dx == 0){
+            if(dr > 0){
+                motor_rpm_r = 100;
+                motor_rpm_l = -100;
+                }else if( dr < 0 ){
+                    motor_rpm_r = -100;
+                    motor_rpm_l = 100;
+                    }else{
+                        motor_rpm_r = 0;
+                        motor_rpm_l = 0;
+                        }
+            }
+            else if( dx > 0 ){
+                if( myabs(motor_rpm_r) < 100 ){
+                    motor_rpm_r = 100;
+                    motor_rpm_l=motor_rpm_l+(100-motor_rpm_r);
+                }
+                if ( myabs(motor_rpm_l) < 100 ){
+                    motor_rpm_l = 100;
+                    motor_rpm_r=motor_rpm_r+(100-motor_rpm_l);
+                    }
+            }else{
+                    if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) < 100 ){
+                        motor_rpm_r = -100;
+                        motor_rpm_l=motor_rpm_l+(-100-motor_rpm_r);
+                    }
+                    if (myabs(motor_rpm_l) < 100 ){
+                        motor_rpm_l = -100;
+                        motor_rpm_r=motor_rpm_r+(-100-motor_rpm_l);
+                    }
+            }
+    }
+    /*
+    if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) == myabs(motor_rpm_l) && myabs(motor_rpm_r) < 100){
+        int s = myabs(motor_rpm_r);
+        motor_rpm_r = motor_rpm_r / s * 101;
+        motor_rpm_l = motor_rpm_l / s * 101;
+        }
+    if ( myabs(vel_data[0]) < lower_bound )
+    { // if right wheel rpm < lower_bound
+            int a = 0;
+            a = lower_bound - myabs( vel_data[0] );
+        if (vel_data[0] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = lower_bound;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = -lower_bound;
+        }
+        if (vel_data[1] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = vel_data[1] + a;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = vel_data[1] - a;
+        } //
+    }
+    else if ( myabs(vel_data[0]) > upper_bound )
+    {  // if right wheel rpm > upper_bound
+            int a = 0;
+            a = myabs( vel_data[0] ) - upper_bound;
+        if (vel_data[0] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = upper_bound;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = -upper_bound;
+        }
+        if (vel_data[1] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = vel_data[1] - a;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = vel_data[1] + a;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( myabs(vel_data[1]) < lower_bound )
+    { // if left wheel rpm < lower_bound
+            int a = 0;
+            a = lower_bound - myabs( vel_data[1] );
+        if (vel_data[1] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = lower_bound;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = -lower_bound;
+        }
+        if (vel_data[0] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = vel_data[0] + a;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = vel_data[0] - a;
+        } //
+    }
+    else if (myabs(vel_data[1]) > upper_bound )
+    { // if left wheel rpm > upper_bound
+            int a = 0;
+            a = myabs( vel_data[1] ) - upper_bound;
+        if (vel_data[1] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = upper_bound;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[1] = -upper_bound;
+        }
+        if (vel_data[0] > 0)
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = vel_data[0] - a;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vel_data[0] = vel_data[0] + a;
+        }
+    }
+        */
+        /*
+        if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) < 100 || myabs(motor_rpm_l) < 100 ){
+            float a = 0.0;
+            if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) < myabs(motor_rpm_l) ){
+                if ( motor_rpm_r < 0 ){
+                    a = -100 - motor_rpm_r;
+                }else if( motor_rpm_r > 0) {
+                    a = 100 - motor_rpm_r;
+                    }else {
+                        a = 0;
+                }
+                motor_rpm_r = motor_rpm_r + a;
+                motor_rpm_l = motor_rpm_l + a;
+            }else if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) > myabs(motor_rpm_l) ){
+                if ( motor_rpm_l < 0 ){
+                    a = -100 - motor_rpm_l;
+                }else if( motor_rpm_l > 0) {
+                    a = 100 - motor_rpm_l;
+                    }else {
+                        a = 0;
+                }
+                motor_rpm_l = motor_rpm_l + a;
+                motor_rpm_r = motor_rpm_r + a;
+            }
+            // go straight < 100
+            if ( motor_rpm_r == motor_rpm_l ){
+                if ( motor_rpm_l < 0 ){
+                    motor_rpm_l = -100;
+                    motor_rpm_r = -100;
+                }else if( motor_rpm_l > 0) {
+                    motor_rpm_l = 100;
+                    motor_rpm_r = 100;
+                    }else {
+                        motor_rpm_l = 0;
+                        motor_rpm_r = 0;
+                    }           
+                }
+                // turn < 100
+                if ( motor_rpm_r == -motor_rpm_l ){
+                if ( motor_rpm_l < 0 ){
+                motor_rpm_l = -100;
+                motor_rpm_r = 100;
+                }else if( motor_rpm_l > 0) {
+                motor_rpm_l = 100;
+                motor_rpm_r = -100;
+                }else {
+                    motor_rpm_l = 0;
+                    motor_rpm_r = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            //
+            } 
+        if ( myabs(motor_rpm_r) > 600 ){
+               if ( motor_rpm_r < 0 ){
+               motor_rpm_r = -100 * log( float(myabs(motor_rpm_r)) );
+               }else{
+                   motor_rpm_r = 100 * log( float(myabs(motor_rpm_r)) );
+               }
+        }
+        if ( myabs(motor_rpm_l) > 600) {
+               if ( motor_rpm_l < 0 ){
+               motor_rpm_l = -100 * log( float(myabs(motor_rpm_l)) );
+               }else{
+                   motor_rpm_l = 100 * log( float(myabs(motor_rpm_l)) );
+               }
+        }
+        */
+        vel_data[0] = motor_rpm_r;
+        vel_data[1] = motor_rpm_l;
+    //Sendmessage(vel_data[0],vel_data[1]);
+ = vel_data[0];
+ = vel_data[1];
+    //if( >2000 ||>2000){
+    //}
+    //else{
+    pub_rmotor.publish( &VelAngular_R );
+    pub_lmotor.publish( &VelAngular_L );
+    //}
+    //RS232.printf("Wr = %.1f\n",vel_data[0]);
+    //RS232.printf("Wl = %.1f\n",vel_data[1]);
+    ticks_since_target += 1;
+void messageCb(const geometry_msgs::Twist &msg)
+    ticks_since_target = 0;
+    dx = msg.linear.x;
+    dy = msg.linear.y;
+    dr = msg.angular.z;
+    //RS232.printf("dx,dy,dr= %.1f,%.1f,%.1f\n",dx,dy,dr);
+    TwistToMotors();
+void ACT( const std_msgs::String& ACT) {
+char sendData[16];
+//sendData = ACT;
+int motor1,motor2;
+    sendData[0] = Start;
+    sendData[1] = Address;
+    sendData[2] = ReturnType;
+    sendData[3] = Clean;
+    sendData[4] = Reserve;
+    sendData[5]  = 0x00;//motor1Sevro OFF
+    sendData[6] = 0x00;//motor2Sevro OFF
+   motor1 =  0;
+   motor2 =  0; 
+    sendData[9] = (motor1>>8);//motor1speedH
+    sendData[10] = (motor1 & 0xFF);//motor1speedL
+    sendData[11] = (motor2>>8);//motor2speedH
+    sendData[12] = (motor2 & 0xFF);//motor2speedL
+    sendData[13] = End;
+    sendData[14] = Start;
+    sendData[15] = Start;
+    int i;
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++)
+    {
+        RS232.printf("%c",sendData[i]);
+    }
+    RS232.printf("\r\n");
+ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> cmd_vel_sub("cmd_vel", &messageCb);
+//ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::String> sub_action("ACT", &ACT );
+ Timer t;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    long vel_timer = 0;
+    init_variables();
+    t.start();
+    nh.initNode();
+    nh.advertise(pub_lmotor);
+    nh.advertise(pub_rmotor);
+    nh.subscribe(cmd_vel_sub);
+    //nh.subscribe(sub_action);
+   while (true)
+   {
+     //if (t.read_ms() > vel_timer)
+     //{
+     //  vel_timer = t.read_ms() + 50;
+     //  TwistToMotors();
+     // }
+     nh.spinOnce();
+     if (seq +50 < old_seq){
+     motor_rpm_r = 0;
+     motor_rpm_l = 0;
+     }
+     Sendmessage(motor_rpm_r,motor_rpm_l);
+     old_seq = old_seq + 1;
+     wait_ms(10);
+   }